Jul 20Liked by Frances Leader

Adding to the comments a point of interest concerning Organite. Any one considering buying it (or already has done so), take a gander at ...


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Epic of Gilgamesh 12 k years Cataclysm Demon War. Maharbrata Noah event Revelation 6 k years Cataclysm Demon War. Hopi Prophecy 3 k years Cataclysm Demon War. Viking Ragnarok 1.5 k years Cataclysm Demon War. Do We See the Pattern Yet 🤦‍♂️

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What is this 'demon war' supposed to be? How does it relate to 5G?

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I’ll try and keep it simple my understanding all the nasties dwell within the EMF spectrum + the magnetic pole shift + 5G is a nasty concoction. As for demons they can be human’s transformed ( emf mind control ) or some thing from the unknown ( paraelle dimensions - emf portals - X points ) I feel it wouldn’t crop up so many times in our histories without there being some truth to it.

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Plus about 90 percent of food sold is irradiated. But very few talk about the increase in all natural energies and radiations. With the weakening magnetosphere it may become a major issue. And the reason it may not be discussed is because the is no cure for it ( which would stop massive funding ) Historical evidence for this is the extinction of neanderthals and why our ancestors became cave dwelling and the explosion of cave art about 42,000 years ago ( aka ) the Laschamp event ( magnetic excursion ) where between 65 to 95 percent of life went Bye-Bye.

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Well said, Dave. There is so much more to radiation than we dare to even think about….. but YOU DO. xx

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@Frances Leader https://archive.org/details/michael-persinger-the-paranormal-patterns I guess you know why the other name for electromagnetic X points is PORTALS ( we’ll have WYRM sign the likes only GOD has seen ) ( black swans & dragon kings )

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Jun 23Liked by Frances Leader

THANK YOU, I’ve been looking for something like this. Onwards and Forwards to another sleepless night😜!

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

FOE, my dear, my female dear...

Ray, diation is no fun

Me, I'm fried, I call myself

Fa, a long long way to burn

So, a needle in the red

La, a node to feel on my head

Ti, a drink before I'm dead,

That will bring us back to Doh!

NOW we're cookin.'

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Brilliant! We need a singer to record that!

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Jun 23Liked by Frances Leader

I yam a singer, but all I have is a little vocal mic and a guitar amp, LOL.

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Thanks for sharing this, Frances. Will be linking it today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ as I have always tried to link current articles and videos on the dangers of 5G over the past 8 years!!!

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

Love Cece. Did not know she had done this documentary. She works around the clock for all of us but especially the children. She'll host a talk anywhere she's asked.

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

Wow Frances. Just what I needed to send on to my nieces/nephews. I've given up on my siblings but the young ones - supposedly the dumbed down generations - are fast catching on, like at warp speed. I have faith in them.

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

Me, too!

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

You lost interest, because you could have written, probably even better, but what it has going for it is it's really video to send to your over 40 crowd of ostriches. I know at least 50 people i can send it too, and there's a good chance that it might open their eyes, or spark something in them so clouds can clear out. It's not condescending in anyway, and it's all about common sense. Which allot of people will appreciate.

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

This was very very good. They gave some good imagery that people can equate it too, like smoking. This video will sit well with the over 40 crowd, and that's part of my issue with it. I was hoping for a little more pace, more like Instagram/TikTok. Now I sent it off to my son's who are 24 and 20, I'm curious to hear what they have to say. I feel the pace of the pace will not keep younger generation's attention. It's the younger generation's I'm most concerned about.

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I lost interest because of the slowness and it annoyed me that I was being addressed as if I know nothing. I confess I stopped about halfway through, meaning to return later….. but didn’t.

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

That's the thing, tho, isn't it? So many people KNOW NOTHING.

Thanks to the magnificent efforts of the Nasties and their minions, who make plenty of DO RE MI.

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Yeah. I went back to it and listened some more. I don't like the music in the background. We can do better. So I contacted Jerm Warfare and asked him if I could do a follow up interview quickly about EMFs. The style of delivery needs far more PUNCH..... more urgency. That is my opinion anyway.

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Jun 24Liked by Frances Leader

The friggin' piano music annoyed the hell outta me; couldn't listen. Whenever video's put poor quality background music, it ruins the message.

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Jun 23Liked by Frances Leader

I think a follow up about EMF's would be JUST THE THING. People really are pretty much utterly clueless. "Safe and effective!!!" We saw how that went. And of course, 5G is NECESSARY for faster gaming. jfc

I will say this, too>>> I'm being attacked REGULARLY on SS, like NEVER BEFORE. By trolls. And they are MEAN. I'm feeling like I need to do SOMETHING about this, but not sure just what yet.

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I have noticed since the start of 2024 a hightend of type material in all forms of media from video games to sport and tv and movies. Most tv is a mix of quiz shows sports war films ( stealth war films ) ( westerns ) and ( UN ) reality tv of people shouting. Mind you did watch a good film titled TRACKER ( 2011 ) Ray Winstone . So I uploaded it to my archive ( dot ) Org page.

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What? No link? If you liked it I wanna lick!

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Now this one is the really shit one. X points of the lithosphere ( earth surface ) co-inside with low viscosity magma points prime places for crustal heaving displacement and shift. It is unknown ate the moment if there is any coupling between the space and earth X points or if there is any amplification.

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Electromagnetic X points is space. There is no map or maps showing their positions in space because NASA hasn’t got it’s finger out or is being paid to keep mum.

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ps I’ve worked out the ERGS & COULOMBS of a triple event of the Galactic Current Sheet + Galactic Super Wave + Solar Micro Nova ( Ball Park Figures )

ERGS - 814 to the 276th power

COULOMB - 325 to the 303rd power


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then there was Food Chain Reaction exercise in 2010 US https://rumble.com/v5399h8.

And 7 NHS GOV PHE exercises 2016 - 2018

Alice - MERS ( unnamed ) Ebola -Northern Lights ???

Typhoon ??? ( unnamed ) High Consequence Infectious Disease- Cerberus ???- Pica - Influenza.

These were all made public - What wasn’t was the debriefing from them all - I have the pdfs but no links.

We know how it is with Governmental - say one thing - means something compeletly different.

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Oh Fran your so demanding 🤣

https://youtu.be/ksDEYNR-RlU start listening at 5 hours 55 minutes.


https://ojs.ukscip.com/index.php/ptnd/article/view/221/198 WE’RE - SCREWED

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When smartphones were introduced, I began to notice people, myself included starting to experience headaches more frequently than before. My case in particular I started getting sharp pain behind my right eye. I started to forget things, people’s names, appointments and so forth. I began losing my balance and would fall every now and then. Then on 4/30/2019 I experienced a life threatening grand mal seizure. I was transported to hospital where they ran a battery of tests and discovered that I had a 2 inch brain tumor behind my right eye. I underwent a six hour craniotomy to remove the tumor. I also had to do 29 months of intense physical and occupational therapy. Thank God I made a complete recovery. It just makes me wonder if the EMF emitted by my cellphone had any connection to the brain tumor?

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

I vote yes. Glad you're okay now!

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While in medical school I had a classmate who was always up to date on the latest tech gadgets. He could regularly be seen wearing some of the original earpieces that allowed hands free communication while on one's mobile phone. They would clip onto his ear or what have you. He wound up with a glioblastoma, an aggressive one, and passed in 2020. When I learned of his passing I immediately recalled his habits and it of course left me speculating that it was the cause of his death.

Thank you for sharing your history with us here. It is important people gain awareness of this.

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

Sad. A victim, because they don't tell us this, do they.

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Jun 24Liked by Frances Leader

I have known that wireless ear-buds can cause brain cancer and I'm not a fan of cell phones (I hate them, but use occassionally to text the ones that no longer talk); "They" have studies concerning the radiation/brain connection. I do love to read aLOT on everything/anything I'm curious about, so it's info I "found" by reading so much and I find that one thing leads to another in my quest for knowledge.

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Hey, right on. ^_^

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I share my story with others in hopes of bringing awareness to the death and destruction caused by EMF exposure

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

Exposure slows down our ability to heal, protect, as it destroys DNA and more. It causes acidification in the body and cancer loves acid as do parasites. The horror eugenicists of old and new are obsessed with the topic of radiation.

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

Maybe they should have some personal "education"!

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Wow! What a shocking experience. I am so glad you survived that enough to be able to tell us about it. I have never owned a smart device of any kind because when I came back to UK from rural Spain, where I had been living off-grid, I was instantly sickened. At first I thought it was just depression but it was more profound than that. My brain seemed to be on slow-mo all the time. It took me more than a year to adjust to the electro-magnetic radiation and I would not say that I have ever regained my former sharpness and health.

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Dear Frances, If you would kindly tell me (us) where in Spain is free of EMF's? A friend is considering a move there, somewhere in the North of Spain, and I may be following...if I only knew where.

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If anywhere will be free of EMFs it will be the mountain ranges but even they are bombarded with satellite radiation. I am so sorry, there are fewer and fewer spots where we can get peace from this assault. We have no choice, we have to STOP THEM.

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Thank you Frances for your reply and all that you do, it's so inspiring. Yes, it's all true...the satellite installations, the chemtrails, etc, etc. No place is free of EMF's etc, and no place to hide, just some better than others. I think most people who do understand this war on humanity ask the same question....how can we stop them. My understanding is to raise one's frequency. Being a long time meditator I do get this works as a means of protection. But, what else can we do?

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Until we physically stop them I have no choice but to wear EMF Protection clothing:


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In your research, have you found high quality shungite to work well?

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Jun 22Liked by Frances Leader

I live very near a Ham Radio set up. I feel like I'm COOKING. And I YAM.

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