Yet another great and greatly entertaining and enlightening piece by you. Frances, and thanks for sharing that personal story with us. Once again, I feel we have much in common. My husband, too, loved his Harley Davidson and also personally knew Sonny Barger and hung out with similar other friends when he lived in Northern California. Is there any chance you would consider sharing this link with your readership, in an effort to help my husband, Bear, and me in our current precarious situation? This is the link and gives an overview:
By adding the link here you will be amazed how many people will see it. That was a good idea. I wish your husband more Bear-like qualities as he recovers! xx
Well, they may have nicked Sid's concept more than 50 years after him! Mind you, I do not need to consult with Sid to know exactly what he would say about the WEF. He would call them 'chancers' who have zero knowledge of how things really work. He always hated protection rackets or bullies so I am pretty certain that he is unimpressed with the WEF or the UN these days! When we chatted on the phone last, we were mostly discussing all the people we used to know who are now gone. Sid said that he was amazed how many people dutifully queued up for the vax. He said the fear was palpable and it had shocked him. Needless to say, he never lets doctors anywhere near him!
Thanks for the great story- one of freedom, inclusion, doing the right thing and being there. What a delightful child you were. I had some experience with the Hells Angels as customers and enjoyed their company in Cortez, Colorado.
Tests can be so linear and singular. My daughter was in an auto accident away from home in school. The school clinic doctor asked different personal questions about her health and she received a prescription to fill. She called me for advice knowing it would be different. She remembered her visits to the Chinese medical doctor and acupuncturist who would take her wrist pulse and inform her the answers she had to give at the clinic without the questions. In the USA the healing arts have been strangled by the wealthy arrogance of a couple men who felt their need to keep employees on the job and modernize medicine. Everything started to changed in 1910 and the Flexner Report became the government rule for medicine and unfortunately a downhill road filled with riches.
Great story Frances. I am always learning something. I also do not trust HIV testing or Covid testing. I have a few friends who were told they were HIV positive. back in the late 80's. Some of them are not currently taking any meds. The blood test that tells them if the meds are working and what their CD count is and if the virus is present, is believed to be total bs. I wish I could help these friends and know the truth behind these tests. I guess we will never know for sure, as long as there is a profit to be made. I also do not believe that viruses exist. Also when these friends were diagnosed, they were using drugs., except for one friend, who got it from contaminated blood that she received every month. I remember back in the early 70's the city gave people $10.00 to donate blood, and there were many folks addicted to drugs that were in line. They did not check for contaminated blood back then. Worst of all, the blood pool is for sure contaminated since the roll out of the bioweapons!
Each individual is entirely different. We never discovered anything specifically consistent except the use of certain street drugs. Amyl Nitrate was the one we suspected because it was cheap and shared among gays at their parties but we were never entirely sure if that was producing the symptoms we were seeing.
Our protocols centred around complete detoxing of the vital organs, beginning with a thorough kidney detox using fresh root ginger tea with honey and lemon. Then we would move onto detox the liver with dandelion tea.
After that most of our clients were able to recover completely and further HIV testing would come back negative. The important thing is to check the underside of a tongue by pressing it to the back of the upper teeth and looking at it in a mirror. If the veins are black and lumpy there are toxins in the blood and the organ detox will need to be repeated until they return to their correct condition i.e., pink and even shaped.
I still do not believe that the HIV test is accurate and I even doubt that there is a virus involved at all. I think that allopathic medicine mistakes exosomes for viruses and that is the root fault of the entire 'science' of virology. I think that exosomes are made by our cells as packets of toxins to be ejected via the faeces or urine. I think calling them viruses is a case of mistaken identity.
Good information - thank you. Diagnosed with HIV 10yr ago; 30lb weight loss, muscle wasting, (extremely stressful time, poverty income via odd jobs then social security adding to the stress) ... stomach issues for the next 4yr.
But do not fit any of the "drug narrative" - sheesh, I hate cigarette smoke! and begrudge $$ on a beer in the day of socializing!
May have been Celia Farber' substack (may need to correct this attribution - which covered HIV/AIDS reporting from the beginning) where it was noted that stress and malnutrition was the link.
Refused to go on medication for 2yr until my CD4 count reached 200 ...
Not convinced of the virus either, now that virology is being exposed as a hack job.
No health issues at the moment - however teeth issues were unusually predominant since the diagnosis. Have had times of being "undetectable" (another scam?) the golden egg preached to high heaven while not revealing that isn't achievable broadly. Have not renewed medication and am not sure I will. Concern remains for longterm effects, swept under the rug if known, how can it be known when we are in the experimental stage?
Will try your suggestions, aligned with intuitive hits to detox. Thankyou.
This article refers to identifying what caused Covid19, but the final chart is very useful to identify what caused a number of illnesses to appear throughout history. Look at the entry for 1979 - 1984, you will see that AIDS coincided with the development of the first mobile phones using wireless electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs).
As our bodies are operating via natural EMFs generated from within, interference from unnatural external EMFs are damaging to our energy (Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine). Of course, allopathic medicine denies that this is happening.... hence the continued increases in technology utilising such frequencies also known as radiation.
Furthermore, if you receive a very negative diagnosis it shocks your system so badly that you will become ill, even if you were not previously. Emotional imbalances are known to be a root cause of many illnesses.
As you have no relationship with drugs, I wonder if you were impacted by mobile phone use during the time you were first given an HIV positive diagnosis and that has continued to accumulate. EMFs are cumulative, weakening the health very slowly when there is more and more exposure.
Thanks for this reply - I don't think that would be a factor based on very little use of one to not having one at all; for one mobile phone use was more $$ then and usage garnered overchages ... ultimately gave it up due to poverty. Emotional factors definitely - being middle aged management/ creative white man on the shit list of all companies forbade hiring. Poverty stress cannot be fully appreciated unless lived. A much deeper story sourced in childhood emotional abuse. Having success prior to a altruistic bid to change the world for the better in 1999 (sold my house moved to NYC to work in LGBT rights) ... a bid to act on my values was torpedoed by subconscious / cellular programming to not be me. My substack is testing ground for memoir material. :)
You present a very interesting case indeed. Have you now overcome the extreme poverty? Do you think that may be why you ceased to have debilitating symptoms?
Also, EMFs are prevalent whether you personally have a mobile phone or not. They are damaging all livings beings but animals birds and insects don't carry SMART phones, do they?
The atmosphere is a cacophony of radiation and it is a wonder if any of us are actually healthy in this EMF soup!
That good guy was my first love. I was only four when I first saw an image of him in our local church in London. I had no idea who he was but he held a lantern before a large door, in the lit image I saw in that church. I liked to chat with him and when I later attended Sunday school and found out about his life, I decided that I wanted to be just like him.
He is responsible for leading me to discover Taoism and I wrote about that journey here:
I liked that without even reading it ... love bikes 😆
I'll look now 😊
Watched a fab thing last night on PooTube about bike customizing in Japan. Just bought the Guy Martin box set which I'm starting on later.
Yep, we're gonna have t go for that cranberry & tonic I think & a natter
Yet another great and greatly entertaining and enlightening piece by you. Frances, and thanks for sharing that personal story with us. Once again, I feel we have much in common. My husband, too, loved his Harley Davidson and also personally knew Sonny Barger and hung out with similar other friends when he lived in Northern California. Is there any chance you would consider sharing this link with your readership, in an effort to help my husband, Bear, and me in our current precarious situation? This is the link and gives an overview:
By adding the link here you will be amazed how many people will see it. That was a good idea. I wish your husband more Bear-like qualities as he recovers! xx
Frances, thank you for suggesting I post our GiveSendGo request link here:
And thanks to all of Frances Leader's great readers!
I like that. FILTHY FEW 1%. Shame it reminds me of the WEF
Well, they may have nicked Sid's concept more than 50 years after him! Mind you, I do not need to consult with Sid to know exactly what he would say about the WEF. He would call them 'chancers' who have zero knowledge of how things really work. He always hated protection rackets or bullies so I am pretty certain that he is unimpressed with the WEF or the UN these days! When we chatted on the phone last, we were mostly discussing all the people we used to know who are now gone. Sid said that he was amazed how many people dutifully queued up for the vax. He said the fear was palpable and it had shocked him. Needless to say, he never lets doctors anywhere near him!
Thanks for the great story- one of freedom, inclusion, doing the right thing and being there. What a delightful child you were. I had some experience with the Hells Angels as customers and enjoyed their company in Cortez, Colorado.
Tests can be so linear and singular. My daughter was in an auto accident away from home in school. The school clinic doctor asked different personal questions about her health and she received a prescription to fill. She called me for advice knowing it would be different. She remembered her visits to the Chinese medical doctor and acupuncturist who would take her wrist pulse and inform her the answers she had to give at the clinic without the questions. In the USA the healing arts have been strangled by the wealthy arrogance of a couple men who felt their need to keep employees on the job and modernize medicine. Everything started to changed in 1910 and the Flexner Report became the government rule for medicine and unfortunately a downhill road filled with riches.
All to find ways of disposing of the waste products from big oil and gas! Bloody outrageous!
Great story Frances. I am always learning something. I also do not trust HIV testing or Covid testing. I have a few friends who were told they were HIV positive. back in the late 80's. Some of them are not currently taking any meds. The blood test that tells them if the meds are working and what their CD count is and if the virus is present, is believed to be total bs. I wish I could help these friends and know the truth behind these tests. I guess we will never know for sure, as long as there is a profit to be made. I also do not believe that viruses exist. Also when these friends were diagnosed, they were using drugs., except for one friend, who got it from contaminated blood that she received every month. I remember back in the early 70's the city gave people $10.00 to donate blood, and there were many folks addicted to drugs that were in line. They did not check for contaminated blood back then. Worst of all, the blood pool is for sure contaminated since the roll out of the bioweapons!
Great title, Wonderful story, Thank You! I love reading about someone following their Heart.. it makes all the difference...
Great writing!
Now I have to buy your book.
You're a few years older than me (I turn 70 on the 14th), but your life story is intriguing, and interesting.
You cannot buy my book, Indrek! I am not selling it. I have serialised it here on Substack which you can access free via this link:
The book includes links, music and photos so would transfer to paper very poorly.
Thanks for your approval btw! xx
I realized that after posting my comment.
Great read , we have more in common than i thought. It was week - suits / weekend - leathers, runs for me for years, Thanks.
great story thank you for sharing it! .... possible to connect to ask you information re: "treating" HIV?
Each individual is entirely different. We never discovered anything specifically consistent except the use of certain street drugs. Amyl Nitrate was the one we suspected because it was cheap and shared among gays at their parties but we were never entirely sure if that was producing the symptoms we were seeing.
Our protocols centred around complete detoxing of the vital organs, beginning with a thorough kidney detox using fresh root ginger tea with honey and lemon. Then we would move onto detox the liver with dandelion tea.
After that most of our clients were able to recover completely and further HIV testing would come back negative. The important thing is to check the underside of a tongue by pressing it to the back of the upper teeth and looking at it in a mirror. If the veins are black and lumpy there are toxins in the blood and the organ detox will need to be repeated until they return to their correct condition i.e., pink and even shaped.
I still do not believe that the HIV test is accurate and I even doubt that there is a virus involved at all. I think that allopathic medicine mistakes exosomes for viruses and that is the root fault of the entire 'science' of virology. I think that exosomes are made by our cells as packets of toxins to be ejected via the faeces or urine. I think calling them viruses is a case of mistaken identity.
Good information - thank you. Diagnosed with HIV 10yr ago; 30lb weight loss, muscle wasting, (extremely stressful time, poverty income via odd jobs then social security adding to the stress) ... stomach issues for the next 4yr.
But do not fit any of the "drug narrative" - sheesh, I hate cigarette smoke! and begrudge $$ on a beer in the day of socializing!
May have been Celia Farber' substack (may need to correct this attribution - which covered HIV/AIDS reporting from the beginning) where it was noted that stress and malnutrition was the link.
Refused to go on medication for 2yr until my CD4 count reached 200 ...
Not convinced of the virus either, now that virology is being exposed as a hack job.
No health issues at the moment - however teeth issues were unusually predominant since the diagnosis. Have had times of being "undetectable" (another scam?) the golden egg preached to high heaven while not revealing that isn't achievable broadly. Have not renewed medication and am not sure I will. Concern remains for longterm effects, swept under the rug if known, how can it be known when we are in the experimental stage?
Will try your suggestions, aligned with intuitive hits to detox. Thankyou.
This article refers to identifying what caused Covid19, but the final chart is very useful to identify what caused a number of illnesses to appear throughout history. Look at the entry for 1979 - 1984, you will see that AIDS coincided with the development of the first mobile phones using wireless electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs).
As our bodies are operating via natural EMFs generated from within, interference from unnatural external EMFs are damaging to our energy (Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine). Of course, allopathic medicine denies that this is happening.... hence the continued increases in technology utilising such frequencies also known as radiation.
Furthermore, if you receive a very negative diagnosis it shocks your system so badly that you will become ill, even if you were not previously. Emotional imbalances are known to be a root cause of many illnesses.
As you have no relationship with drugs, I wonder if you were impacted by mobile phone use during the time you were first given an HIV positive diagnosis and that has continued to accumulate. EMFs are cumulative, weakening the health very slowly when there is more and more exposure.
Do you think this may be a factor?
Thanks for this reply - I don't think that would be a factor based on very little use of one to not having one at all; for one mobile phone use was more $$ then and usage garnered overchages ... ultimately gave it up due to poverty. Emotional factors definitely - being middle aged management/ creative white man on the shit list of all companies forbade hiring. Poverty stress cannot be fully appreciated unless lived. A much deeper story sourced in childhood emotional abuse. Having success prior to a altruistic bid to change the world for the better in 1999 (sold my house moved to NYC to work in LGBT rights) ... a bid to act on my values was torpedoed by subconscious / cellular programming to not be me. My substack is testing ground for memoir material. :)
You present a very interesting case indeed. Have you now overcome the extreme poverty? Do you think that may be why you ceased to have debilitating symptoms?
Also, EMFs are prevalent whether you personally have a mobile phone or not. They are damaging all livings beings but animals birds and insects don't carry SMART phones, do they?
The atmosphere is a cacophony of radiation and it is a wonder if any of us are actually healthy in this EMF soup!
p.s. Your childhood memories of warm daddy moments is unimaginable.
Unimaginable? You mean that you never had that type of relationship with your father? Not ever?
So am I! He is unstoppable! 💜
That good guy was my first love. I was only four when I first saw an image of him in our local church in London. I had no idea who he was but he held a lantern before a large door, in the lit image I saw in that church. I liked to chat with him and when I later attended Sunday school and found out about his life, I decided that I wanted to be just like him.
He is responsible for leading me to discover Taoism and I wrote about that journey here:
Now updated and transformed into a Substack post here:
Of course! What else? 🤣😂