I am a trained Herbalist and the history of my practice was my particular interest. I know, from personal experience, that seeing unseen worlds and entities can be very realistic and frightening if one suffers from a fever or poisoning. One of the worst events I had was when I was in my late 20s and my drink was spiked. My husband appeared to grow huge in size and looked exactly like the standard image for Satan. He had no idea that I was experiencing hallucinations and became very confused when I ran away from him at speed. I went to the beach and the sand appeared to be a carpet of rough cut and rare jewels. The sea was like liquid mercury and I was afraid of it. It took all night to wear off and I suffered shocking diarrhoea and sickness as my body tried its best to rid me of the toxin I had ingested.
I had to strip, wash all my clothes and self in the public toilets on the seafront of my home town. I walked home in a wet dress and I was convinced that every person who saw me thought I was crazy.
I found out later that it was my own husband who had spiked my drink 'for a laugh', he said..... I told him that poisoning his own wife was a stupid thing to do because from now on, he would be wise to wonder what I was putting in his meals.
The image of Satan was so intense that night.... my relationship with my husband was destroyed. I could not make love with him again.
So you see - I know VERY WELL what poisoning can do to the mind and emotions. It ruined my marriage. A stupid stunt for a laugh....
I never found out what it was that was put in my drink but I did discover who it was who provided my husband with the muck.
I never spoke to that person again without extreme contempt for him and his 'profession', that of being a drug dealer.
Another time I was poisoned by Freemason wives who were intent upon killing me outright and very nearly succeeded. I chelated and healed using Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which resulted in them being stunned to see me recovered a year later. But it did take a full year of weight loss and pain to recover from that.
Wanna hear more about hallucinations? Man, I have a lot more to tell..... but I will let you see the parallels and the impacts on mental health that can result from such a trauma.
So now you know. Dr Ana showed all the signs of extreme poisoning and still does. THAT is why I was so motivated to raise the matter, even though I knew that very few people would ever understand the severity of the impact I was witnessing in her evangelism and imaginings, as recounted to Dr Len Ber a few months ago. I did write to her explaining that the events she experienced were very likely as a direct result of poisoning but she doesn't seem to read many of her comments so it went by without attention.
However, I kept a close eye on her posts and noticed the sudden upswing in religious fervour pervading everything she wrote. I saw the wild-eyed interviews and the increasing urgency. I could see that, for a scientist, she seemed oblivious that the symptoms she displayed were indicative of extreme poisoning rather than an epiphany. I became more concerned but unable to comment. She is treated like a superstar, here on Substack. People were crowding into the comments to praise their God for her deliverance. It was like a Billy Graham love-in with a thousand halleluiahs on her posts.
Reality had left the building so I went with it. I stopped visiting her work.
Someone sent me a link and they were concerned.... I had to risk being the baddie because it was as if a spell was being cast. It felt like mass hysteria was surging through her followers.
I do not regret this post and I wish Dr Ana all the best as she continues to recover from a very scary experience. I don't mind if you want to unsubscribe from me.... do it if you must.
I told my truth and if you can't cope with it, that is your weakness of spirit, NOT MINE.
Dr Ana's science is not easily proven at all. It is extremely unscientific and impossible to prove unless she gets a sample of these quantum dots or nano bots that she thinks they are.
Without a sample from the supposed manufacturer, with which to make comparisons, any suggestion of their function or origin is guesswork or speculation.
Furthermore - assuming the source of these glittery bits and pieces is also unscientific and unproveable. They could come from vaccines, chemtrails, food or water sources.
That is why we have to stop accepting all the theories and present findings to authority, demanding explanations. Is that happening? Not that I see!
Lots of people, from all over the world are collecting samples from people's blood and from vaccine vials (with no provenance) - again. UNSCIENTIFIC sloppy work!
Following every post, what do we see? Advertising for chelation treatments which have to be repeated or supported with a plethora of supplements!
The comment sections are loaded with testimonials "Thank you Dr Ana, your EDTA cured me!" type of thing.
Add all this together with the relentless evangelism and what have you got?
Obviously university and hospital labs are not allowed to look, or not allowed to say.
So we have amateurs looking down their microscopes.
And I am grateful to them but, as you say, who can actually identify the findings.
Those not actually looking but just reading the pharma information talk about mRNA and spikes and lipid nano particles.
Well, we know not to believe big pharma, so we are victim to a whole lot of guesswork.
I like seeing what amateurs are finding and I appreciate them, and some just present what they see without claiming to know what it is, which is fair enough. It's not the sort of thing that I can share with anyone as it's all vague.
And there's bound to be different shots for different clots.
I understand that governments signed contracts with Pfizer saying that the ingredients would not be analysed, so that explains why no official labs doing it.
Isn't it utterly insane to deny professional scientists and doctors the right to investigate the medicines they are expected to administer to their patients?
The lack of autopsy or coroner's reports is also criminal neglect - it is a wide open gateway to abuse by murderers!!
When I had my herbal practice I would test my raw dried herbal teas on myself before I made them for anyone. I would only buy from Neal's Yard in Covent Garden, expensive but high quality. I never trusted pills or capsules.
I don't understand allopathic medical practitioners who simply write a prescription, never even see the product and trust what their computer tells them. There are too many opportunities for error or disaster!
I know herbal medicine is considered 'alternative' but, in reality, it is the oldest and best because humans have used it for thousands of years.
It is very easy to poison someone if you do not know (from personal experience) what you are prescribing.
The lack of investigation tells me that I am right. Covid is a reaction to 5G and that is producing a wide range of symptoms which will only increase. Telecoms revenue is paramount - hence the total taboo on any discussion. The corruption is outrageous.
Thoughts on Dr. Judy Mikovits and her claims of vaccines with 'sleeper' payloads being used for decades; activated by the latest mRNA jabs? You would have a better understanding of how long the Black Nobs plan for events. This has been, what, 40-50 years in the making? Thoughts on her information and theories? Is it more mis-guided info to turn us away from the truth?
I am sorry but you cannot call Taoism 'biblical truth' - it predates the Bible by thousands of years!!
Jesus never said he was the son of God. Check your Bible and find me a quote. You can't because he did not ever say that. We are all God's children, Craig. That is the closest you will get to your assertion.
Yes we are all Gods Children however we cannot enter his kingdom without Jesus his son who came and died for us. 23Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
I really do not wish to argue with you Craig but suffice to say I am entirely safe by that definition because -AS I SAID- Jesus was my starting point.
Please do not evangelise an old lady who has made her own life and experienced the joy of this universe in other ways than you will ever know. You are actually insulting my beliefs.
I'm not defending Dr Anna's statements which were partially correct in my humble opinion.
I'm not accusing Frances of anything either who was partially correct in my humble opinion.
What concerns me here is the Denial of Biblical truth, the supernatural living breathing words of our Creator God, the ancient of days, and his son Jesus Christ who paid the price of sin for those who accept him in faith.
The spiritual realm is very real and has many dark entities controlling the masses through Nephilim dark lords and their worshipping elitest.
Satan deceives the whole world and the satanist/luciferian elites explain in their own words
how they use rituals to tell man in advance their plans. Fortunately, God exposes their evil to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear the spirit of truth, which I find a lot of here. God bless everyone here!
I recommend that you look into the origins of the Bible and its many translations, missing parts and whole books written by Roman mind controllers and distributed by Black Nobility controlled printers.
It is quite possible to be deeply spiritual without imaginary friends and enemies!
The actual rulers of this planet are not Satanists or Christians. They are atheists and nihilists. They mock us with their 2,000 year deception that you sincerely trust.
I have written a great deal about these matters - for example:
So are you denying the living, breathing words of God almighty with the thousands of supernatural fulfilled prophecies, codes, geometry , etc.? I have read just about every translation, every book not entered in to the canon, Jasher, Enoch etc. I have studied every religion including Luciferian as well as the gnostic and new age nonsense. It all led me to Jesus Christ of Nazerath, the only way, the truth and life. I will read your information and I suggest you read the KJV or NLT Bible multiple times.
I started by following Jesus. I wanted to know what he had learned and where he got his wisdom at such a young age. I realised that he must have been educated somewhere along the Silk Road and that led me to study Taoism. All the miracles of healing, all the parables and all the loving kindness was there. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh is an ancient traditional Chinese medicine to deal with extreme poisoning or near death experiences. Loaves and fishes are the way that Chinese children are taught the difference between yin and yang.
You stopped your religious studies by concentrating on the middle eastern religions. I went to the source and discovered my calling. I became a Barefoot Doctor of Chinese Medicine.
That is a well known truism, Julie. If anyone cannot explain something then they don't understand it and should stop talking about it or FORCING IT DOWN MY THROAT. I will not be patient with you any longer. I am banning you for a month to get a rest from your constant harassment.
I follow the links you sent me and I have explained with great patience that you are misunderstanding the science. Please stop pestering me and assuming you know best. You do not know what you have in your body - YOU ARE GUESSING and clutching at fake straws. I will not reply to you again. I will block you.
I started losing interest awhile back when she was introducing her "bio" and "religious enlightenment."
Agree with your quote Frances.
"Dr Ana Mihalcea has led the charge into raving religious fervour and fear."
People can "believe " what they want or are trained to "believe" from birth indoctrination, like most all of us.
Just felt her background was not pertinent to the so-called " science" examining freaky entities under a microscope.
It is a real challenge today to find "researchers " who do not push their religious agendas with product selling. Or interviews that are not hosted by Alex Jones / Stew Peters /J Ruby , etc. etc. etc.
It was brewing for a while so it was inevitably going to boil over. Some friends have not approved of me daring to question their icon, but I was expecting that. My opinions are often challenging and I do know that. Story of my life!
Claire de Lune, in response to your question the fact is that no-one can prove the impossible. It is only possible to prove the possible. So, not being able to prove it 'either way' is actually a pointless statement.
However, as there has been not one shred of evidence for such an entity produced in the whole length of recorded human history and yet much evidence that the chance is so improbable as to be almost zero, I feel that it is reasonable to assume that there is no supreme and omnipotent deity. Though, as I said at the outset, the impossible can't be proved so there remains that infinitesimally small possibility that would contradict all evidence.
Should it ever be proved that such an entity does exist, it is also an abhorrent thought because that entity would be at the very least capricious and, if we consider history, actually malicious, indeed maleovolent. That cannot be in dispute for there is ample evidence of calamity, horror, disaster and worse in this world and emanating both from non-human nature and humanity. If that entity did exist and is omnipotent and the supposed 'loving god' that the simple-minded and conditioned believers in such an entity claim, then that entity could, should and would, if a 'loving god' not allow them.
Of course, the fact that this mythical entity is labelled as a man and that woman is made only to please man and is guilty of original sin which is why humanity is sentenced to forever suffer, is another clue to why such an entity would clearly be not only malicious but also sexist in the vilest of ways.
I could continue my explanation but, if that is not enough for you, then nothing is likely to be. Incidentally, your 'hate', by which I assume you actually mean 'distaste' or 'dislike' or some such, is misplaced for opinions are simply views that people hold. Sometimes they are carefully considered and supported by ample evidence, including 'facts', while at other times they are ill or unconsidered statements originating from conditioning, peer group, family, friends, deliberate manipulation, ignorance or whatever - however, essentially claims made without reason or logic to support them.
The latter type of opinion thrives in the world and has only increased in the digital era owing to the wide access to publication there is for all manner, character, personality, intellect, motivation and or intent of individuals, most of whom are inarticulate, abusive and have far too much time on their hands, apparently, given how much they delight in demeaning the sense of others whilst almost never actually contributing anything of worth themselves. - (No, that is not intended as some disguised slight on you. I consider your question a valid one, though its last sentence unnecessary and such as could be read as abrasive.)
I'm happy to discuss further, if you wish. I'd also suggest that you may find Karen Armstrong's *The Gospel according to woman* an interesting and informative read. Should you want, I can also provide a sound reading list for exploring the permanent pandemic that is religion. However, I'll leave it to you. As usual, I've probably said too much and will be further pilloried for it. ☮️
"Incidentally, your 'hate', by which I assume you actually mean 'distaste' or 'dislike' or some such, is misplaced for opinions are simply views that people hold." - what hate? Is this long convoluted comment addressed to me? Or someone else?
Not you. It was a reply to a question I received. I have no idea how it became caught up in responses to your post. I can only assume that it has resulted from my ineptness with the platform. I'm sorry that you consider it was a 'convoluted' and overly long comment. In regard to the question I was asked, I don't believe that it was either.
However, I apologise for any concern, frustration, irritation or other feeling you may have had at reading it. I have only felt positive about what I've read of your writing and views.
Any investment in "beliefs", either for or against something, is dangerous. When a person experiences something, they know what they experienced, even if they struggle to explain it in words. They just know how it felt. However, that experience, once explained in words, can only ever be a "belief" in the mind of the person who hears the explanation and takes it on board. Belief in something is dangerous. Belief against something that has not been personally experienced is equally dangerous. We can only know that invisible entities and worlds exist when we personally experience them, and even then, words are inadequate to explain the experience, so we tend to use someone else's words. I tend to use the words from Theosophy, or Carlos Castaneda, or used to, when I still tried to put these things in words, but I know that the words are a pale representation of the truth, and aspects of them are designed to be misleading. The lady being savaged for her use of the words such as "reptilian" is clearly using someone else's words - words that have become commonplace - but we can never ever know whether she has or has not experienced something that requires these words or their equivalent.
Believe me, Christine, if I were 'savaging' Dr Ana, I would have raised a plethora of doubts 2 months ago!
I am reacting to her post. Are you going to deny me my right of reply? Especially now that I have pointed out in countless comments on this post, that there is a lot to criticise about Dr Ana's science.
I do not like to see thousands of Substack subscribers taken in by a psy-op and if I see that happening I WILL say so because I am not afraid of your celebrity icons or their entourage of adoring fans.
You're not objecting to her facts, just her beliefs. Beliefs are personal and in no way change facts. I experience a huge level of irritation myself with the American God botherers, because to me, their "beliefs" and "faith" are mind numbingly stupid - their beliefs show they are mind controlled at some level and that is very dangerous. But we are all mind controlled at some level, so we have to forgive belief based lunacy as long as truth can find its own way through. Our world would be a better place free of all beliefs, but frankly, I don't think human beings can live that way. There are aspects of our reality that we cannot perceive with our senses, and those aspects have to be explained, some how. Once we start experiencing "occult" phenomena that don't fit well into our material explanation of reality, we just do the best we can to explain the inexplicable, and our explanations are always inadequate. The best we can do is find a framework that does not interfere with the reality of our 5 senses too much.
You have found a way of explaining your life experiences. Ana has found a way of explaining hers. I have found a way of explaining mine. When those experiences fall outside the realm of the 5 known human senses, the best we can do is find our own way of explaining them. I am happy, to some degree with my personal explanations - in that they are the best I have found so far to explain the full scope and depth of my current collection of "otherworldly" experiences. I am happy to explain them to others if asked, but I would never defend the details. Human beings simply lack the sensory awareness to prove these "otherworldly" experiences one way or another. I am sorry my understanding does not suit you and I am sorry that Ana's understanding does not suit you. But every single human being on this planet, even the god botherers, is entitled to understand their own experiences of the ineffable in their own way. Even you. Even me. Even Ana. Even the god botherers, annoying though they are.
Yes, she seems to be sliding down inside that fundamentalist mind prison that is based on fear. There is every chance that she is impressionable and is being led astray by others. But that will not affect her science which is of this material and intellectual reality and easily proven one way or another. We do take ourselves down a personally dangerous path when we over dramatize our experiences in the invisible realms.. She is possibly in that place now. Our emotions are our sensors in those realms, and our way to bring back data from those realms. It is very hard for us to separate enough from our emotions to keep them operational as sources of data from the invisible realms, rather than to succumb to the drama of them. I personally do not doubt that there are invisible entities interfering with us, and I personally do not doubt that some individuals with influence in our society come under attack from malevolent players via those invisible entities. And I do not doubt that simplistic religious intonations can, in some way, for some reason we don't understand, protect us from those entities. (The Lords Prayer seems to be one such magic spell.) But when we react publicly, we lose our credibility, as you rightly point out, which means that those malevolent players effectively silence us. I worry in the same way for Karen Kingston who has been taken down a very strange pathway indeed - which may by just physical poisoning or may be psychic attack, or may be both.
Personally, I am as careful as I can be to remain aware that my emotions are sensors and I try, not always successfully, to avoid over dramatization. Our awareness and our power comes from our emotions, which is why the eastern traditions try to teach us to read our emotions very carefully rather than become overwhelmed by them. When we lose our awareness of what they are telling us, they manifest as weakness. When we use them as sensors under our control, they give us awareness and strength.
But that is just my cosmology. And for now, I am happy with it.
I have been following Dr Ana for a very long time and I did see her interview with Dr Len Ber. I commented on it there, actually. I said that her experience reminded me of a similar event that happened to Max Igan. Both Dr Ana and Max recounted stories that, as a very experienced herbalist, I immediately recognised as the result of poisoning.
I was poisoned by Freemason's wives in 1997 so I know what extreme poisoning does to a consciousness. It causes fever, hallucinations and in extreme cases projectile vomiting, diarrhoea and death.
Un-natural electro-magnetic radiation, given in a burst can produce similar symptoms. I have experienced that too.
Ever since Dr Ana had that horrible hallucination she has been convinced that disembodied entities stalk this earth. She obviously still hasn't considered that she may have been poisoned or targeted with EMFs.
When I read that post I was shocked. She has given in to all sorts of speculative conspiracy theories which centre around fearmongering usually seen in horror stories by Hollywood about exorcisms and supernatural interference.
She is highly influential on Substack and the comments she received only served to bolster her convictions.
Even if I were the only person on the surface of this earth who challenged her beliefs I would still robustly go ahead and do it. No regrets.
As it happens, if you read the comments on this post, you will see that a lot of people were only waiting for the floodgates to be opened a chink and WHAM out they poured, all grateful for the opportunity to talk more realistically.
Have you actually read the post I am referring to? And the comments there?
Dr Ana Mihalcea has led the charge into raving religious fervour and fear.
She has jumped to some outrageous conclusions about what she is seeing on her slides.
I am only concerned that she is misleading people and to do what? Sell more of her 'cures'??
If you leave any substance to dry on a microscope slide, you will see crystal formations. Some of them are particularly cuboid.
My final point is the most concerning..... even if the crystalline substances are unnatural and suspect, there is no way that Dr Ana can possible discern what they are, nor how they function. We cannot say that these unusual structures are 'self-assembling' nano tech unless we see samples of such kit from manufacturers.
Don't you think that nano-tech might also be very expensive to produce? Trillions of them would have had to be prepared for the vaccines.
NOPE. I am not buying it.
The whole thing stinks of distraction from our real enemies:
The World Crime Syndicates and their unregulated globalist telecoms industry.
I think its worth saying a bit more here . Im very sorry to hear of this experience you had , that you call poisoning at the intent of your partner for whatever reason and the trauma or effects it had for you. I certainly dont know what was given to you. However if it was some form of psychedelics [many types exist] certainly many people have used them and still do even clinically in micro doses by doctors, and had every type of experience imaginable from the most profound and enlightening , to very bad trips .Most would not consider this poisoning. I have never advocated this or by CHOICE done this , but I did have 2 experiences at a very young age like yours where someone thought it funny to spike what I was drinking. I DID NOT HAVE , the unpleasant physical poisoning type effects at all , and actually had a quite extraordinary set of experiences , and definitely windows into other worlds. Its easy to call these hallucinations , but later when I learned to do this intrinsically by moving energy up the ladder to the brain, that there were indeed other dimensional worlds and there are entities in them. All the chemistry to accomplish this in in our brains and bodies , otherwise we would not have receptor sites to uptake such from external sources. These neuro transmitters are how we dream and repair when we sleep. So what is the difference between a hallucination and what we experience in the dream time world? Many have said after having all types of otherworldly experiences , that when coming back to this limited one, that is the hallucination. Not the other way around. But I want to make it very clear I dont advocate taking any psychedelics in a time of 5g , massive mind control technologies, brain and soul hacking, targeted individual attacks, or even massive media subliminal programming and propaganda. We need the clearest and wisest of minds now . SK
Tripping on chemical formulae such as LSD is a reaction to a poison. It is not like dreaming or meditating. Don't forget that the subconscious communicates with the conscious mind via symbols and images. Confucius explained this very clearly. When your mind gives you 'entities' they are figments of the imagination which convey a thoughtform from the subconscious to the conscious mind.
Example: I was invited to join a coven. They gave me a book to study before I committed to anything. I read the first page, a sort of warning on the lines of "all who enter here, be warned". Later that day, I meditated on the matters raised in that book and had one of the clearest visions of an 'entity' that I have ever had.
I saw a massive black spider which dwarfed the solar system. It sucked me in and turned me to a stream of blood. It spat me out at the earth and I hit it, coating it all over evenly. I heard a calm voice say "This is what we do with knowledge!"
I returned to consciousness with my answer.
Secret societies are wrong.
The coven did not appreciate me returning their book and refusing their invitation. There were repercussions..... but that is another story.
Suffice to say that this spider entity was not real. It was my subconscious conjuring up an image which would challenge me deeply and frighten me.
I believe that the subconscious part of our mind may be in touch with the collective consciousness (some call that God) which also communicates via symbols and images.
This last sentence you made ,is the most important one of all ,
"I believe that the subconscious part of our mind may be in touch with the collective consciousness (some call that God) which also communicates via symbols and images."
I would certainly agree with this and take it even farther , it is the mind of the Supreme Mind as we are able to receive it , through the receiving unit we call the brain, and through what has been wrongly called the "reptilian brain" and essentially is somewhat latent and dormant until activated [though Im sure that statement will bring lots of reactions from some .} This is also what our remaining 90% so called junk DNA and 90% supposedly unused brain is for .
You are certainly entitled to your point of view but my guess is that Im the only one here who has ACTUALLY KNOWN her for many years , other family members as well. The elements of her "beliefs" and or what she would call her truth and many other elements of her work and her very sincere efforts to make a difference in this assault on humanity. PREDATE her targeted individual attack she speaks of with Len Ber. So your theory about poisoning or hallucinogenic spiking may not be correct either , though I do understand the possibility of what you say happened to you. I have seen it with others as well . I did challenge some aspects of her article though, and her certainty about divine laws and their workings. I have also LONG argued about the certainty that those dedicated to power and control over others and or what "they believe" is their dedication and worship of evil , must somehow truthfully tell everyone ahead of time their plans. They do seem to "kinda do this " but its insincere . hidden every way possible , they kill the truth tellers , and corrupt all possible to pull it off . It seems pointless to argue about the existence or non existence of these other type entities. Many throughout history have had these experiences without poisoning, and spoken about these other worlds and life forms. These monstrous controllers believe in this , they do worship this , they do these monstrous ceremonies, they do horrible things to others. They have infiltrated all aspects of public life and openly show it and brag about it .It is equally pointless to argue and discuss with religious fanatics who have never even researched their own beliefs history , and are content with formal religious programming.
She does live blood analysis on people that show nanobots and hydrogel and ribbons, things that were never seen in live blood analysis before, with people who go to her because they’re very sick. And after her supposed ‘cure’ of cleaning the blood with EDTA and Vitamin C infusions, their live blood looks normal and clean again, and they feel well and normal again.
She also does research using various things to find what will help for the long run. I’ve picked up a few things there, like her saying Humic and fulvic acid helps for the hydrogel, Nattokinaise can help get rid of graphene oxide. And listening to the commenters in there someone recommended an MD Naturopath who also does live blood analysis who happens to be near my home. I went to him, my live blood analysis he said looked the best he’s seen in a while. I wonder if it’s because I listened to Ana and take her recommendations.
We need new kind of doctors who try to address the changes being seen in the blood of many people. Why are so many dying with strange white rubbery clots in their veins? Why are so many young people dying suddenly, and having myocarditis? Why did the CDC recently admit 120,000 children died after receiving the Cvd jabs?
You do not need to tell me about Dr Ana's work. I have been observing it as closely as you do. I have come to different conclusions from you because I am a trained health professional and I know how to use a microscope.
A MICROscope cannot see NANO sized objects. Period. Look up the difference between micro and nano. You will begin to understand why I am, sadly, fuming. I don't like it when people like you are deceived.
I am not an expert on microscopes for sure, nor what microscopes she uses, but I cannot believe she fakes or misinterprets that. The pictures and videos speak for themselves.
Mike Adams analysis on vials of the white rubbery clots taken out by an embalmer who said “up to 70% – 80% of the subjects he is embalming show these bizarre clots which are killing people.”
Adams has a certified lab, he used very powerful microscopes on the rubbery clots, on camera showed metals and what looked like some kind of connecting wires/rods inside the blue ribbons: “…..live microscopy examinations of “nanowires” and biostructures of the bizarre clots that are killing people…”
I just read this comment, and realize I am in the wrong place commenting here, so will delete my very recent comment. No one knows another person’s experiences. No one can say another person is hallucinating. You had your own experiences, but you didn’t walk in her shoes in her experience.
And other people see the same things in the blood they’re examing, and people who’ve examined blood in their profession for years before and never saw such things as they and Ana are now seeing and showing us.
I am pointing out that Dr Ana's experience sounds a lot like Max Igan and my experiences when we were poisoned. I wrote to her to say that was a possibility at the time.
As for the things seen in blood my point cannot be refuted. There is no way of knowing what those crystalline structures are unless we have manufactured nanotech with which to compare.
No matter who is finding these things, they can only speculate at this stage.
I am surprised this had not occurred to you Stella.
There is one other rather glaring question to ask.....
How does an ordinary microscope see nano sized items?
They are far too small to be seen with any clarity!
Yes , but whatever they are, how did they get into dental pain killers , Insulin, Contact lens solution animal blood, human blood ,urine why do they act very strange when hit with any form of emf . We may not be able to see nano size but we can see what is happening to the blood.
Years ago, I read vaccine analysis papers from an Italian couple of scientists. They found particles of a wide variety of metals in all the vaccines that they tested. In their conclusion they suggested that the particles could be the result of sloppy manufacturing techniques.
Yes. Her slide magnifications are well above nano-scale. Nano-scale observations require nearly ten times the magnification she lists in articles. She is appearently unaware that "nano" is 0.000000001, or a magnification of 100000000. Jus' sayin'
Dr Ana is aware of the capacities and limitation of these dark field scopes , so am I , I am also working with those with scopes, we are ALL asking what the hell is this stuff , where is it all coming from even in the unvaxxed, why was it never seen until recent years,, and most importantly , how do we get rid of it and are we confirming this with what we CAN see with these scopes.?
Hello Thomas: I realize the cost of scanning electron microscopes boasting higher resolutions are beyond the reach of most laboratories, so there's that... My take on this is that the majority of these contaminants are being aerosal released into the atmosphere. We won't get rid of "it" until we get *rid* of the persons doing the deed...
Yep. I really did not want to have to point this out. I thought it was obvious and, if I waited patiently, someone else would notice this discrepancy..... but they didn't.
Looks like this post has stirred some passionate discussion. That's good. I've also followed Dr Ana's work for some time, at least since the microscopy work started. Anyone, including her colleagues, would be terrified to see what has been happening to the blood, and this no doubt is traumatizing enough. What someone may believe is just a representation of where they're at on this life journey. After all it is just ideology and if it helps ppl to cope, so be it, regardless how esoteric or far out it may seem. Everyone is responsible for their interpretation of what is presented. It's important to note is that it is difficult as-is to make the masses pay attention to unpleasant but vital aspects of reality, and those who bring up these 'annoying problems' should be supported. The goal is uniting and collaboration, not finding or creating areas of division. Ok, so some believe there are dark entities pulling strings, whatever labels are used, and when you step back and look at what these psychoparasites are doing, in fact what is their main objective and obsession, how can you still call them 'human'? Whatever this THING is, it hates us. Btw, look into the black goo. Maybe there's some connection to black nobs... just a guess, that's all. Cheers
I pursued that line of inquiry a few years ago but I did not find much to corroborate. “If you stumble into this topic for the first time,” says Harald Kautz-Vella, “it is something weird, something strange, something that is not important within the daily life.”
This is the pop culture representation for sci-fi enthusiasts. Luc Besson’s Lucy may be the best kick at the can. More important than what we believe is what the ruling worshipers believe and act on. That's the magic, black or green or purple. What's the outcome for us. Noticed that Lauras substack is gone, what happened?
I haven't seen the film Lucy. I don't watch many fictional videos.
I did not know that Laura had deleted her account on Substack but I am not surprised. She is under the influence of an Israeli podcaster called Shai Danon.
He claims that Substack is an AI controlled site. I tried to persuade her not to trust him and she simply rejected any question of his influence. He had interviewed her, provided her with access to his cloud for storing her power points.
She has an Odysee channel where you can find her video work:
Calm down for just a minute , did you read my comments underneath, I have known her many years , I know her entire back round and where she is coming from. It would be best to hear her interview with Len Ber on his targeted individual substack to fully understand what happened to her and what she experienced , and SURVIVED , and also to understand where a lot of her info is coming from . I do. Its ok for her to have her reality and you yours and everyone get from whoever what they can. She is medically brilliant and has done much, and has successfully treated many people , I too am working on remedies and treatment protocols and we all have gained from her dark field microscope work. She is a serious warrior in this battle . I respect that just as I do all your efforts. I encounter many people just as you have who think your banannas on believing all that Black Nobility "conspiracy stuff",and think the Brit royals are just dandy. I encounter people daily who still think the unholy Roman empire catholic church is their "gods" holy and only truth and true religion.. Dr Ana does understand life is a miracle just as you stated, I assure you. SK
I am perfectly calm thank you. I wrote the post more than 12 hours ago, actually.
I have been following Dr Ana for a very long time and I did see her interview with Dr Len Ber. I commented on it there, actually. I said that her experience reminded me of a similar event that happened to Max Igan. Both Dr Ana and Max recounted stories that, as a very experienced herbalist, I immediately recognised as the result of poisoning.
I was poisoned by Freemason's wives in 1997 so I know what extreme poisoning does to a consciousness. It causes fever, hallucinations and in extreme cases projectile vomiting, diarrhoea and death.
Un-natural electro-magnetic radiation, given in a burst can produce similar symptoms. I have experienced that too.
Ever since Dr Ana had that horrible hallucination she has been convinced that disembodied entities stalk this earth. She obviously still hasn't considered that she may have been poisoned or targeted with EMFs.
When I read that post I was shocked. She has given in to all sorts of speculative conspiracy theories which centre around fearmongering usually seen in horror stories by Hollywood about exorcisms and supernatural interference.
She is highly influential on Substack and the comments she received only served to bolster her convictions.
Even if I were the only person on the surface of this earth who challenged her beliefs I would still robustly go ahead and do it. No regrets.
As it happens, if you read the comments on this post, you will see that a lot of people were only waiting for the floodgates to be opened a chink and WHAM out they poured, all grateful for the opportunity to talk more realistically.
Have you actually read the post I am referring to? And the comments there?
Dr Ana Mihalcea has led the charge into raving religious fervour and fear.
She has jumped to some outrageous conclusions about what she is seeing on her slides.
Look, Thomas, I am only concerned that she is misleading people and to do what? Sell more of her 'cures'??
If you leave any substance to dry on a microscope slide, you will see crystal formations. Some of them are particularly cuboid.
My final point is the most concerning..... even if the crystalline substances are unnatural and suspect, there is no way that Dr Ana can possible discern what they are, nor how they function. We cannot say that these unusual structures are 'self-assembling' nano tech unless we see samples of such kit from manufacturers.
Don't you think that nano-tech might also be very expensive to produce? Trillions of them would have had to be prepared for the vaccines.
NOPE. I am not buying it.
The whole thing stinks of distraction from our real enemies:
The World Crime Syndicates and their unregulated globalist telecoms industry.
So who has been distracted the most, those of us who say "how interesting, I wonder if she is being influenced by the wrong people", and move on to the next time on our agenda, or those of us who fixate on proving her right or wrong? Language used to explain esoteric feelings and experiences can NEVER be validated or disproved EVER. They all have to be left sitting in the in tray, as part of the potential magic of life.
The package of language she has used to explain an invisible phenomenon has been around for many years, so has clearly been framed by someone else. She has picked up this known system for explaining a known set of phenomena and used it to explain her own experiences. So yes, there is some level of influence there. She is part of a "group mind", all the members of which explain their esoteric experiences using the same sets of words (me included). She has tuned into or "borrowed" someone else's words. Whether she knows they are "just words" to explain the non-material is another question.
What you may think of as esoteric expression is seen by most as 'conspiracy theory' - using such expressions can only further feed suspicions that anyone questioning the prescribed vaccine narratives is full of woolly, pseudo-religious or extra-terrestrial speculation and not to be taken seriously.
I do not agree to telling lies because people cannot hear the truth. I tell the truth as I know it and take the consequences. (I did take down my website, Reptilians Exposed, not because i was afraid of telling the truth - my truth using language I can use) but because my words were not being understood and I felt the site was doing more harm than good to unstable minds. But that was over 10 years ago and we have moved into new times. I am coming back out of the closet myself because if not now, then when?
I have kept silent for months. But my misgivings were growing until this latest post in which she talks about disembodied malevolent entities... that was fear porn gone overboard. When I read the comments I was shocked. Nobody was challenging all this pseudo religious hysteria.
I needed to say something and fully expected Dr Ana's fan club to kick my arse. They haven't. Maybe they haven't seen this post..... yet.....
Dr. Ana is not doing this for fear porn, it is her truth based on her experience. Our individual experiences are nearly impossible to translate to others. She is also not afraid either , she has had more than one NDE and therefore does not fear death as most do.
I did not say that Dr Ana is creating fear porn deliberately. I genuinely believe she had awful hallucinations and believes she saw disembodied entities. She does not understand that poisoning often causes such experiences - that is what Ayahuasca is all about, isn't it?
I did not say you did someone elses comment stated she was doing fear porn , which I know is not what she is about, she is just very passionate about what she sees as an extinction level threat to real humans. The oldest spiritual tradition and practices can be called Shamanism. known to be at least 75,000 years in use . That is all about the unseen worlds, entities , influences and dealing with them , by those who were trained or gifted to see into these worlds and understand them and work with them.
I am fully aware of Shamanism, thanks. I am a trained Herbalist and the history of my practice was my particular interest. I know, from personal experience, that seeing unseen worlds and entities can be very realistic and frightening if one suffers from a fever or poisoning. One of the worst events I had was when I was in my late 20s and my drink was spiked. My husband appeared to grow huge in size and looked exactly like the standard image for Satan. He had no idea that I was experiencing hallucinations and became very confused when I ran away from him at speed. I went to the beach and the sand appeared to be a carpet of rough cut and rare jewels. The sea was like liquid mercury and I was afraid of it. It took all night to wear off and I suffered shocking diarrhoea and sickness as my body tried its best to rid me of the toxin I had ingested.
I had to strip, wash all my clothes and self in the public toilets on the seafront of my home town. I walked home in a wet dress and I was convinced that every person who saw me thought I was crazy.
I found out later that it was my own husband who had spiked my drink 'for a laugh', he said..... I told him that poisoning his own wife was a stupid thing to do because from now on, he would be wise to wonder what I was putting in his meals.
The image of Satan was so intense that night.... my relationship with my husband was destroyed. I could not make love with him again.
So you see - I know VERY WELL what poisoning can do to the mind and emotions. It ruined my marriage. A stupid stunt for a laugh....
I never found out what it was that was put in my drink but I did discover who it was who provided my husband with the muck.
I never spoke to that person again without spite.
Another time I was poisoned by Freemason wives who were intent upon killing me outright and very nearly succeeded. I chelated and healed using Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which resulted in them being stunned to see me recovered a year later. But it did take a full year of weight loss and pain to recover from that.
Wanna hear more about hallucinations? Man, I have a lot more to tell..... but I will let you see the parallels and the impacts on mental health that can result from such a trauma.
So now you know. Dr Ana showed all the signs of extreme poisoning and still does. THAT is why I was so motivated to raise the matter, even though I knew that very few people would ever understand the severity of the impact I was witnessing in her evangelism and imaginings.
I am a trained Herbalist and the history of my practice was my particular interest. I know, from personal experience, that seeing unseen worlds and entities can be very realistic and frightening if one suffers from a fever or poisoning. One of the worst events I had was when I was in my late 20s and my drink was spiked. My husband appeared to grow huge in size and looked exactly like the standard image for Satan. He had no idea that I was experiencing hallucinations and became very confused when I ran away from him at speed. I went to the beach and the sand appeared to be a carpet of rough cut and rare jewels. The sea was like liquid mercury and I was afraid of it. It took all night to wear off and I suffered shocking diarrhoea and sickness as my body tried its best to rid me of the toxin I had ingested.
I had to strip, wash all my clothes and self in the public toilets on the seafront of my home town. I walked home in a wet dress and I was convinced that every person who saw me thought I was crazy.
I found out later that it was my own husband who had spiked my drink 'for a laugh', he said..... I told him that poisoning his own wife was a stupid thing to do because from now on, he would be wise to wonder what I was putting in his meals.
The image of Satan was so intense that night.... my relationship with my husband was destroyed. I could not make love with him again.
So you see - I know VERY WELL what poisoning can do to the mind and emotions. It ruined my marriage. A stupid stunt for a laugh....
I never found out what it was that was put in my drink but I did discover who it was who provided my husband with the muck.
I never spoke to that person again without extreme contempt for him and his 'profession', that of being a drug dealer.
Another time I was poisoned by Freemason wives who were intent upon killing me outright and very nearly succeeded. I chelated and healed using Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which resulted in them being stunned to see me recovered a year later. But it did take a full year of weight loss and pain to recover from that.
Wanna hear more about hallucinations? Man, I have a lot more to tell..... but I will let you see the parallels and the impacts on mental health that can result from such a trauma.
So now you know. Dr Ana showed all the signs of extreme poisoning and still does. THAT is why I was so motivated to raise the matter, even though I knew that very few people would ever understand the severity of the impact I was witnessing in her evangelism and imaginings, as recounted to Dr Len Ber a few months ago. I did write to her explaining that the events she experienced were very likely as a direct result of poisoning but she doesn't seem to read many of her comments so it went by without attention.
However, I kept a close eye on her posts and noticed the sudden upswing in religious fervour pervading everything she wrote. I saw the wild-eyed interviews and the increasing urgency. I could see that, for a scientist, she seemed oblivious that the symptoms she displayed were indicative of extreme poisoning rather than an epiphany. I became more concerned but unable to comment. She is treated like a superstar, here on Substack. People were crowding into the comments to praise their God for her deliverance. It was like a Billy Graham love-in with a thousand halleluiahs on her posts.
Reality had left the building so I went with it. I stopped visiting her work.
Someone sent me a link and they were concerned.... I had to risk being the baddie because it was as if a spell was being cast. It felt like mass hysteria was surging through her followers.
I do not regret this post and I wish Dr Ana all the best as she continues to recover from a very scary experience. I don't mind if you want to unsubscribe from me.... do it if you must.
I told my truth and if you can't cope with it, that is your weakness of spirit, NOT MINE.
Spiked drink/ spiked clotshots.
What a betrayal of the trust that should exist between husband and wife.
Dr Ana's science is not easily proven at all. It is extremely unscientific and impossible to prove unless she gets a sample of these quantum dots or nano bots that she thinks they are.
Without a sample from the supposed manufacturer, with which to make comparisons, any suggestion of their function or origin is guesswork or speculation.
Furthermore - assuming the source of these glittery bits and pieces is also unscientific and unproveable. They could come from vaccines, chemtrails, food or water sources.
That is why we have to stop accepting all the theories and present findings to authority, demanding explanations. Is that happening? Not that I see!
Lots of people, from all over the world are collecting samples from people's blood and from vaccine vials (with no provenance) - again. UNSCIENTIFIC sloppy work!
Following every post, what do we see? Advertising for chelation treatments which have to be repeated or supported with a plethora of supplements!
The comment sections are loaded with testimonials "Thank you Dr Ana, your EDTA cured me!" type of thing.
Add all this together with the relentless evangelism and what have you got?
A very common MARKETING PLAN.
That's the crux of the thing.
What's actually in the clotshots.
Obviously university and hospital labs are not allowed to look, or not allowed to say.
So we have amateurs looking down their microscopes.
And I am grateful to them but, as you say, who can actually identify the findings.
Those not actually looking but just reading the pharma information talk about mRNA and spikes and lipid nano particles.
Well, we know not to believe big pharma, so we are victim to a whole lot of guesswork.
I like seeing what amateurs are finding and I appreciate them, and some just present what they see without claiming to know what it is, which is fair enough. It's not the sort of thing that I can share with anyone as it's all vague.
And there's bound to be different shots for different clots.
I understand that governments signed contracts with Pfizer saying that the ingredients would not be analysed, so that explains why no official labs doing it.
Isn't it utterly insane to deny professional scientists and doctors the right to investigate the medicines they are expected to administer to their patients?
The lack of autopsy or coroner's reports is also criminal neglect - it is a wide open gateway to abuse by murderers!!
When I had my herbal practice I would test my raw dried herbal teas on myself before I made them for anyone. I would only buy from Neal's Yard in Covent Garden, expensive but high quality. I never trusted pills or capsules.
I don't understand allopathic medical practitioners who simply write a prescription, never even see the product and trust what their computer tells them. There are too many opportunities for error or disaster!
I know herbal medicine is considered 'alternative' but, in reality, it is the oldest and best because humans have used it for thousands of years.
It is very easy to poison someone if you do not know (from personal experience) what you are prescribing.
It's criminally insane.
But there we are.
I know that you are of the opinion that *The Covid* is probably 5G.
Well, that's another area that no one is investigating - what was it.
All these years and millions of words read and speculation but I'm none the wiser.
The lack of investigation tells me that I am right. Covid is a reaction to 5G and that is producing a wide range of symptoms which will only increase. Telecoms revenue is paramount - hence the total taboo on any discussion. The corruption is outrageous.
Thoughts on Dr. Judy Mikovits and her claims of vaccines with 'sleeper' payloads being used for decades; activated by the latest mRNA jabs? You would have a better understanding of how long the Black Nobs plan for events. This has been, what, 40-50 years in the making? Thoughts on her information and theories? Is it more mis-guided info to turn us away from the truth?
What if it’s both?
Maybe it’s just the same energy imbalance, which will be interpreted through each person’s personal lens.
So, an imbalance of energy could manifest for one person as witnessing an “entity”, while another person may have physical symptoms only, or both.
It seems like the observer pairs with the energy to produce an outcome. So each consciousness is “baked” right into each person’s physical reality
So, you’re right; you get what you think about.
And as an old man through biblical revelation I have found the joy of the Lord.
I like a lot of your content so I will refrain from saying anything divisive in the future, Have a good evening Frances.
Taoism is a philosophy and man-made religion that has some great biblical truth.
Jesus is the son of the most-high God and not a religion or a philosophy.
I do respect your work in Chinese medicine, Blessings.
I am sorry but you cannot call Taoism 'biblical truth' - it predates the Bible by thousands of years!!
Jesus never said he was the son of God. Check your Bible and find me a quote. You can't because he did not ever say that. We are all God's children, Craig. That is the closest you will get to your assertion.
Yes we are all Gods Children however we cannot enter his kingdom without Jesus his son who came and died for us. 23Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
I really do not wish to argue with you Craig but suffice to say I am entirely safe by that definition because -AS I SAID- Jesus was my starting point.
Please do not evangelise an old lady who has made her own life and experienced the joy of this universe in other ways than you will ever know. You are actually insulting my beliefs.
I'm not defending Dr Anna's statements which were partially correct in my humble opinion.
I'm not accusing Frances of anything either who was partially correct in my humble opinion.
What concerns me here is the Denial of Biblical truth, the supernatural living breathing words of our Creator God, the ancient of days, and his son Jesus Christ who paid the price of sin for those who accept him in faith.
The spiritual realm is very real and has many dark entities controlling the masses through Nephilim dark lords and their worshipping elitest.
Satan deceives the whole world and the satanist/luciferian elites explain in their own words
how they use rituals to tell man in advance their plans. Fortunately, God exposes their evil to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear the spirit of truth, which I find a lot of here. God bless everyone here!
I recommend that you look into the origins of the Bible and its many translations, missing parts and whole books written by Roman mind controllers and distributed by Black Nobility controlled printers.
It is quite possible to be deeply spiritual without imaginary friends and enemies!
The actual rulers of this planet are not Satanists or Christians. They are atheists and nihilists. They mock us with their 2,000 year deception that you sincerely trust.
I have written a great deal about these matters - for example:
And would you please read the pinned comment on this post.
So are you denying the living, breathing words of God almighty with the thousands of supernatural fulfilled prophecies, codes, geometry , etc.? I have read just about every translation, every book not entered in to the canon, Jasher, Enoch etc. I have studied every religion including Luciferian as well as the gnostic and new age nonsense. It all led me to Jesus Christ of Nazerath, the only way, the truth and life. I will read your information and I suggest you read the KJV or NLT Bible multiple times.
God bless you!
I started by following Jesus. I wanted to know what he had learned and where he got his wisdom at such a young age. I realised that he must have been educated somewhere along the Silk Road and that led me to study Taoism. All the miracles of healing, all the parables and all the loving kindness was there. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh is an ancient traditional Chinese medicine to deal with extreme poisoning or near death experiences. Loaves and fishes are the way that Chinese children are taught the difference between yin and yang.
You stopped your religious studies by concentrating on the middle eastern religions. I went to the source and discovered my calling. I became a Barefoot Doctor of Chinese Medicine.
That is a well known truism, Julie. If anyone cannot explain something then they don't understand it and should stop talking about it or FORCING IT DOWN MY THROAT. I will not be patient with you any longer. I am banning you for a month to get a rest from your constant harassment.
I am disabled in my brain from years of using a poison medication ...please don’t tell me what I am or am not capable of. I have a disability
I did not say you are incapable of anything..... NOW YOU ARE IMAGINING THINGS.
I have the tech in my body .. I fully understand what it does. I’m
Sorry you can’t seem to follow the science.
I follow the links you sent me and I have explained with great patience that you are misunderstanding the science. Please stop pestering me and assuming you know best. You do not know what you have in your body - YOU ARE GUESSING and clutching at fake straws. I will not reply to you again. I will block you.
IMO her claims of invoking divine law are mute because she didn't share any KJV1611 scripture to base the claim on.
There can be no scripture, Biblical or otherwise, to 'invoke divine law'. That is not how miraculous recovery from hallucinogenic fever works.
Appreciate the focus of this post.
Been observing D A for some time also.
I started losing interest awhile back when she was introducing her "bio" and "religious enlightenment."
Agree with your quote Frances.
"Dr Ana Mihalcea has led the charge into raving religious fervour and fear."
People can "believe " what they want or are trained to "believe" from birth indoctrination, like most all of us.
Just felt her background was not pertinent to the so-called " science" examining freaky entities under a microscope.
It is a real challenge today to find "researchers " who do not push their religious agendas with product selling. Or interviews that are not hosted by Alex Jones / Stew Peters /J Ruby , etc. etc. etc.
You hit the target.
It was brewing for a while so it was inevitably going to boil over. Some friends have not approved of me daring to question their icon, but I was expecting that. My opinions are often challenging and I do know that. Story of my life!
Thanks very much for your support, it helps! xx
Good boil over!
Very necessary.
There must be something to these links:??
I pass it over to the Frances brain cells :-)
DA is receiving plenty of EEE info.
Oh no, a psy-ops expert in the family? However did you discover this?
My hummingbird found this. :-)
One link was presented by an SS poster months ago.
I dug a bit deeper as it was initially around the "launching" of Sabrina's presence/info.
Then D A becomes a EEE expert ( how convenient ) ??
I presented the links on SS but no one would touch this.
Now you got it and can see it from the get go.
If you can dig deeper, I am all eyes and ears.
I think our biggest challenge is the rabid entourage of icon worshippers, tbh.
Claire de Lune, in response to your question the fact is that no-one can prove the impossible. It is only possible to prove the possible. So, not being able to prove it 'either way' is actually a pointless statement.
However, as there has been not one shred of evidence for such an entity produced in the whole length of recorded human history and yet much evidence that the chance is so improbable as to be almost zero, I feel that it is reasonable to assume that there is no supreme and omnipotent deity. Though, as I said at the outset, the impossible can't be proved so there remains that infinitesimally small possibility that would contradict all evidence.
Should it ever be proved that such an entity does exist, it is also an abhorrent thought because that entity would be at the very least capricious and, if we consider history, actually malicious, indeed maleovolent. That cannot be in dispute for there is ample evidence of calamity, horror, disaster and worse in this world and emanating both from non-human nature and humanity. If that entity did exist and is omnipotent and the supposed 'loving god' that the simple-minded and conditioned believers in such an entity claim, then that entity could, should and would, if a 'loving god' not allow them.
Of course, the fact that this mythical entity is labelled as a man and that woman is made only to please man and is guilty of original sin which is why humanity is sentenced to forever suffer, is another clue to why such an entity would clearly be not only malicious but also sexist in the vilest of ways.
I could continue my explanation but, if that is not enough for you, then nothing is likely to be. Incidentally, your 'hate', by which I assume you actually mean 'distaste' or 'dislike' or some such, is misplaced for opinions are simply views that people hold. Sometimes they are carefully considered and supported by ample evidence, including 'facts', while at other times they are ill or unconsidered statements originating from conditioning, peer group, family, friends, deliberate manipulation, ignorance or whatever - however, essentially claims made without reason or logic to support them.
The latter type of opinion thrives in the world and has only increased in the digital era owing to the wide access to publication there is for all manner, character, personality, intellect, motivation and or intent of individuals, most of whom are inarticulate, abusive and have far too much time on their hands, apparently, given how much they delight in demeaning the sense of others whilst almost never actually contributing anything of worth themselves. - (No, that is not intended as some disguised slight on you. I consider your question a valid one, though its last sentence unnecessary and such as could be read as abrasive.)
I'm happy to discuss further, if you wish. I'd also suggest that you may find Karen Armstrong's *The Gospel according to woman* an interesting and informative read. Should you want, I can also provide a sound reading list for exploring the permanent pandemic that is religion. However, I'll leave it to you. As usual, I've probably said too much and will be further pilloried for it. ☮️
"Incidentally, your 'hate', by which I assume you actually mean 'distaste' or 'dislike' or some such, is misplaced for opinions are simply views that people hold." - what hate? Is this long convoluted comment addressed to me? Or someone else?
Not you. It was a reply to a question I received. I have no idea how it became caught up in responses to your post. I can only assume that it has resulted from my ineptness with the platform. I'm sorry that you consider it was a 'convoluted' and overly long comment. In regard to the question I was asked, I don't believe that it was either.
However, I apologise for any concern, frustration, irritation or other feeling you may have had at reading it. I have only felt positive about what I've read of your writing and views.
Take care. Stay safe.
Any investment in "beliefs", either for or against something, is dangerous. When a person experiences something, they know what they experienced, even if they struggle to explain it in words. They just know how it felt. However, that experience, once explained in words, can only ever be a "belief" in the mind of the person who hears the explanation and takes it on board. Belief in something is dangerous. Belief against something that has not been personally experienced is equally dangerous. We can only know that invisible entities and worlds exist when we personally experience them, and even then, words are inadequate to explain the experience, so we tend to use someone else's words. I tend to use the words from Theosophy, or Carlos Castaneda, or used to, when I still tried to put these things in words, but I know that the words are a pale representation of the truth, and aspects of them are designed to be misleading. The lady being savaged for her use of the words such as "reptilian" is clearly using someone else's words - words that have become commonplace - but we can never ever know whether she has or has not experienced something that requires these words or their equivalent.
Believe me, Christine, if I were 'savaging' Dr Ana, I would have raised a plethora of doubts 2 months ago!
I am reacting to her post. Are you going to deny me my right of reply? Especially now that I have pointed out in countless comments on this post, that there is a lot to criticise about Dr Ana's science.
I do not like to see thousands of Substack subscribers taken in by a psy-op and if I see that happening I WILL say so because I am not afraid of your celebrity icons or their entourage of adoring fans.
You're not objecting to her facts, just her beliefs. Beliefs are personal and in no way change facts. I experience a huge level of irritation myself with the American God botherers, because to me, their "beliefs" and "faith" are mind numbingly stupid - their beliefs show they are mind controlled at some level and that is very dangerous. But we are all mind controlled at some level, so we have to forgive belief based lunacy as long as truth can find its own way through. Our world would be a better place free of all beliefs, but frankly, I don't think human beings can live that way. There are aspects of our reality that we cannot perceive with our senses, and those aspects have to be explained, some how. Once we start experiencing "occult" phenomena that don't fit well into our material explanation of reality, we just do the best we can to explain the inexplicable, and our explanations are always inadequate. The best we can do is find a framework that does not interfere with the reality of our 5 senses too much.
Please read the pinned comment.
You have found a way of explaining your life experiences. Ana has found a way of explaining hers. I have found a way of explaining mine. When those experiences fall outside the realm of the 5 known human senses, the best we can do is find our own way of explaining them. I am happy, to some degree with my personal explanations - in that they are the best I have found so far to explain the full scope and depth of my current collection of "otherworldly" experiences. I am happy to explain them to others if asked, but I would never defend the details. Human beings simply lack the sensory awareness to prove these "otherworldly" experiences one way or another. I am sorry my understanding does not suit you and I am sorry that Ana's understanding does not suit you. But every single human being on this planet, even the god botherers, is entitled to understand their own experiences of the ineffable in their own way. Even you. Even me. Even Ana. Even the god botherers, annoying though they are.
How is it that you do not recognise that Dr Ana is a god botherer?
Yes, she seems to be sliding down inside that fundamentalist mind prison that is based on fear. There is every chance that she is impressionable and is being led astray by others. But that will not affect her science which is of this material and intellectual reality and easily proven one way or another. We do take ourselves down a personally dangerous path when we over dramatize our experiences in the invisible realms.. She is possibly in that place now. Our emotions are our sensors in those realms, and our way to bring back data from those realms. It is very hard for us to separate enough from our emotions to keep them operational as sources of data from the invisible realms, rather than to succumb to the drama of them. I personally do not doubt that there are invisible entities interfering with us, and I personally do not doubt that some individuals with influence in our society come under attack from malevolent players via those invisible entities. And I do not doubt that simplistic religious intonations can, in some way, for some reason we don't understand, protect us from those entities. (The Lords Prayer seems to be one such magic spell.) But when we react publicly, we lose our credibility, as you rightly point out, which means that those malevolent players effectively silence us. I worry in the same way for Karen Kingston who has been taken down a very strange pathway indeed - which may by just physical poisoning or may be psychic attack, or may be both.
Personally, I am as careful as I can be to remain aware that my emotions are sensors and I try, not always successfully, to avoid over dramatization. Our awareness and our power comes from our emotions, which is why the eastern traditions try to teach us to read our emotions very carefully rather than become overwhelmed by them. When we lose our awareness of what they are telling us, they manifest as weakness. When we use them as sensors under our control, they give us awareness and strength.
But that is just my cosmology. And for now, I am happy with it.
I have been following Dr Ana for a very long time and I did see her interview with Dr Len Ber. I commented on it there, actually. I said that her experience reminded me of a similar event that happened to Max Igan. Both Dr Ana and Max recounted stories that, as a very experienced herbalist, I immediately recognised as the result of poisoning.
I was poisoned by Freemason's wives in 1997 so I know what extreme poisoning does to a consciousness. It causes fever, hallucinations and in extreme cases projectile vomiting, diarrhoea and death.
Un-natural electro-magnetic radiation, given in a burst can produce similar symptoms. I have experienced that too.
Ever since Dr Ana had that horrible hallucination she has been convinced that disembodied entities stalk this earth. She obviously still hasn't considered that she may have been poisoned or targeted with EMFs.
When I read that post I was shocked. She has given in to all sorts of speculative conspiracy theories which centre around fearmongering usually seen in horror stories by Hollywood about exorcisms and supernatural interference.
She is highly influential on Substack and the comments she received only served to bolster her convictions.
Even if I were the only person on the surface of this earth who challenged her beliefs I would still robustly go ahead and do it. No regrets.
As it happens, if you read the comments on this post, you will see that a lot of people were only waiting for the floodgates to be opened a chink and WHAM out they poured, all grateful for the opportunity to talk more realistically.
Have you actually read the post I am referring to? And the comments there?
Dr Ana Mihalcea has led the charge into raving religious fervour and fear.
She has jumped to some outrageous conclusions about what she is seeing on her slides.
I am only concerned that she is misleading people and to do what? Sell more of her 'cures'??
If you leave any substance to dry on a microscope slide, you will see crystal formations. Some of them are particularly cuboid.
My final point is the most concerning..... even if the crystalline substances are unnatural and suspect, there is no way that Dr Ana can possible discern what they are, nor how they function. We cannot say that these unusual structures are 'self-assembling' nano tech unless we see samples of such kit from manufacturers.
Don't you think that nano-tech might also be very expensive to produce? Trillions of them would have had to be prepared for the vaccines.
NOPE. I am not buying it.
The whole thing stinks of distraction from our real enemies:
The World Crime Syndicates and their unregulated globalist telecoms industry.
I think its worth saying a bit more here . Im very sorry to hear of this experience you had , that you call poisoning at the intent of your partner for whatever reason and the trauma or effects it had for you. I certainly dont know what was given to you. However if it was some form of psychedelics [many types exist] certainly many people have used them and still do even clinically in micro doses by doctors, and had every type of experience imaginable from the most profound and enlightening , to very bad trips .Most would not consider this poisoning. I have never advocated this or by CHOICE done this , but I did have 2 experiences at a very young age like yours where someone thought it funny to spike what I was drinking. I DID NOT HAVE , the unpleasant physical poisoning type effects at all , and actually had a quite extraordinary set of experiences , and definitely windows into other worlds. Its easy to call these hallucinations , but later when I learned to do this intrinsically by moving energy up the ladder to the brain, that there were indeed other dimensional worlds and there are entities in them. All the chemistry to accomplish this in in our brains and bodies , otherwise we would not have receptor sites to uptake such from external sources. These neuro transmitters are how we dream and repair when we sleep. So what is the difference between a hallucination and what we experience in the dream time world? Many have said after having all types of otherworldly experiences , that when coming back to this limited one, that is the hallucination. Not the other way around. But I want to make it very clear I dont advocate taking any psychedelics in a time of 5g , massive mind control technologies, brain and soul hacking, targeted individual attacks, or even massive media subliminal programming and propaganda. We need the clearest and wisest of minds now . SK
Tripping on chemical formulae such as LSD is a reaction to a poison. It is not like dreaming or meditating. Don't forget that the subconscious communicates with the conscious mind via symbols and images. Confucius explained this very clearly. When your mind gives you 'entities' they are figments of the imagination which convey a thoughtform from the subconscious to the conscious mind.
Example: I was invited to join a coven. They gave me a book to study before I committed to anything. I read the first page, a sort of warning on the lines of "all who enter here, be warned". Later that day, I meditated on the matters raised in that book and had one of the clearest visions of an 'entity' that I have ever had.
I saw a massive black spider which dwarfed the solar system. It sucked me in and turned me to a stream of blood. It spat me out at the earth and I hit it, coating it all over evenly. I heard a calm voice say "This is what we do with knowledge!"
I returned to consciousness with my answer.
Secret societies are wrong.
The coven did not appreciate me returning their book and refusing their invitation. There were repercussions..... but that is another story.
Suffice to say that this spider entity was not real. It was my subconscious conjuring up an image which would challenge me deeply and frighten me.
I believe that the subconscious part of our mind may be in touch with the collective consciousness (some call that God) which also communicates via symbols and images.
This last sentence you made ,is the most important one of all ,
"I believe that the subconscious part of our mind may be in touch with the collective consciousness (some call that God) which also communicates via symbols and images."
I would certainly agree with this and take it even farther , it is the mind of the Supreme Mind as we are able to receive it , through the receiving unit we call the brain, and through what has been wrongly called the "reptilian brain" and essentially is somewhat latent and dormant until activated [though Im sure that statement will bring lots of reactions from some .} This is also what our remaining 90% so called junk DNA and 90% supposedly unused brain is for .
You are certainly entitled to your point of view but my guess is that Im the only one here who has ACTUALLY KNOWN her for many years , other family members as well. The elements of her "beliefs" and or what she would call her truth and many other elements of her work and her very sincere efforts to make a difference in this assault on humanity. PREDATE her targeted individual attack she speaks of with Len Ber. So your theory about poisoning or hallucinogenic spiking may not be correct either , though I do understand the possibility of what you say happened to you. I have seen it with others as well . I did challenge some aspects of her article though, and her certainty about divine laws and their workings. I have also LONG argued about the certainty that those dedicated to power and control over others and or what "they believe" is their dedication and worship of evil , must somehow truthfully tell everyone ahead of time their plans. They do seem to "kinda do this " but its insincere . hidden every way possible , they kill the truth tellers , and corrupt all possible to pull it off . It seems pointless to argue about the existence or non existence of these other type entities. Many throughout history have had these experiences without poisoning, and spoken about these other worlds and life forms. These monstrous controllers believe in this , they do worship this , they do these monstrous ceremonies, they do horrible things to others. They have infiltrated all aspects of public life and openly show it and brag about it .It is equally pointless to argue and discuss with religious fanatics who have never even researched their own beliefs history , and are content with formal religious programming.
And you say it’s for her to sell more of her ‘cures’? I’m out of here.
I questioned whether the channel on Substack in its totality is to sell more cures. Every post becomes an advertisement if that is the case.
I don't know if that is what is going on.
She does live blood analysis on people that show nanobots and hydrogel and ribbons, things that were never seen in live blood analysis before, with people who go to her because they’re very sick. And after her supposed ‘cure’ of cleaning the blood with EDTA and Vitamin C infusions, their live blood looks normal and clean again, and they feel well and normal again.
She also does research using various things to find what will help for the long run. I’ve picked up a few things there, like her saying Humic and fulvic acid helps for the hydrogel, Nattokinaise can help get rid of graphene oxide. And listening to the commenters in there someone recommended an MD Naturopath who also does live blood analysis who happens to be near my home. I went to him, my live blood analysis he said looked the best he’s seen in a while. I wonder if it’s because I listened to Ana and take her recommendations.
We need new kind of doctors who try to address the changes being seen in the blood of many people. Why are so many dying with strange white rubbery clots in their veins? Why are so many young people dying suddenly, and having myocarditis? Why did the CDC recently admit 120,000 children died after receiving the Cvd jabs?
You do not need to tell me about Dr Ana's work. I have been observing it as closely as you do. I have come to different conclusions from you because I am a trained health professional and I know how to use a microscope.
A MICROscope cannot see NANO sized objects. Period. Look up the difference between micro and nano. You will begin to understand why I am, sadly, fuming. I don't like it when people like you are deceived.
I am not an expert on microscopes for sure, nor what microscopes she uses, but I cannot believe she fakes or misinterprets that. The pictures and videos speak for themselves.
Mike Adams analysis on vials of the white rubbery clots taken out by an embalmer who said “up to 70% – 80% of the subjects he is embalming show these bizarre clots which are killing people.”
Adams has a certified lab, he used very powerful microscopes on the rubbery clots, on camera showed metals and what looked like some kind of connecting wires/rods inside the blue ribbons: “…..live microscopy examinations of “nanowires” and biostructures of the bizarre clots that are killing people…”
I just read this comment, and realize I am in the wrong place commenting here, so will delete my very recent comment. No one knows another person’s experiences. No one can say another person is hallucinating. You had your own experiences, but you didn’t walk in her shoes in her experience.
And other people see the same things in the blood they’re examing, and people who’ve examined blood in their profession for years before and never saw such things as they and Ana are now seeing and showing us.
I am pointing out that Dr Ana's experience sounds a lot like Max Igan and my experiences when we were poisoned. I wrote to her to say that was a possibility at the time.
As for the things seen in blood my point cannot be refuted. There is no way of knowing what those crystalline structures are unless we have manufactured nanotech with which to compare.
No matter who is finding these things, they can only speculate at this stage.
I am surprised this had not occurred to you Stella.
There is one other rather glaring question to ask.....
How does an ordinary microscope see nano sized items?
They are far too small to be seen with any clarity!
Yes , but whatever they are, how did they get into dental pain killers , Insulin, Contact lens solution animal blood, human blood ,urine why do they act very strange when hit with any form of emf . We may not be able to see nano size but we can see what is happening to the blood.
Years ago, I read vaccine analysis papers from an Italian couple of scientists. They found particles of a wide variety of metals in all the vaccines that they tested. In their conclusion they suggested that the particles could be the result of sloppy manufacturing techniques.
Yes. Her slide magnifications are well above nano-scale. Nano-scale observations require nearly ten times the magnification she lists in articles. She is appearently unaware that "nano" is 0.000000001, or a magnification of 100000000. Jus' sayin'
Dr Ana is aware of the capacities and limitation of these dark field scopes , so am I , I am also working with those with scopes, we are ALL asking what the hell is this stuff , where is it all coming from even in the unvaxxed, why was it never seen until recent years,, and most importantly , how do we get rid of it and are we confirming this with what we CAN see with these scopes.?
Hello Thomas: I realize the cost of scanning electron microscopes boasting higher resolutions are beyond the reach of most laboratories, so there's that... My take on this is that the majority of these contaminants are being aerosal released into the atmosphere. We won't get rid of "it" until we get *rid* of the persons doing the deed...
Body of Evidence Suggests New US Biological Warfront Opening Up | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization >>> https://www.globalresearch.ca/body-of-evidence-suggests-new-us-biological-warfront-opening-up/5626593
None of this is new. Thanks for posting.
Yep. I really did not want to have to point this out. I thought it was obvious and, if I waited patiently, someone else would notice this discrepancy..... but they didn't.
Looks like this post has stirred some passionate discussion. That's good. I've also followed Dr Ana's work for some time, at least since the microscopy work started. Anyone, including her colleagues, would be terrified to see what has been happening to the blood, and this no doubt is traumatizing enough. What someone may believe is just a representation of where they're at on this life journey. After all it is just ideology and if it helps ppl to cope, so be it, regardless how esoteric or far out it may seem. Everyone is responsible for their interpretation of what is presented. It's important to note is that it is difficult as-is to make the masses pay attention to unpleasant but vital aspects of reality, and those who bring up these 'annoying problems' should be supported. The goal is uniting and collaboration, not finding or creating areas of division. Ok, so some believe there are dark entities pulling strings, whatever labels are used, and when you step back and look at what these psychoparasites are doing, in fact what is their main objective and obsession, how can you still call them 'human'? Whatever this THING is, it hates us. Btw, look into the black goo. Maybe there's some connection to black nobs... just a guess, that's all. Cheers
I pursued that line of inquiry a few years ago but I did not find much to corroborate. “If you stumble into this topic for the first time,” says Harald Kautz-Vella, “it is something weird, something strange, something that is not important within the daily life.”
This is the pop culture representation for sci-fi enthusiasts. Luc Besson’s Lucy may be the best kick at the can. More important than what we believe is what the ruling worshipers believe and act on. That's the magic, black or green or purple. What's the outcome for us. Noticed that Lauras substack is gone, what happened?
I haven't seen the film Lucy. I don't watch many fictional videos.
I did not know that Laura had deleted her account on Substack but I am not surprised. She is under the influence of an Israeli podcaster called Shai Danon.
He claims that Substack is an AI controlled site. I tried to persuade her not to trust him and she simply rejected any question of his influence. He had interviewed her, provided her with access to his cloud for storing her power points.
She has an Odysee channel where you can find her video work:
Calm down for just a minute , did you read my comments underneath, I have known her many years , I know her entire back round and where she is coming from. It would be best to hear her interview with Len Ber on his targeted individual substack to fully understand what happened to her and what she experienced , and SURVIVED , and also to understand where a lot of her info is coming from . I do. Its ok for her to have her reality and you yours and everyone get from whoever what they can. She is medically brilliant and has done much, and has successfully treated many people , I too am working on remedies and treatment protocols and we all have gained from her dark field microscope work. She is a serious warrior in this battle . I respect that just as I do all your efforts. I encounter many people just as you have who think your banannas on believing all that Black Nobility "conspiracy stuff",and think the Brit royals are just dandy. I encounter people daily who still think the unholy Roman empire catholic church is their "gods" holy and only truth and true religion.. Dr Ana does understand life is a miracle just as you stated, I assure you. SK
I am perfectly calm thank you. I wrote the post more than 12 hours ago, actually.
I have been following Dr Ana for a very long time and I did see her interview with Dr Len Ber. I commented on it there, actually. I said that her experience reminded me of a similar event that happened to Max Igan. Both Dr Ana and Max recounted stories that, as a very experienced herbalist, I immediately recognised as the result of poisoning.
I was poisoned by Freemason's wives in 1997 so I know what extreme poisoning does to a consciousness. It causes fever, hallucinations and in extreme cases projectile vomiting, diarrhoea and death.
Un-natural electro-magnetic radiation, given in a burst can produce similar symptoms. I have experienced that too.
Ever since Dr Ana had that horrible hallucination she has been convinced that disembodied entities stalk this earth. She obviously still hasn't considered that she may have been poisoned or targeted with EMFs.
When I read that post I was shocked. She has given in to all sorts of speculative conspiracy theories which centre around fearmongering usually seen in horror stories by Hollywood about exorcisms and supernatural interference.
She is highly influential on Substack and the comments she received only served to bolster her convictions.
Even if I were the only person on the surface of this earth who challenged her beliefs I would still robustly go ahead and do it. No regrets.
As it happens, if you read the comments on this post, you will see that a lot of people were only waiting for the floodgates to be opened a chink and WHAM out they poured, all grateful for the opportunity to talk more realistically.
Have you actually read the post I am referring to? And the comments there?
Dr Ana Mihalcea has led the charge into raving religious fervour and fear.
She has jumped to some outrageous conclusions about what she is seeing on her slides.
Look, Thomas, I am only concerned that she is misleading people and to do what? Sell more of her 'cures'??
If you leave any substance to dry on a microscope slide, you will see crystal formations. Some of them are particularly cuboid.
My final point is the most concerning..... even if the crystalline substances are unnatural and suspect, there is no way that Dr Ana can possible discern what they are, nor how they function. We cannot say that these unusual structures are 'self-assembling' nano tech unless we see samples of such kit from manufacturers.
Don't you think that nano-tech might also be very expensive to produce? Trillions of them would have had to be prepared for the vaccines.
NOPE. I am not buying it.
The whole thing stinks of distraction from our real enemies:
The World Crime Syndicates and their unregulated globalist telecoms industry.
So who has been distracted the most, those of us who say "how interesting, I wonder if she is being influenced by the wrong people", and move on to the next time on our agenda, or those of us who fixate on proving her right or wrong? Language used to explain esoteric feelings and experiences can NEVER be validated or disproved EVER. They all have to be left sitting in the in tray, as part of the potential magic of life.
Did you somehow miss what I said about poisoning? I do not think she is being influenced by anyone.
The package of language she has used to explain an invisible phenomenon has been around for many years, so has clearly been framed by someone else. She has picked up this known system for explaining a known set of phenomena and used it to explain her own experiences. So yes, there is some level of influence there. She is part of a "group mind", all the members of which explain their esoteric experiences using the same sets of words (me included). She has tuned into or "borrowed" someone else's words. Whether she knows they are "just words" to explain the non-material is another question.
There is some truth to this .
I somewhat agree. To borrow the words of Lao Tze. A confused man uses many words. Those that know remain silent...
What you may think of as esoteric expression is seen by most as 'conspiracy theory' - using such expressions can only further feed suspicions that anyone questioning the prescribed vaccine narratives is full of woolly, pseudo-religious or extra-terrestrial speculation and not to be taken seriously.
I do not agree to telling lies because people cannot hear the truth. I tell the truth as I know it and take the consequences. (I did take down my website, Reptilians Exposed, not because i was afraid of telling the truth - my truth using language I can use) but because my words were not being understood and I felt the site was doing more harm than good to unstable minds. But that was over 10 years ago and we have moved into new times. I am coming back out of the closet myself because if not now, then when?
Ana is free to put her beliefs to *paper*.
The problem is that she has a lot of influence.
Her microscopy is valuable but her selling a cure makes me suspicious.
She puts a lot of fear out but doesn't respond to commenters' desire for clarification.
Good that you bring the Ana issue up Frances.
I have kept silent for months. But my misgivings were growing until this latest post in which she talks about disembodied malevolent entities... that was fear porn gone overboard. When I read the comments I was shocked. Nobody was challenging all this pseudo religious hysteria.
I needed to say something and fully expected Dr Ana's fan club to kick my arse. They haven't. Maybe they haven't seen this post..... yet.....
Dr. Ana is not doing this for fear porn, it is her truth based on her experience. Our individual experiences are nearly impossible to translate to others. She is also not afraid either , she has had more than one NDE and therefore does not fear death as most do.
Do not twist my words.
I did not say that Dr Ana is creating fear porn deliberately. I genuinely believe she had awful hallucinations and believes she saw disembodied entities. She does not understand that poisoning often causes such experiences - that is what Ayahuasca is all about, isn't it?
I did not say you did someone elses comment stated she was doing fear porn , which I know is not what she is about, she is just very passionate about what she sees as an extinction level threat to real humans. The oldest spiritual tradition and practices can be called Shamanism. known to be at least 75,000 years in use . That is all about the unseen worlds, entities , influences and dealing with them , by those who were trained or gifted to see into these worlds and understand them and work with them.
I am fully aware of Shamanism, thanks. I am a trained Herbalist and the history of my practice was my particular interest. I know, from personal experience, that seeing unseen worlds and entities can be very realistic and frightening if one suffers from a fever or poisoning. One of the worst events I had was when I was in my late 20s and my drink was spiked. My husband appeared to grow huge in size and looked exactly like the standard image for Satan. He had no idea that I was experiencing hallucinations and became very confused when I ran away from him at speed. I went to the beach and the sand appeared to be a carpet of rough cut and rare jewels. The sea was like liquid mercury and I was afraid of it. It took all night to wear off and I suffered shocking diarrhoea and sickness as my body tried its best to rid me of the toxin I had ingested.
I had to strip, wash all my clothes and self in the public toilets on the seafront of my home town. I walked home in a wet dress and I was convinced that every person who saw me thought I was crazy.
I found out later that it was my own husband who had spiked my drink 'for a laugh', he said..... I told him that poisoning his own wife was a stupid thing to do because from now on, he would be wise to wonder what I was putting in his meals.
The image of Satan was so intense that night.... my relationship with my husband was destroyed. I could not make love with him again.
So you see - I know VERY WELL what poisoning can do to the mind and emotions. It ruined my marriage. A stupid stunt for a laugh....
I never found out what it was that was put in my drink but I did discover who it was who provided my husband with the muck.
I never spoke to that person again without spite.
Another time I was poisoned by Freemason wives who were intent upon killing me outright and very nearly succeeded. I chelated and healed using Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which resulted in them being stunned to see me recovered a year later. But it did take a full year of weight loss and pain to recover from that.
Wanna hear more about hallucinations? Man, I have a lot more to tell..... but I will let you see the parallels and the impacts on mental health that can result from such a trauma.
So now you know. Dr Ana showed all the signs of extreme poisoning and still does. THAT is why I was so motivated to raise the matter, even though I knew that very few people would ever understand the severity of the impact I was witnessing in her evangelism and imaginings.
“There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
No kidding? More nutters than I care to meet too! 😉