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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by Frances Leader

I have been looking for whomever it was that Tom Cowan mentioned was joining them for a presentation, and whose water had done a picture of London Bridge, ever since. It seems Veda Austin is she. Thanks. xx

Have watched half of the Ramola D Pt.4 interview already. :)

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Wonderful..! Potent.. Yes yes, I fell in love with the Pacific Ocean via surfing. Bought an 11' 2'' long board in high school. Dropped all organized sports and started getting up about 4:30 AM every day to surf.. before 1st class.. Many days I would paddle out before dawn in the jet black sea just before first light in Huntington Beach. You really had to let the eyes adjust so you discern the outline of the wave as it was building. Standing on the shore You could hear from the the sound of the waves Breaking how big the Swell was. Sometimes The foam was iridescent, which added to the mystique of the atmosphere.

Learned some wonderful wild lessons along the Southern California coast for the next 20 years.. chasing the Swell.. Grey whales breaching 50yds from you. Dolphins cruising right under my board at times. I wanted all I could get, Big Storm surf to tiny little 2 footers .. shooting the pier on a Big day ..

There was a time when I could not imagine not surfing most of the week. Yet all things come to an end. One day I found rock climbing that became my primary outdoor passion.. Continue to surf but not much.. live in the Sierra Nevada mtns. now..

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Water connects all

Surrounds all

Holds all

Untouched by any contamination/sin


Is water God/Good?

The question I ask myself

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

01/08/2022 - WHO OWNS WATER?

Do we know what water really is and its true value?

Very good questions - I suspect some already know the answers which go way beyond our current understanding of the H2O molecule.

I would like to sit down and have a cup of tea and a macaroon with Prince Charles, the first thing i'd ask him without hypnosis is 'Why this Royal fascination with water?'

Therein will lay the answers!

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(Banned)Aug 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

And the unique (?) property of water to expand when frozen could be the very basis for life on earth. Had it contracted, like all other (?) liquids, the earth could have become an ice planet during the various ice ages. Instead, the ice on top of water created an insulating layer that protected life below. Maybe?

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(Banned)Aug 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

When you consider that we are at least 70% water, it makes sense that there is some form of "communion" with the broader body of water.

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I just reread this writing, as I had posted it. It is so beautiful and profound.

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Ohhhh!!!!! THIS, this went straight into my heart. I am amazed at how your writing contains so much of my inner life! A few months ago I got a water distiller. I read in a book that once the water is processed (I feel like it's a kind of "newborn baby" at that time), that it needs exposure to Nature and then some agitation in the form of creating vortexes a few times by stirring. During that that time I felt compelled to SING TO IT... I tell it to "remember who/what you are" and that it is the Source, it is the Divine, it is LOVE...

When I lived in San Francisco there was an organist of a church who made up his own tune for a part of the service (Episcopalian) and it consisted of singing "Alleluia" -- It was a joyful bit of music... I took it into my brain and added a second part to it. I still sing it to myself, and I sing it to the Baby Water!

Something inside me is soooo connected to this idea, this description, this FEELING and this AWE, as you have so beautifully described... When I was a child, I also had a love of swimming, well-- more like FROLICKING, in the water... Diving for coins in the swimming pool, doing backflips off the ladder, and just playing... I was a puddle jumper, and a Mud Football player (in the rain), and just a SINK player, with toys, if nothing else.

I almost drowned twice and was rescued, and a very small child that I knew, the child of friends of my parents, who did drown, in their swimming pool, at the age of two... I was seven. It was my first experience of death. It made a very big impression on me-- Jesus appeared to me that night and comforted me silently... I guess it was Jesus... an angel, whatever. Profound things for a seven-year-old...

Water. The Holiest of Holies... THANK YOU FOR THIS POST!!!!!!!!

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Water Memory (2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)


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I just had another thought... (mind chatter is endless in my head)

Remember the story of Jesus going to the party and they had run out of wine? Jesus is said to have turned the water into wine.

What if he taught the people the value of water and they drank it in reverence, preferring it to wine, maybe for the first time in their lives?

Quite a thought, huh?

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Mar 10, 2022·edited Mar 10, 2022Author

Ramola D interviews Veda Austin..... ooh deep joy! Ramola was chatting with Veda, covering the same observations and conclusion about unconditional love, at the same time as I was writing this article! Could it be that water connected us (US + NZ + UK) and inspired us all with the same reverence simultaneously??

I am beyond thrilled!


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water, the most undervalued & under appreciated crystal on the planet.

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Beautiful ❤️🙏

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Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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