I wonder if you have any evidence that EMF can be used as a deadly weapon--as in, to increase deaths over a period of weeks. In the US there were 529k more deaths in 2020 than there were in 2019--an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. There was also a death spike in NYC metro in spring 2020 that killed 50k people over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal. Some of the causes the deaths were attributed to included heart and circulatory problems, respiratory problems, liver and kidney problems. The mortality data on the NYC event is here: https://www.virginiastoner.com/nyc-mass-casualty-event

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The only way that evidence could be compiled to support the theory would be to correlate the roll out of 5G both geographically and chronologically with your graphs as was done by this Spanish doctor in April of 2020: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=12846

Unnatural electro-magnetic radiation is known to be a deadly weapon as shown by this Russian specialist in his last book, published after his death and included as a pdf at the foot of my article: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-cold-war-of-electro-magnetic

I hope this information helps. If not let me know and I will direct you to more.

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There are other avenues of research that are very doable with existing free resources. For example, correlating the causes the deaths were attributed to during the death peaks with known or suspected harms from 5g. There can be up to 21 different causes listed for each death, and they provide a lot of clues as to the cause, even if you had to work around covid to see it. If anyone esp. with medical knowledge is interested, this paper goes over the research I've done into the ages, places, and causes of death. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/2/3/us-death-peaks-2020-2021-multiple-causes-of-death

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Jul 8Liked by Frances Leader

Hello from Greece ..from my friend PANAGIOTIS TRAIANOU. .you have to read Greek to understand the tactics of an very old system..... the most are simply lost in translation due to corrupt translators. Look what happened in France right now with the election. Macron is rescued.. Read this script from the ELLENIK Perspctive and simply understand whats going on. Lets claim the earth back. The one will tell it to the few. The few ll tell it to many..and the many to ALL.


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This has been on my must buy books for a while.

Great piece on this very important work

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

Jesus, between these radiations, and the chemicals in everything we come in contact with, and all the biohazards around, it's a miracle we can live until our 70s (and a lot of people don't!)

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Invisible, funny funny, like the elephant in every room it's as visible as a nose on a face nearly two decades now, people are scared little frightened adults with a teenagers mindset, if people are looking to blame someone now just look in the mirror!

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Next time read the article rather than answering the headline. You may prevent us realising how stupid you are.

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Read them all before, we were all educated in the same demonic system that's why we are all stupid!

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Right. MORE evidence that you failed to read the article. CIA documents, recently declassified were not a part of any education system..... and NO - we ain't stupid. Speak for yourself.

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I stopped reading at nuclear weapons, no such thing , it's made up to cause fear, there's not one shred of evidence of nuclear weapons, except in the movies, just because someone writes something on something dosent mean it's true.

Insults - Go

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

You are British. Do like David Irving? I argue with so many British…but I’m sure the ones I agree with are just too afraid to speak up.

It always shocks me how willing the Brits are to resort to violence (or call the police), when you disagree with them in person. The Scandemic proved the Police State.

General George Patton is another favourite of mine and his words drive people crazy in the UK: “We fought the wrong enemy”.

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I respect both David Irving and many other alternative historians. It is obvious you have not read very much of my work otherwise you might not be so deceived by your stereotypes.

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

OH FECK Fran don't get me started 😂 and that's without cosmic interferance.

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

Apologies if this has already been posted, but this document purports to represent the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of The Bilderburg Group during its first known meeting in 1954.

The document, dated May 1979, was found on July 7, 1986, in an IBM copier that had been purchased at a surplus sale. Is it real or a hoax/fake? Who knows?

"Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars"


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Sep 6Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks for that pdf version, it's "easier on the eye" than the "virtual book" version on Internet Archive; https://archive.org/details/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars_202110/mode/2up

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Cell phones are the perfect individual devices to further accomplish their evil agenda of group mind.

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

And then there's Big Mike!

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

I have a dark sense of humor because I laughed when I read they didn’t tell anyone in the embassy and let them be fried so they could study them. The epitome of evil of who these people are that rule.

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Not just Russia. Our own government is pulsing us as we sleep using Norad towers.

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Jul 6Liked by Frances Leader

What a horrendous war against the human bioelectrical field, i.e. the aura!! I’m speechless.

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Jul 6Liked by Frances Leader

Aloha Frances,

That's a wow of an article, thank you! Here on Maui the invisible war is becoming more out in the open.

Since May/June of 2023 it's been biowar -- secret releases of a sterilizing bacteria infecting lab made mosquitoes -- in our neighborhoods, behind our backs, with zero traceability, no accountability, and against all our protests and legal filings. Here's the latest update:


Sounds insane, right, so you'd ask why. The snake oil / mosquito oil lie is that because Hawaii has one species of birds that's endangered, allegedly from a prior invasive mosquito, that they've invented a "new and improved invasive mosquitos," loaded with experimental bacteria, and if we just send them enough money, they will save the birds. And our officials did! Yep, so gullible, totally insane.

The new skeeter species actually has the ability to carry MORE kinds of diseases. Our officials signed a 20 year contract for this, are advancing large sums of money, and it's going to be extended into perpetuity.

I'm a retired ex-NASA systems test engineer. I evaluated their program, there's no way it will work. It's designed to fail. Their engineers know that. So what are they doing? They're standing up "capacity," a pipeline through which they can pump all kinds of biopest experiments.

It's a whole new industry, the "Medical Mosquito Industrial Complex (MMIC). They've tricked our officials for paying for their MMIC infrastructure and experiments.

Who wants nearly a billion military mosquitoes weekly dumped near their homes?

What they're launching has never been proven to work, it's not been safety tested, not effectiveness tested, nor approved for injection into our bodies and yards in any way. In fact it's heavily resisted, but they started sneakily, violated laws, were challenged in court, yet they're still deploying this insane Medical Mosquito Industrial Complex.

Please consider if you come across more insights like this book that might help us stop this. I'd love to know.

We're fighting to keep the MMIC and their diseased mosquitoes out of your yard too!

They're working out the model of how to sell this scam wherever skeeters live - the new stealth inoculation system - flying micro syringes.


Larry Holm

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

And I don't suppose bats and purple martins can even eat those mosquitoes. No predators?

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Author

Thank you Larry for adding that important additional information here. You are right. It is insane but that is the scheme by Bill Gates and his British scientist buddies at Oxitec which has been rolled out in Brazil, Florida and now Hawaii. This we know about.... but where are these mosquitoes being released without being reported?


The plan was first publicised as early as 2009 by the Gates Foundation. It has turned into an industry! https://www.gatesnotes.com/Mosquito-Week-2022

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Jul 7Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances for sharing. Although people in some countries are willing to be stung by novel lab mosquitoes carrying a novel bacteria, no one on Maui wanted this. The criminals doing this broke several laws and lied about many things. There's a great many flaws in the program here in addition to breaking Hawai'i's law. Please encourage following Tina Lia on HawaiiUnites website and substack as the crimes and scam is revealed. Here's a short glimpse:

You asked where have they been released? After the criminals broke HI law, they began releasing in secret, and naturally they deny requests for those locations. If it weren't already crime filled, they'd have no problem with transparency and accountability. So lying and hiding locations is another crime. People are getting new bites, well how can that be? Another lie is that only male mosquitoes are released, false, the separation process is flawed, releasing way more than enough females for them to establish thriving colonies. Their own documents prove that.

Maui's mosquitoes, originally an invasive species, are capable of carrying a relatively small number of diseases. Lab mosquitoes are a species capable of carrying more diseases including some very bad ones that harm people-another crime-biowarfare on the gov's tab. Lab bred males have defects, some of which reduce breeding in the wild.

Another big lie, is that the sterilizing bacteria will remain within the lab mosquitoes and only the mated females. That is so laughably criminal, that bacteria is well known to be shared among insects of many species. AND parasites that infect people.

So what happens when a sterilizing bacteria escapes the mosquito oil salesmen's wet dream that their lab product will only infect select females? The sterilizing bacteria will find ways, yes ways, plural, into very valuable eco system dynamics which may include honey bees, crane flies which eat mosquitoes, praying mantis which also eat mosquitoes and many agricultural pests, and crustaceans like a highly treasured species of freshwater shrimp that the First People Hawaiian's consider sacred.

Releasing a sterilizing bacteria that could wipe out sacred shrimp is highly likely, because shrimp eat mosquito larva (maybe Hawaiian freshwater shrimp will read the saleman's policy and be sure not to eat tainted shrimp.) Yummy, more for me, I've already had my tubes tied.

Sterile sacred shrimp won't be noticed for years, along with most all harms for this kind of ill conceived bioengineering biopesticide crime.

From an engineering view, you know what's most likely to happen the soonest? The females infected with the sterilizing bacteria that get released into our test neighborhoods will bite people with parasites. People are said not to host that bacteria (my body says it read the salesman's rule that prohibits the sterilizing bacteria from ever leaving the female mosquito and it has a lifetime of experience proving that reality ignores lab notes) I digress, apologies, so although the sales contract specifies the bacteria to ONLY LIVE IN MOSQUITO OVARIES, it will find it's way into many species of parasites that do live in people. While inside the parasites inside people, the bacteria will do it's sterilizing happy dance upon finding reproductive organs, and Violá. Another part of Gate's pathocratic lust to sterilize everyone but himself will be partly fulfilled.

Isn't it funny how parasites congregate near reproductive organs?

Please encourage everyone worldwide to wake up to this criminal scam. It's not what's advertised. And please consider supporting Tina Lia with prayers, experts, funds, passion, outreach. She's got a great case, is a great warrior David vs Goliath, but the funds supporting putting lab infected sterilizing mosquitoes in everyone's yard is well, we all know how insanely rich Gates is, insanely rich enough to lust for more riches by dipping his little skeeters into every single body on the planet. Now I can hear him saying "this epidemic of malaria only ends when we've largely mosquito injected our sterilizing toxicants into every person on the planet."

Much aloha, Ya'll come visit Maui, free sterilizations while you sleep!

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Jul 6Liked by Frances Leader

I wonder if that’s the frequency tower that destroys weather patterns in Eugene.

It will literally split storms.

Or break them into dots.

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This has been an ongoing theme in my life. While not formally educated, I have been studying the effects of sound and the positive effects on the human body.

This has been well documented in the field of metaphysics as practice by ancient Hindu concerning the Chakras and their vibrations. All is resonance.

Of course it has been weaponized. But I believe we have the ability to neutralize those weapons by pushing toward the frequency of joy.

Pushing back is all we have.

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Jul 8Liked by Frances Leader


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