This is how I have changed my mind about governments. I stopped using labels because they are only pejoratives that sabotage discussions by replacing thoughts with opinions, logic with emotions. I suspect they are used to inflame hatred between children so they throw rocks at each other instead of thinking out loud and possibly agreeing. I think they "give" us these "fighting words" for a purpose. They are dog whistles and insults that accomplish what whistles and insults are meant to accomplish... Turmoil in the schoolyard. Just like that one word, "regurgitation" triggered poor Frances. I should have seen that coming. It was stupid of me.
Oh dear. It was far more than 'one word' which 'triggered poor Frances'.
Let's look at the facts, shall we? Are you sitting comfortably, child? Then I will begin!
I am very honest. I work very hard at being as authentic as I can possibly be and when someone raises my red flag I give them the benefit of the doubt until they rattle my cage for the third time and then I come down on them like a ton of good solid London bricks.
I visited your Substack and discovered that you are a very dishonest person. You have mentioned my work more than once in your own newsletters but have carefully avoided creating any links which might have alerted me to your interest.
I sensed trickery from you from the outset of your appearance on this post. I was alerted again when you began asking me random questions about insurance (of all things!).
Now I discover that you have misrepresented my work TWICE in your sneaky newsletters.
If I were willing to waste more time on your sorry arse, I could probably find more. That would not surprise me in the slightest. You have proven yourself to be a thoroughly slippery yet self assured dishonest character.
Basically, you fancy yourself, don't you mate?
You wrote a slimey piece of ad hominem bitchcraft about myself and Dr Lee Merritt which was so pathetically juvenile that it dared to suggest that the good doctor is actually male!
Then, upon scrolling through your older posts, I discovered that you had completely misrepresented my opinions by quoting a document that I shared (clearly marked as NOT my work) about the Rule of Law.
Amusingly, in that attempted take-down, you went on to state: "Many people uncover objects but do not know what they are." - Well, Mr Fake Name Harbinger, I have certainly uncovered an 'object' or two about YOU and they stink to high heaven of rot, deceit and dirty tricks.
I shall copy/paste this comment wherever I feel it is relevant for others to see. Especially Ivan M Paton, who treated you with such respect.
In many of your copious self-aggrandising posts you frequently fancy yourself as the only 'adult' on the internet, but in comparison with me, you are a spiteful inattentive imbecile who likes to take sloppy swipes at others, hoping that some of your shit will stick and discredit them.
What is your motivation? Jealousy? Or something more sinister? I guess I will never know because YOU, with your apparent wall-to-wall dishonesty, will never disclose why you are such an unprovoked, back-stabbing bitch.
I thought you read my "newsletter". Isn't that how you found me?
I wasn't concealing anything from anyone.
I assumed that is why you were angry.
Do what you want Frances. My advice is to not get too attached to this electronic world in the magic lantern. They can erase it all in a nanosecond.
It is addictive. As addictive as any real drug. People go through withdrawal. And they change personality when their supply is threatened. But none of this is real.
Your real life friends are real. They are tangible. You can look them in the eyes and they can look into yours. One day they will pull the plug on all of this.
In the "little people" series, the last article I wrote about you and put a link to your article so you could get some traffic.
I wrote just ONE criticism.
"One thing she does not do is prove her thesis which is this in a nutshell: Whenever you see a reference to the word "Crown" it does not mean the King but instead it means the Bar Association. It doesn't make sense when I spell it out like that, does it? No. But here it is in black and white.
"The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attorneys who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple." -Frances Leader
It is too bad since Frances Leader is a skillful writer and seems to have done a lot of research into it. I don't disagree with her but she is really stretching this one point and it is the lynch pin to her whole story. She skips over it and continues linking her chain."
Is that wrong?
Since I have you here now and with your full attention please feel free to counter my conclusion. If Substack was a real publication and you had an editor he would have caught the same error. So what? We all make mistakes. I made 3 so far today. I expect to make a dozen more before the sun goes down. It's just part of life.
I'll make you a deal.
Go tear into any or all of my articles. Shred to your heart's desire.
Expose me for the fool I am.
The worst that could happen is it makes you feel better.
And, if you are not careful, you may learn something new about yourself and me.
The article where you THINK you caught me out in some sort of failure was VERY CLEARLY MARKED saying that it was a faithful COPY of a DOCUMENT I had found while researching the meaning of the phrase 'the Rule of Law'. I did not write it and I told you that in my comment above!
Yet still, here you are regurgitating your utter trashy toss pot nonsense attempting your amateur psycho analysis yet AGAIN!
Pay attention ffs!!!!
Do not ask me any more of your trappy questions. You will NOT be answered because you have made it PERFECTLY CLEAR that you have the attention span of an amoeba and the humility of a raving Zionist.
Frances, thanks for the link to the Lee Merritt interview whom I appreciate for her curious inquiring mind.
We have reason to be skeptical both by what we've been taught but also about the assertions by detractors like Lee.
Shrinking the aperture, she speaks of instances of marble on the steps of buildings so worn that they have a millennia-old appearance similar to that of the ancient architecture that inspired their more "modern" imitations.
If one were to approach this forensically then the origins of the marble must be pinpointed to either substantiate or detract notions of Tartarian revisionism. Is all marble just marble, or like water, more complex, so that it has gradients of hardness? If the marble used in Iowa can be positively traced back, for example, to a quarry in Italy and not here in the U.S. then naturally this raises more questions, and the history books should reflect that. A cursory check revealed that there are at least 8 nations that have significant marble production.
Consider the mystery of pyramids, which until five years ago had been an unsolved mystery. Similar rigor should be applied to the origins of buildings that are the focus of Lee's inquiry.
Did you know there's a carving in the British museum bought back from Mesopotamia that shows a midget Israeli king Jehu, in the age the kingdom of Israel-Judah was a vassal state of Babylon, he is kneeling on the floor in front of the giant emperor god-king of Babylon, and king Jehu has his Phrygian cap on - this was about 900 BCE. The writer of the book Rulers of Evil pointed out the Phrygian cap is a symbol of a liberated slave, and he has been granted 'liberty'. - but not freedom, because liberty is still subject to the conditions of the king or emperor and can be removed at any time - this is why when I hear American's and the French carrying on about 'liberty' and not freedom, it makes my teeth grate.
Noticing the symbolism far more now. Our local theatre just put up an archway with circumpuncts. Their lobby looks like underground cave and all admiring it in spite of how ridiculous just as they admired the recent brutalist style bridge they spent millions on and I try to avoid. That damn positivity bug demands they not see what they see right in front of their faces. Not sure about Clif. Not sure what I'm sure of other than my own personal journey and I have the ultimate guide to help me with that.
Thank you, fascinating article. Perhaps this gives further hidden meaning to "Red Hat" Linux OS.
Question, since you had some correspondence with Laura in the past, I'm curious if you might know whether Laura's substack was censored/removed or did she delete it? Thanks
Wow, ok thanks. So bizarre, all her work, offline now. Unfortunately her own lonely work got to her. I have archives of her older files but not of the recent substack articles. I should have been prepared she'd do this.
Laura had a channel on Odysee in which she shared her translations of Spanish sources discussing the Papal Nobility’s history. I persuaded her to bring her work to Substack. She did that for a short while and then complained that the platform was restrictive, the users dumb and she closed her account to concentrate on Odysee.
I continued to recommend her in some posts. She came back to us at Substack when Odysee fell short of her expectations. After a few weeks she got annoyed with us AGAIN and closed her 2nd account. She is far too volatile and moody. It has been very difficult to keep up with her flouncing off and on….. There is no point in following her because all links fail when she keeps closing her accounts and so we lose faith in sharing her work.
I am keen to learn the families that supplied the popes through history.
I see Pope Frances’s family were Italian immigrants to Argentina, but I didn’t get far in digging up background on him. I suspect he is one of the Roman Imperial Aristocracy.
How do you know you are not wrong about this Frances?
I heard Lee Merritt regurgitating this before.
Now I hear you regurgitating her regurgitation.
So let's stop the vomit chewing and try thinking this through.
If you were "free" why would you have to wear a hat?
Being free means not being enslaved to a hat or a whip.
Why would you have to mark yourself like that?
And why red?
I am NOT saying the hat is not symbolic of something.
But both you and Merritt miss the symbolism completely.
You missed it because you took her word for it.
She missed it because she is not particularly careful in her deductions.
She also missed it because she found a pile of prechewed vomit and said to herself "Hmmm. someone went to the trouble of chewing this for me. Let's see if it tastes better warm. Oh yes it does. I shall have to share this recipe with the world."
And that is why this particular piece of propaganda is covering the dinner tables of the world in December 2024.
"Now I hear you regurgitating her regurgitation." - Erm. No you do NOT. I have added my own research on the subject with links to sources, actually. If you have something you would like to add, I am open to read it. However, I don't appreciate your tone of derision so you can leave that on the doorstep before returning to this post. Thank you.
So why would a free man wear a red knit hat? Do all free men wear hats? Or does the hat signal that they were slaves? Please enlighten me as to why a free man would wear a red hat? How does that make him free? Did freed negroes wear red hats?
It just does not make any sense.
Give it some thought. You may be wrong and not realize it. I may be wrong. Show me the error of my thought process and we can figure this out together... like adults, without emotions getting in the way of our clear thinking.
Here's a comment following below, that I wrote up above, that answers some of your questions about the symbolism of the cap and freedom.
And may I add that in defense of Frances, I can see why she took offense at the use of the word 'regurgitating' - and equally I also see that someone with a very thick skin might not take offense at it -
But we are not all that thick skinned, and Frances does her own hard work, her own research and her own writing, and doesn't need to repeat others work, which both the words 'regurgitating and repeating' imply - Frances does her own work even though the content might gel with other writers, and that's normal as everyone is writing about similar topics, or the same themes.
Apart from that Frances has been through the wringer, like many, as she has had her work censored, deplatformed, and attacked - which for a newbie like me who got blown off Medium in a mid-2021 deplatforming was enraging, and put me through hell, but I can't imagine what it feels like after several decades of work that Frances has put in.
My response as a man has been to become very, very, very hard headed, but then I am a man, and I wouldn't expect that of a woman. So please ease up on her a little.
Here's that comment, I think you'll like it. If you want to learn A LOT MORE about this topic of symbolism download the book Rulers of Evil by Saussy, it's one of the best, if not the best on the subject. And there's a photo of the carving I mention below in this book. I'll go get you the link to Saussy's book-I am assuming you haven't read it because you'd know about this Phrygian cap topic from that book.
"Did you know there's a carving in the British museum bought back from Mesopotamia that shows a midget Israeli king Jehu, in the age the kingdom of Israel, when it was a vassal state of Babylon, he is kneeling on the floor in front of the giant emperor god-king of Babylon, and king Jehu has his Phrygian cap on - this was about 900 BCE. The writer of the book Rulers of Evil pointed out the Phrygian cap is a symbol of a liberated slave, and he has been granted 'liberty'. - but not freedom, because liberty is still subject to the conditions of the king or emperor and can be removed at any time - this is why when I hear American's and the French carrying on about 'liberty' and not freedom, it makes my teeth grate."
Thanks for the link and the advice. I get your point. I read this book a decade ago. He wrote it from prison. Incredible since I can't imaging the library is that well stocked there.
Yep, you nailed my point. But my thinking goes on further. Who made the rule that if you wear a red hat it is the equivalent of a caste license? Are the wearers of red hats truly free or is it actually a symbol of fealty?
If I were to research this subject I would not consult certain sources since when I examine books I find they are all piggybacking off each other... so they all tend to come to the same conclusions. And after a while those echo-chamber conclusions somehow become "truth" and "history". That is my point about regurgitation.
Here is how I identify a good thinker. They will not just look narrowly at the subject but they will step back to see the whole picture. If I took the time to research this I would ask myself: What color hats did slaves wear? Were you REQUIRED to wear a red hat? What kind of stupid identification system is a hat color/style system anyway? How practical is it? "I put the hat on I am free, I take the hat off I am a slave" how easy it is to trick the coppers!
It is like putting on a little yarmulke and suddenly being Jewish. The cop pulls you over and you accuse him of being anti-semitic and he has to let you go? Were the ancient humans really that stupid? No. Impossible. There is more to this than meets the eye. It would help if we could find a live Phrygian to clarify all of this.
So what I deduce is that the red hat of freedom (liberty) is a trick to mark the discontented. The Maga folk are marking themselves for "special treatment" with their red beacons.
So therefore the cap's history as presented by Lee Merritt is not genuine. And it's purpose is not genuine. I don't expect her to do any genuine research, she is a back surgeon and body builder. How can she have time to do real research? So I question her motives. I question the motives of all these "internet influencers".
I was born in a communist country. We are conditioned from birth to see propaganda (by the actual definition of the word). Those who have never lived under real tyranny can never understand how my mind works. You have to live through torture to truly appreciate it. It made me who I am. It formed my soul. I am not a sucker for every change in the wind direction. I can "feel" propaganda. And as soon as I feel it I ask "what is it trying to get me to think or do?" The usual answer is "It wants me to do nothing but keep on learning how hopelessly enslaved the minds of the majority are." It whispers "Don't try to escape. Don't try to think. Don't try."
When encountering propaganda there are 3 basic questions to ask:
Who wrote this?
Why are they telling me this?
Why are they telling me this NOW?
Like you said, Tupper Saucy put down his sax and wrote a book about it 40 years ago. If I were a master manipulator (1984 O'brien) I would use this particular red hat scare to tag and monitor those who are not content with their slavery (since it leads to nowhere). That O'brien trick was the secret police's most effective weapon. It taught us to keep our mouths shut and keep our thoughts to ourselves.
Again, thanks for the reply. I feel like I made a friend. You have a sharp mind.
Thanks for a great reply, and the compliment, which I must pay right back to you because you have a very sharp mind as well. And it's interesting your background growing up in a communist country, and how it impacted you and the way that you think.
I grew up in Australia, which is a closet communist country, as I now regard all the monarchies, banksters, and billionaires as the true evil attacking humanity, which some call the uni-party, but I just call them the true communists who want a monopoly on everything all over the world. While Frances likes to call the the Black Nobility, which is certainly a core group, I prefer the term Zion (Babylonian-Roman) Imperial Aristocracy, because that captures all of the evil bastards that have been waging war on mankind since the Sumer civilizations city-states crawled out of the post-Great Flood slime and imposed 'civilization' on mankind, which is not just the domestication of agriculture but the domestication and enslavement of man under the Crown Monarchy Imperialism, which is the mother of communism.
Here's an interesting thought for you to explore.
Some time ago I started listing the comparisons between the Roman Catholic Church, especially in its first 1500 years, and communism.
It's EXACTLY the same totalitarian tyranny. Point for point. I'll leave that thought there for you to mull on. I'll be interested to hear what you have to say after you think it through for a bit.
So, I am an Aussie who grew up under the illusions we were free, lived in democracy, under the rule of law, and we were the good guys. All fake.
I've had 2 major periods of breaking these illusions..
Twenty two years ago I went offshore and ended up staying away.
I spent 2 years in the Bahamas, one of the most corrupt places on earth, and learned the experience in the Bahamas - but it's a monarchy. And by watching and learning from the Thais and comparing it all with back home it's been an education.
And then along came the COVID-terrorism, which made me ask the question: Who has the power to lock 4.5 billion people under house arrest for the common cold (coronavirus infections) and pneumonia (COVID-19) and call us all 'non-essential'????
The COVID-terrorism was my torture period.
So while I have not lived in an outwardly communist nation like you did, everywhere I look today I see the globalists empire, and have come to the point where I trust almost nothing. There was a period when they were attacking Australians savagely that I felt like a refugee. I have ZERO trust in my government today and that went from almost total trust, to NOTHING, NADA, ZERO...
That of course sent me down an insane number of rabbit holes and it probably took me 3 years of reading, thinking and reflection to come to where I am today.
Now there are no surprises because like you I can "smell propaganda."
Coming back to the red hat.
We will never know who did it, but we can see it was around in the Babylonian-Assyrian-Roman empires eras, which goes back 3-4,000 years - if we had the records I'd suggest we'd find it in the age of the development of the law under Hammubari, which is the original source of most Roman law, which is where the modern world gets it from.
You are right that researching is hard work because so many are 'all piggybacking off each other." - I tend to think these are the agents of the empire - they build on each others work to create the consensus and control the narrative-it goes back thousands of years. This is why there is so much regurgitation - the empire works on the age old principle 'A lie repeated enough becomes the truth.'
The old writers, and modern ones, whose work I trust the most are those that are attacked, censored and vilified - because they are not building the consensus for the empire.
Have you ever downloaded books from the Internet Archive?
This is controlled. When old books out of copyright are not available on this site I have found it is because they explain narratives that conflict with the agenda of the Zion Imperial Empire (that's the hidden empire running the world) I have a long list of those books. It's interesting.
You hit the nail on the head with the questions you ask about the propaganda, I cut and pasted your comments to my folder on propaganda - very insightful.
I have a Russian student, 38 year old wife of a Russian friend of mine from Moscow, and a couple of weeks ago she said to me: "Russians always have anxiety, because we live in fear, fear of the government, fear of the police, fear of the military, and fear of strangers, and my dad taught me never to trust anyone."
Your comments reminded me of her.
Okay I am getting called to eat - gotta run.
Thanks for signing up to my Substack-it's a good way to stay in touch. I've subscribed to so many I never get time to read them all.
Our history books tell us that the good guys have won every major war including both world wars... because we are the good guys!
What are the odds that the good guys always win?
In this world?
The evil always seem to win.
But the history books say otherwise.
Yet nobody notices the inconsistencies.
I have completely changed my mind about governments in the last 2 years. I agree with you. Communist, Fascist, Monarchy, Theocracy, all these labels are irrelevant. One conversation with an old friend returning from abroad changed my mind.
I had never seen so many closet Nazis around me expose themselves in unison before.
So I started studying the psychology of deception.
They will not teach you this facet of psychology in college. I call it dark psychology. It does not have an official name (and that is how it is kept hidden). If you don't know the name of something you can't search for it with an index-based system like the internet.
That feeling of not trusting anything is your right of passage into what I call the Adult Ego State. It is the hardest thing for a human to do. Instead of denying reality you embrace it and search for it like a lost love instead. Most people pop a metaphorical blood vessel in their brain when they try. Then they go back to sleepwalking through life.
The only people who can break free are people who can be totally honest with themselves. They must be willing to prune all the lies from their minds. Most cannot because the lies anchor them to reality (and sanity) in a sad way.
That whole phenomenon is what Gregory Bateson called "Schizophrenia". Have you ever heard of him? Most people have not. He has been hidden from us. After he discovered how to induce schizophrenia by using double-binds the CIA/MI5/Mossad hired him to weaponize it. I know I sound crazy but I did all original research and showed how anyone can use applied schizophrenia to manipulate people including cops.
This is not just a research theory of mine. I proved it. I have run many experiments on zombies and published them. I also broke people's minds accidently along the way. I documented that too. Schizophrenia is the same as cult psychology. I can break most people out of their cult trance for only a short time. This is because they really want to be asleep. Reality is too much for them. I have found that the smarter they are the more wounded their minds are. That is, in a nutshell, the method they use to control us with invisible chains.
This is nowhere else on the internet. I have searched for it. In fact, I am convinced that certain people know this is the truth but they misdirect people away from it. I call them gatekeepers. I thought maybe Frances was one. Most gatekeepers do not realize that they are gatekeeping. They mean well.
The trick they use may seem complicated but once you understand it then you will see that it is actually quite simple and you can use it yourself on others. The only hurdle is that our minds have been programmed to completely forget this by the time we wake up the next morning. It gets wiped from our memory because it causes too much psychological pain to accept. Denial of reality is a defense mechanism.
I do not know if anything that passes for history is true. I have no confidence in authority anymore either. So I got to where I am using the only tools I have that I can trust... introspection and deep analysis. But now I have a starting point that I can trust.
Here is the link to the exploitation of the child ego state trick they use on everyone:
The third trick they use is a type of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not what people think it is. Like Psychology there is the type presented to the public and then there is the real thing. It is also actually quite simple. In short, they keep you from using your natural ability of seeing into the future. Here is the link:
I list them in the order that I found them. Other people, including yourself, have discovered these tricks but they did not know what they were seeing and quit searching out of frustration. They just assumed that humans were stupid and you can't fix stupid. But we are not stupid, we are merely drugged with confusion.
Many of them were artists, poets, prophets, and science fiction writers. The key is the magic lanterns. Without them these mental tricks would be almost impossible to accomplish. Believe it or not even the Fake Jews are being tricked into fulfilling a role. Except for a few who are truly aware, we are all unpaid background actors in a global play now. The sleepwalking masses are being managed. The information we are fed is really propaganda that is just a type of social script that is being passed around. Asimov was wrong. There is no psycho-history per se. But as an observer of humans also saw it and tried to explain it in the only way he could. He saw the script subliminally.
If you want to have the worst day of your life then read those posts. They will hurt. But from what you wrote you seem to be already accustomed to psychic pain. Good. Get used to it. It will be your best friend from now on. Write me if you have any questions.
And please, whatever you do... do not go back to sleep!
There are far fewer of us than there should be.
Francis is not awake yet. She is getting there. She wants to be. But it takes that final push to break free. That is why they torment her/us. They load us down with mental baggage to keep us busy. They did it to me and I failed more times than I care to admit. The final push is the desire to give up everything they want us to think is important instead of desperately holding on to it. We are dependent on teddy bears and security blankets made of dung that they told us are the symbols of our birthright.
[If you can understand that last crazy metaphor you are more than qualified to escape this prison planet.]
It is a joy to meet you. Maybe someday the 3 of us will become a team. The conscious adults will decide the fate of earth, not the sleepwalking children.
The connection of the Phrygian Cap with the old Roman Mithraic religion is particularly important, I think. I referenced this at the beginning of my Roman Empire 2.0 article, linked in this post. It would seem that you overlooked that particular reference, Harbinger.
The cap identified the worshippers of Mithras, which was driven underground during the advent of Christianity. Their god's birthday was December 25th. Apparently they had secret handshakes too.
This would suggest early origins of secret societies like the Freemasons.
Mithras is most noted for murdering a bull which symbolised the domination of all nature.
I surmise that the resurrection of the red cap in modern minds, could indicate a revival of that old obsession, i.e., the absolute ownership of nature, to the point of destroying it and replacing it with a new, man-made design.
This plan is something I wrote about a decade ago and updated it for Substack in 2022.
It would seem that you, Harbinger, have read very little of my work and that may explain your surprising contempt, which Ivan kindly addressed in his remarks above.
With all due respect, the stories are not in flux. The storytellers are rewriting them.
If you were once a slave and you were freed -would you wear a hat announcing to the world you were once a slave? How about if you were a former sex-worker?
Why not just do what other free men do?
Free men can wear whatever they want to wear.
That is the definition of "free", isn't it?
If you think this "new" fable through just a little you will see that it falls flat on its face.
Only children enjoy being entertained by stories.
Adults see them for what they are.
This is why the storytellers rule the world.
In a psychological war the enemy soldiers are storytellers.
Freedom is not being controlled. Not by anyone else's thoughts or stories. Thinking your own thoughts is freedom. Regurgitating the thoughts of others is a cheap substitute for real freedom.
Accepting others' thoughts as your own without questioning their veracity is embracing a fallacy. In this case it is the very old fallacy Plato warned us about 3000 years ago... Appeal to False Authority. This is classic.
Who is smarter your doctor or your lawyer? Would you go to your lawyer for medical advice? Would you go to your doctor for legal advice? Would you go to a spine surgeon for historical advice regarding red hats?
She is giving a book report. Merritt read a book or two and is giving a report. Why? For money and fame probably.
Nobody who is free would draw attention to himself by wearing a red hat and thereby admitting he was once a slave. What purpose would that serve? Would a former prostitute wear a symbol announcing she was once a sex worker? Why not?
Are you saying your entire body of thought are not influenced by what you have absorbed over the age, including your assessment of your ability to determine truth?
And using the logical fallacy of the loaded question to condemn logical fallacy is a tad ignorant, isn't it?
As is the equivalence fallacy of the prostitute.
If you presume to try and edify others as to the use of logical fallacy in might consider checking your submission before publication
And further to your proposition professor..If someone else's story of red hats is not the true story, perhaps you are au fait with the true story and you can regale we dilettantes with it?
Thanks Frances. Learnt something new about John Enders, who I looked into a few years ago, in the Lee Merritt interview. I read his 'virus isolation' paper etc., but would never have guessed his provenance and what a complete fraud he was. Not surprised.
Interestingly in that isolation paper (c1950/51, I forget but should be easy to find for anyone interested) he said (paraphrase) there was no discernable difference between the 'isolated virus' and his control. I will never forget how shocked I was, because by then I knew where this 'research' had gone.
That’s the mythology that the red Trump hats are tapping into as well. It’s a symbol of “rebellion” against the current system in favor of a more republican style of government. Obviously we all know it’s misguided but that’s what the people orchestrating the movement meant by it. The symbolism runs deep and there’s nothing new under the sun.
Haha! I haven't seen a Dutch cap in about 40 years! Horrible things, but I think the spermicidal cream might be even worse. And what a palaver! How to ruin a sexual encounter in one easy move ...
Thank you for this brilliant post about the important history and symbolism of the Phrygian Cap, featuring some of my favorite people on the interwebz!
oops, sorry, wrong link
This is how I have changed my mind about governments. I stopped using labels because they are only pejoratives that sabotage discussions by replacing thoughts with opinions, logic with emotions. I suspect they are used to inflame hatred between children so they throw rocks at each other instead of thinking out loud and possibly agreeing. I think they "give" us these "fighting words" for a purpose. They are dog whistles and insults that accomplish what whistles and insults are meant to accomplish... Turmoil in the schoolyard. Just like that one word, "regurgitation" triggered poor Frances. I should have seen that coming. It was stupid of me.
Oh dear. It was far more than 'one word' which 'triggered poor Frances'.
Let's look at the facts, shall we? Are you sitting comfortably, child? Then I will begin!
I am very honest. I work very hard at being as authentic as I can possibly be and when someone raises my red flag I give them the benefit of the doubt until they rattle my cage for the third time and then I come down on them like a ton of good solid London bricks.
I visited your Substack and discovered that you are a very dishonest person. You have mentioned my work more than once in your own newsletters but have carefully avoided creating any links which might have alerted me to your interest.
I sensed trickery from you from the outset of your appearance on this post. I was alerted again when you began asking me random questions about insurance (of all things!).
Now I discover that you have misrepresented my work TWICE in your sneaky newsletters.
If I were willing to waste more time on your sorry arse, I could probably find more. That would not surprise me in the slightest. You have proven yourself to be a thoroughly slippery yet self assured dishonest character.
Basically, you fancy yourself, don't you mate?
You wrote a slimey piece of ad hominem bitchcraft about myself and Dr Lee Merritt which was so pathetically juvenile that it dared to suggest that the good doctor is actually male!
Then, upon scrolling through your older posts, I discovered that you had completely misrepresented my opinions by quoting a document that I shared (clearly marked as NOT my work) about the Rule of Law.
Amusingly, in that attempted take-down, you went on to state: "Many people uncover objects but do not know what they are." - Well, Mr Fake Name Harbinger, I have certainly uncovered an 'object' or two about YOU and they stink to high heaven of rot, deceit and dirty tricks.
I shall copy/paste this comment wherever I feel it is relevant for others to see. Especially Ivan M Paton, who treated you with such respect.
In many of your copious self-aggrandising posts you frequently fancy yourself as the only 'adult' on the internet, but in comparison with me, you are a spiteful inattentive imbecile who likes to take sloppy swipes at others, hoping that some of your shit will stick and discredit them.
What is your motivation? Jealousy? Or something more sinister? I guess I will never know because YOU, with your apparent wall-to-wall dishonesty, will never disclose why you are such an unprovoked, back-stabbing bitch.
I thought you read my "newsletter". Isn't that how you found me?
I wasn't concealing anything from anyone.
I assumed that is why you were angry.
Do what you want Frances. My advice is to not get too attached to this electronic world in the magic lantern. They can erase it all in a nanosecond.
It is addictive. As addictive as any real drug. People go through withdrawal. And they change personality when their supply is threatened. But none of this is real.
Your real life friends are real. They are tangible. You can look them in the eyes and they can look into yours. One day they will pull the plug on all of this.
In the "little people" series, the last article I wrote about you and put a link to your article so you could get some traffic.
I wrote just ONE criticism.
"One thing she does not do is prove her thesis which is this in a nutshell: Whenever you see a reference to the word "Crown" it does not mean the King but instead it means the Bar Association. It doesn't make sense when I spell it out like that, does it? No. But here it is in black and white.
"The present Queen of England is not the “Crown,” as we have all been led to believe. Rather, it is the Bankers and Attorneys who are the actual Crown or Crown Temple." -Frances Leader
It is too bad since Frances Leader is a skillful writer and seems to have done a lot of research into it. I don't disagree with her but she is really stretching this one point and it is the lynch pin to her whole story. She skips over it and continues linking her chain."
Is that wrong?
Since I have you here now and with your full attention please feel free to counter my conclusion. If Substack was a real publication and you had an editor he would have caught the same error. So what? We all make mistakes. I made 3 so far today. I expect to make a dozen more before the sun goes down. It's just part of life.
I'll make you a deal.
Go tear into any or all of my articles. Shred to your heart's desire.
Expose me for the fool I am.
The worst that could happen is it makes you feel better.
And, if you are not careful, you may learn something new about yourself and me.
Frances, do you believe in God?
You are so utterly DIM. It is infuriating.
The article where you THINK you caught me out in some sort of failure was VERY CLEARLY MARKED saying that it was a faithful COPY of a DOCUMENT I had found while researching the meaning of the phrase 'the Rule of Law'. I did not write it and I told you that in my comment above!
Yet still, here you are regurgitating your utter trashy toss pot nonsense attempting your amateur psycho analysis yet AGAIN!
Pay attention ffs!!!!
Do not ask me any more of your trappy questions. You will NOT be answered because you have made it PERFECTLY CLEAR that you have the attention span of an amoeba and the humility of a raving Zionist.
Frances, thanks for the link to the Lee Merritt interview whom I appreciate for her curious inquiring mind.
We have reason to be skeptical both by what we've been taught but also about the assertions by detractors like Lee.
Shrinking the aperture, she speaks of instances of marble on the steps of buildings so worn that they have a millennia-old appearance similar to that of the ancient architecture that inspired their more "modern" imitations.
If one were to approach this forensically then the origins of the marble must be pinpointed to either substantiate or detract notions of Tartarian revisionism. Is all marble just marble, or like water, more complex, so that it has gradients of hardness? If the marble used in Iowa can be positively traced back, for example, to a quarry in Italy and not here in the U.S. then naturally this raises more questions, and the history books should reflect that. A cursory check revealed that there are at least 8 nations that have significant marble production.
Consider the mystery of pyramids, which until five years ago had been an unsolved mystery. Similar rigor should be applied to the origins of buildings that are the focus of Lee's inquiry.
Great article Frances,
Did you know there's a carving in the British museum bought back from Mesopotamia that shows a midget Israeli king Jehu, in the age the kingdom of Israel-Judah was a vassal state of Babylon, he is kneeling on the floor in front of the giant emperor god-king of Babylon, and king Jehu has his Phrygian cap on - this was about 900 BCE. The writer of the book Rulers of Evil pointed out the Phrygian cap is a symbol of a liberated slave, and he has been granted 'liberty'. - but not freedom, because liberty is still subject to the conditions of the king or emperor and can be removed at any time - this is why when I hear American's and the French carrying on about 'liberty' and not freedom, it makes my teeth grate.
Thank you so much, I love listening to Dr Merritt! An amazing woman!
Noticing the symbolism far more now. Our local theatre just put up an archway with circumpuncts. Their lobby looks like underground cave and all admiring it in spite of how ridiculous just as they admired the recent brutalist style bridge they spent millions on and I try to avoid. That damn positivity bug demands they not see what they see right in front of their faces. Not sure about Clif. Not sure what I'm sure of other than my own personal journey and I have the ultimate guide to help me with that.
I am not at all sure of Clif either!
Thank you, fascinating article. Perhaps this gives further hidden meaning to "Red Hat" Linux OS.
Question, since you had some correspondence with Laura in the past, I'm curious if you might know whether Laura's substack was censored/removed or did she delete it? Thanks
Laura blocked me a few weeks ago. She has probably thrown another tantrum and deactivated her account again.
Wow, ok thanks. So bizarre, all her work, offline now. Unfortunately her own lonely work got to her. I have archives of her older files but not of the recent substack articles. I should have been prepared she'd do this.
last seen bouncing trolls around on telegram? Sorry. Unfunny. 😉
May I ask please, which "Laura" is this?
And why would she go offline?
Laura had a channel on Odysee in which she shared her translations of Spanish sources discussing the Papal Nobility’s history. I persuaded her to bring her work to Substack. She did that for a short while and then complained that the platform was restrictive, the users dumb and she closed her account to concentrate on Odysee.
I continued to recommend her in some posts. She came back to us at Substack when Odysee fell short of her expectations. After a few weeks she got annoyed with us AGAIN and closed her 2nd account. She is far too volatile and moody. It has been very difficult to keep up with her flouncing off and on….. There is no point in following her because all links fail when she keeps closing her accounts and so we lose faith in sharing her work.
Do you have a link to her channel please Frances.
I am keen to learn the families that supplied the popes through history.
I see Pope Frances’s family were Italian immigrants to Argentina, but I didn’t get far in digging up background on him. I suspect he is one of the Roman Imperial Aristocracy.
How do you know you are not wrong about this Frances?
I heard Lee Merritt regurgitating this before.
Now I hear you regurgitating her regurgitation.
So let's stop the vomit chewing and try thinking this through.
If you were "free" why would you have to wear a hat?
Being free means not being enslaved to a hat or a whip.
Why would you have to mark yourself like that?
And why red?
I am NOT saying the hat is not symbolic of something.
But both you and Merritt miss the symbolism completely.
You missed it because you took her word for it.
She missed it because she is not particularly careful in her deductions.
She also missed it because she found a pile of prechewed vomit and said to herself "Hmmm. someone went to the trouble of chewing this for me. Let's see if it tastes better warm. Oh yes it does. I shall have to share this recipe with the world."
And that is why this particular piece of propaganda is covering the dinner tables of the world in December 2024.
"Now I hear you regurgitating her regurgitation." - Erm. No you do NOT. I have added my own research on the subject with links to sources, actually. If you have something you would like to add, I am open to read it. However, I don't appreciate your tone of derision so you can leave that on the doorstep before returning to this post. Thank you.
So why would a free man wear a red knit hat? Do all free men wear hats? Or does the hat signal that they were slaves? Please enlighten me as to why a free man would wear a red hat? How does that make him free? Did freed negroes wear red hats?
It just does not make any sense.
Give it some thought. You may be wrong and not realize it. I may be wrong. Show me the error of my thought process and we can figure this out together... like adults, without emotions getting in the way of our clear thinking.
Hi Harbinger,
Here's a comment following below, that I wrote up above, that answers some of your questions about the symbolism of the cap and freedom.
And may I add that in defense of Frances, I can see why she took offense at the use of the word 'regurgitating' - and equally I also see that someone with a very thick skin might not take offense at it -
But we are not all that thick skinned, and Frances does her own hard work, her own research and her own writing, and doesn't need to repeat others work, which both the words 'regurgitating and repeating' imply - Frances does her own work even though the content might gel with other writers, and that's normal as everyone is writing about similar topics, or the same themes.
Apart from that Frances has been through the wringer, like many, as she has had her work censored, deplatformed, and attacked - which for a newbie like me who got blown off Medium in a mid-2021 deplatforming was enraging, and put me through hell, but I can't imagine what it feels like after several decades of work that Frances has put in.
My response as a man has been to become very, very, very hard headed, but then I am a man, and I wouldn't expect that of a woman. So please ease up on her a little.
Here's that comment, I think you'll like it. If you want to learn A LOT MORE about this topic of symbolism download the book Rulers of Evil by Saussy, it's one of the best, if not the best on the subject. And there's a photo of the carving I mention below in this book. I'll go get you the link to Saussy's book-I am assuming you haven't read it because you'd know about this Phrygian cap topic from that book.
"Did you know there's a carving in the British museum bought back from Mesopotamia that shows a midget Israeli king Jehu, in the age the kingdom of Israel, when it was a vassal state of Babylon, he is kneeling on the floor in front of the giant emperor god-king of Babylon, and king Jehu has his Phrygian cap on - this was about 900 BCE. The writer of the book Rulers of Evil pointed out the Phrygian cap is a symbol of a liberated slave, and he has been granted 'liberty'. - but not freedom, because liberty is still subject to the conditions of the king or emperor and can be removed at any time - this is why when I hear American's and the French carrying on about 'liberty' and not freedom, it makes my teeth grate."
Rulers of Evil: Saussy
Thanks for the link and the advice. I get your point. I read this book a decade ago. He wrote it from prison. Incredible since I can't imaging the library is that well stocked there.
Yep, you nailed my point. But my thinking goes on further. Who made the rule that if you wear a red hat it is the equivalent of a caste license? Are the wearers of red hats truly free or is it actually a symbol of fealty?
If I were to research this subject I would not consult certain sources since when I examine books I find they are all piggybacking off each other... so they all tend to come to the same conclusions. And after a while those echo-chamber conclusions somehow become "truth" and "history". That is my point about regurgitation.
Here is how I identify a good thinker. They will not just look narrowly at the subject but they will step back to see the whole picture. If I took the time to research this I would ask myself: What color hats did slaves wear? Were you REQUIRED to wear a red hat? What kind of stupid identification system is a hat color/style system anyway? How practical is it? "I put the hat on I am free, I take the hat off I am a slave" how easy it is to trick the coppers!
It is like putting on a little yarmulke and suddenly being Jewish. The cop pulls you over and you accuse him of being anti-semitic and he has to let you go? Were the ancient humans really that stupid? No. Impossible. There is more to this than meets the eye. It would help if we could find a live Phrygian to clarify all of this.
So what I deduce is that the red hat of freedom (liberty) is a trick to mark the discontented. The Maga folk are marking themselves for "special treatment" with their red beacons.
So therefore the cap's history as presented by Lee Merritt is not genuine. And it's purpose is not genuine. I don't expect her to do any genuine research, she is a back surgeon and body builder. How can she have time to do real research? So I question her motives. I question the motives of all these "internet influencers".
I was born in a communist country. We are conditioned from birth to see propaganda (by the actual definition of the word). Those who have never lived under real tyranny can never understand how my mind works. You have to live through torture to truly appreciate it. It made me who I am. It formed my soul. I am not a sucker for every change in the wind direction. I can "feel" propaganda. And as soon as I feel it I ask "what is it trying to get me to think or do?" The usual answer is "It wants me to do nothing but keep on learning how hopelessly enslaved the minds of the majority are." It whispers "Don't try to escape. Don't try to think. Don't try."
When encountering propaganda there are 3 basic questions to ask:
Who wrote this?
Why are they telling me this?
Why are they telling me this NOW?
Like you said, Tupper Saucy put down his sax and wrote a book about it 40 years ago. If I were a master manipulator (1984 O'brien) I would use this particular red hat scare to tag and monitor those who are not content with their slavery (since it leads to nowhere). That O'brien trick was the secret police's most effective weapon. It taught us to keep our mouths shut and keep our thoughts to ourselves.
Again, thanks for the reply. I feel like I made a friend. You have a sharp mind.
Hi Harbinger,
Thanks for a great reply, and the compliment, which I must pay right back to you because you have a very sharp mind as well. And it's interesting your background growing up in a communist country, and how it impacted you and the way that you think.
I grew up in Australia, which is a closet communist country, as I now regard all the monarchies, banksters, and billionaires as the true evil attacking humanity, which some call the uni-party, but I just call them the true communists who want a monopoly on everything all over the world. While Frances likes to call the the Black Nobility, which is certainly a core group, I prefer the term Zion (Babylonian-Roman) Imperial Aristocracy, because that captures all of the evil bastards that have been waging war on mankind since the Sumer civilizations city-states crawled out of the post-Great Flood slime and imposed 'civilization' on mankind, which is not just the domestication of agriculture but the domestication and enslavement of man under the Crown Monarchy Imperialism, which is the mother of communism.
Here's an interesting thought for you to explore.
Some time ago I started listing the comparisons between the Roman Catholic Church, especially in its first 1500 years, and communism.
It's EXACTLY the same totalitarian tyranny. Point for point. I'll leave that thought there for you to mull on. I'll be interested to hear what you have to say after you think it through for a bit.
So, I am an Aussie who grew up under the illusions we were free, lived in democracy, under the rule of law, and we were the good guys. All fake.
I've had 2 major periods of breaking these illusions..
Twenty two years ago I went offshore and ended up staying away.
I spent 2 years in the Bahamas, one of the most corrupt places on earth, and learned the experience in the Bahamas - but it's a monarchy. And by watching and learning from the Thais and comparing it all with back home it's been an education.
And then along came the COVID-terrorism, which made me ask the question: Who has the power to lock 4.5 billion people under house arrest for the common cold (coronavirus infections) and pneumonia (COVID-19) and call us all 'non-essential'????
The COVID-terrorism was my torture period.
So while I have not lived in an outwardly communist nation like you did, everywhere I look today I see the globalists empire, and have come to the point where I trust almost nothing. There was a period when they were attacking Australians savagely that I felt like a refugee. I have ZERO trust in my government today and that went from almost total trust, to NOTHING, NADA, ZERO...
That of course sent me down an insane number of rabbit holes and it probably took me 3 years of reading, thinking and reflection to come to where I am today.
Now there are no surprises because like you I can "smell propaganda."
Coming back to the red hat.
We will never know who did it, but we can see it was around in the Babylonian-Assyrian-Roman empires eras, which goes back 3-4,000 years - if we had the records I'd suggest we'd find it in the age of the development of the law under Hammubari, which is the original source of most Roman law, which is where the modern world gets it from.
You are right that researching is hard work because so many are 'all piggybacking off each other." - I tend to think these are the agents of the empire - they build on each others work to create the consensus and control the narrative-it goes back thousands of years. This is why there is so much regurgitation - the empire works on the age old principle 'A lie repeated enough becomes the truth.'
The old writers, and modern ones, whose work I trust the most are those that are attacked, censored and vilified - because they are not building the consensus for the empire.
Have you ever downloaded books from the Internet Archive?
This is controlled. When old books out of copyright are not available on this site I have found it is because they explain narratives that conflict with the agenda of the Zion Imperial Empire (that's the hidden empire running the world) I have a long list of those books. It's interesting.
You hit the nail on the head with the questions you ask about the propaganda, I cut and pasted your comments to my folder on propaganda - very insightful.
I have a Russian student, 38 year old wife of a Russian friend of mine from Moscow, and a couple of weeks ago she said to me: "Russians always have anxiety, because we live in fear, fear of the government, fear of the police, fear of the military, and fear of strangers, and my dad taught me never to trust anyone."
Your comments reminded me of her.
Okay I am getting called to eat - gotta run.
Thanks for signing up to my Substack-it's a good way to stay in touch. I've subscribed to so many I never get time to read them all.
Nice to chat my friend.
Yes, we are always the good guys, aren't we?
Our history books tell us that the good guys have won every major war including both world wars... because we are the good guys!
What are the odds that the good guys always win?
In this world?
The evil always seem to win.
But the history books say otherwise.
Yet nobody notices the inconsistencies.
I have completely changed my mind about governments in the last 2 years. I agree with you. Communist, Fascist, Monarchy, Theocracy, all these labels are irrelevant. One conversation with an old friend returning from abroad changed my mind.
Covid was my major wake-up call too.
I had never seen so many closet Nazis around me expose themselves in unison before.
So I started studying the psychology of deception.
They will not teach you this facet of psychology in college. I call it dark psychology. It does not have an official name (and that is how it is kept hidden). If you don't know the name of something you can't search for it with an index-based system like the internet.
That feeling of not trusting anything is your right of passage into what I call the Adult Ego State. It is the hardest thing for a human to do. Instead of denying reality you embrace it and search for it like a lost love instead. Most people pop a metaphorical blood vessel in their brain when they try. Then they go back to sleepwalking through life.
The only people who can break free are people who can be totally honest with themselves. They must be willing to prune all the lies from their minds. Most cannot because the lies anchor them to reality (and sanity) in a sad way.
That whole phenomenon is what Gregory Bateson called "Schizophrenia". Have you ever heard of him? Most people have not. He has been hidden from us. After he discovered how to induce schizophrenia by using double-binds the CIA/MI5/Mossad hired him to weaponize it. I know I sound crazy but I did all original research and showed how anyone can use applied schizophrenia to manipulate people including cops.
This is not just a research theory of mine. I proved it. I have run many experiments on zombies and published them. I also broke people's minds accidently along the way. I documented that too. Schizophrenia is the same as cult psychology. I can break most people out of their cult trance for only a short time. This is because they really want to be asleep. Reality is too much for them. I have found that the smarter they are the more wounded their minds are. That is, in a nutshell, the method they use to control us with invisible chains.
This is nowhere else on the internet. I have searched for it. In fact, I am convinced that certain people know this is the truth but they misdirect people away from it. I call them gatekeepers. I thought maybe Frances was one. Most gatekeepers do not realize that they are gatekeeping. They mean well.
The trick they use may seem complicated but once you understand it then you will see that it is actually quite simple and you can use it yourself on others. The only hurdle is that our minds have been programmed to completely forget this by the time we wake up the next morning. It gets wiped from our memory because it causes too much psychological pain to accept. Denial of reality is a defense mechanism.
I do not know if anything that passes for history is true. I have no confidence in authority anymore either. So I got to where I am using the only tools I have that I can trust... introspection and deep analysis. But now I have a starting point that I can trust.
Here is the link to the exploitation of the child ego state trick they use on everyone:
Here is the second great trick they use, Schizophrenia, or it could be called hypocrisy addiction:
The third trick they use is a type of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not what people think it is. Like Psychology there is the type presented to the public and then there is the real thing. It is also actually quite simple. In short, they keep you from using your natural ability of seeing into the future. Here is the link:
I list them in the order that I found them. Other people, including yourself, have discovered these tricks but they did not know what they were seeing and quit searching out of frustration. They just assumed that humans were stupid and you can't fix stupid. But we are not stupid, we are merely drugged with confusion.
Many of them were artists, poets, prophets, and science fiction writers. The key is the magic lanterns. Without them these mental tricks would be almost impossible to accomplish. Believe it or not even the Fake Jews are being tricked into fulfilling a role. Except for a few who are truly aware, we are all unpaid background actors in a global play now. The sleepwalking masses are being managed. The information we are fed is really propaganda that is just a type of social script that is being passed around. Asimov was wrong. There is no psycho-history per se. But as an observer of humans also saw it and tried to explain it in the only way he could. He saw the script subliminally.
If you want to have the worst day of your life then read those posts. They will hurt. But from what you wrote you seem to be already accustomed to psychic pain. Good. Get used to it. It will be your best friend from now on. Write me if you have any questions.
And please, whatever you do... do not go back to sleep!
There are far fewer of us than there should be.
Francis is not awake yet. She is getting there. She wants to be. But it takes that final push to break free. That is why they torment her/us. They load us down with mental baggage to keep us busy. They did it to me and I failed more times than I care to admit. The final push is the desire to give up everything they want us to think is important instead of desperately holding on to it. We are dependent on teddy bears and security blankets made of dung that they told us are the symbols of our birthright.
[If you can understand that last crazy metaphor you are more than qualified to escape this prison planet.]
It is a joy to meet you. Maybe someday the 3 of us will become a team. The conscious adults will decide the fate of earth, not the sleepwalking children.
The connection of the Phrygian Cap with the old Roman Mithraic religion is particularly important, I think. I referenced this at the beginning of my Roman Empire 2.0 article, linked in this post. It would seem that you overlooked that particular reference, Harbinger.
The cap identified the worshippers of Mithras, which was driven underground during the advent of Christianity. Their god's birthday was December 25th. Apparently they had secret handshakes too.
This would suggest early origins of secret societies like the Freemasons.
Mithras is most noted for murdering a bull which symbolised the domination of all nature.
I surmise that the resurrection of the red cap in modern minds, could indicate a revival of that old obsession, i.e., the absolute ownership of nature, to the point of destroying it and replacing it with a new, man-made design.
This plan is something I wrote about a decade ago and updated it for Substack in 2022.
It would seem that you, Harbinger, have read very little of my work and that may explain your surprising contempt, which Ivan kindly addressed in his remarks above.
Such a joy of a book! Worthy of mention here! Thank you, Ivan. xx
I think you are a screw short of a fix. You have nothing useful to add, that is apparent. If you comment again, I will block you. Got it?
The stories are in a constant flux and every different thing is true to somebody.
I saw Tom Cowan struggle to explain to Merritt about habeas corpus of viruses.
The truth is the word and the talk all to hide it.
A military career has a definite effect on interpretation.
With all due respect, the stories are not in flux. The storytellers are rewriting them.
If you were once a slave and you were freed -would you wear a hat announcing to the world you were once a slave? How about if you were a former sex-worker?
Why not just do what other free men do?
Free men can wear whatever they want to wear.
That is the definition of "free", isn't it?
If you think this "new" fable through just a little you will see that it falls flat on its face.
Only children enjoy being entertained by stories.
Adults see them for what they are.
This is why the storytellers rule the world.
In a psychological war the enemy soldiers are storytellers.
Well with all the disrespect inherent in what's due...If the stories are being rewritten, then they are in flux, aren't they?
And as to the red hats, perhaps that story is, that a type of freedom inspires the freedom type to declare it on their bonce?
And perhaps the appropriation of that freedom story (and its headgear) by the rhetorically free, is a political tool?
And what the hell is empirical freedom anyway? ..Is anyone free?
And do many people never ask to be they not want to be free?
What is your definition or example of freedom squire?
Freedom is not being controlled. Not by anyone else's thoughts or stories. Thinking your own thoughts is freedom. Regurgitating the thoughts of others is a cheap substitute for real freedom.
Accepting others' thoughts as your own without questioning their veracity is embracing a fallacy. In this case it is the very old fallacy Plato warned us about 3000 years ago... Appeal to False Authority. This is classic.
Who is smarter your doctor or your lawyer? Would you go to your lawyer for medical advice? Would you go to your doctor for legal advice? Would you go to a spine surgeon for historical advice regarding red hats?
She is giving a book report. Merritt read a book or two and is giving a report. Why? For money and fame probably.
Nobody who is free would draw attention to himself by wearing a red hat and thereby admitting he was once a slave. What purpose would that serve? Would a former prostitute wear a symbol announcing she was once a sex worker? Why not?
Because it would devalue her social status.
The red hats obviously mean something else.
Give it some thought.
Are you saying your entire body of thought are not influenced by what you have absorbed over the age, including your assessment of your ability to determine truth?
And using the logical fallacy of the loaded question to condemn logical fallacy is a tad ignorant, isn't it?
As is the equivalence fallacy of the prostitute.
If you presume to try and edify others as to the use of logical fallacy in might consider checking your submission before publication
And further to your proposition professor..If someone else's story of red hats is not the true story, perhaps you are au fait with the true story and you can regale we dilettantes with it?
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Frances. Learnt something new about John Enders, who I looked into a few years ago, in the Lee Merritt interview. I read his 'virus isolation' paper etc., but would never have guessed his provenance and what a complete fraud he was. Not surprised.
Interestingly in that isolation paper (c1950/51, I forget but should be easy to find for anyone interested) he said (paraphrase) there was no discernable difference between the 'isolated virus' and his control. I will never forget how shocked I was, because by then I knew where this 'research' had gone.
That’s the mythology that the red Trump hats are tapping into as well. It’s a symbol of “rebellion” against the current system in favor of a more republican style of government. Obviously we all know it’s misguided but that’s what the people orchestrating the movement meant by it. The symbolism runs deep and there’s nothing new under the sun.
Rigby, you are onto something there!!! Well spotted.
It’s not original to me, I read it somewhere several years back. 👍
Yes, I see how that was deliberate!
Loved this Frances
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Before I meet my maker I can only dream of hearing Francis and Dr L Merritt in conversation.
Oh my goodness! We would be nattering for hours! Maybe one of our better podcasters would set it up for us.... what a treat that would be!
Ooh, reminds me.... I have a tête a tête with Ole Dammegard coming up soon! I will post about it as soon as we firm up the details.
2 of my favorite people! Cant wait!
For a moment I thought this was an article on contraception.
Haha! I haven't seen a Dutch cap in about 40 years! Horrible things, but I think the spermicidal cream might be even worse. And what a palaver! How to ruin a sexual encounter in one easy move ...
Thank you for this brilliant post about the important history and symbolism of the Phrygian Cap, featuring some of my favorite people on the interwebz!
What a treat!
Brilliant - Lee Merritt and the subject of symbolism!! Thank you, Frances : )