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Our skin is also a fantastic electrical insulator, if built up correctly:


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I am not so sure about that. I have dark skin which tans very easily. I have spent a lot of my life working long hours outside. However, I am very sensitive to EMFs and the negative effects are cumulative, increasingly debilitating over time.

I also find it ludicrous that we should have to go to such lengths to protect ourselves from all these unnatural EMFs! The only real solution has to be to make them illegal because, lets face it, they are knowingly weaponised against us.

In the UK, new Ministry of Defence buildings are all built with high specifications which protect them against EMFs, gas etc. They are constructed with aluminium lined materials and sealed to be air-tight.

What does that tell you?

They KNOW what they are doing to us! Getting a tan is not going to be enough to protect anyone!

Additionally - once again, I find you concentrating on solutions for HUMANS. Un-natural EMFs are having a much worse effect on insects, plants, animals and birds. So even if we protect ourselves we are failing our food sources!!

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Linda wrote a reply to Naomi Wolf and I reproduce it here to remind me that I am not the only one trying to raise this issue:

"Martin Pall PhD predicted the end of human brain function about 5 or 6 years ago. He said we had about 5 years left. Not that the injections are not playing a role, but the microwave radiation alone was causing severe damage to the human brain and body and every living thing on this planet. It is not just cell phones. It is cell phones, devices, wifi, air pods, wireless ear phones, wireless virtual reality headsets used for entertainment and by employers and schools for training, cell towers, smart utility meters, smart appliances, smart watches, microwave ovens - most of which leak, wireless security systems, baby monitors (like having a cell tower in baby's room), printers, satellites beaming down radiation, super powerful routers in schools and hospitals and without your knowledge or consent - from your neighbor next door, massive levels of radiation from smart meter banks in apartments, retail and businesses, babies being irradiated in utero (for many, the second generation as their parents were also irradiated in utero, although to a lesser, but not insignificant extent), ultrasound now in 4D done frequently during pregnancy where 1 or 2 was the standard years ago (and not that that was insignificant either), it is MRI's and CT's done routinely now that didn't exist years ago.

It is electric cars, buses, and the intensity of the radiation from multiple devices in one metal enclosed moving space bouncing back onto passengers and drivers, it is wifi in school buses thanks to Google's "generosity", it is babies being given wireless tablets as toys and even installed in their cribs, it is babies being given cell phones as toys to keep them quiet, it is parents holding cell phones up to their ears while holding babies so that the baby is as close to the phone as the parent, it is children now pretty much all having cell phones - where children didn't have them before. It is the addictive nature of screens - that alone even without the radiation is proven via brain scan to damage and change brain structure the way that heroin and alcohol change brain structure in addiction. It is schools giving preschoolers addictive chromebooks instead of real books.

And of course, there is 5G that no one is talking about having been replaced by covid and with talk of 5G possibly being harmful - taboo - the usual tactic to discourage questioning. The massive exposures are adding up and the damage is becoming evident. You are 100% correct. People are not acting right. At all."

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Young people have become snowflakes. They are highly anxious and fragile. They complain of ‘microaggressions’. They crave ‘safe spaces’.

Before 2020 social media was full of smart people mocking ‘generation snowflake’ for being so pathetic.

But what if generation snowflake are actually generation EHS - the first generation to have been born next to wifi routers?

What if ‘microaggressions’ are a cultural overlay (a rationalisation) to explain a feeling that is actually caused by a billion microwave assaults every second?

What if the craving for ‘safe spaces’ is the body’s attempt to find a microwave free space, so the body can finally experience peace, calm and health?

When the science is denied, and people have no idea what is happening to them, it’s only natural for them to grasp at whatever explanation seems to make sense… which in progressive schools and universities would be ‘snowflake culture’.

The loss of innocence, the lack of ‘gaiety’ (in the old fashioned sense), the irritability and hostility, the angst, the gender dysphoria….. I put it all down to the increase in EMR. And I see its influence spanning the past century. Obviously today it’s increasing at a phenomenal rate, maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe people will finally be able to make the connection.

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I think you are right. 🎯

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This documentary demonstrates how we are all interconnected as electromagnetic beings.



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Hey up Bird! I'll be down the weekend of the 9th.xxx Got some fab ginger yesterday... huge bag of it! I'll grab a load more to bring with me...shall I get some lemons too?

I've just posted another piece... Let me know what you think ?x

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I remember at the start of the shit show, or rather the last round in early 2020, showing folks two world maps: one showed "covid -19" cases in red, the other showed the countries that had turned 5G on, in blue. The red & blue markings were almost identical shapes. The maps have probably all been taken down now of course

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Yes, I did something similar in Oct 2020, showing UK official maps which coincided similarly. I included the images in several posts along the way. Twitter threw me off for a short while for uploading the two images there. I appealed stating that both images had been lifted from UK Gov official websites and they reluctantly allowed me back on.... for a short while.

Eventually, Facebook, Twitter and Discord permanently banned me because my work was too close to the bone.

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Same here. Got done on Fakebook for those bloody maps. I was on my 13th ban last time I checked which was 3+ years ago. After they did me for a Karry Mullis post they started going back through my stuff. One post was 8 years old, so the way they did it made sure the ban was rolling.

I can't be doin with it .... Talking in code like a fkn 10 year old so the bots don't grab ya!: €0¥|d, j@8$, F@u©i .... \/\/0000han!! Sod that 😂

Problem is, the platforms communicate so we're all, at least, shadow banned everywhere. My playlists don't show on Spotify & when my internet is off my username on there is actually a link to Fakebook. .... Bastuds haha

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Jan 18Liked by Frances Leader

"thinner than that for leprechauns.". Very good! Made me smile anyway. 😁😁

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Jan 9Liked by Frances Leader

Let me introduce a need definition:

Brittle Brain Syndrome

They lack humility

They blame

Self centric thinking

Imagine a discussion where I say that is an interesting thought that persuades me to rethink where I’m coming from. Keep talking, I am wrong, because your understanding logically refutes mine. Thanks, I look forward to continuing our discussions...

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Brittle Brain Syndrome is an apt name for Profit Junkies. I wrote about them here:


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Jan 5Liked by Frances Leader

It’s just bizarre to me that people who I know in the health industry could look at me with a straight face when I asked them how come the flu went on a vacation. 🤷‍♂️ We all know it didn’t go anywhere and the powers that be were just rebranding influenza as “Covid”. 🤡🌎 Not one of those people could explain this influenza anomaly btw

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Jan 2Liked by Frances Leader

I can confirm it was 5G in my area. NorCal central valley. My family and I were all sick in Jan 2020. Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile all fired up their 5G towers around us in Dec 2019 -Jan 2020. I've confirmed this. We had what felt like a very painful "chest cold". I've had asthma my whole life so it wasn't as big a deal for me as it was for the rest of my family who thought they were all dying because they couldn't breathe and thought they had a really bad "cold". When I tell people there was no virus, it was the role out of 5G they look at me like I'm crazy. It's ok, I know the truth. 😁

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So many of us know the truth and are treated like fools when we say it.... but I keep going because I know from personal experience that EMFs are health hazards. The governments are corrupted by lobbying from big telecoms.... corrupted into turning a blind eye! They must be very stupid if they think that they will escape the impacts.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Just an observation: What caused the “red eyes?”

I work at a college health. A student came in to see me, a nurse, in early March 2020. He had a fever for 3 days prior to coming in. The fever had broke. He was leaving campus the next day for spring break. He came in because he had red eyes. His eyes and all the surrounding tissue in each eye was red. He looked like a raccoon. I had seen many sick college students over the last 14 years of working there but had never seen a symptom like that ever before. I suspected it was “viral” in nature since no thick yellow drainage only evidence of inflammation. My only home treatment I could offer is cold compresses. We closed shortly after that for 3 months so I never followed up. Later I read MSM articles about how doctors noticed many “covid” patients had “red eyes.” That symptom was always curious to me.

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In Traditional Chinese Medicine red eyes indicates a liver function problem. If the blood is irradiated the liver will be also and the liver channel ends at the eyes. Often people report tinnitus with EMFs and that is because there has been damage to the kidneys. The best and fastest treatment for both is to detox with a 24 hour water only fast.

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Maybe it was from taking Tylenol when he had 3 days of fever.

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The picture gave an idea before further reading. Heaven help us all.

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"Why on earth would anyone assume that there are only two possible narratives to explain the last 3 years?

In all geo-political events there are at least 2 narratives. One official (usually very obviously false) and at least one other (usually equally false)."

I have so little to say ... and one of the few things I do have to say is what you say above, Frances:

They use false dilemma / trilemma propaganda strategies against us.

It's not ROCKET SCIENCE as you imply but people seem to have such a hard time getting their heads around this very basic technique, it staggers me.

They did it for 9/11, JFK, Pearl Harbour, Bologna station bombing, covid and other "events" but when you try to tell people that 9/11 wasn't terrorists but nor was it an inside job per se, it was an evacuated demolition job with faked passenger airliners they just cannot get their heads around it. It's simply astonishing. A typical idiotic response is:

"They wouldn't care about the people." D'uh, no, of course, they wouldn't have cared about the people but caring/not caring has no relevance. How about these reasons for not killing people?

--- 9/11 was a psyop and in psyops you do what you want for real and fake the rest, that's the MO. They don't kill people in psyops unless they want to kill them as they are doing now, they much prefer to make us believe something by DUPING us than doing it for real. The argument that they would kill people for real for greater realism holds no water. We can see that they always make their fakery obvious and laugh in our faces.

--- Demolition jobs involve full evacuations before destruction. Ironically, while we can see how easily thousands of health professionals have been propagandised and coerced into delivering the toxic jabs and millions into receiving them there is no propagandistic or other basis to get demolition professionals to toss their professional standards in the trash by only partially evacuating buildings before destroying them - that's not a thing.

Multiple narratives so everyone gets it wrong - not ROCKET SCIENCE.

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Exactly and sadly the truth.

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I am trying my best to pass on helpful information to people including substacks, articles, podcasts and stories from independent media. I sadly have difficulty sharing this information with some family and friends. I am tired of the lies that are being feed to the elderly. Having a conversation with someone like my mother is very challenging. She thinks her doctor, the pharmacists, public health and the media are correct. I basically informing her of nonsense.

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Thanks for the graphic identifying the symptoms. My constant runny nose in the morning and evening is not normal. At first I thought it was allergies, but the more I read....😵‍💫

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

As I’ve been driving I have noticed that MANY of our school here in FL now have 5G towers somewhere on the property... 🤯🤯. I’m not sure if these are new since Covid. But it would help explain part of the fighting issues we have at the schools now .. besides teaching them to hate each other based on skin color .. we do that now also

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