
"Avid surfer and professional artist Drew Brophy shares his near-death experience with COVID and his journey toward understanding the powerful, invisible energy that flows through our human bodies."


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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Author

I have thought a lot about Drew Brophy's story since yesterday and I do remember a few times when I was in a transcendental meditation, in which I experienced something incredibly similar.

1) I was guided, in a spiral going upwards, towards a bright light by two beings who were little more than smoke. I said, "Oh no! You can't take me up there! I am not good enough!" The two smoky beings giggled and let me return to consciousness. I surmised from this that fear will always interrupt transcending.

2) I was in labour and completely detached from my body until a panic stricken nurse forced me back to normal consciousness for the delivery. I noticed that the bright fluorescent light of the delivery room was much harsher than the soft light of where I had been for the previous 7 hours. It hurt my eyes.

3) I braved the journey towards the light until I reached a pair of large doors. When I opened them, there was a huge party going on and my grandmother ran to greet me. Unexpectedly, she turned me around and shoved me unceremoniously out of the doors. "You can't come here yet, Frances!" she scolded, "Your father isn't here yet!" and I returned to consciousness with quite a bump.

I conclude from these examples that transcending this life is a simple affair provided that we don't get scared. Drew Brophy said that he thought that he could not find his way back to his body and that scared him. In all my meditation experiences, return has always happened quite quickly and automatically - as if there is a thread which contracts to pull us back to the right place.

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I watched the video of him talking to a group at night, someone left the link below. As beautiful as it is, there is still the possibility that he never left the simulation. That his consciousness was experiencing his beliefs. I have been under anesthesia 4 times, and there is literally NO memory, no thought, no feeling. What does anesthesia do to the brain and the connection to consciousness? I had a dream several years ago where I was driving too fast and drove over the barrier. my car was in mid air and time seemed to slow, my body ejected from the car right at impact. and i suddenly found myself floating in complete blackness. Truly it was a void. I had awareness, yet there was nothing to be aware of. No sound, no sight, no feeling. NO SENSES.... Yet I was at extreme peace and had a sense of floating.

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Under anaesthetics I dreamed and I remembered the whole thing! It was really bizarre and involved sexual assault at the hands of the operating surgeon! When I woke up I could not get out of that hospital fast enough. I was only 9 years old at the time, so the dream content was a total shock!

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So sorry! UGGG, I wonder if you were completely under? There are definitely accounts of people under anesthesia who travel out of the body and witness things that are going on in the setting. But its rare.

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I was completely convinced that it was real at the time.

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well maybe it was real. Or something in your subconscious felt violated and or helpless and that scenario is how you interpreted the experience...just my thought/guess

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Continuing this theme, I stumbled across a most interesting video.


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Interesting and fun post, FL. ^_^

I am rather taken by the notion of Cell Memory, the idea being that we can "remember" some past lives because of the cellular memories of our ancestors... Well, I donut know. I don't even really CARE. I live in the Now most of the time, and nothing like these questions really bother me or fire me up, either... Whatever the bigger game is, I trust it. But it's fun to listen to others talk about such things, and think about various possibilities. So glad I can read your posts again!!! Ahhhhh. :)

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And back to movies READY GAMER ONE and ENDER'S GAME two movies about video simulations saving Earth ( NO SPOILERS ) and as discussed in the past the revelation of method ( the unwritten law of MANIFESTATION ) And down we go another rabbit hole 🤣 ps Fran may I ask is your email box open I have a little mp3 prezzie to pop into it 😉

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Ooh? A prezzie? Fire away my dear Dave! Mark the Subject 'READ ME' or I will miss it in the deluge of emails from Substack. I have managed to half the onslaught by stopping emails about people liking my posts.... but it is still an overwhelmed space.

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prezzie sent READ ME HEAR ME mp3 ❣💟💝

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Author

Ooh, goosebumps from the first few notes.... one of my most favourite pieces!

The dirty fucking hippies were right!



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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Interesting Frances, about 30 years ago I told a theory to someone who's mind couldn't handle what I said which is plausible. " when death occurs the light at the end of tunnel, could it be being reborn again ". Now if so that would indicate no rest bite between lives, a continuous loop until the time is right to enter the spiritual realm.

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I'm into prophetic eschatology: John of Patmos and William Blake. The idea that we're in the last age of man has been prevalent for 400 years and we've been right the whole time.

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oh and the link to the Tibetan book of the dead may actually be the one I watched so many years ago... I do know that Leonard Cohen narrated it... and actually it was Clif HIgh who directed me to that video. As I said in one of these posts here, what stood out for me is that they are training/reminding the Soul to focus so that they may achieve liberation From this reincarnation cycle. I am no expert in Buddhism, but have spent a lot of time listening to and reading the work of Adyashanti. What I have come to understand is that this world and all the stories are made up by the mind. When we let go of the stories about life, of attachment to the stories we free ourselves from the cycles of reincarnation... I know this is very simplified.

Nearing and at the time of death are closely monitored by family members in the Tibetan traditions in order to help keep the Soul focused so that they do in fact reach liberation... This is what stood out for me when I viewed that film so long ago.

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The objective doesn't have to be escaping reincarnation unless that is what is preferred by the person who is dying. In my article The Mission I talk about how to deliberately reincarnate in Hell for the purpose of assisting others to leave that bardo.

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are you calling this reality Hell?

and yes, the impression I gained from that video and reading the book is to learn how to be deliberate in ones choices, actions, thoughts, and beLIEfs.

"Nearing and at the time of death are closely monitored by family members in the Tibetan traditions in order to help keep the Soul focused so that they do in fact reach liberation... This is what stood out for me when I viewed that film so long ago."

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is that a photo of you Frances, over the water with the reflection of the sun? It's a beautiful picture

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No - just an appropriate image from t'internet!

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Francis Leader have a wonderful holiday thank you

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You too, Ray! Loads of good stuff and fun, I hope! xx

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How’s this for simulation Frances? 😂😂😂


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Oh wow.... it has been ages since I saw one of those episodes!

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My son has chipped in as follows:

"There are a lot of people who would like to believe this life is a simulation but, the way I see it, they are simply ducking responsibility. Just like adopting a religion: "S'alright, don't you worry, my imaginary friend has got it in hand!" 🙄😉

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

If we are completely honest with ourselves no one knows anything. No one remembers being born. No one know how they got here. No one knows what happens when they die. It is fair enough to wonder, to exercise intuition or believe in simulation, or Buddhism , or Gnosticism, or Taoism. In their purest forms they are the same thing. But at the end of the day a belief is just belief. None of them are true.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Faith on the other hand is another thing.

non institutional faith

It’s a non verbal type of trust

A Courageous form of letting go

Like real-time shedding AND meeting

Beyond all the obstacles!

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Response to France’s Pet Theory

Do we live in a simulation?

According to many yes, at least to an extent.

Exhibit #1

Jim Gates theory of computer coding found in the universe.


Exhibit #2

Sentient World Simulations


Exhibit #3

Maya, the whole world is an illusion


The variations are endless. It could be viewed as a school of hard knocks to extreme sports on the spiritual side for the progression of the soul.

To a materialistic or more negative views, it is a world of sin, a punishment, and or simply the Darwinian theory, a dog eat dog world.

The Judeo-Christian tradition predominates the West, or at least has in the not so distant past.

Omnipotent and omnipresent Deity, created us, knowing everything of our strengths and weaknesses. In the name of salvation and free will set forward a path to test the individual.

It almost appears to be an impossible situation. But that may be the point, to rely upon grace, yet effort is required.

With the Eastern traditions, at least hell is not eternal. A soul can eventually be redeemed.

While all the above is for consideration, yet too, we are limited by the language we speak, the educational system, social systems, and what family and friends contribute or degenerate each individual. This too can be a type of controlled environment, a simulation playing out a type of program or a lifestyle.

As many things, there appears to be no end to the possibilities.

What can one do?

Which is in the realm of possibilities for one to change and of which must be accepted as in the Serenity Prayer?

In the Age of Kali Yuga there are instructions for those whom seek.

For example the Sattvic path, The Noble Eightfold Path, and The Ten Commandments for examples.

People tend for spiritual fast food versions. For whatever resonates with them. Never really truly examining themselves nor the world around them to remain in a perpetual cycle of ignorance. This appears to be the predominant simulation.

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Many thanks for the useful links! I will get back to you when I have finished reading through them! xx

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Oh and of course there’s PKD!

I hope you enjoy this or know of it already! Cheers!


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I absolutely agree, we're in a closed system & it does look like we're surrounded by some type of super fliud / plasma from my understanding. The way out is within in this inverted system, imo.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

part 2 of the conversation

The Simulation theory certainly does help to explain many things about this reality.

I personally do not like Tom Campbell, but it's because I value my relationships in life.

He has talked about the character "Uncle Fred" many times, he explains that when Uncle Fred dies, and we try to talk to him on the other side, we are simply (if we get a response) connecting with Information in the data stream Uncle Fred is NOT REAL. TC also explains that upon death of the body, Who we are, quickly forgets the life we have just left. His analogy is that life is just like our dreams at night. When we wake up, we may remember parts of our dream vividly, but as the moments go by we recall less and less of the dream until we no longer remember any of it.

We certainly go through a lot of heartache and suffering just to find out that characters are only playing a part, that none are real, and that our relationships are just part of the stage show we call this simulated life. Forgetting this very important "fact" is certainly what makes the "game" seem very real.... Capturing our E-MOTIONS, forcing them from us... It certainly also points to the concept that we are indeed BEINGS of ENERGY, that we are contained in a reality that is energetic, and that this reality requires us to SPEND our true currency to keep this stage show going.

I truly love being out in Nature, I spend most my summers up in the mountains, hiking to streams and rivers, laying beneath the canopy of trees, listening to the sound of the wild, hoping to see wild life, hug the trees and dip my feet, if not my whole body into the flowing rivers. HOW can Nature be simulated; how can all this feel so real? To me Nature is the great teacher, Nature is the Truth, Nature is the Force in which we all are a part of, it is the wayshower.

So, from that perspective how can this world be a simulation, how can we experience the delicacy of all life, the intricacy of what makes up all living beings, the anatomy and physiology? It's pretty astounding wouldn't you say?

Reincarnation certainly fits in with simulation theory. It gives the players of the game of life the opportunity to EXPERIENCE over and over in new scenarios. What if we did destroy our real world? and this is now our chance to keep experiencing life in that world we destroyed, The Matrix movies certainly point to this. But if this is a possibility then why do we keep leading lives of such great suffering? Why do we keep finding ourselves in realities where we are bringing about destruction of all life over and over. Why do these simulations keep needing to be reset? Why are we NOT EVOLVING??? Why are we NOT learning from the suffering? How many simulations do we need to traumatize ourselves in before we wake up?

We are not the body, Yet we are somebody right? Why do we keep playing somebody if we are not a Unique Being? Oh boy, and yes I know about the concepts of THE ONE playing the many parts, we being fractals of the ONE....

Who and What is the ONE? If there is a programmer of the simulation then that programmer is the one, developing all the parts/characters. We are just the imagination of this ONE... yet we are the IMAGINERS in the game, OUR SOUL PURPOSE is to IMAGE IN the CREATION, being dreamt by the ONE..

That last sentence is a powerful one!!!

If that is who we are, the IMAGINERS.. the ones who image IN, or bring forth the Image of the Creator into this reality... WOW, thats a pretty far out and fantastic response ABILITY..

Thanks to Frances' articles I have had the chance to really share some of these ideas about who we are. Some of the things I have mentioned here in her deeply moving and contemplative posts. It is us who have the power of imagination which is our greatest tool for creation. It starts with our thoughts and our beliefs about life, about who we are personally and as a whole..

The simulation seems to provide us with obstacles to keep us suffering and helpless and forgetting completely what our power is..

Our Power is in our thoughts, and our desire to produce those thoughts into a material representation/experience.

I am no expert in explaining the work of David Bohm in his implicate and explicate order, his enfolding and unfolding, But from my own words and my own place of understanding, I come up with this idea on how the simulation might work.

It is holographic in Nature, meaning that the WHOLE is in all the Parts... The Image of the ONE is in every fractal within the holograph... and each individual image has the ability to express that IMAGE gifted or given by the creator. The physical nature of the reality is that we are in an electromagnetic energetic environment surrounded and protected by Plasma.. This plasma serves as the GREEN SCREEN of reality... Allowing for us to Experience the TRUE REALITY in the form of a simulacrum. Our Thoughts, which may be directed by the creator are projected on to this holographic screen creating the illusion of the Material world.. of the Copy of the VERY REAL world.

​***Our Thoughts are powerful, and this we must be absolutely clear about.. Our thoughts are what controls our experience in this reality. And it is our thoughts that are the greatest richest currency of this reality... This is what is appears as the true currency that those who "seem' to rule this world are really after...****

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Dec 11

I think the simulation theory or the Simulacrum makes a great deal of sense.. I've been asking questions since I was a young child and could not make any sense of the Genesis story or the CruciFICTION story and Jesus; used as a sacrifice and savior to humanity. Who is this "G"od that had to sacrifice his own creation in order to save the whole of it? Who is this creator god that created a world of such disharmony and suffering all leading to death?

Then as an adult I became familiar with the Annunaki stories, through the work of Mauro Biglino and Pierre Sabak. But even before learning about the Annunaki, I had spent a great deal of time learning about the Nag Hammadi, the dead sea scrolls, and Gnostic texts through the work of John lamb Lash.

I've tumbled down numerous rabbit holes, and traversed many labyrinths ..Some of those rabbit holes included Theosophy, Buddhism, with a concentration in Zen, and even read the Bardo Thodal.

What was impressed upon me in the bardo Thodal is that the living help the dying and deceased to stay focused on the journey between (in the bardo) so as NOT to need to come back through reincarnation to an unpleasant or suffering new life, but to arrive at a place much more favorable.

About 13 years ago I read the book My Big Toe, by Thomas Campbell, that was my introduction to Simulation theory, From there I deeply studied and listened to David Bohm and J.D. Krishnamurti.

In the last few years I've enjoyed listening to Jason Breshears from Arcahix, I discovered his work long before he was popular, I also listen to Bernardo Kastrup, and Donald Hoffman.

My theory today takes all these researchers into consideration, from each of them I think we can point to tidbits of truth.

I tend to agree with David Bohm's work, Michael Talbot's interpretation of the holographic Nature. It makes sense with the Toltec understanding of creating in relation to Assemblage points. We are surrounded by energy. Electromagnetic in Nature and engulfed in plasma. This plasma is likely the Ether, or what I like to call the Green Screen of Life. It is our imaginative creative consciousness that is broadcast on to the holographic Green Screen. Simulation theory, and Holographic Universe theory certainly explain so much, primarily NDE'S and even reincarnation. I have had many OBE's, and not by choice, they just happen.

They say everything is Energy, But to me EVERYTHING is CONSCIOUSNESS. and energy is the byproduct of Consciousness, or even more accurately they are ONE AND THE SAME. Which leads me to evolution. Are we really evolving? I don't see that, but what I do see is the Flow of consciousness, the ever changing Nature of consciousness, No thing evolves into something else, but imagines itself into new forms while Never deleting what came before.

People like Donald Hoffman, Tom Campbell and Bernard Kastrup continue to refer to consciousness as evolving. Maybe that's just semantics but I don't agree exactly with that term. And I will develop the reason why I do not think the purpose of life is to learn and evolve, certainly if that is the truth, we are doing a horrific job of evolving.

I do think that this simulation we are in is not entirely for our benefit. Or that something has infiltrated the program (a parasitic virus/ game hacker/glitch in the programming)

I do not think we are here to learn, I absolutely do NOT agree that pain is gain or that suffering is a way to growth. If anyone actually sat down and thought about it for a minute you would remember when you were eager to listen to your teachers when they were kind. You wanted to discover this world when you were helped along by caring and loving teacher and parents.

Punishment is a crime against LIFE, it is the opposite of LIVE it is evil.

Reincarnation certainly can be explained by a simulation. theory, and suddenly it actually makes sense.

Reincarnation may certainly be a very real experience but I do not think it is a necessary thing. We aren't here to fix our wrongs, or here to serve a purpose, but I can guess we were told that we had to come back because we had a purpose. Reincarnation is repeated chances to play in the simulation.

I am not saying that there is anything wrong with finding a purpose and working on it, sharing a talent with the world, helping others to truly be happy. I am just saying don't let making the choice to be here be dependent on that YOU HAVE TO SERVE...

Maybe in this simulacrum we were meant to come experience the nature of our own imagination. It is this imaginative and creative ability that has been usurped by those who control this reality.

For all I know, each life is just an hour on the other side hooked up to the game.

regardless of these thoughts, Life is astonishingly beautiful, even a miracle, but what we are experiencing may only be a representation of Life.

and more to follow in my next post part 2

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Part 1, in response to my original comment about the simulation in conversation with Christian

I have asked the same question, in so many ways even here on this post concerning what Karma is. Who is in charge. If those that seem to control this world are here to set up cause and effect in order for each of us to experience what we came here to experience.. in your case, suffering and self flagellation,(J/k) then who really is in charge?

I'm going to focus on the part here that matters to me the most.

As I said we are not here to learn lessons.. We are here to experience creation, to Experience Period. That's my take on it.

Suffering is a part of this system, chaos and the order that must be implemented following chaos.... It's a very nasty business, and only a few prosper from it.

In my view/perception of how things play out in this world is that we are conditioned to accept suffering as a necessity for growth, for awakening, for learning. But I absolutely KNOW that this is learned helplessness, conditioning, and even Stockholm syndrome.

Just look at our prison systems, how many prisoners come out better? What really are they learning during their "sentencing" that helps them to turn their lives around for the better?

How about a child who gets beaten because they didn't do their chores properly, Now they do their chores in a state of fear of punishment and suffering, rather than with joy, with acceptance, with a curiosity to see how things work and gain a skill.

How about the millions of people stuck in poverty, seeing no way out, who come to rely on criminal behavior to meet their basic needs? These people are not waking up at all to their inner power, and the crisis is growing worse and worse. More and more are falling into this state of helplessness and despair,

I live in what is now calculated as the most dangerous city in the USA. What happened to all these people, that their response to life is through dangerous and deadly actions? No they are not waking up at all.

Think of how many suffer from depression, PTSD, and cannot escape their misery, they turn to drugs, and other harmful behavior, they give up. No they are NOT waking up because of their suffering.

I see how it makes sense, that pain is a catalyst.. However, there are better ways to help people KNOW who they are... How about by teaching this truth from the beginning, how about by allowing people to experience in loving and joyful environments what life offers, and allowing people to make their own mistakes to learn, rather than forcing suffering on another to get them to learn.

If we truly choose and plan out our lives why do so many choose such horrific experiences. Do we really choose endless wars? Do we really choose to be ruled over by heartless entities? Do we really choose deformity? I know many will say yes, for the reason you pointed to... Because suffering is the key to growth. And I say no it is not..

Who are we really then, that we came her to learn something through giving up our power, our truth?

What do we plan, and why would we have no remembrance of the plan on entering this life.. That makes little sense. As a Being here now as a human, I plan out what I want to learn and discover and then I go forth from what I remember and contemplate and carry out my plans.. I certainly do not come up with a plan and then completely erase the memory of my goals. I contemplate deeply my life, why things are the way they are, how can I improve things, So why would I come into a life with a detailed plan only to forget the plans at the door?

What purpose... Ok so if we are in a simulation, and this is actually a game of some kind, maybe I can agree that we want to play the game to develop ourselves in an area. That development would be the purpose of entering the game.... so why would I then enter the game with no recollection of what my objective even was?

I say that the idea of reincarnation is used to get us to develop a purpose and then play it out in the game. we keep coming back to play out a scenario, a life with a certain goal. As Shakespeare said Life is a stage and all the men and women play their parts.

But in understanding this then life is not serious, Life is not a miracle, Life is not precious, life is not astonishing.. it's only a play! Everything is fake, why should we develop deep hearts filled with love, with compassion, with caring...for all life? Wouldn't it be better to have no attachments? No loves? since its all just an act?

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On the subject of reincarnation, I would ask if you clicked the link to my post, The Mission? It is possible to direct our incarnations with a view to performing a function in life.

Everything is NOT fake. That is your fear talking.

There is a purpose - all you have to do is notice that nature itself is going somewhere and is evolving towards its own mysterious objective. We don't need to know the destination, just stop hindering it!

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I realized after commenting that I did read the mission.. here...

what do you think about how you ended it?

It's just a ride...

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Well, I did say that it may be a matter of semantics for me... I can't prove that Nature has a definite purpose or a thought out plan. It is Flowing, and it does appear to be organized and very intricate.

Acting in a play is not in itself Fake. This is what I am getting at, reincarnation is coming into this reality and playing a part. It is living a LIFE, it is experiencing reality.

Experience is not Fake, but what one is experiencing may indeed be fake or unreal, or a trick, or a simulation, or a dream, and the list goes on.

If reincarnation is serving the purpose for Whoever we truly are to have experiences, then I can relate to that concept... But first, Who am I that I need to insert myself into this reality to have an experience?

As the Character we come in playing, we forget that it is just a play, it is a make believe experience. Like Christian was trying to explain in the quote you mention to begin this post. We immerse ourselves into the Life of the 'Character" or personality we are playing.. This Character sets forth to achieve a purpose, and he goes through this life experience with all it's obstacles to achieve this purpose... It certainly is very real while we are immersed in the construct.

I did explain why to me it makes no sense to have a purpose and a plan, then to swipe any memory of it before entering into the life.

I don't mind not knowing a destination, but if I don't know what I don't know, then I will also not know if I am helping or hindering it.

I also am not against people setting goals and having a purpose, I think its great. and for many they have changed lives for the better because of their purpose. all I am saying is that we shouldn't judge those including ourselves if we seem to be just wandering without purpose or goals.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Author

"Just look at our prison systems, how many prisoners come out better? What really are they learning during their "sentencing" that helps them to turn their lives around for the better?"

I want to answer that question first, even though you raise several matters that I want to address.

When I was young, in the 70s, I knew a biker gang and one of them committed an extremely violent act for which he was sent to prison. While he was there he met an equally violent young black guy from Bristol who was serving time for armed robbery. The pair of them were taken under the wing of a much older Jamaican Rastafarian who trained them in martial arts.

When they came out of prison they were different men. So completely different that I hardly knew the biker guy when he stopped me in the street. He had shaved his long hair and beard and he was wearing a track suit, riding a bicycle, instead of the big black motorbike that I associated him with. He was grinning and hugging me!

A few months later his friend from prison arrived and they set up a Wing Chun School in a small disused warehouse. In no time at all they attracted scores of local lads to train with them.

Meanwhile, I was working as an apothecary for a Herbalist and we needed to raise money to start a healing centre for addiction. I arranged a huge festival and I invited all the musicians I knew to perform, free of charge. The guys from the Wing Chun school wanted to contribute and they put on a fantastic display of their skills. They fought each other, blind-folded..... it was astonishing. It was cathartic for most of the crowd.

More and more people signed up to learn Wing Chun.

Then I begged for one evening a week in the converted warehouse so that the girls could dance by candlelight. The Wing Chun school was usually quiet on Wednesdays so it was agreed that we could use that time slot.

In no time at all, the Ecstatic Dance sessions became super popular with women of all ages and we added another time slot to learn traditional circle dancing from a Quaker lady who had all the right music and moves. We gave free demonstrations in old peoples homes and at festivals. We made beautiful long colourful dresses and then we learned to belly dance too......

Our community was huge, loving and sharing. Our parties were epic!

So you see? A large community of people in a dull, run-down Essex seaside town benefitted because that one biker guy had gone to prison.

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That is a wonderful story of how we do have within us the Nature to REALIZE a wonderful world and experience it regardless of our circumstances or because we were inspired by someone's story of struggle and overcoming it. I haven't denied that pain can motivate us to do better, I haven't denied that suffering can lead us to trying to do better and succeeding.

What I am simply suggesting is that we are conditioned to beLIEve that suffering is necessary for the way to change, that it is a requirement to waking up and learning lessons, that suffering is THEE catalyst that is most powerful and needed to produce change for the better.

It certainly is the way most of us go about life, unmotivated, because we wallow in our pain, and live in fear that we are not able to get what we want and desire. It is less common to witness those who experience something very difficult and then decide they can do better.

If we look around this world at society in general we see that society is plagued with programs purposefully keeping people in a place of fear and helplessness. For many, depression and anxiety keep them from accomplishing their goals, For many the means to a better life always seem just out of reach. Otherwise wouldn't we be living in a Golden Age so to speak by now?

It's no secret anymore what our education systems do; make us compliant and slaves to the system, our health systems kill us instead of cure us, our financial systems steal the wealth from the many and hoard for the few...

It certainly is beautiful these little pockets of success where people break free and imagine for themselves a better world and set forth to make it happen. It is these encouraging stories in themselves that are positive from the outset, which is what I am originally pointing to.. That intrinsically we do not need to suffer to grow, we already have it in us to Thrive

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"we are conditioned to beLIEve that suffering is necessary for the way to change" - I have never believed that. I have hit low times, just like everyone else but I did not see it as 'suffering'. Those were challenging times which usually brought out my most inventive ideas. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.... that sort of thing.

I appreciate that you are living in a dangerous city and it has given you a depressed mindset but what are you doing to change that?

I grew up in the bomb craters of 1950s London, fighting with other kids on the streets. I never thought of myself as suffering. I thought the whole world was like that! My first business was cleaning shoes on a Saturday for a shilling a pair. I was 8 years old.

I ran away from home at 13 years of age and I kept myself at school until I was 18 by working hard, cleaning in the early mornings, shop work at weekends. until I had saved enough to buy my own home in a quiet clean coastal town. I was only 20 when I signed my first mortgage contract. I often starved but I did not suffer. I rose to challenges over and over, no matter what they were.

You either sink or you swim!

Of course this world has traps "plagued with programs purposefully keeping people in a place of fear and helplessness. For many, depression and anxiety keep them from accomplishing their goals..." sure... but ONLY if they lack the imagination and determination to maximise on their skills or stick out their thumb and hitch a ride to a new horizon.

Courage, Karafree, and self preservation can be one helluva driving force. It can also be pretty exciting too. Nothing sharpens the wits more than stepping out of a rut and trying something completely new.

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We are definitely conditioned to accept suffering as the means in which we learn and grow stronger... For you it was an opportunity to "make lemonade," and for many they were able to take those times of struggle ( a form of suffering) and turn it around to their advantage, Wonderful, all the power to those who have turned life around for the better.

But when we look out into the world we see that there is a very deliberate attempt to keep people in that place of struggle, in that place of suffering. I could list 100 examples but I'll spare you since you already know Frances, since you address these things in your writings everyday.

Living in a depressed city does not give me a depressed mindset, but it does give me an awareness of the programming and what people are succumbing to. They feel hopeless and helpless and I am sure quite depressed. To me this is deliberate and well planned because those who control this world have set it up this way. Your research that I have read points clearly to their agenda.

What I am pointing out is that this reality as you reiterated has it's traps and is plagued with programs....

It is purposefully set up to keep people from their own power, from using their own imagination, from realizing that they were gifted with the exact skills they would need to play the game of life.

People like you and I are the lucky ones, because we did use our imagination, we did stand our ground, we did recognize our power and we said no to the suffering.

I did reach out to you Frances when I first subscribed to your substack. I sent you an email. In that email you would have seen who I am and how I have accessed new horizons, swam instead of sunk, and have contributed to this world through my imagination.

If you recall anything and all that I have continued to say in response to your posts you would see that I constantly refer to the power of our own imagination, our own thoughts, our own beliefs and how they effect the world we live in. How they can empower us or hinder us, or even destroy us.

You would have seen how I imagine that this world operates holographically, how our thoughts really are the power behind our success or failure.

I have sharpened my wits so to speak not from an angle of stepping out of the trenches, or climbing my way out of despair, but by actually employing my gifts, and sharing them with those who wish to receive them.

As I said in previous posts here on this simulation theory is that WE ARE BORN with the gifts we need to make it through our journey, If we are reminded of this in the very beginning we really do not need all the blood sweat and tears to pull it out of us.

We have what we need to thrive, suffering is part of the construct we call hell.

My self preservation comes in the form of understanding clearly that suffering is a false ploy to extract negative energy to feed the system that is working against us.

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I am sorry I missed your email. Unfortunately Substack overloads my email address with so many notifications that I simply cannot see the woods for the trees! I have reduced the traffic slightly recently. If you would like to send it again, I would appreciate that. Mark it READ ME in the subject line and it will stand out from the throng!

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Thanks Francis.

Interesting topic!

Once again, you open up the brain chamber of thought :-)

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