We’ve been taught to dread tumours as harbingers of doom—rogue cells bent on destruction. But what if they’re containment zones, designed to protect you? Picture this: your body, overwhelmed by toxins—mercury from fish, pesticides from produce, or metabolic waste from a sluggish liver—decides to wall off the danger. A tumour forms, encapsulating these poisons like a landfill isolates garbage. Research supports this reframing: studies cited on our webs reveal tumours laden with heavy metals and xenobiotics, suggesting they’re not random growths but strategic barriers."
According to Dr Lodi ( https://drlodi.com) its not directly caused by parasites but the anti parasitic medications like Ivermectine/praziquantel/ benzimidazole also act to turn off the cancer pathways. His ideas/work (he runs a cancer clinic in the US) are interesting -maybe you have heard of him
Interesting post, thanks. Take a look at this 9-10 minute interview with Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, a cancer surgeon, discussing a former marathon runner who was in hospice with Stage 4 prostate cancer, waiting to die, and then she recommended that he take Ivermectin.
Then, 6-9 months later, he was out on the town, dancing 4 hours a night, and several nights a week:
It's not really my field, I've been studying soil/compost microbiology in relation to plants and their immune systems/pest resistance, but it is increasingly becomming more relevant to human health. Soil science is for sure at the point where we can have a legitimate conversation about soil health in relation to human health.
I've also seen research that shows there is a clear link between pathogenic fungal infections and cancer development.
I lean more towards a terrain scenareo. In the evolution of a compost pile, it takes time for different classes of organisms to prepare the terrain, before subsiquent organisms appear e.g. the number of different species/organisms in a 12 month old static aerobic compost pile, is 6-10 orders of magnitude greater than the same pile at only 9mth old (Dr. Johnson of BEAM/Johnson-Su Bioreactor fame) it is these later arrivals that are mostly lacking in most soils (mostly due to over disturbance) which are very relevant to supression of disease/pest pressure.
It could be that an initial toxin overload causes cancer (as is conventionally understood) which prepares the terrain for "paracitical" organisms (protozoa like as in the video you cited, or fungus) which exacerbate the disease. As I understand it, the human immune system clears up cancer like cells all the time as part of a natural process, until it can no longer do it's job.becomes overloaded, and the cancer grows out of control. It could be that eliminating the parcitical organisms that arrive after the terrain is ripe, stops the exaserbation and enables the immune system to do it's job clearing the cancerous cells.
I think that there has been a marked toxic overload since 1995 with the increasing electro-magnetic radiation of telecommunications. I think that is affecting all of nature.
I think that's certainly the case in urban environments, not so much in rural environments due to the inverse square law.
The Bionutrient Food Association recently did a wide ranging study on vegetable and meat crops (combined with associated soil sampling) across N.America and Europe. Nutrient Density was markedly low in >60% of samples, the more remarkable finding was there was no correlation in Nutrient Density to method of farming in the top 10% (i.e. most Nutrient Dense) samples, the samples represented the whole range of farming methods, conventional, Organic, Regenerative, Biodynamic, Home grown, etc.
The only correlation in the to top 10% was hgh soil respiration, i.e. the more "alive" with microbial life the soil is, the more nutrient dense the crops are, additionally the difference in nutrient load was orders of magnitude different between the top 10% and the majority at ~the 40% level. Some samples from the food supply were extremely low in nutrients, and yet there's no way for the consumer to know which is which, even buying "Organic" is no guarentee. (a cheap refractometer could be a simple method for home testing).
Multiple studies link disease (in crops, animals, and humans) to nutrient deficiency, some can be very specific linking specific diseases to specific nutrient deficiencies.
Yet another factor is the changes in diet over the last ~80yrs since WW2. Pre war the average western diet had a 10:1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, nowadays the ratio is reversed to 1:10 due to the huge increase in vegetable/seed oil consumption. Omega 3 is responsible for turning off the bodies inflamatory response, Omega 6 is responsible for turning it on! You can read more about this is the book "What your food ate: How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim our Health" by Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery (you can find a free copy on anna's archive/z-library)
I think it's more likely dietary changes, decreased nutrient uptake, deficiencies in human microbiome (i.e. good gut bugs) and toxin overload (chemical and EMF) are responsible for the majority of increased disease incidence.
Fuck all really, after 60 years of expert medical investigation and research, and 10’s of TRILIONS of dollars spent (embezzeled), and millions of needless deaths by medical malpractice.(chemo)
Maybe Rodger DOGEr can help with this waste of resourses 😂
Next thing they’ll be saying is that “parasites” are floating around 💸 and are infectious from person to person, now that pathogenic virus’s have been FULLY exposed to be a whopping lie.
Of course, unless your swimming in the tropical forests of the amazon, oh I forgot, they’ve burnt the forests down to “save the planet”, never mind.
Cell mutation by emf interference , then bacteria and other host organisms are naturaly produced for clearing up the debris.
Of course if your drinking and eating stuff that has toxic to human organisms , you’ll become sick, but that goes without saying….
If we get rid of the “cleanup” crew, by constant sterilization products being applied, the debris remains and becomes toxic causing esculating inflamation.
Otherwise known as cancer growth.
P.S. pls don’t feed the fearmongers….
Apologies, they’re not allowing me to sleep, (emf bombardment),so I might be a bit more cranky, than usual.
it's my first day back upright seeing if i can focus and read...the least few weeks have been fighting for my life. i can't wait to share the story Frances - the deathbed offers rapidfire downloads, and i made a deal to be able to return...
we don't need "the studies"...we are living proof of poisoning by the evil machine
Royal Raymond Rife discovered the microorganism that causes cancer a century ago. He called it BX virus and he met Koch's postulates by sequencing through a series of rats all of whom developed tumors which were found to exhibit the same critters upon examination under his microscope. His infamous universal microscope had the highest resolution of any before or since that allows the observation of live specimens. The specimen was "stained" by a polarized beam of monochromatic light which matched the inherent frequency emitted by the specimen being observed.
His conclusion was that the BX as well as other viruses like typhoid and tuberculosis are pleomorphic. They evolve through various forms based on the terrain of the host. If pleomorphism sounds fantastic, just consider the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly.
His amazing discoveries including the use of electromagnetic frequencies to devitalize the viruses and cure those suffering were unsurprisingly suppressed and discredited by the criminal American Medical Association and National Cancer Institute.
For a brief report he released in 1953 regarding his work on cancer click the link below
I am familiar with Carnicom's work. I believe many great minds come to the same conclusions but express their similar discoveries in different terminology. What Rife discovered in the 1930's was a cross domain bacteria. He discusses the life stages where the bacteria become filterable ( virus essentially) and then evolve into a fungal morphology and eventually back to coccoid bacterial form.
A pleomorphic organism is exactly what Cliff Carnicom discovered and named Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)! It is also the parasite shown in the video I shared in this post.
There really needs to be more work done to bring all these discoveries into the light rather than bury them because they dispute the prescribed narrative.
It is infuriating that this is not being done - and quickly!
New York, Feb. 2. Dr. W. B. Clark, a well-known physician, insists that vaccination is the cause ot cancer. He says:
“A cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. Cancer, I believe, is a disease of cell life, a disturbance of its equilibrium, manifested by the rapid growth of cells and the consequent building up of a tumor. I have had to do with at least 200 cases of cancer, and here declare that I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.
“The way vaccination causes cancer is like this: It takes 21 years to make a man and but four to make a cow, the former being of slow cell growth and the latter rapid. To put the rapid-growing cells, or protoplasm, of a diseased animal (in a condition of virulent infectious activity) into the slow-growing cells of man, is to disturb the equilibrium of cell life and create that disparity, disarrangement and disorganization which, when the season for cancer comes late in life, results in cancer, if not tuberculosis earlier.”
The Pueblo Sun, Volume 5, Number 133, February 2, 1909
...""Cell Phones and Cancer Risk Fact Sheet - NCI", observed no association between cell phone use and the incidence of glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, even among people who had been cell phone subscribers for 13 or more years."...this is why A/i is screwballish. They cite this study that anyone can find so where's the truth or the beef as they used to say?
So does this make A/i smart? No. It just prattles off some info it has gathered and maybe faster than a human could, but it is still the same info true or tainted. A/i did no new studies, created no new information by thinking for itself and generally didn't add much of anything to the conversation except what it is programmed to add or deduce. Grade: F+
i got tazed by two new towers across the street, and suddenly couldn't stand up any more. Got to the point where i was lifeless and barely crawling around. Who has time for cancer when you go down so fast and hard!!!
We live in a hotel now, not directly in line with the big tower nearby. i could not touch tech at all and felt like i was being electrocuted constantly all the time. Next move - forest bound!
"Tumours: Biological Trash Bags
We’ve been taught to dread tumours as harbingers of doom—rogue cells bent on destruction. But what if they’re containment zones, designed to protect you? Picture this: your body, overwhelmed by toxins—mercury from fish, pesticides from produce, or metabolic waste from a sluggish liver—decides to wall off the danger. A tumour forms, encapsulating these poisons like a landfill isolates garbage. Research supports this reframing: studies cited on our webs reveal tumours laden with heavy metals and xenobiotics, suggesting they’re not random growths but strategic barriers."
How does cosmic radiation fit into our studies?
Listen to this!
And how does pH fit in the Cancer picture?
About as much as real doctors suspected in the 1940’s …. Parasites, Nutrition and a sneaky feeling about Rockefeller shutting out Naturopaths
True! xx
According to Dr Lodi ( https://drlodi.com) its not directly caused by parasites but the anti parasitic medications like Ivermectine/praziquantel/ benzimidazole also act to turn off the cancer pathways. His ideas/work (he runs a cancer clinic in the US) are interesting -maybe you have heard of him
I first came across him via this X post https://x.com/AutismManna/status/1877549619078427100
I think your right Frances that its multi casual .. btw he says we all have parasites and heavy metals in our bodies .
Interesting post, thanks. Take a look at this 9-10 minute interview with Dr. Kathleen Ruddy, a cancer surgeon, discussing a former marathon runner who was in hospice with Stage 4 prostate cancer, waiting to die, and then she recommended that he take Ivermectin.
Then, 6-9 months later, he was out on the town, dancing 4 hours a night, and several nights a week:
Well, that confirms the hypothesis that cancer is a parasite, doesn't it? Thanks a lot for the link!
It's certainly an important data point!
It's not really my field, I've been studying soil/compost microbiology in relation to plants and their immune systems/pest resistance, but it is increasingly becomming more relevant to human health. Soil science is for sure at the point where we can have a legitimate conversation about soil health in relation to human health.
I've also seen research that shows there is a clear link between pathogenic fungal infections and cancer development.
I lean more towards a terrain scenareo. In the evolution of a compost pile, it takes time for different classes of organisms to prepare the terrain, before subsiquent organisms appear e.g. the number of different species/organisms in a 12 month old static aerobic compost pile, is 6-10 orders of magnitude greater than the same pile at only 9mth old (Dr. Johnson of BEAM/Johnson-Su Bioreactor fame) it is these later arrivals that are mostly lacking in most soils (mostly due to over disturbance) which are very relevant to supression of disease/pest pressure.
It could be that an initial toxin overload causes cancer (as is conventionally understood) which prepares the terrain for "paracitical" organisms (protozoa like as in the video you cited, or fungus) which exacerbate the disease. As I understand it, the human immune system clears up cancer like cells all the time as part of a natural process, until it can no longer do it's job.becomes overloaded, and the cancer grows out of control. It could be that eliminating the parcitical organisms that arrive after the terrain is ripe, stops the exaserbation and enables the immune system to do it's job clearing the cancerous cells.
I think that there has been a marked toxic overload since 1995 with the increasing electro-magnetic radiation of telecommunications. I think that is affecting all of nature.
I think that's certainly the case in urban environments, not so much in rural environments due to the inverse square law.
The Bionutrient Food Association recently did a wide ranging study on vegetable and meat crops (combined with associated soil sampling) across N.America and Europe. Nutrient Density was markedly low in >60% of samples, the more remarkable finding was there was no correlation in Nutrient Density to method of farming in the top 10% (i.e. most Nutrient Dense) samples, the samples represented the whole range of farming methods, conventional, Organic, Regenerative, Biodynamic, Home grown, etc.
The only correlation in the to top 10% was hgh soil respiration, i.e. the more "alive" with microbial life the soil is, the more nutrient dense the crops are, additionally the difference in nutrient load was orders of magnitude different between the top 10% and the majority at ~the 40% level. Some samples from the food supply were extremely low in nutrients, and yet there's no way for the consumer to know which is which, even buying "Organic" is no guarentee. (a cheap refractometer could be a simple method for home testing).
Multiple studies link disease (in crops, animals, and humans) to nutrient deficiency, some can be very specific linking specific diseases to specific nutrient deficiencies.
Yet another factor is the changes in diet over the last ~80yrs since WW2. Pre war the average western diet had a 10:1 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6, nowadays the ratio is reversed to 1:10 due to the huge increase in vegetable/seed oil consumption. Omega 3 is responsible for turning off the bodies inflamatory response, Omega 6 is responsible for turning it on! You can read more about this is the book "What your food ate: How to Heal Our Land and Reclaim our Health" by Anne Biklé and David R. Montgomery (you can find a free copy on anna's archive/z-library)
I think it's more likely dietary changes, decreased nutrient uptake, deficiencies in human microbiome (i.e. good gut bugs) and toxin overload (chemical and EMF) are responsible for the majority of increased disease incidence.
Thank you for sharing this and posting the video - just bought you a couple coffee 😊❤️🙏
...u know this guy Frances i think... Jason Breshears... https://rumble.com/v6lzsag-mirror-2025-predictions-report.html ... archaix.com ... has a useful glossary... i predict u'll not want to miss this! ...
Fuck all really, after 60 years of expert medical investigation and research, and 10’s of TRILIONS of dollars spent (embezzeled), and millions of needless deaths by medical malpractice.(chemo)
Maybe Rodger DOGEr can help with this waste of resourses 😂
Next thing they’ll be saying is that “parasites” are floating around 💸 and are infectious from person to person, now that pathogenic virus’s have been FULLY exposed to be a whopping lie.
Of course, unless your swimming in the tropical forests of the amazon, oh I forgot, they’ve burnt the forests down to “save the planet”, never mind.
Cell mutation by emf interference , then bacteria and other host organisms are naturaly produced for clearing up the debris.
Of course if your drinking and eating stuff that has toxic to human organisms , you’ll become sick, but that goes without saying….
If we get rid of the “cleanup” crew, by constant sterilization products being applied, the debris remains and becomes toxic causing esculating inflamation.
Otherwise known as cancer growth.
P.S. pls don’t feed the fearmongers….
Apologies, they’re not allowing me to sleep, (emf bombardment),so I might be a bit more cranky, than usual.
Crank away, Mick. I am all over the place with Sun flares, CMEs and unnatural telecoms as a toxic topping too!
This might explain things for you about cancer....
Not really. Are you sure you added the right link?
Try AI platform https://uncensored.ai/ for same questions, Frances
No, Joel. You try and report back.
I have a whole podcast series on natural cancer reversal.
You should not be shy about linking that series here! I know some writers don't like it but I encourage any extra info we can get!
Here is another:
Here is another:
Here is one:
awesome! love this post, and carnicom.
it's my first day back upright seeing if i can focus and read...the least few weeks have been fighting for my life. i can't wait to share the story Frances - the deathbed offers rapidfire downloads, and i made a deal to be able to return...
we don't need "the studies"...we are living proof of poisoning by the evil machine
Royal Raymond Rife discovered the microorganism that causes cancer a century ago. He called it BX virus and he met Koch's postulates by sequencing through a series of rats all of whom developed tumors which were found to exhibit the same critters upon examination under his microscope. His infamous universal microscope had the highest resolution of any before or since that allows the observation of live specimens. The specimen was "stained" by a polarized beam of monochromatic light which matched the inherent frequency emitted by the specimen being observed.
His conclusion was that the BX as well as other viruses like typhoid and tuberculosis are pleomorphic. They evolve through various forms based on the terrain of the host. If pleomorphism sounds fantastic, just consider the caterpillar that becomes a butterfly.
His amazing discoveries including the use of electromagnetic frequencies to devitalize the viruses and cure those suffering were unsurprisingly suppressed and discredited by the criminal American Medical Association and National Cancer Institute.
For a brief report he released in 1953 regarding his work on cancer click the link below
I am familiar with Carnicom's work. I believe many great minds come to the same conclusions but express their similar discoveries in different terminology. What Rife discovered in the 1930's was a cross domain bacteria. He discusses the life stages where the bacteria become filterable ( virus essentially) and then evolve into a fungal morphology and eventually back to coccoid bacterial form.
A pleomorphic organism is exactly what Cliff Carnicom discovered and named Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB)! It is also the parasite shown in the video I shared in this post.
There really needs to be more work done to bring all these discoveries into the light rather than bury them because they dispute the prescribed narrative.
It is infuriating that this is not being done - and quickly!
One can visit James Templeton's website - www.templetonwellness.com and see how executive Joe Tippens healed his late stage cancer.
Type in his name in the search section - 3 videos.
James also has a book, which I have in my library, showing how he healed his cancer, too.
Very interesting article!
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician).
like the "former licensed..." part - ME TOO!
I quit my clinical practice when "managed care" came in which is "rationing."
I eventually entered the "financial" world over time.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician).
you go girl. i've left licenses and board certification behind, and when i can practice again it will be all on my terms
New York, Feb. 2. Dr. W. B. Clark, a well-known physician, insists that vaccination is the cause ot cancer. He says:
“A cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. Cancer, I believe, is a disease of cell life, a disturbance of its equilibrium, manifested by the rapid growth of cells and the consequent building up of a tumor. I have had to do with at least 200 cases of cancer, and here declare that I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.
“The way vaccination causes cancer is like this: It takes 21 years to make a man and but four to make a cow, the former being of slow cell growth and the latter rapid. To put the rapid-growing cells, or protoplasm, of a diseased animal (in a condition of virulent infectious activity) into the slow-growing cells of man, is to disturb the equilibrium of cell life and create that disparity, disarrangement and disorganization which, when the season for cancer comes late in life, results in cancer, if not tuberculosis earlier.”
The Pueblo Sun, Volume 5, Number 133, February 2, 1909
i think every single poison takes its toll, and without interrupting that cycle, any one of us will go down.
i appreciate the final paragraph about artificially pushing life to rush
Vaccination is NOT found in Nature.
It is fake.
Many of theses companies, if not all, are public companies for profits and careers.
Many things cause illness.
Here is an example. Moderna was trading for less than $5.00 a share in 2019, and by 2021, it was selling for about $497.00 a share.
Someone made a ton of money from Moderna.
Thank you!
Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)
Please note when cancer was named by Galen. Also note that cancer has been found in Egyptian mummies. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171214101215.htm
...""Cell Phones and Cancer Risk Fact Sheet - NCI", observed no association between cell phone use and the incidence of glioma, meningioma, or acoustic neuroma, even among people who had been cell phone subscribers for 13 or more years."...this is why A/i is screwballish. They cite this study that anyone can find so where's the truth or the beef as they used to say?
So does this make A/i smart? No. It just prattles off some info it has gathered and maybe faster than a human could, but it is still the same info true or tainted. A/i did no new studies, created no new information by thinking for itself and generally didn't add much of anything to the conversation except what it is programmed to add or deduce. Grade: F+
i got tazed by two new towers across the street, and suddenly couldn't stand up any more. Got to the point where i was lifeless and barely crawling around. Who has time for cancer when you go down so fast and hard!!!
We live in a hotel now, not directly in line with the big tower nearby. i could not touch tech at all and felt like i was being electrocuted constantly all the time. Next move - forest bound!