Video: Jerm Warfare talks to Steve Falconer
In this video » JERM WARFARE TALKS TO STEVE FALCONER about MKNaomi which ran concurrent with MKUltra.
This was a psy-op on the general public loaded with subliminal messaging. Wikipedia says:
MKNAOMI is the code name for a joint Department of Defense/CIA research program from the 1950s through to the 1970s. Unclassified information about the MKNAOMI program and the related Special Operations Division is scarce. It is generally reported to be a successor to the MKULTRA project focusing on biological projects including biological warfare agents—specifically, to store materials that could either incapacitate or kill a test subject and to develop devices for the diffusion of such materials.
They discussed a range of things, including:
MK-Ultra and MK-Naomi, touching on Steve’s recent video: TRUST ULTRA TRUST NAOMI
vaccines being bioweapons,
why Fauci (and company) won’t get prosecuted,
the destructive trends within “truth movements”, and
COVID-19 being a MK-Naomi operation.
He makes great docs on germ theory... but what's up with the flat earth stuff? He is a liability because flat earth can easily be used to discredit any topic. He's obviously intelligent and clued up, so why promote the utter nonsense that is FE? I forced myself to watch one of his vids on FE and it's a complete joke. It's just a stream of logical fallacies and not a shred of science. It makes no sense that someone who understands psyops would fall for one as obvious as FE. Can someone explain the allure of FE? Because my default setting is 'anyone who promotes FE is being disingenuous'.
I watched Steve and Jerm, and then immediately watched the Naomi/Ultra film on Spacebusters over the last couple of days. The Naomi/Ultra film really is a well put together work by Steve, as are his other documentary films. He always comes up with the goods.