I was asked to listen to this broadcast by
from the 22nd minute onward.It was mentioned in a comment from
on latest post:After listening I just had to dash off a very quick response as follows:
Clif High is a decade behind Jim Lee! We have known that the chemtrailers use coal ash since an Indian researcher identified the composition a decade ago. The off-shore style of distribution has also been used in the UK for many years! I see the lines at dawn over the coast whenever the sky is clear in the early dawn.
Clif High infuriates me with his absolute avoidance of electro-magnetic radiation from telecoms! Any fool can work out that the massive upsurge in Cancers, turbo varieties especially, are the direct result of the roll out of 5G. The massive increase in unnatural EMFs is causing all living beings tremendous health problems and this can be traced both geographically and chronologically worldwide.
See: Study Shows Direct Correlation Between 5G Networks and “Coronavirus” Outbreaks [April 2020] » https://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846
We only need to look at the declassified US Navy's translations of Russian documents to see that, since the 1970s, it has been known that certain wavelengths caused blooms of parasites within the bodies of lab rats. They literally puffed up with oedema, obesity and cancerous growths.
In the news Cancer is now suspected as being colonies of parasites!
Surely it is obvious that this is what we are seeing among people nowadays?
Now I ask myself.... WHY would an intelligent man like Clif High always avoid mentioning the horrors of electro-magnetic radiation? I can only assume that he is as keen to see the advent of the Internet of Things as any Black Nobility Club of Rome obedience freak.
Then when you consider his life's work is dependent on people continuing to use the internet it becomes obvious that he won't say anything which might reduce his legacy to a hill of beans.
Wikipedia says this about him:
"Web Bot is an internet bot computer program whose developers claim is able to predict future events by tracking keywords entered on the internet. It was developed in 1997, originally to predict stock market trends. The creator of the Web Bot Project, Clif High, along with his associate George Ure, keep the technology and algorithms largely secret and sell the predictions via the website."
If he had one iota of integrity he would being telling the internet to get hard-wired and to ditch Wifi...... THAT is why I have serious 'reservations' about Clif High, his Web Bot Project and his selective self-preserving reports!
Martin Pall PhD predicted the end of human brain function about 5 or 6 years ago. He said we had about 5 years left. Not that the injections are not playing a role, but the microwave radiation alone was causing severe damage to the human brain and body and every living thing on this planet. It is not just cell phones. It is cell phones, devices, WIFI, air pods, wireless ear phones, wireless virtual reality headsets used for entertainment and by employers and schools for training, cell towers, smart utility meters, smart appliances, smart watches, microwave ovens - most of which leak, wireless security systems, baby monitors (like having a cell tower in baby's room), printers, satellites beaming down radiation, super powerful routers in schools and hospitals and without your knowledge or consent - from your neighbour next door, massive levels of radiation from smart meter banks in apartments, retail and businesses, babies being irradiated in utero (for many, the second generation as their parents were also irradiated in utero, although to a lesser, but not insignificant extent), ultrasound now in 4D done frequently during pregnancy where 1 or 2 was the standard years ago (and not that that was insignificant either), it is MRI's and CT's done routinely now that didn't exist years ago.
It is electric cars, buses, and the intensity of the radiation from multiple devices in one metal enclosed moving space bouncing back onto passengers and drivers, it is WIFI in school buses thanks to Google's "generosity", it is babies being given wireless tablets as toys and even installed in their cribs, it is babies being given cell phones as toys to keep them quiet, it is parents holding cell phones up to their ears while holding babies so that the baby is as close to the phone as the parent, it is children now pretty much all having cell phones - where children didn't have them before. It is the addictive nature of screens - that alone even without the radiation is proven via brain scan to damage and change brain structure the way that heroin and alcohol change brain structure in addiction. It is schools giving pre-schoolers addictive chrome books instead of real books.
And of course, there is 5G that no one is talking about having been replaced by Covid and with talk of 5G possibly being harmful turned taboo - the usual tactic to discourage questioning. The massive exposures are adding up and the damage is becoming evident.
You must have noticed that people are not acting right.
At all.
what is cancer https://normanjames.substack.com/p/conductive-dis-ease-cancer-parkinsonsms