Hi @Frances Leader are you familiar with Cal Washington and his "Inpower" movement that started in Canada/US and has spread through the UK Europe and Even down here down under? They are going Smart meters., forced vaccination, 5G, and geological warfare-I just had a look and they are at this moment starting the movement to attack 5G (which is a hell of a lot further forward than they are here but to be honest I think it's more of a problem over in the UK than it is here as well), if you are not familiar with him or his movement I would recommend having a look, I'm sure you're aware of tacit agreements, and how the telecommunications companies use these to put all these towers up-well the Inpower movement is essentially serving a notice of liability on the individual(s) at the head of these organisations and making them personally liable for millions of dollars due to fraudulently implementing all of this stuff without full disclosure. It has had (and is continuing to have) massive success in the US and before anybody shoots me down in flames, the American law system is ultimately the same one as the UK, the only difference is the little "nation specific" add ons that have been applied (anyone working in the legal profession in the US still has to be a member of the "Association of the bar" which itself has to be endorsed/approved/a member of the Bar in London, so it all comes back to the city of London). We are all subject to merchant law as I'm sure you yourself are aware and his movement is one that is probably the only one I can think of that is actually succeeding in everything they take on!

All of these issues are big ones unfortunately the whole problem with 5G isn't limited to Cellphone towers as you know-they have put it in streetlights, we have dual band Wifi modems using it, cellphones using it (although with most cell phones you can deactivate it-have a look on the Internet for your individual phone Anyone reading this), And God knows what else they have put 5G transmitters in-We have a shopping centre about an hour from where I live and the minute I get within eyesight of the cell phone tower behind the shopping centre The infotainment system in my car locks up and goes into a perpetual boot loop that takes about 3 to 5 minutes each time, and it doesn't stop doing this until I am well and truly away from the shopping centre. we have a 5G antenna just down the road from me and that doesn't even bother my car at all so I can only assume the power level of the signal at the shopping centre is so high that it is done on purpose to have an effect on as many people as possible. my friend has told me his milk tanker driving down the same piece of road during the day has the computer that tells him the truck is crossing the centre line of the road go crazy even though he's not anywhere near the centre of the road, when he comes past at night he doesn't have the same problem. In that city here in NZ (Tauranga) it doesn't seem to matter which 5G antenna you go near, the cars entertainment system just goes berserk and after talking to a number of people it's not just mine, I know a number of people over there who live there and have told me the same thing, likewise the local Ford dealership have told me they have had numerous people complaining of the exact problem I have when they are anywhere near that city but nobody has been able to put their finger on exactly what it is until I told them earlier this year exactly what it was. Anyway, I've got a little off track here, the point I was really wanting to convey was that they only install all of this by tacit agreement and once you realise this you can do something about it if you go about it the right way and that's where organisations such as "inpower.org" come into play. Yes, they charge a small fee but it is well worth the money when you look at some of these people who are doing similar things and charging US$1000 a time and there is no follow-up or ongoing support.

Just something to think about for anyone reading this . If they want to know more about Cal Washington I would very strongly recommend watching this YouTube video:


Keep up the good work Frances👍

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When the UK Protectors were defending against fracking, we sent Notices of Liability to every politician in our two Parliaments. Shortly after that there were a couple of very minor earthquakes near the drilled wells in Lancashire. The government closed fracking down with a moratorium and they have been very quiet ever since.

We followed our action up with well publicised radio disclosures detailing the evidence we have for radioactivity in the oil and gas industry. No further drilling licences were issued.

You can hear my discussions of this (and other matters) with Richie Allen here:


The Richie Allen Show - Thursday November 1st 2018 [2nd hour]


Evidence file: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/oil-and-gas-wells-are-radioactive


The Richie Allen Show - Wednesday April 17th 2019 [2nd hour]



The Richie Allen Radio Show - Tuesday October 15th 2019 [2nd hour]


It is very important to have solid research and evidence attached to the Notices of Liability. One thing I will warn you - the politicians will not respond, they cannot. They dare not. They will act as though the Notice of Liability has no impact upon them BUT, believe me, there is NOTHING which puts the wind up poorly informed politicians more than a thoroughly informed public.

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I will definitely have a listen to your Linked interviews and also Say that the very same response from politicians, etc Is exactly what Cal Washington And his Inpower Movement are getting back basically-He said in many interviews, how These politicians and courts etc. Will try to tell you that it's all a load of rubbish and has no jurisdiction etc. Etc But they won't and don't actually do anything other than run when you make them solely liable for everything That you are serving the notice of liability for. I recently watched a video on Rumble from Maricopa County in Arizona where A lady by the name of Mikki Klann (you've probably heard of her. I'm guessing going by your own experiences) Recently went after The school board and served all nine of the members Of the board and essentially had them individually liable for no less than $1.7 million PER SIGNATURE On each Document served to each individual board member if they did not vacate there fraudulently acquired seat on the board within three days and boy you should have seen them run lol.

I can see how a lot of people get in trouble for fraud trying to use some of these processes as well, There's a lot of people who are only interested in getting their hands on the money that is in the "Cestui que vie" Trust that has been created in the name of their "Strawman" And they don't do their homework and end up In a real mess So it is extremely important that people properly comprehend what it is they are doing and why and how they do it, Which is why I would recommend an organisation like what Cal Washington has set up-They won't even let him near a court room anymore in Canada. They are that afraid of him, A number of politicians have quit their position As a result of a number of his notices that he served and I think it's great he has expanded it to encompass the world and educate as many as possible. One thing he makes clear is that if people are only interested in money then his organisation is not for them As they are looking at things that benefit humanity in the wider context And not just getting people a big payday as it were. I have found myself my whole life (And remember, I was unfortunate enough to come back this time and be pretty much smack bang in between GCHQ and RAF Fairford (was a US Nuclear bomber base at the time), I know now why I had to be there while I was and I am extremely glad to be as far away as humanly possible now has to be said. Whilst I will never return again to the UK (I did once 24 years ago and I couldn't wait to get away from the place), I do have a few friends there still I genuinely hope that people wake up over there sooner rather than later-that said I did StumbleUpon a video over the weekend of somebody on the phone to DVLA regarding The actual ownership of his car (Because as you know, The "V5" Over there clearly States "The registered keeper is not necessarily the legal owner" ) Anyway, long story short the guy at DVLA essentially admitted it is all fraudulent what they are doing but as usual because people don't know they go along with the system, The guy said he was going to take the car dealership to court for lack of full disclosure when he bought his car and "Cause of Harm" By way of DVLA essentially making him "Lease" His own car from them etc.

It's true when they say "Once you see you cannot unsee" as you well know👍

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Doctors never treat the causes of any illness .. they lay that responsibility on the suffering.. they only treat the symptoms… because that ensures continuity of income.

The telecommunications industry has the same health controllers as the pharmaceutical.. often beginning at policy makers behests.. lobby and pay those to curry favour… once your foot is in the door.. you can tweak things without anyone noticing… the basic strength of 5g output is being uprated slowly.. with more and more evidence to show it is a threat to life.. bee population is an all time low…birds will not nest near a 5g tower… animals held in fields next to 5g mobile masts getting fast growing tumours.. and meanwhile the gaslighting keeps everyone from joining all the dots… welcome to end of civilisation.

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Dear Mrs. Leader,

you are really doing a great work!! I'm very sorry that it has affected your health so much, as well as all the other people affected - the criminal thing about the denial of these facts by the majority of various so-called "scientists", doctors, politicians etc. is the fact that they must actually all know it and very probably do, as this health-damaging phenomenon has been investigated for years, but the profit (shares, investments, blood money etc.), which is more important to most than people's health, turns them all into criminals.... and that is deeply despicable!!! I sincerely wish you, your family and everyone here all the best!!!

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Hey Frances, just watching latest Sheep Farm Matrix video. Binged watched them all actually. Worth it. 20 minutes in to this one. Enjoy.

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Absolutely. Here's an anecdote from California, along the north coastal redwoods, on the edge of Pacific. Where there is no cell service.

To a person, everyone who comes up to visit remarks about how long and how deeply they sleep, from the first night, becoming more restful each following sleep cycle/night of rest.

And those who remark on it tell me how hard it sleep, after returning back home.

I am no longer comfortable in the city, either. Not just the continual buzz and upheaval caused by EMF, the compliance and nastiness of some 'believers,' who insisted on compliance of all, rendered the balance of the population into a terrified mob.

I've never minded being numbered among the sheep, but you lemmings scare the shit out of me.

Although if you've read this far, you are obviously an ally.

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Dear Frances . . . check out inpowermovement.com Its based in Canada, but folk working with it around the world. It has caused many leaders/useful idiots to step down . . . and has a rather slow but effective use of NOL, Notice Of Liability that all people should know how to use to control rogue leaders/useful idiots without bloodshed.

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Thanks for the link! I have used NOLs in previous campaigns and I know they are very effective.

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DITTO, DITTO, DITTO, DITTO, ad infinitum...

I realized not that long ago, that when the first cell phone towers went up in I think 1996 or 7, I REMEMBER HAVING HEART PALPITATIONS. I remember where I was, what furniture I was on, the house I was in, and my mom freaking out and asking me if I were on DRUGS.

I wasn't.

I felt like shit, tho.

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Glad I have discovered your vast and comprehensive writings on the ongoing assault to our health and well-being. Sometimes I think my entire healthcare history is one long psyop. From chronic fatigue syndrome starting as a teenager to an AIDS diagnosis in 1985 to a recently diagnosed pituitary deficiency likely caused from the jab. My current doctor in the public health sector of the American healthcare system does little to alleviate my concern that I am a specimen being studied under the microscope. At age 62 I always seem to bounce back that would be more slowly each time I'm still here striking out to a world of an ever increasing number of fellow sufferers. Knowledge and understanding would seem to be our greatest weapons. Now we have to suffer yet another barrage of insults in the form of censorship, and,authoritarianism micro-targeted at the level of the individual and financed by a deep-state pharmaceutical partnership. It is often tempting to give up after being overwhelmed by frustration and anger, and yet after all of this we are still here.

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To follow Mrs Leader’s advice sounds Right and True; implementing this transition away from all these EMF radiation emitters is a daunting task

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Congrats on being alive and now being INFORMED!

Glad you could join us. ^_^

Once we understand what's hurting us, we can start helping ourselves, at least to some degree... I think you are far from alone in having this experience of "awakening."

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Its so obvious. And it is too them as well. Zerohedge has this up today, that in the US the test results were so bad tht they stopped testing after 3G. They quit testing with 3G!!


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They know what they're doing. That's what makes me and plenty of others so ANGRY. There will be a tipping point.

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Frances you got it going on! I appreciate your frustration... I have been warning my children and friends for at least 5yrs. You think you have finally gotten thru then you see them wearing an IWatch..!! All we can do is keep bashing! Some are waking up.. Your publications are very important... Keep Swimming and keep writing!

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TYVM Frances for hammering this issue. You, @romansshapoval and @arthurfirstenberg are my go-to voices on this topic.

Also, thanx for the unintentional smile you caused with this: "folk medicine and old remedies that our grannies would have used a hundred years ago"

WE are the grands of the average person alive today!!! 🤣😂😃

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I am a great grannie now! But my grandparents were all born around 1905/10 and they depended on old remedies. The NHS in UK didn't get going until 1948. Before that, most Londoners never could afford to consult a doctor and had their own ideas, passed down from their grandparents. As a consequence I was given cod liver oil, syrup of figs and castor oil routinely as a nipper. My mum used to get marrow bones from the butcher and boil the innards out of them as a basis for stews and gravies. Our butcher used to call me his Marrowbone Kid! The only time I remember being seen by a doctor was when I contracted Scarlet fever in 1955 because I had been playing in the bottom of bomb craters.... my Gran treated me with her home made rosehip syrup until the fever broke and everyone told me over and over how lucky I was to have such a wise grandmother because lots of other kids had died with that illness.


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My parents were born in 1919, and my grands were born 1873 + - 4. Unfortunately, my parents seem not to have had any of that 'received wisdom,' hence my self-identification as a 19th Century Refugee 😉 https://cheapthoughts.substack.com/about

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I have misgivings about Shapoval. I am wary.

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I'm glad you do Herder. Why don't you unsubscribe then? I'm trying to help people, and don't have time to be publicly lambasted. You have something to say, you can say it to me via email than throw around libel at every whim.

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I donut HAVE your email. And belittling my concern to a "whim" is sounding a bit flustery and upset. You say you're trying to help people... So am I. Lambasted? You know good and well I didn't "lambast" you, Roman. I think you are being cowardly here, and doing what some other folks seem to need to do, and that is to shut me down. If you can't handle criticism-- like bringing on a "virus" advocate-- then why are you doing a PUBLIC PAGE on SS? Curious behavior!

I have not said anything about "libel." And I really can't see how people's health issues or talking about them is a "whim."

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Please list your misgivings for us all.

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Subtle things, but obvious, as well, such as having a doctor "Kruse" I think his name is, that is talking about viruses... Uh, I'm so far beyond that now that I am still surprised to hear other people propagating that concept. It's just mythology, as far as I can see. There are other little irksome things, too, but I think the virus nonsense is enough to throw the switch... He did say something, too, about how the Earth's own frequency is somehow "bad" in some places, which he later revised as being disturbed by other things... I dunno, he's sketchy, and maybe he just doesn't understand too well. I will never think the Earth's own frequency would be BAD in any way, but yes, it could well be disturbed by other frequencies...

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I am put off by the salesmanship that is associated with every post and the fact that Arthur Firstenberg does not produce his own page here - that is Roman Shapoval simply copy/pasting Arthur's regular website newsletter. Then he likes people's comments as Arthur.... even his own! I find that particularly tacky. Running 6-week courses which mean that 1) you have to pay to subscribe and then 2) pay for the course. It is all about how much money can be sucked out of the readers and that just irks the hell outta me. PLUS there is no sign of correlating Covid and 5G roll out! This strikes me as a controlled opposition tactic more than an error of omission.

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I am a writer and a health advocate who would like to make this job his career. I work for $. Courses that take over 200 hours to be created get charged for. Rates are going up too.

My article on how flus are related to 5G:


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I would never discredit you publicly Frances. Shame on you.

Arthur sent me the email you sent him, accusing me of being an imposter. Did you not get Arthur's email telling you that he knows that I run his Substack?

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Naughty! I did not use the word imposter. I asked if he was aware of you creating a page in his name. DO NOT try to imply that I cast any aspersions I SIMPLY ASKED ARTHUR A QUESTION. You see? More unpleasantness, more twisting of the facts, more doubts in my mind.

Yes, I received AN EMAIL purporting to be from Arthur Firstenberg. It was too curt and short. I thought it came from you. Do you manage ALL his social media AND his email account?

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Frances, I hate to say this- but you are incorrect.

1- you do not have to be a paying subscriber for my Substack. All content is free. Should I offer a course that took me over 200 hours to create for free?

2- Arthur sent me the email you sent him. All you did was worry and cause a man in pain further pain, by telling him that I am "mirroring" him.

Did you NOT get my email, and Arthur's email as well, explicitly telling you that I am helping him with his Substack and social media presence?

Arthur gave me express permission to engage on his behalf. What don't you understand?

Why is everyone controlled opposition?

I am honored you are calling me that btw.

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1 - My research represents tens of thousands of hours and spans EIGHT YEARS Roman. AND IT IS ENTIRELY FREE TO ALL MY READERS.

2 - How do I know that you do not 'manage' Arthur's emails? Mirroring is a common term used when one writer copies and pastes another writer's work. People mirror me all the time.... I do not get my knickers in a knot.

3 - I did receive some communications which were offensively curt. I presumed that you had intercepted my email and Arthur has not seen anything from me. This was why I ignored them.

4 - I see no evidence that Arthur gave you permission to engage on his behalf. That is my understanding.

5 - Everyone is NOT controlled opposition. Only people who behave in a competitive and sketchy way. Especially those who are always milking the enquiring public. I did not say you are controlled opposition. I am always careful about wording. I wrote "PLUS there is no sign of correlating Covid and 5G roll out! This strikes me as a controlled opposition tactic more than an error of omission." A tactic..... is not a person.

6 - You are a barefaced LIAR. You are far from honoured. You are totally angry, any fool can see that from your hysteria in this thread.

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Indeed, I agree...

And right at the top of his page it says something like, all posts and podcasts are free.

ARE they? I donut fink so.

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They are all Free herder. Take a look.

Not everyone is controlled opposition.

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And I see what I'm doing by QUESTIONING you (are we not allowed to question your science, either?) is also HELPING OTHERS, and you can ban me, if you want to stop any QUESTIONING of what you say. Of course, I can QUESTION you on MY page, too.

If you are so upstanding, m'dear, then why not simply ADDRESS the questions, the issues, and stop whining about being challenged. This is part of adult interaction, particularly NOW... Doncha think?

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Agree! Especially when hearing from people who are using and practicing homeopathy. They think homoepathy can cure anything. Non-native EMF's are an environmental toxin. The only cure is avoidance. Even Samuel Hahnemann, creator of modern homeopathy, (The Law of Similars was first observed by Hippocrates) recognized "Obstacles to Cure". Radiation is defitiely an "Obstacle to Cure". I recently took the plunge and hired a building biologist to take measurements in my home and help me mitigate exposure. Wifi and dirty electricity are huge problems. My Husband is a wifi junkie, even though my house is hardwired....He can't live without his phone 24/7. He is gone for the week and I turned off the wifi, the dogs aren't licking and scratching and my one who kept going lame is fine now.

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So sorry. Stand up for your dogs!

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Our pets are the 'canary in the coal mine.'

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And so am I... Well, I AM a dog, after all. lol

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Dr Dietrich Klinghardt was a guide to heal my wife from Lyme Disease. EMFs were the first thing that HAD to be addressed. He has offices in the UK.


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Klinghardt is an inspiration of mine:


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I've seen a video before of a battery applied to a fluff of steel wool. The effect was instantaneous. The words included "Electricity burns iron." But today a light came on. "Fortified Iron" in every food source that has been processed. Microwave radiation would be the battery source. The "fortified iron" would be the catalyst.

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I believe heavy metals play a significant part in all of this.

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They're sprayed over us almost daily... Dual purpose, weather control AND giving us a nice dose of toxins to inhale... grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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As long as we continue to push and grow in our fervor for EMF mitigation it will eventually catch on. But getting the info out in subtle ways can help to.

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I hope so.

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