If you were serious about the science of viruses and DNA, we would be engaged in a real discussion on this topic___which is ultimately about science , not just viruses. I did take a look at the site you recommended and I can tell you that it does not offer a scientific argument that addresses the established body of research on virology.
There is a real need to confuse citizens concerning the nature of science so as to make it easier for multinationals to manipulate them and confuse them. Many of these trolls are paid from classified budgets of Homeland Security through private contractors, some like Booze Allen are well known, others less known. The funding is often quite impressive and the work can be fun.
Dear Worr Herder, You are suggesting that I am being naive and irrational, but in fact I am being entirely scientific. I am certainly willing to accept the possibility that the entire concept of viruses is wrong. It seems unlikely but science should always be open to such questioning. But this debate, and your comments are off the mark. We need to take the central research in virology and show that it is not logical and cannot be reproduced. I do not see that taking place anywhere here. Why don't we start a scientific process. The same goes for climate change. People say it is a myth、 they quote Al Gore or Greta. But they do not go through documented studies like EAARTH or Topic of Chaos. Why? Because these studies of climate change are documented and real. They are not made up . Covide 19 falls apart on a serious analysis. But I taughte a seminar on climate change and read many books. There were ambiguities, but nothing that undermined the basis thesis.
I am sorry, but several comments are inaccurate and I suspect that he is also not authorized to speak the whole truth. The argument that climate change is natural and no big deal is not scientifically viable and there is a pile of serious research that he does not even try to refute. His argument about viruses not existing plays on the real subject (that scientists pretend they understand more about viruses and DNA than they really do) and suggest that there are no such things as viruses, and that viruses have no relationship to disease (something that no serious researcher would say). I would rate this as 75% accurate.
You're making these statements and saying he's wrong, but you don't give any evidence of WHY he is wrong... Do you have evidence that the world hasn't yet seen? I have been listening to the idea of viruses being basically a hoax from WAY back there, like 1800's, since 2020, and there is NO evidence that viruses, as we have been taught to think of them--- as invading from outside the body, existing as entities that can live without a host, and that then attacks us in order to... proliferate--- there is no evidence anyone has ever been able to show, no actual isolation, no purification... It's all been a lot of mumbo jumbo and NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE. If you disagree, then let's see it, and I'll happily accept it. But if there are no viruses, how could they have any relationship to disease?
I'm curious as to whether you have looked into Terrain Theory-- This makes FAR more sense to me, simply using LOGIC and a basic understanding of biology. But most people I've spoken with who say Terrain Theory is wrong haven't actually READ anything that explains it.
If one puts the two differing views together and examines them together, with a fairly basic understanding of biology, Germ Theory makes no sense, it only makes a lot of CENTS.
That's my take. And I've done some actual reading. :)
There are a few central articles on viruses that need to be addressed in a scientific manner if you are serious about making such an argument. I look forward to seeing your research, or that of those whom you rely on. I would like to note that the imperfection in our understanding of the DNA does not mean it does not exist the same for the virus.
You challenged the virus question on Fran's page... Where is YOUR evidence? Surely, if you've done any investigation, you're aware that there has NEVER been a positive FOI response for a virus isolation. If you have information I haven't seen, I'd like to see it.
An excellent source for information is right here on Substack:
You can also search Thomas Cowan, MD, who explains not only the lack of any isolation of any virus, ever, but explains the process quite clearly, and is a scientist, too.
This most certainly is progress。I would like to make it clear to everyone that I do not take an anti-science perspective. I welcome discussions, even with those I disagree with. I also do not have the time do go into an extensive exploration of the fascinating, and critical, question, of what parts of contemporary science are truly scientific,and which are added on to obtain budgets and dazzle the population. We run into this problem with NASA. On the one hand, the moon landings clearly were rigged up. On the other hand, other efforts at space exploration seem to really have taken place. I recommend my article "The Treason of the INtellectuals" https://emanuelprez.substack.com/p/the-treason-of-the-intellectuals-ae5?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
Why are you going off on NASA and moon landings? I provided some information about the virus issue and you've ignored it and moooooved on, which is bull, ha ha.
He makes great docs on germ theory... but what's up with the flat earth stuff? He is a liability because flat earth can easily be used to discredit any topic. He's obviously intelligent and clued up, so why promote the utter nonsense that is FE? I forced myself to watch one of his vids on FE and it's a complete joke. It's just a stream of logical fallacies and not a shred of science. It makes no sense that someone who understands psyops would fall for one as obvious as FE. Can someone explain the allure of FE? Because my default setting is 'anyone who promotes FE is being disingenuous'.
I can't understand that whole thing... You only have to get on an airplane to see the curvature of the Earth. What gives with that??? I guess we can't ALL be perfect, lol. ;)
I watched Steve and Jerm, and then immediately watched the Naomi/Ultra film on Spacebusters over the last couple of days. The Naomi/Ultra film really is a well put together work by Steve, as are his other documentary films. He always comes up with the goods.
Interesting... But also thinking about all the fear-mongering going on with "things" in meats, and eggs, and so on... I think a lot of it is pure scare tactics and nothing else. But I don't know. And I'm staying away from Big Food labels, generally speaking, as usual.
If you were serious about the science of viruses and DNA, we would be engaged in a real discussion on this topic___which is ultimately about science , not just viruses. I did take a look at the site you recommended and I can tell you that it does not offer a scientific argument that addresses the established body of research on virology.
There is a real need to confuse citizens concerning the nature of science so as to make it easier for multinationals to manipulate them and confuse them. Many of these trolls are paid from classified budgets of Homeland Security through private contractors, some like Booze Allen are well known, others less known. The funding is often quite impressive and the work can be fun.
Dear Worr Herder, You are suggesting that I am being naive and irrational, but in fact I am being entirely scientific. I am certainly willing to accept the possibility that the entire concept of viruses is wrong. It seems unlikely but science should always be open to such questioning. But this debate, and your comments are off the mark. We need to take the central research in virology and show that it is not logical and cannot be reproduced. I do not see that taking place anywhere here. Why don't we start a scientific process. The same goes for climate change. People say it is a myth、 they quote Al Gore or Greta. But they do not go through documented studies like EAARTH or Topic of Chaos. Why? Because these studies of climate change are documented and real. They are not made up . Covide 19 falls apart on a serious analysis. But I taughte a seminar on climate change and read many books. There were ambiguities, but nothing that undermined the basis thesis.
Just watching now. Thanks for the prompt. Falconer’s stuff on covid is also very good and thorough.
I am sorry, but several comments are inaccurate and I suspect that he is also not authorized to speak the whole truth. The argument that climate change is natural and no big deal is not scientifically viable and there is a pile of serious research that he does not even try to refute. His argument about viruses not existing plays on the real subject (that scientists pretend they understand more about viruses and DNA than they really do) and suggest that there are no such things as viruses, and that viruses have no relationship to disease (something that no serious researcher would say). I would rate this as 75% accurate.
You're making these statements and saying he's wrong, but you don't give any evidence of WHY he is wrong... Do you have evidence that the world hasn't yet seen? I have been listening to the idea of viruses being basically a hoax from WAY back there, like 1800's, since 2020, and there is NO evidence that viruses, as we have been taught to think of them--- as invading from outside the body, existing as entities that can live without a host, and that then attacks us in order to... proliferate--- there is no evidence anyone has ever been able to show, no actual isolation, no purification... It's all been a lot of mumbo jumbo and NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE. If you disagree, then let's see it, and I'll happily accept it. But if there are no viruses, how could they have any relationship to disease?
I'm curious as to whether you have looked into Terrain Theory-- This makes FAR more sense to me, simply using LOGIC and a basic understanding of biology. But most people I've spoken with who say Terrain Theory is wrong haven't actually READ anything that explains it.
If one puts the two differing views together and examines them together, with a fairly basic understanding of biology, Germ Theory makes no sense, it only makes a lot of CENTS.
That's my take. And I've done some actual reading. :)
There are a few central articles on viruses that need to be addressed in a scientific manner if you are serious about making such an argument. I look forward to seeing your research, or that of those whom you rely on. I would like to note that the imperfection in our understanding of the DNA does not mean it does not exist the same for the virus.
You challenged the virus question on Fran's page... Where is YOUR evidence? Surely, if you've done any investigation, you're aware that there has NEVER been a positive FOI response for a virus isolation. If you have information I haven't seen, I'd like to see it.
An excellent source for information is right here on Substack:
You can also search Thomas Cowan, MD, who explains not only the lack of any isolation of any virus, ever, but explains the process quite clearly, and is a scientist, too.
This most certainly is progress。I would like to make it clear to everyone that I do not take an anti-science perspective. I welcome discussions, even with those I disagree with. I also do not have the time do go into an extensive exploration of the fascinating, and critical, question, of what parts of contemporary science are truly scientific,and which are added on to obtain budgets and dazzle the population. We run into this problem with NASA. On the one hand, the moon landings clearly were rigged up. On the other hand, other efforts at space exploration seem to really have taken place. I recommend my article "The Treason of the INtellectuals" https://emanuelprez.substack.com/p/the-treason-of-the-intellectuals-ae5?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2
Why are you going off on NASA and moon landings? I provided some information about the virus issue and you've ignored it and moooooved on, which is bull, ha ha.
Now show me the money.
I replied and the reply has been deleted!
He makes great docs on germ theory... but what's up with the flat earth stuff? He is a liability because flat earth can easily be used to discredit any topic. He's obviously intelligent and clued up, so why promote the utter nonsense that is FE? I forced myself to watch one of his vids on FE and it's a complete joke. It's just a stream of logical fallacies and not a shred of science. It makes no sense that someone who understands psyops would fall for one as obvious as FE. Can someone explain the allure of FE? Because my default setting is 'anyone who promotes FE is being disingenuous'.
I can't understand that whole thing... You only have to get on an airplane to see the curvature of the Earth. What gives with that??? I guess we can't ALL be perfect, lol. ;)
I watched Steve and Jerm, and then immediately watched the Naomi/Ultra film on Spacebusters over the last couple of days. The Naomi/Ultra film really is a well put together work by Steve, as are his other documentary films. He always comes up with the goods.
Do you have a link for that?
I am looking at Steve's Bitchute channel and can't find it!
I use odysee. Heres the Naomi link there
Great! I have added a reference and link to the post. Thanks for the heads up.
Interesting... But also thinking about all the fear-mongering going on with "things" in meats, and eggs, and so on... I think a lot of it is pure scare tactics and nothing else. But I don't know. And I'm staying away from Big Food labels, generally speaking, as usual.