It is winter solstice today! It is known as Imbolc to the Druids and this year the weather is unusually warm with high winds and very thick clouds which parted briefly around 4pm. I couldn't believe it when my son spotted four planes chemtrailing above the clouds at great speed to close the gap! What is it that we are not being permitted to see?

Meanwhile Iceland has a 3.5 mile long fissure spewing magma and smoke in plumes.

Two major CMEs have hit the planet over the last few days and, as usual I have Medusa hair (static in the aerials! lol) but this time I don't have the burning feet. Such a relief!

Our Christmas food shopping arrived - £250 (the most I have ever spent on food in one shop) so our cupboards and fridge are bulging with enough to last us for all of the upcoming holidays which start for us today.

The light begins to return from 24th onwards and lets hope we get a break from this thick cloud cover. It has been months since we had a clear day/night.

My son and I are struggling to keep regular hours. We are generally awake all night and sleeping from 6am to midday-ish. He thinks that the EMF interference is less at night, as people are sleeping rather than using their phones. He has been using our Electrosmog detector to prove his theory and so far it looks like he is right. However, the sun could be responsible for the uptick in EMFs during the day.

It is so hard to know, isn't it?

In general my son is spending a lot more time with me, chatting, joking and generally explaining his feelings without getting angry. However, his relationship with his Indonesian girlfriend is like a yoyo. It is on and off every other day! I think she is cooling off him since he has discovered that going to Indonesia is not as easy as he hoped. Bringing her to live here is out of the question because he must show that he has been earning a very high salary for at least a year and with short term contracts, that has not been the case. Otherwise he could just go for a short break.... maybe.

Anyway, all is well as we approach the New Year. Let's hope that 2024 will bring some peace and sanity to the world. We certainly could do with an end to all the constant fear porn, couldn't we?

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My son has finally fully recovered. After 6 months of hell simply because he drove around the M25 to visit some friends..... would you ever believe such a thing?

I am very glad to say that his humour is restored, he is regaining weight and taking an interest in me and the home again.

By pure luck the steering on his car failed and he had to scrap it. There will be no more driving around in 5G infested UK..... not for a while at least.

He says he prefers to walk and is considering getting a bicycle for exercise. That is my son NORMAL again..... thank goodness!

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My son seems to have realised that something was very wrong with him! He spent yesterday investigating EMF leakages from his equipment and found plenty. He has now disabled the aerials within his laptop and computer, reducing the radiation in his bedroom. He is already a lot more like his normal self! However he is still getting very upset with his Indonesia honey.... not sure what she is playing at, but from the little I can hear, she is making him jealous by chatting up other guys online.

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may we please have a tutorial on how to do these things? This is very important

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My son is an electronics engineer and a software coder. Everything he says is Vogon Poetry to me. He always talks about disabling bluetooth and wifi but I don't watch him doing it. It involves taking his equipment to bits and identifying the offending chips and aerials. How he goes about removing or disabling them varies from model to model. He always does it because he is very aware of the electro-magnetic radiation that can radically damage our health. He 'fixed' my laptop before he let me use it.

He did the same with the router so we now have cables running into our rooms.

If you want to do the same the first thing you need to do is get your router hard wired to a landline. Then try switching off the wifi and blue tooth in your devices and hard wire them to the router. That is the best I can suggest..... or you could find an electronics engineer and ask them to do it for you, I suppose.

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Oh yes. That much I have done. All my devices use LAN/Ethernet cables and I have switched off the Wi-Fi on the routers, as you say. So everything is wired.

The things I bought are for such purpose are devices like TP-Link TL-PA717 KIT 1-Port Gigabit Powerline.

However, I do not know what he means by disabling chips & aerials !

If...if...you ever had enough time you could do an audio podcast for us all with your son explaining how to do it. After all you are an influencer and it will do good to so many people !

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UPDATE! Friday, 17th Nov

This morning I got woken by the shouting AGAIN - he seems to be getting wound up by this Indonesia woman. I am thinking that she is a wrongun.

For instance: He tells me that she is a 38 year old virgin but she has sent him several photos which he doesn’t want me to see. “Why not?” I asked, “Is she naked or something?” He doesn’t answer me, just scrambles to conceal his screen. She is wearing a hijab in the only photo I have seen. She is a muslim. My spidey sense is triggered. He was raging this morning because she was ignoring him and chatting to others! She is making him jealous and stressed until he starts freaking out…. of course, this creates tension HERE for ME. She just swans off into cyberspace, job done styly.

Something is deffo weird about this situation.

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time to dump the impostor that used to be your boy

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UPDATE! Saturday, 18th Nov

Woken by my son shouting and swearing - this time at the computer. When I said "You have GOT to stop waking me up shouting and swearing!" Guess what he said?

"I am not shouting! I am raising my voice!" - WTF is the difference?

Then he marched into the kitchen, shut the door and made himself a cup of tea. Nothing for me.....?? Who IS this guy?

3pm - Now I am getting very concerned about his safety. He had arranged to help a friend by checking over a car that the friend wanted to buy. My son is very good with car mechanics etc. On the way, the power assisted steering on his own car failed and my son was very lucky to control the vehicle and get it to a garage he knows nearby. He had to walk home, across country heathland, several miles. What if that had happened at high speed on a motorway? I just dread to think!

I didn't say anything to my son, but I suspect sabotage.... (too right I am paranoid!) There has been far too much weirdness going on in our previously peaceful hermitage!

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Nov 18, 2023
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Yeah! I am very curious to see what the mechanic discovers when he looks at the car on Monday.

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Belts like in power steering are prone to wear so replace them every 3-4years and they would also seem easy to sabotage. Courage and a suspicion for sabotage with vigilance is in order. Give the car a brief survey to look for signs of tampering prior to use if left in public place unattended.

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Apparently the costs of fixing the steering is so high that my son is scrapping his car! I tried to question him about the issue and maybe suggest a second opinion but he got angry and stormed off slamming his door. I really cannot speak to him about anything any more.

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This video is 6 years old now but provides a surprising solution for electro-magnetic sensitivity.

Lookoutfercharlie tells us that our bodies are hosting a GMO fungal infection which forms a mostly invisible gluey surface on our skin and in our digestive system. He says that nano-particles of metals and fibres in the environment stick to the glue and turn us into antennae.

He has found a bathing protocol to break down that glue and stop it reforming.


Full details in a blog here: https://lookoutfacharlie.blogspot.com/2020/07/end-electronic-harassment-and.html

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Hi, what tools do you use to monitor EMF please in house?

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I bought an electrosmog detector called the EMF Acousticom 2. I paid about £120 for it 2nd hand on Ebay. It is a handheld device which is smaller than a mobile phone and battery operated.

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So so sorry you are going through such tough times. I completely understand all your worries, and unfortunately it’s far too common that the people who’ve known you your whole life, turn there backs and close their ears to your suffering.. this is what breaks my heart the most for others. I was/am treated as if I’m crazy as well or ignored entirely, by the same people whom I was consoling 15 years ago when I was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma at 24 years old, telling them I will be fine and beat it. I’ve never shared my problems but this was a whole different situation, as I knew it was coming for SO MANY OTHERS from the shots and heavily saturated environment etc. When I was at my worst, and no one would even listen.. I reached out to god, took my fears and turned them to fury for humanity who’s been so messed with it’s unbelievable.. but the only logical explanation for how they act. Thinking of you, hoping things get better somehow❤️

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And sorry for some of these other disgusting comments, but this is how too many people act now...

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It has been interesting to read some of them. Such diverse angles, some that I had not considered until I wrote this. Thanks for noticing! xx

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Frances, you don't know me well, but you've seen my stack - so you know i come from the heart. Sympathy and empathy aside, Ana Mihalcea's recent post explains it all, and it's more horrifying than any of us imagines. AND, too many good moms have lost their children in this way - and in this case, i strongly suggest you help speed his departure, then, if he didn't move his things to storage, well...the dump guys come and liquidate it for you. He's a parasite and narcissist, neither of which do your life any good. Then get your new, yet unknown friend to move in. One thing at a time.

We have CHOSEN to shelter here on substack and spread our writing here; it IS in fact our best option, and you DO have friends out here who take this VERY seriously and believe you.

i can only send love and hugs here on this page.

here's Dr Ana:


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Hi, this saddens me deeply, I feel your emotional pain and understand your fears, if I lived in your area I would visit and help and think anyone who has got to know you through your writing's on substack and other platforms who live in your area will come to your aid, unfortunately I'm in Scotland otherwise I would be popping in for a cuppa and a chat to see what's needed, I believe you will be surrounded by friends to help you work around your situation and I will send on positive thoughts .

It will all work out for you I'm sure. much X to you Frances & Respect & X 2 All.

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Thanks a lot for your thoughtful and cheerful message, Dave! We all have our ups and downs, don't we? I am feeling fragile right now, which is not something I am familiar with.... generally I have been strongly self motivated and independent. I don't really like having to depend on my son or anyone else. I am NOT growing old 'gracefully'! 😔

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Hi, I wish could do more Frances but I'm pleased it lifted your vibe, as you said we all have our up's and down's, I think I've been on the low end for a while but keep on keeping on, I read a study (can't remember where) that asked people near death , what would they have changed in their life and most said that they wished they had made the choice to be happy, this keeps me going most days and the realisation of what's going on in Gazza and other country's makes me feel so lucky and say to myself what have I got to be down about?, although it does make my heart sad and for some reason I feel the bleakness, I still have to be strong and have voice for other's, (even though no one listens) they will chat happily for 10 mins about mundane things but as soon as I talk about the elephant in the room on any subject (can't help myself) eyes roll and the words oh i better get going, I have a wee smile to myself, silly me! hee hee .much X 2 U Frances.

Respect & X 2 All

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Unbelievable. Well, not entirely! FUUUUUUK, I'm soooooo sorry, Fran.

I am vibing, gisming, OMing, everything I can think of, for you. If only I lived over there, I'd come and look after you myself.

Things are looking up just a BIT here, for my folks... brothers (freaks) notwithstanding...

What a time of Evil Fux we live in!!!!!! Don't give up!

Get a BIG DOG, maybe?

xo xo xo xo xo xo xo xo

I think the puter comes soon, maybe tamale! It's a loaner, but I donut care.

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There is more to this weird change of personality that I have seen in my son.... see my pinned update, added earlier today!

Thanks for the gisms and oms! I have been humbled by the loving comments and advice received on this post. It has helped me to stop panicking, and that is a blessed relief!

I do wish I could have a lovely big dog to cuddle! Unfortunately, I could not care properly for a dog now and I certainly can't run about training and exercising one.

The incoming loan of a pootie is welcome news! It will be wonderful to have you back online, giving us all the benefit of your howls and yaps! It has to happen! xx

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My life is UTTERLY insane right now...

BOTH my parents had falls in their home, went to hospital, now in rehab care, coming home soon b/c the Medicare (bollocks) runs out; if they go HOME, my insane, malignant brother is there, poisoning their poor dementia-addled minds with how I am a horrible person... He just never stops, he is EVIL. This has been going on for YEARS now. Fortunately my older bro now realizes he made a mistake in aligning with the younger. So we're trying to figure out how/where to put my folks, MIGHTY QUICK, so that they are not in the same building with the Insane One... It seems the only way to deal with this is to NOT LET THEM GO HOME, which will be very sad for them, AND/OR get some sort of Restraining Order (legally) on the Evil One, and then sell the house...

It's just crazy. My dad, who has ALWAYS been my best friend, is now ranting at me for "putting him in this hospital/jail and NOT coming to get him out" before Wednesday, at which time he will have to be placed somewhere else yet, and fuuuuuuuuuuuck. He was horrible to me on the phone last night, after Evil One had visited FOR THE FIRST TIME in all this hell of three weeks or so... This is ABUSE. I have NO money for a Restraining Order, but my folks do. I expect that will be the thing we do...

JFC on a bridge....

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I DID get a cell phone today, for free. It's full of GOOGLE, puke. I have to learn to navigate it.

If I can EVER get a very very lovely gift actually CASHED, I will probably get myself a little tablet with WiFi and then things will be easier... Back in the library today, because it's easier than dealing with the laptop I borrowed, but I'll get on that, too... sometime!


And still gisming and OMing you, my dear pal. xo xo xo xo xo

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Frances, could I ask if you have used the EMF protection hoodie whilst outside (if you get outside), and how you found it?

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No, I haven't tried it myself. My son says that it gets too warm if he wears it when going for a country walk. He says he feels as if his energy is isolated and trapped. Apparently the heat rises from the neck and keeps his ears warm. He has to take it off after a while.

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That's interesting. I have a silver imbued bed sheet that plugs into the electrical socket on the wall and is supposed to ground out electrical stuff from you body when you sleep on it. I have not noticed any improvement and I find I am sleeping hotter, which is not a good thing. Either the electrical wiring of my flat is not grounded (which it certainly should be) or the concept does not work. I am now exploring shoes that are supposed to ground you. Haven't worked out what to get yet.

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I have an earthing plate under my desk which plugs into the electric socket. My son used his multi-meter and discovered that the sockets are not all as efficient as each other. He found that only one plug point in my lounge produced a zero reading so that is the one we use.

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Oh interesting. I have the choice of three different outlets in my bedroom so I may move it around and see what happens.

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I have a beanie with the EMF protection-- It IS warm, it's the metal woven into it, I suppose.

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I wonder if a Royal Rife machine would help with your health and that of your sons. There are FB blogs for it. Might be worth looking at. I hope you and your son get better!

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To me, it appears that your son does care. It looks like he is caught between you and his girlfriend. He can't be with both of you, he would have to decide. That may be the cause of his behavior and his forgetfulness.

If you could let him go to Indonesia, to be with his girlfriend, this may be good for him to find out if the relationship with her is truly what he envisioned. If not, he will come back and would be most likely his own self again. I If it is the relationship he was envisioning and he does get married, it may be an option for you to follow him and live in Indonesia.

I would imagine that he would be open for a discussion about going over there. He probably would be motivated to clean out his room and find someone trustworthy for you to help with everything that he was helping with.

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Thanks for thinking about our situation so much! I appreciate the advice you have given.

I have noticed that my son is forgetful because he is not 'in the now'. He is constantly distracted by his relationship and his plans. I have no say over where he goes! He is a grown man and does as he pleases!

None of that is as important as his sudden outbursts of anger which have destabilised our relationship severely. I want him to get out of the UK if he can. Let's face it, this place is toxic with 5G and mean-spirited politically. However, I am so disabled that I could not imagine me emigrating to exotic climes, much as I might want to....

He says he wants to bring the woman back here, if he can, but there are some hoops to jump through before that could happen. All this plays on his mind so much that any extra worry or unforeseen complication pushes him over the edge and he flies off the handle.

I heard him shouting at Microsoft yesterday (as if they could hear him!).... it was some quirky computer glitch I think. My conclusion is that he is stressed to the max, plus being ill since he was irradiated on the M25.

He seems to have got a grip since I wrote this post... (fingers crossed!)

He apologised for frightening me so much with all the angry shouting and swearing.

He has prepared and eaten all his meals yesterday and today, thank goodness. He has also been exercising and communicating, even joking, so maybe he is feeling a bit better.

I hope so, but it is still too soon for me to say that I feel confident yet.

I want to discuss the logistics but will wait until he brings it up.

At least he is smiling again.... for now!

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WTF Frances ?

Just read all of this and I am so taken back.

You are such a strong determined, intelligent lady.

So sad your son is also being messed with.

I am sending you both many positive currents.

Much Respect Frances

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Your son needs to fall out with you so he may justify leaving you. Love him always, bless you.

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Sounds like the son is feeling trapped looking after his mother, so he wants his mother to get so annoyed with him that she tells him to leave.

Hope Frances can get meals on wheels.

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Cairn, he has actually asked me if I want him to leave! I refused to answer him.

I won't order meals on wheels because I am one MIGHTY fussy eater and I have seen the kind of food they deliver. {{shudder}}

I prefer organic, no un-natural (unpronounceable) additives, no fluoride, no weird sweeteners like aspartame and especially nothing that has been sprayed with glyphosates! I distil all my water and cook with that too. My son knows and agrees with my decisions. He does all the shopping and checks carefully all ingredients.

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Oh dear.

No easy solution.

I think to let your son go with your blessings and somehow manage with groceries delivered.

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If it comes to that I can get deliveries and ask my neighbour to help with other stuff, I suppose. Check out my pinned comment for update. I am not so sure that his romance is genuine. In which case my son will be even MORE emotionally messed up when he realises that it won't work out. This saga is not over yet....

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Yes, but he might think that life is passing him by.

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No disrespect but he sounds like my 20 year old nephew who has a substance abuse problem and every other suibstance abuser I have to deal with. the anger is one of the more predominant traits. My nephew is under supervision of the courts for almost killing a police officer.. Rather than assume the cause. The first step is to ask the question, "Why are you so abusive to your girlfriend?" What has she done to warrant that? If you do not get a decent answer, then explain that his behaviour frightens you. More importantly it leaves you in fear that he will take his anger out on you and that is not acceptable in your home or presence. If you get an unsatisfactory response, that is a pretty good indicator again. Exercise your parental authority as you should and lay down the ground rules of "Respect" whilst in your house and the consequences of failing to do so. In other words "you want to abuse anyone the way you do your poor girlfriend, do it in your own place and time not in mine." If you don't take positive action and stand up for yourself in your own home note that, "Your home", this will not end well. You need appropriate support. I would suggest if I may reaching out to the local constabulary and "advise" them of his abusive behavior so they are "Aware" nothing more, it means if your boy goes off on you, they will be "Aware" and if you call them they will react faster.. Reach out to a women's Domestic violence support entity. Your comments validate you are in a domestic violence (Mental) situation. Just because you are not abused directly does not mean you are not being abused. I sincerely hope this all works out for you. First step is to take in what I have said and consider it outside of this forum. By all means talk it over with someone you trust outside of the stack and more importantly for your safety given what you are doing, keep this offline.

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My son is 51 years old, not a silly teenager experimenting with street drugs. He went through that phase decades ago and decided that chemicals were not for him.

I will certainly not contact the Police over this matter. They are the very LAST people any parent should call to deal with a family member. They invariably make matters far worse (I have plenty of experience) and my son would NEVER forgive me for doing such a thing!

As far as I am concerned, my son is unwell. He experienced a sudden whack of electro-magnetic radiation and it wrecked his health. There are no health professionals who understand the impact of EMFs because, due to scientific compartmentalisation, none of them are educated in the subject, so consulting doctors is also futile.

Today, I have asked why he has been shouting at his online girlfriend and he explained that she made some 'sick remarks' about biting and sucking blood from people. She also formed a friendship with someone online who my son had identified as a paedophile. She seemed to be trying to play this man off against him.

As a result of this conversation I am detecting a cooling off in that relationship.

He knows that he triggered a fright in the night for me. He knows that it set off another stroke and a series of panic attacks. He has now apologised and is more cheerful in his behaviour.

He listened to me when I said how worried I am about his weight loss and he has cooked breakfasts and an evening meal since then.

Writing this post was cathartic for me. Many of the comments helped me to identify the root cause and that facilitated a recovery from the panic attacks.

I am not saying that all is well yet..... but we have a better understanding, I think.

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Hi Frances - just to say I know what you're going through and I'm totally in agreement with you on police issue. My son is 40, was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 22 and has lived with me ever since. I have had many close calls with him but have always tried to keep the police out of it. I also believe he is emf sensitive and that his medication (monthly injections) is making him even more psychotic. Luckily he doesn't have a girlfriend. Your son's girlfriend sounds like bad news. Anyway just to give you some moral support. Unfortunately I can't give you any advice!

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