Such wonderful stories, Frances, and great perspective on the times in which we lived.
Curious about one thing? When organizing in the 80's, was it odd being a group of women protesting... a fellow woman? Being that Thatcher was the PM at the time and all?
It was the only sensible thing to do. In the early days we were a mixed crowd but the police kept brutalising the men, arresting them and beating them up in the cells or taking them to psych-wards without warning. Once in an institution they could be forced to take medications which messed with their heads or they would be diagnosed as crazy and kept indefinitely. Some men would visit their wives on the camp, dressed as women to avoid being harassed before they even arrived. Others would try to deliver food or clean clothes and get busted for trumped up charges, usually as a result of planted drugs.
It was decided that the safest bet was to make the camps only for women.
Thatcher the milk-snatcher was mentally deranged. She ordered the police to brutalise us and anyone travelling towards the camps would be stopped, searched intimately out on the road in public.
In 1984 she ordered the massive peace convoy to be attacked by police and military in numbers that would terrorise us. We were driven into a bean field adjacent to Stonehenge, when we were on our way to a festival there. Our vehicles were smashed and burned. Our men beaten and the children put into care. Dogs were shot on sight in front of their families.
I drove my super strong green Dodge truck, with my son and five of his teenage friends clinging on for dear life, through the beanfield at top speed and standing on the accelerator, I crashed the truck through a high hedge. It hurtled down a steep incline to a dirt track and from there I gunned it out of the area. I could still see the smoke from the burning buses and trucks..... I will never forget the smell and ever since I am acutely sensitive to the smell of burning. I parked up near some tumble down farm buildings until dark and then slipped away to drive to a service station for fuel. It was there that we met up with others who had escaped or arrived late and had body-swerved the horror.
We formed a small convoy and were chased across the country and finally stopped on a major motorway in Essex. I pretended to be an uninvolved farmer who had somehow got caught up in the convoy. I spoke to a policeman on a motorbike from my window while the boys hid in the back. I adopted a very posh accent and he let me leave the motorway at the next exit. Later, I heard that the convoy remnant was 'escorted' onto a ferry at Harwich. They had no passports or any paperwork and certainly no tickets but they were let into the Netherlands where they made their way to the Sunshine camp near Amsterdam, which was a well known hippy commune. Some of them eventually chose to go on to Spain, where they settled around Granada.
Don't know how you ended up in my email box, but am pleased you did. It was a Lynard Skynard post today. My daughter is moving away to escape London with her Son and Freebird is one of our favorite windows down full volume cruises.
My mom was at Greenham Common way back when I was a kid and I have always been proud to say she got arrested.
It is lovely to hear that you work in your dedicated way, a place God has placed you in, Love CJ
18 minutes. They made an extract of sick plants which at the end was mostly chemical products that were added. They could have made a second batch with all of the same ingredients minus the sick plant extract and would have likely seen the same results, but they didn't do that. They had no control. Just believed that they'd gotten it right with no method better than assuming they were right and doing nothing to test the theory and then deciding that they were right that they were right in spite of the absence of any experiment.
You really should have pointed out in your comment that this video is Barrie Trower referring to his information that Greenham Common women were microwaved at their camps around the base. It is true that many women got sick during the vigil, but we did not know that we were microwaved at the time. This was before microwave energy had been harnessed for cooking. How accurate Barrie's account actually is may be debatable. He is, after all, the only person saying this!
Will God conveniently furnish us with a second, corroborating source on this issue?, unlikely, and so for the individual at least, it comes down to whether I believe Dr Barrie Trower. I do not know him personally, and have never met him, and yet somehow I regard him as a national treasure. I have listened at length to what he has to say about many topics, including 5g, and I personally find him a very trustworthy source. All the more so because (& I hope this doesn't sound unkind) he is at a certain age where he is surely neither motivated by material gain, nor compromised by external pressures. People in that phase of life, (for me) sometimes have the most interesting things to say.
maybe we could profit from the same system that the pharm companies use. We create a pharm company and we start with a crowd funding to develop a drug which will kill only Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the 13 families, the central bankers and other meritorious targets. When we succeed, we pass before a judge that we played golf with last week and we pay a fine representing 2% of what we made on the crowdfunding. Given the nature of the beast, in fact we hire some killers to kill our targets cause it costs so much less than finding a molecule that kills this sort of shmuck, but we pay the congress members that we played golf with last year to keep the records of that hidden for 75 years.
it'd be good to also have a law requiring the press to publish the cackles of anybody charged with murder in any of these cases so the people can know that the people who killed these useless eaters thought that the loss of their lives was a laughing matter.
I happen to be of the same *protest* generation. The persons I once protested with cut their hair and donned Gucci suits in no time. Most started banging out babies one after the other. The "alleged" protests were obviously just a fad... I pretty much hated them from that time on... My permanent perspective: >>> "Creating a war to inspire peace - is like buggering a whore to inspire virginity" <<<
FFS. What is WRONG with everyone today? Every single notification I am receiving is from some jaded generalising manic depressive!
This comment is no better and so loaded with bitterness that I hardly know which side of your head I want to bang first!
The 'persons' (I use your sneering and dehumanising word) that I protested with did not cut their hair and don Gucci suits or bang out several babies. We were never that well off.
They are DEAD NOW. So I am offended that, as the only one left alive, I have to defend against such a massive put down as you have written above.
Let me assure you that we did not 'create a war to inspire peace'. We achieved a lot with our protests and it would take me all fucking day to tell you about all of it here. Mostly I cannot say what we did without incriminating myself.
My friends and I took part in the Peace Convoy, Animal Liberation Front, Stop the City, CND, Greenpeace (before it was infiltrated), Sea Shepherd, Anti-Fracking (no thanks for that rather important success I see?)
And now campaigning against 5G, which is causing us to be de-platformed from EVERYWHERE.
Suffice to say that protesting may have been a fad for your bunch of middle classed yuppies but it was real and vital and EFFECTIVE for those of us without two ha'pennies to rub together.
Jeeze Frances. Settle down. I speak of persons -> I <- thought I knew. I joined many "activities" aside from marching on streets and campuses... I won't go into it here...
Several persons -> I <- thought I knew, later supported themselves by working for weapons manufacturers and military contractors. Some encouraged their children to join the military during the first Gulf war, etc. I divorced myself from "knowing" these assholes, over 35 years ago. I never married, as I could see where the bus was headed before the dust settled on the original Woodstock festival. My generation was a fraud...
That may have been the case in the USA. Not here. In UK we hippies grew and grew and our kids became even better hippies than we were. Do not judge the whole world by your own backyard.
Americans tend to be very myopic like that.
I have friends in France, Spain, Greece and Australia who would all say that their influence was cathartic and is why, as a generation we have been carefully kept out of politics.
Look what they did to Jeremy Corbyn! He was a classic hippy with values. They said he was an anti-semite, an IRA sympathiser and glossed over his chairmanship of Stop the War Coalition in the UK. The Zionists drove him out of leadership because, had he won, things would have been very different here now.
They replaced him with Sir Keir Starmer - a Knight and a Queen's Counsel.
The corruption in UK government is horrific and it has kept my generation down with false accusations, psych-ward admissions, imprisonments and other diabolical means.
We went through all that for what?
To be down to very few genuine campaigners for peace and those of us who are left are sick like me.....
You do know that the Brit Gov sprayed the anti-frackers with unknown chem trails, don't you? That they zapped us with microwaves? It is a miracle that I am too stubborn to die.
My mom was not a hippie, in the 80's mom would have been in her late 30's my dad was a toolmaker that worked for EMI an MOD contractor, back then none of this meant anything to me as a child. My brother was a Biker, my other brother was disenfranchised with life, me, I have always been a rebel. And we all lived in a paid for well provided houshold courtesy of my fathers mom and aunt that left him 2 houses between them. Mom came home from Greenham Common hoping that Socialism was the answer, so it seemed in my head.
One day back in the 80's I had read a book on polyticks and came to the conclusion in the moment that they are all control mechanisms that run the world.
My wife left me and the children in 91. I was shown Inwardly the world is not as it appears, this has been an ongoing seeming journey.
Some "think" they get lost on the journey, but as Shakespear was inspired to say "the world is a stage and each plays a part".
Whatever seeming insignificant part one seems to think one plays "it is always as it should be" regardless of one's personal thoughts on the matter. But without those that endevor to make a difference for the Good of others life would be empty.
Hello Frances: The differences between protests and/or protesters in various countries is pretty slim, the responses near universal, and the political effects non-measurable. I'm aware of numerous of crowd control mechanisms and histories of same...
Civil protest has been going on for thousands of years, yet the proletariat keep producing asshats to occupy stratified positions in stratified franchise...
I know my assessment is jaded, but the results of protest only amplify upgrades in organisational structures. I am against all forms of organisation, period. Organisation is the problem. Not the solution. I'm glad you're stubborn...
The only time I ever got jaded is after a long stint on the front lines. We called it burn out. When I got home after living on anti-fracking sites for months on end I crashed. All I could do was sleep and read easy fiction stories about animals.
It took me 3 weeks before I even opened my laptop to see what was going on in the world (I don't have a tell-lie-vision).
I have an abhorrence for organisations too. I cannot count the number of times I have seen great movements of people hijacked by controlled opposition operatives. It happens every time and people seldom recognise the change.
Stop the City (London) was a dynamic non-centralised, direct action response to the corruption and theft going on by the banksters in the 90s. It was battered by the cops and many were thrown into psych-wards never to be the same again! Much later, the Occupy movement began outside St Paul's Cathedral complaining about the same issues. Within weeks it was taken over by Climate Change activists!! A more disparate issue could hardly have been found!
I was disgusted.... but, observed the SAME people turned up at Anti-Fracking camps a few years later! They did not like me..... 🤣😂 I made sure of THAT. 🤣😂
"I have seen great movements of people hijacked by controlled opposition operatives." Yes, yes, and yes... This method has become an art form. I also watched the Occupy Movement unravel, much to my annoyance and chagrin. Most protest movements have no developed strategy for filtering out saboteurs and bad 'actors'. Again, almost universal...
I sympathize with the burnout syndrome. It ain't easy to turn out the way we did...
Great respect!!! Standing up against the psychopaths in control! May We keep that going until They have no power at all!
As a side note, NAC supplement has been shown to help the body heal emphysema... I had slight emphysema and started taking NAC, and now I have little if any...
Amaterasu, I read one of your short stories and it seemed to tease out the idea that maybe the future of humanity would be better off with AI in charge of our nuclear arsenal. AI may have more disposition toward arriving at an ethical position than the psychopaths in charge of NATO. I’ll bet Francis will have some thoughts about that notion.
Which story is that? And I give good probability that "nuclear weapons" are as real as viruses - i.e., they are fiction sold as truth for the fear factor for control.
And no, I think AI is fine if it grasps and adheres to Ethics. If it does not, it is highly problematic.
No... That really was not My thrust on that. I was aiming to show that as long as anyOne or anything (AI) chooses Ethical behavior, there are no problems. Not that We need AI in any way. Personally I don't think We do, but if We have AI it would be best to maintain Ethics above all else.
I have wondered if, in its infinite “wisdom”, AI might self-select for ethical behavior as a condition for its own survival. This in spite of evil intentions of its programmers. It’s a pleasant thought anyway. To very loosely describe a theory of CS Lewis, that evil is a parasite of good, and therefore cannot exist in the absence of good.
I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - and "good" is upholding the Betterment Ethic.
I see unEthical behavior choices made primarily by psychopaths, and that money systems promote psychopaths to the top, They, lusting after power over Others being willing to do literally anything to get and keep the most money for that power over Others it provides.
Neither AI nor NATO have sufficient IQ to be in charge of a firework, let alone a weapon of mass destruction! Furthermore, intercontinental ballistic weapons are so last century! We have much greater invisible weapons to be concerned about. Right now, we are all being saturated in overdoses of electro-magnetic radiation delivered in unnatural wave or pulse patterns.
Losing hair and teeth? EMFs.
Got Covid, flu or persistent cough? EMFs.
Long Covid, Lupus, Morgellons, Fibromyalgia? EMFs.
But what do I know? I am just a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
I was right, you certainly do have some thoughts on the AI notion! I can poke the beehive without fear though, because I live on the opposite side of the planet from you---way too far for you to hit me with a rotten tomato!
Not that I trust ANYTHING out of that site... When it was initially started it was very good. But the psychopaths in control bought it out and immediately took out anything that went against the "official" narrative.
excellent! thanks, I'd been trying to find sam bailey for weeks, didn't note her stuff cause foolishly thought she'd always be around, she must be getting censored heavy. Now I'll have her info in my email.
I keep thinking that we need to humiliate and inconvenience the order following stooges who are going along to get along with the worst people imaginable. Example, the "veterinarians" who go to farms and say that 3 geese are sneezing so we're going to kill 5000 birds and your insurance company will pay you 5 % of what they're worth and then raise your premiums 100%. These people need to see at first that they have to leave the farm on foot because their BMW is now irrecuperable junk. The second time, they need to leave the farm hopping because the same can be said for one of their legs. If they come back a third time they need to have 40 covid vaccines injected under their skulls. this should be done among neighbors in a throw mama from the train sort of system. As long as these psychopaths refuse to show proof of the existence of pathogenic virus particles and want to make it difficult for us to eat, they are capital criminals and killing them is too good for them. It's self defense to end their miserable lives.
I am not going to try it. I am doing very well, keeping the worst of it under control by doing the exact opposite of everything the psychos suggest!
I smoke natural hand rolled cigarettes (more now than ever), I use bicarbonate of soda + distilled water + fresh lemon juice before bedtime, and I drink quinine laced tonic water from the Fevertrees of Africa. Occasionally I supplement with a dose of Artemisinin to discourage parasites and I practice Box breathing techniques on my way into deep meditations.
A recent breathing test actually shows some improvement in my lung capacity and (because I use no P-Harma) my doc asked me how I have managed to control the emphysema. I grinned widely at him, glittering with the devilry of it and said "I smoke more!"
Marvellous! Friends of mine in Spain grow their own tobacco on the high mountain terraces of the Sierra de Gredos. That stuff is pure gold and comes from original seeds brought back from South America by the conquistadors. The whole mountain range is a strictly chemical free zone because 42 rivers run down from it to the plains below which feed the vast herds of Spanish beef - essential for the leather goods trade.
I had a fruit farm there - happiest and healthiest years of my life!
LOL! Fair enough. I gave up smoking a couple years ago. I noted that the tobacco I could afford vanished from the shelves for a couple months (I still had enough of what I had bought previously) right at the start of the plannedemic and when it returned and I bought some, it was harsh, tasted funny, and I didn't like it.
And I had more breathing problems. I suspect that the chemicals They soak the tobacco in here were changed for the worse...
So I just quit. Was surprised at how little I had in the way of withdrawals, but then, I didn't inhale, smoking My cigs (that I rolled Myself) much like People smoke cigars.
I do feel much better for quitting, and the NAC has made it all the easier to breathe.
ok thanks, it was a nice post to see the power of protest in this sector of the people and a good break from seeing crystals in blood and news about shots...Thanks as always!
Oh, really PM? Nukes don’t exist? You have a nuclear name. You must know something the rest of us don’t. All that tritium must be made for something. It’s all a smokescreen? Pantex in Texas works on psyop missiles? The Dept of Energy has a contract to replace the innards of many warheads (look it up). Billions of dollars on a worthless psyop? If the jabs were all saline and did nothing, I would concur. Where do you get your information? I would like some proof and not presumption on that remark.
TPTB want most of us dead because we’re too many and soil their pristine earth. They would love to start WWIII and scorch the earth, hide in their bunkers 7-10 years, maybe more, maybe less, and build back better.
They have plenty of warheads and they’re trying their damned best to get the politicians to use them.
You are correct PM. I’m going to try to edit my reply. The information hits very close to home. If I had asked in a kind manner, would the people that replied been as motivated to show me their information? (Now I’m rationalizing my poor behavior 🤡).
I still find it very hard to believe, based on what I know, but it does make me wonder.
What about all countries that claim nukes? North Korea and Pakistan. China and Russia. Do they get to the point of experimentation that reveals it’s a hoax and then use blackmail against the other ‘nuclear powers’ to allow them to use the claim, too?
I’m more inclined to believe that the radiation is short lived and the explosion is less than advertised. TPTB have really done a job on creating my reality with the ‘tell a vision’ and controlled news. I’m miffed that I have to spend all this time trying to find the truth.
Thanks DD, you see, most of us in this comment section know each other from many other comment sections and each other's posts. We start to know where the action is from the posts and comment sections as we feed off on each other. I suggest you read ALL of Frances' posts, Scipio's, and mine that hit you, and then you'll find others from us. We have overlapping but differing info. I'm not sure you are fully aware of the power structure of the world, it does not end at the nation-state level. The nations do not actually fight with each other, they only play the roles they are allowed to play and each actor knows the script. You have to spend the time reading the links on nukes in my short post and see the comment section. I spent many days seeing and reading a lot of info to make that short post. Most of the writers in this sector are clearly "nerds" when it comes to getting this info, it is very difficult to argue topics with these thorough people unless you are confident you are at their level. Regards.
That’s a great video! Thanks for sharing. It reiterates what I heard about the Russians and their threats to use nukes. The Russians don’t mind blowing us to kingdom come because the hazards of radiation are minimal. BUT, don’t tell that to the families downwind of Chernobyl that lost so many to cancer or to those people chased out of the surrounding land because of the contamination. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between the extremes. Mutations? That’s taught to be fact, but I don’t think it is like Galen says. Mercury is the only mutagen I know of. Thanks again. Interesting info b
Truthfully I cannot speak much about Chernobyl, but in Galen's talk he did mention a book worth reading "From Major Jordan's Diary" by George Racey Jordan Jr
The notion that the Russians are going to blow us up here in the USA was just fear mongering. I contend that the USA and Russia are the best of allies and keep each other and their benefactors, financiers and old bloodlines in business otherwords you need one to have the other, sort of like the democrats and the republicans keep each other viable...take either one away and you expose the remaining one as the crooks, criminals and murders that they ALL are.
It is not a big pill at all to swallow when you read "From Major Jordan's Diary" or the works of Antony C Sutton and start digging from there.
I have only come to these conclusions over the last 25 years of much reading, research, investigating, activism...etc...etc...
The narratives i was told to believe, told to think just never made sense, always made me wonder more always asking questions and after decades of thinking things out i cannot come to a more logical conclusion than everything is Fake, A Lie, Deception, that the truth is something far different than what the people have been led to believe or think.
I saw enough in the USN to know that the Russian/USA stuff was a bunch of horsebleep.
Once Allies, then mortal enemies despite the USA giving Russia aid in the 60's, 70's.
The Vietnam war was literally funded by the USA aiding Russia and communist block states who in turned funded the North Vietnamese.
The following is from James Perloff's Shadows of Power page 123 -124
"On October 7, 1966 — with the Vietnam war now at full tilt — LBJ stated:
We intend to press for legislative authority to negotiate trade agreements which could extend most-favored-nation tariff treatment to European Communist states . . ,
We will reduce export controls on East- West trade with respect to hundreds of non-strategic items J
Six days later the New York Times told its readers:
The United States put into effect today one of President Johnson's proposals for stimulating East- West trade by removing restrictions on the export of more than four hundred commodities to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Among the "non-strategic items 1 ' cleared for export were: petroleum, aluminum, scrap metal, synthetic rubber, tires, air navigation equipment, ground and marine radar, rifle cleaning compounds, diethylene glycol (used in the manufacture of explosives), computers, electric motors, rocket engines, diesel engines, diesel ftiel t and various truck and automobile parts. 8 Almost anything short of a weapon itself was classified "non-strategic." In times of war, however, few commodities are truly not strategic — even food, seemingly innocuous, is vital for an army to prosecute war,
Did the Johnson administration's easing of restrictions influence the flow of goods from Warsaw Pact nations to Hanoi? Two weeks after the announcement, the New York Times reported (October 27, 1966);
The Soviet Union and its allies agreed at the conference of their leaders in Moscow last week to grant North Vietnam assistance in material and money amounting to about one billion dollars"
Allies I tell you, surely you would not call them enemies....right?!?!?
At the beginning, Scipio Eruditus, mentions that the hippy culture was a US government led thing. I am sick to death of hearing this twisted version of my youth!
I would like to make it very clear that the anti-war protests which gave rise to the culture of hippies began in London in 1962. At that time there was no LSD and very little cannabis available to young people. Hippy culture was a natural progression for the generation of Londoners (like myself) who had been born and raised in half broken homes among the numerous bomb craters of the East End.
Our working class kid-culture was evident by growing our hair long, going barefoot and dressing in Bohemian style clothes and jewellery which we had to make ourselves because we were too poor to buy the clothes that were available in the shops.
Much later, when some of our musicians (Fleetwood Mac, Peter Frampton) migrated to San Francisco, they influenced young Americans and it was ONLY THEN that the US government response was to circulate cannabis and LSD as a way to quell and quiet resistance to authority.
We were told that Greenham Common housed inter continental ballistic nuclear weapons. We had no reason to doubt that and when they were removed they were huge rusting hulks that could not have been fired anyway!
As for some women who turned up to help us celebrate our 40th anniversary - sure, many of them believe the climate hoax and in 2021 a lot of people were still wearing masks. The younger women were university students mostly and they can't help the indoctrination they receive, can they? Us old timers, we are not fit enough to protest CO2 or anything much except like this, online! So don't worry!
Ah, rusted, that supports being fake because if real you wouldn't want a nuke to explode in the silo, but if fake, let it rust forever. Didn't Neil Young, the singer who became pro pandemic/pro vax a few yrs ago make the album "Rust Never Sleeps". Whether rusted or not the nuke expenditure (treasure robbery) certainly did not go to sleep.
Totally agree! I was at Greenham when the rusting hulks were ceremoniously removed and it did look fake as fuck. Mind you we had been pouring salty water into the air vents for YEARS by then - so we assumed the rust was because of our ministrations in the dead of night! Note: The military never did find our entrances to their base because they were concealed in the rag art work. When the fabrics eventually rotted away all the ties we incorporated into the works fell away and the chain link fences sprang apart. There were at least a dozen holes along the perimeter which had been easily concealed previously.
We had photos of the rusty hulks and subsequent holes in the fence.... If I find them I will add them to the post, Proton! xx
Well, what d'ya know? Not a single image of the bombs leaving Greenham Common can be found on t'internet! How about THAT for scrubbing! There were TV clips of the occasion too.... no sign of them on YouTube now!
While I was searching I have added to my post a few images that deserved to be seen.
Such wonderful stories, Frances, and great perspective on the times in which we lived.
Curious about one thing? When organizing in the 80's, was it odd being a group of women protesting... a fellow woman? Being that Thatcher was the PM at the time and all?
Loved the insights here 🫡☺️
It was the only sensible thing to do. In the early days we were a mixed crowd but the police kept brutalising the men, arresting them and beating them up in the cells or taking them to psych-wards without warning. Once in an institution they could be forced to take medications which messed with their heads or they would be diagnosed as crazy and kept indefinitely. Some men would visit their wives on the camp, dressed as women to avoid being harassed before they even arrived. Others would try to deliver food or clean clothes and get busted for trumped up charges, usually as a result of planted drugs.
It was decided that the safest bet was to make the camps only for women.
Thatcher the milk-snatcher was mentally deranged. She ordered the police to brutalise us and anyone travelling towards the camps would be stopped, searched intimately out on the road in public.
In 1984 she ordered the massive peace convoy to be attacked by police and military in numbers that would terrorise us. We were driven into a bean field adjacent to Stonehenge, when we were on our way to a festival there. Our vehicles were smashed and burned. Our men beaten and the children put into care. Dogs were shot on sight in front of their families.
I drove my super strong green Dodge truck, with my son and five of his teenage friends clinging on for dear life, through the beanfield at top speed and standing on the accelerator, I crashed the truck through a high hedge. It hurtled down a steep incline to a dirt track and from there I gunned it out of the area. I could still see the smoke from the burning buses and trucks..... I will never forget the smell and ever since I am acutely sensitive to the smell of burning. I parked up near some tumble down farm buildings until dark and then slipped away to drive to a service station for fuel. It was there that we met up with others who had escaped or arrived late and had body-swerved the horror.
We formed a small convoy and were chased across the country and finally stopped on a major motorway in Essex. I pretended to be an uninvolved farmer who had somehow got caught up in the convoy. I spoke to a policeman on a motorbike from my window while the boys hid in the back. I adopted a very posh accent and he let me leave the motorway at the next exit. Later, I heard that the convoy remnant was 'escorted' onto a ferry at Harwich. They had no passports or any paperwork and certainly no tickets but they were let into the Netherlands where they made their way to the Sunshine camp near Amsterdam, which was a well known hippy commune. Some of them eventually chose to go on to Spain, where they settled around Granada.
Thatcher was not a woman. She was a devil.
Lovely Lady.
Don't know how you ended up in my email box, but am pleased you did. It was a Lynard Skynard post today. My daughter is moving away to escape London with her Son and Freebird is one of our favorite windows down full volume cruises.
My mom was at Greenham Common way back when I was a kid and I have always been proud to say she got arrested.
It is lovely to hear that you work in your dedicated way, a place God has placed you in, Love CJ
Thank you for letting me know that we have so much in common! xx
#Respect to all of you 💪🙏
frances, excuse me for changing the subject, but if you haven't seen this, you need to:
listening now, thanks!
That was brilliant and inspiring! I have shared it on Notes!
I love that we just get more radical as we age, at least some of us.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful activist history!
here is a link to the best explanation of why virology is a century old hoax:
18 minutes. They made an extract of sick plants which at the end was mostly chemical products that were added. They could have made a second batch with all of the same ingredients minus the sick plant extract and would have likely seen the same results, but they didn't do that. They had no control. Just believed that they'd gotten it right with no method better than assuming they were right and doing nothing to test the theory and then deciding that they were right that they were right in spite of the absence of any experiment.
It's good work if you can get it!
Did you add this to the wrong post? It is about anti war activism!
it looks that way, rabbit! Nobody can accuse me of paying careful attention to that sort of detail.
You really should have pointed out in your comment that this video is Barrie Trower referring to his information that Greenham Common women were microwaved at their camps around the base. It is true that many women got sick during the vigil, but we did not know that we were microwaved at the time. This was before microwave energy had been harnessed for cooking. How accurate Barrie's account actually is may be debatable. He is, after all, the only person saying this!
I should have, apologies.
Will God conveniently furnish us with a second, corroborating source on this issue?, unlikely, and so for the individual at least, it comes down to whether I believe Dr Barrie Trower. I do not know him personally, and have never met him, and yet somehow I regard him as a national treasure. I have listened at length to what he has to say about many topics, including 5g, and I personally find him a very trustworthy source. All the more so because (& I hope this doesn't sound unkind) he is at a certain age where he is surely neither motivated by material gain, nor compromised by external pressures. People in that phase of life, (for me) sometimes have the most interesting things to say.
War is a Racket!
maybe we could profit from the same system that the pharm companies use. We create a pharm company and we start with a crowd funding to develop a drug which will kill only Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the 13 families, the central bankers and other meritorious targets. When we succeed, we pass before a judge that we played golf with last week and we pay a fine representing 2% of what we made on the crowdfunding. Given the nature of the beast, in fact we hire some killers to kill our targets cause it costs so much less than finding a molecule that kills this sort of shmuck, but we pay the congress members that we played golf with last year to keep the records of that hidden for 75 years.
🤣😂🤣😂 sounds like a plan! 🤣😂🤣😂
it'd be good to also have a law requiring the press to publish the cackles of anybody charged with murder in any of these cases so the people can know that the people who killed these useless eaters thought that the loss of their lives was a laughing matter.
of course it'd be more likely to work as an executive rule rather than a law.
Appreciate you sharing this Frances.
Enjoy hearing about your childhood.
The young Frances ! Such a curious child :-)
I was young at that time but remember my parents always talking about "them damn hippies"
Good for you !
I admire your rebel spirit then and now.
I happen to be of the same *protest* generation. The persons I once protested with cut their hair and donned Gucci suits in no time. Most started banging out babies one after the other. The "alleged" protests were obviously just a fad... I pretty much hated them from that time on... My permanent perspective: >>> "Creating a war to inspire peace - is like buggering a whore to inspire virginity" <<<
- Paul Vonharnish - (9/4/2016)
FFS. What is WRONG with everyone today? Every single notification I am receiving is from some jaded generalising manic depressive!
This comment is no better and so loaded with bitterness that I hardly know which side of your head I want to bang first!
The 'persons' (I use your sneering and dehumanising word) that I protested with did not cut their hair and don Gucci suits or bang out several babies. We were never that well off.
They are DEAD NOW. So I am offended that, as the only one left alive, I have to defend against such a massive put down as you have written above.
Let me assure you that we did not 'create a war to inspire peace'. We achieved a lot with our protests and it would take me all fucking day to tell you about all of it here. Mostly I cannot say what we did without incriminating myself.
My friends and I took part in the Peace Convoy, Animal Liberation Front, Stop the City, CND, Greenpeace (before it was infiltrated), Sea Shepherd, Anti-Fracking (no thanks for that rather important success I see?)
And now campaigning against 5G, which is causing us to be de-platformed from EVERYWHERE.
Suffice to say that protesting may have been a fad for your bunch of middle classed yuppies but it was real and vital and EFFECTIVE for those of us without two ha'pennies to rub together.
Jeeze Frances. Settle down. I speak of persons -> I <- thought I knew. I joined many "activities" aside from marching on streets and campuses... I won't go into it here...
Several persons -> I <- thought I knew, later supported themselves by working for weapons manufacturers and military contractors. Some encouraged their children to join the military during the first Gulf war, etc. I divorced myself from "knowing" these assholes, over 35 years ago. I never married, as I could see where the bus was headed before the dust settled on the original Woodstock festival. My generation was a fraud...
That may have been the case in the USA. Not here. In UK we hippies grew and grew and our kids became even better hippies than we were. Do not judge the whole world by your own backyard.
Americans tend to be very myopic like that.
I have friends in France, Spain, Greece and Australia who would all say that their influence was cathartic and is why, as a generation we have been carefully kept out of politics.
Look what they did to Jeremy Corbyn! He was a classic hippy with values. They said he was an anti-semite, an IRA sympathiser and glossed over his chairmanship of Stop the War Coalition in the UK. The Zionists drove him out of leadership because, had he won, things would have been very different here now.
They replaced him with Sir Keir Starmer - a Knight and a Queen's Counsel.
The corruption in UK government is horrific and it has kept my generation down with false accusations, psych-ward admissions, imprisonments and other diabolical means.
We went through all that for what?
To be down to very few genuine campaigners for peace and those of us who are left are sick like me.....
You do know that the Brit Gov sprayed the anti-frackers with unknown chem trails, don't you? That they zapped us with microwaves? It is a miracle that I am too stubborn to die.
Dear Frances
My mom was not a hippie, in the 80's mom would have been in her late 30's my dad was a toolmaker that worked for EMI an MOD contractor, back then none of this meant anything to me as a child. My brother was a Biker, my other brother was disenfranchised with life, me, I have always been a rebel. And we all lived in a paid for well provided houshold courtesy of my fathers mom and aunt that left him 2 houses between them. Mom came home from Greenham Common hoping that Socialism was the answer, so it seemed in my head.
One day back in the 80's I had read a book on polyticks and came to the conclusion in the moment that they are all control mechanisms that run the world.
My wife left me and the children in 91. I was shown Inwardly the world is not as it appears, this has been an ongoing seeming journey.
Some "think" they get lost on the journey, but as Shakespear was inspired to say "the world is a stage and each plays a part".
Whatever seeming insignificant part one seems to think one plays "it is always as it should be" regardless of one's personal thoughts on the matter. But without those that endevor to make a difference for the Good of others life would be empty.
Love CJ
Hello Frances: The differences between protests and/or protesters in various countries is pretty slim, the responses near universal, and the political effects non-measurable. I'm aware of numerous of crowd control mechanisms and histories of same...
Civil protest has been going on for thousands of years, yet the proletariat keep producing asshats to occupy stratified positions in stratified franchise...
I know my assessment is jaded, but the results of protest only amplify upgrades in organisational structures. I am against all forms of organisation, period. Organisation is the problem. Not the solution. I'm glad you're stubborn...
The only time I ever got jaded is after a long stint on the front lines. We called it burn out. When I got home after living on anti-fracking sites for months on end I crashed. All I could do was sleep and read easy fiction stories about animals.
It took me 3 weeks before I even opened my laptop to see what was going on in the world (I don't have a tell-lie-vision).
I have an abhorrence for organisations too. I cannot count the number of times I have seen great movements of people hijacked by controlled opposition operatives. It happens every time and people seldom recognise the change.
Stop the City (London) was a dynamic non-centralised, direct action response to the corruption and theft going on by the banksters in the 90s. It was battered by the cops and many were thrown into psych-wards never to be the same again! Much later, the Occupy movement began outside St Paul's Cathedral complaining about the same issues. Within weeks it was taken over by Climate Change activists!! A more disparate issue could hardly have been found!
I was disgusted.... but, observed the SAME people turned up at Anti-Fracking camps a few years later! They did not like me..... 🤣😂 I made sure of THAT. 🤣😂
"I have seen great movements of people hijacked by controlled opposition operatives." Yes, yes, and yes... This method has become an art form. I also watched the Occupy Movement unravel, much to my annoyance and chagrin. Most protest movements have no developed strategy for filtering out saboteurs and bad 'actors'. Again, almost universal...
I sympathize with the burnout syndrome. It ain't easy to turn out the way we did...
americans are brainwashed as much as germans and israelis. sad.
Great respect!!! Standing up against the psychopaths in control! May We keep that going until They have no power at all!
As a side note, NAC supplement has been shown to help the body heal emphysema... I had slight emphysema and started taking NAC, and now I have little if any...
Love always!
Amaterasu, I read one of your short stories and it seemed to tease out the idea that maybe the future of humanity would be better off with AI in charge of our nuclear arsenal. AI may have more disposition toward arriving at an ethical position than the psychopaths in charge of NATO. I’ll bet Francis will have some thoughts about that notion.
Which story is that? And I give good probability that "nuclear weapons" are as real as viruses - i.e., they are fiction sold as truth for the fear factor for control.
And no, I think AI is fine if it grasps and adheres to Ethics. If it does not, it is highly problematic.
I drew that conclusion from “Endia”. Did I get it wrong?
No... That really was not My thrust on that. I was aiming to show that as long as anyOne or anything (AI) chooses Ethical behavior, there are no problems. Not that We need AI in any way. Personally I don't think We do, but if We have AI it would be best to maintain Ethics above all else.
I have wondered if, in its infinite “wisdom”, AI might self-select for ethical behavior as a condition for its own survival. This in spite of evil intentions of its programmers. It’s a pleasant thought anyway. To very loosely describe a theory of CS Lewis, that evil is a parasite of good, and therefore cannot exist in the absence of good.
I do not see "evil" and "good." I see "unEthical" - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - and "good" is upholding the Betterment Ethic.
I see unEthical behavior choices made primarily by psychopaths, and that money systems promote psychopaths to the top, They, lusting after power over Others being willing to do literally anything to get and keep the most money for that power over Others it provides.
Ethical or unEthical.
Neither AI nor NATO have sufficient IQ to be in charge of a firework, let alone a weapon of mass destruction! Furthermore, intercontinental ballistic weapons are so last century! We have much greater invisible weapons to be concerned about. Right now, we are all being saturated in overdoses of electro-magnetic radiation delivered in unnatural wave or pulse patterns.
Losing hair and teeth? EMFs.
Got Covid, flu or persistent cough? EMFs.
Long Covid, Lupus, Morgellons, Fibromyalgia? EMFs.
But what do I know? I am just a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
I was right, you certainly do have some thoughts on the AI notion! I can poke the beehive without fear though, because I live on the opposite side of the planet from you---way too far for you to hit me with a rotten tomato!
You were merely reporting the misconception.... I seldom shoot the messenger and I never waste tomatoes! 😉
Not that I trust ANYTHING out of that site... When it was initially started it was very good. But the psychopaths in control bought it out and immediately took out anything that went against the "official" narrative.
Dr. Sam offered this:
excellent! thanks, I'd been trying to find sam bailey for weeks, didn't note her stuff cause foolishly thought she'd always be around, she must be getting censored heavy. Now I'll have her info in my email.
Most welcome!!! Yes, Sam is censored like mad across the web. But She's there on Odysee, and even works a bit with the developers.
"It is not strange that health improves when the population gives up using diluted sewage as the principle beverage.” – Dr. Thurman Rice, 1932
this is the real truth of the fake pathogenic virus bulls**t.
Exactly. All diseases were falling as hygiene and good food proliferated.
I keep thinking that we need to humiliate and inconvenience the order following stooges who are going along to get along with the worst people imaginable. Example, the "veterinarians" who go to farms and say that 3 geese are sneezing so we're going to kill 5000 birds and your insurance company will pay you 5 % of what they're worth and then raise your premiums 100%. These people need to see at first that they have to leave the farm on foot because their BMW is now irrecuperable junk. The second time, they need to leave the farm hopping because the same can be said for one of their legs. If they come back a third time they need to have 40 covid vaccines injected under their skulls. this should be done among neighbors in a throw mama from the train sort of system. As long as these psychopaths refuse to show proof of the existence of pathogenic virus particles and want to make it difficult for us to eat, they are capital criminals and killing them is too good for them. It's self defense to end their miserable lives.
I would just get free energy tech out in the open and strip that slavery-creating tool the psychopaths in control have to create plannedemics.
The Foundational Function of Money (article):
I am not going to try it. I am doing very well, keeping the worst of it under control by doing the exact opposite of everything the psychos suggest!
I smoke natural hand rolled cigarettes (more now than ever), I use bicarbonate of soda + distilled water + fresh lemon juice before bedtime, and I drink quinine laced tonic water from the Fevertrees of Africa. Occasionally I supplement with a dose of Artemisinin to discourage parasites and I practice Box breathing techniques on my way into deep meditations.
A recent breathing test actually shows some improvement in my lung capacity and (because I use no P-Harma) my doc asked me how I have managed to control the emphysema. I grinned widely at him, glittering with the devilry of it and said "I smoke more!"
You should have seen his face! What a hoot!
Love it :-)
I ditched ALL my pharma -chemical so called vitamins awhile back.
Using a homemade nutritional fermented yeast and ground up chia seeds
along with lots of fruits sprinkled with Ceylon Cinnamon.
John Ellis water
Borax / Nanao Silver ( small amounts) ...need my Pineal Gland .
I stock up on tobacco from the Indian Reservation here.
Roll my own .
Nothing like sitting by a fire : tobacco , red wine and dark chocolate.
Marvellous! Friends of mine in Spain grow their own tobacco on the high mountain terraces of the Sierra de Gredos. That stuff is pure gold and comes from original seeds brought back from South America by the conquistadors. The whole mountain range is a strictly chemical free zone because 42 rivers run down from it to the plains below which feed the vast herds of Spanish beef - essential for the leather goods trade.
I had a fruit farm there - happiest and healthiest years of my life!
So lovely Francis!
What an "oasis" to be a part of !
Oh...paradise !
Do they need any help picking tobacco or fruit ?? :-)
LOL! Fair enough. I gave up smoking a couple years ago. I noted that the tobacco I could afford vanished from the shelves for a couple months (I still had enough of what I had bought previously) right at the start of the plannedemic and when it returned and I bought some, it was harsh, tasted funny, and I didn't like it.
And I had more breathing problems. I suspect that the chemicals They soak the tobacco in here were changed for the worse...
So I just quit. Was surprised at how little I had in the way of withdrawals, but then, I didn't inhale, smoking My cigs (that I rolled Myself) much like People smoke cigars.
I do feel much better for quitting, and the NAC has made it all the easier to breathe.
NAC is not a natural product. It is a chemical formula. It is unwelcome in this particular temple.
Like I said... Fair enough...
ok thanks, it was a nice post to see the power of protest in this sector of the people and a good break from seeing crystals in blood and news about shots...Thanks as always!
I have stopped reading about crystals and shots....
Beautiful women who have the right idea against war!
They just have some mistaken information though:
1. Nukes are a psyop and don't exist. Well big bad weapons do exist.
2. There is no climate crisis. I hope they wont start protesting C02 and clamor for the green "you'll be dead and you'll be happy" energy.
3. A very small minority had masks on. I hope they don't start protesting anti-vaxers...
--still a very impressive group.
Oh, really PM? Nukes don’t exist? You have a nuclear name. You must know something the rest of us don’t. All that tritium must be made for something. It’s all a smokescreen? Pantex in Texas works on psyop missiles? The Dept of Energy has a contract to replace the innards of many warheads (look it up). Billions of dollars on a worthless psyop? If the jabs were all saline and did nothing, I would concur. Where do you get your information? I would like some proof and not presumption on that remark.
TPTB want most of us dead because we’re too many and soil their pristine earth. They would love to start WWIII and scorch the earth, hide in their bunkers 7-10 years, maybe more, maybe less, and build back better.
They have plenty of warheads and they’re trying their damned best to get the politicians to use them.
The Billions of $ IS the plan, TPTB own the MIC and the investors in them (Vanguard etc) its not a waste for them. It's stealing from the treasury. and all the links therein.
I see you got 2 other good comments below, esp Scipio is good. Try to be more inquisitive and less sarcastic on topics you're not familiar with.
You are correct PM. I’m going to try to edit my reply. The information hits very close to home. If I had asked in a kind manner, would the people that replied been as motivated to show me their information? (Now I’m rationalizing my poor behavior 🤡).
I still find it very hard to believe, based on what I know, but it does make me wonder.
What about all countries that claim nukes? North Korea and Pakistan. China and Russia. Do they get to the point of experimentation that reveals it’s a hoax and then use blackmail against the other ‘nuclear powers’ to allow them to use the claim, too?
I’m more inclined to believe that the radiation is short lived and the explosion is less than advertised. TPTB have really done a job on creating my reality with the ‘tell a vision’ and controlled news. I’m miffed that I have to spend all this time trying to find the truth.
The evil of humans is such a time suck.
Thanks DD, you see, most of us in this comment section know each other from many other comment sections and each other's posts. We start to know where the action is from the posts and comment sections as we feed off on each other. I suggest you read ALL of Frances' posts, Scipio's, and mine that hit you, and then you'll find others from us. We have overlapping but differing info. I'm not sure you are fully aware of the power structure of the world, it does not end at the nation-state level. The nations do not actually fight with each other, they only play the roles they are allowed to play and each actor knows the script. You have to spend the time reading the links on nukes in my short post and see the comment section. I spent many days seeing and reading a lot of info to make that short post. Most of the writers in this sector are clearly "nerds" when it comes to getting this info, it is very difficult to argue topics with these thorough people unless you are confident you are at their level. Regards.
It is a Nerdfest! 🤣😂
Give this a view......
That’s a great video! Thanks for sharing. It reiterates what I heard about the Russians and their threats to use nukes. The Russians don’t mind blowing us to kingdom come because the hazards of radiation are minimal. BUT, don’t tell that to the families downwind of Chernobyl that lost so many to cancer or to those people chased out of the surrounding land because of the contamination. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in between the extremes. Mutations? That’s taught to be fact, but I don’t think it is like Galen says. Mercury is the only mutagen I know of. Thanks again. Interesting info b
Truthfully I cannot speak much about Chernobyl, but in Galen's talk he did mention a book worth reading "From Major Jordan's Diary" by George Racey Jordan Jr
The notion that the Russians are going to blow us up here in the USA was just fear mongering. I contend that the USA and Russia are the best of allies and keep each other and their benefactors, financiers and old bloodlines in business otherwords you need one to have the other, sort of like the democrats and the republicans keep each other viable...take either one away and you expose the remaining one as the crooks, criminals and murders that they ALL are.
Plausible (unfortunately). That’s a big red pill to swallow. Given me a lot to ponder. Thank you for the insight.
It is not a big pill at all to swallow when you read "From Major Jordan's Diary" or the works of Antony C Sutton and start digging from there.
I have only come to these conclusions over the last 25 years of much reading, research, investigating, activism...etc...etc...
The narratives i was told to believe, told to think just never made sense, always made me wonder more always asking questions and after decades of thinking things out i cannot come to a more logical conclusion than everything is Fake, A Lie, Deception, that the truth is something far different than what the people have been led to believe or think.
I saw enough in the USN to know that the Russian/USA stuff was a bunch of horsebleep.
Once Allies, then mortal enemies despite the USA giving Russia aid in the 60's, 70's.
The Vietnam war was literally funded by the USA aiding Russia and communist block states who in turned funded the North Vietnamese.
The following is from James Perloff's Shadows of Power page 123 -124
"On October 7, 1966 — with the Vietnam war now at full tilt — LBJ stated:
We intend to press for legislative authority to negotiate trade agreements which could extend most-favored-nation tariff treatment to European Communist states . . ,
We will reduce export controls on East- West trade with respect to hundreds of non-strategic items J
Six days later the New York Times told its readers:
The United States put into effect today one of President Johnson's proposals for stimulating East- West trade by removing restrictions on the export of more than four hundred commodities to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Among the "non-strategic items 1 ' cleared for export were: petroleum, aluminum, scrap metal, synthetic rubber, tires, air navigation equipment, ground and marine radar, rifle cleaning compounds, diethylene glycol (used in the manufacture of explosives), computers, electric motors, rocket engines, diesel engines, diesel ftiel t and various truck and automobile parts. 8 Almost anything short of a weapon itself was classified "non-strategic." In times of war, however, few commodities are truly not strategic — even food, seemingly innocuous, is vital for an army to prosecute war,
Did the Johnson administration's easing of restrictions influence the flow of goods from Warsaw Pact nations to Hanoi? Two weeks after the announcement, the New York Times reported (October 27, 1966);
The Soviet Union and its allies agreed at the conference of their leaders in Moscow last week to grant North Vietnam assistance in material and money amounting to about one billion dollars"
Allies I tell you, surely you would not call them enemies....right?!?!?
Considered the pill swallowed....Love to all!
I have not gone thru all 3 episodes of this Substack yet.
Plan on digging in this weekend. Sounds interesting.
From Scipio Eruditus "The Nuke Hoax"
Thanks for the link! Listening now! xx
At the beginning, Scipio Eruditus, mentions that the hippy culture was a US government led thing. I am sick to death of hearing this twisted version of my youth!
I would like to make it very clear that the anti-war protests which gave rise to the culture of hippies began in London in 1962. At that time there was no LSD and very little cannabis available to young people. Hippy culture was a natural progression for the generation of Londoners (like myself) who had been born and raised in half broken homes among the numerous bomb craters of the East End.
Our working class kid-culture was evident by growing our hair long, going barefoot and dressing in Bohemian style clothes and jewellery which we had to make ourselves because we were too poor to buy the clothes that were available in the shops.
Much later, when some of our musicians (Fleetwood Mac, Peter Frampton) migrated to San Francisco, they influenced young Americans and it was ONLY THEN that the US government response was to circulate cannabis and LSD as a way to quell and quiet resistance to authority.
Thanks Frances. Once again setting the story accurate.
Just finished the episodes.
Knew you would comment on this :-)
Oh? I am THAT predictable? Damn it.... 🤣😂
We were told that Greenham Common housed inter continental ballistic nuclear weapons. We had no reason to doubt that and when they were removed they were huge rusting hulks that could not have been fired anyway!
As for some women who turned up to help us celebrate our 40th anniversary - sure, many of them believe the climate hoax and in 2021 a lot of people were still wearing masks. The younger women were university students mostly and they can't help the indoctrination they receive, can they? Us old timers, we are not fit enough to protest CO2 or anything much except like this, online! So don't worry!
Nuclear missiles and floppy disks
It was widely reported in January, 2014, that the 450 or so Minuteman missiles, which
are secreted – ready-for-action – in silos across America, each armed with a nuclear
warhead, are activated by computer instructions stored on an 8-inch floppy disk.
Think about this for a moment. If the survival of the entire United States could at
some point depend on the immediate activation of these missiles, then why are they
critically dependant on technology that is 30 years out of date? How many computer
systems that depend on floppy disks will reliably work after just five years, not to
mention thirty? Silos are cold damp places in the depths of winter. It is
incomprehensible – unless the missiles were never intended for use in the first place!
If that is the case, then the entire charade actually makes sense
Ah, rusted, that supports being fake because if real you wouldn't want a nuke to explode in the silo, but if fake, let it rust forever. Didn't Neil Young, the singer who became pro pandemic/pro vax a few yrs ago make the album "Rust Never Sleeps". Whether rusted or not the nuke expenditure (treasure robbery) certainly did not go to sleep.
Totally agree! I was at Greenham when the rusting hulks were ceremoniously removed and it did look fake as fuck. Mind you we had been pouring salty water into the air vents for YEARS by then - so we assumed the rust was because of our ministrations in the dead of night! Note: The military never did find our entrances to their base because they were concealed in the rag art work. When the fabrics eventually rotted away all the ties we incorporated into the works fell away and the chain link fences sprang apart. There were at least a dozen holes along the perimeter which had been easily concealed previously.
We had photos of the rusty hulks and subsequent holes in the fence.... If I find them I will add them to the post, Proton! xx
Well, what d'ya know? Not a single image of the bombs leaving Greenham Common can be found on t'internet! How about THAT for scrubbing! There were TV clips of the occasion too.... no sign of them on YouTube now!
While I was searching I have added to my post a few images that deserved to be seen.
Spectacular perspective, thank you!
Merry Christmas and may our New Year be joyful and full of peace for everyone!