That idea of replacing industry and agriculture with financial services is exactly what's been done in the US... And we're starting to see just how insane that is, with high unemployment, lousy wages for those who ARE employed, and a lack of independence that is crucial, in my opinion, for ANY country. We are a country of telephone assistance, which is rapidly being replaced by AI... and the I doesn't stand for "intelligence" at all-- it stands for INSANITY.

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It takes a whole lot of psychopaths to run eugenics

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My Mother is in Southern Spain & was moaning about "bloody farmers everywhere blocking the roads".

I said "go & talk to them & find out WHY they're doing it, & I bet you'll be back with sandwiches for them all".

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I hope she heeds your suggestion!

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Probably won't. I'm still 12 in her eyes & don't know a thing about owt 😂

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You know Frances, on one hand I agree with these demonstrations, but when I think about all the chemicals they use I can only advocate for a big change the way we produce our food. For sure not the avenue globalists are pushing with food printers or GMOs, but permaculture should be the way to do it.

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Dangit, that button wouldn't stay "liked"!!!

Anyway, I agree with you... Agriculture done the old-fashioned way, not with TECH, ffs.


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I studied agriculture for four years. Almost everything I learned was eventually exposed as a formula for corporate profits... fertilisers, farm machinery, macro-agriculture/agribusiness, ploughing, swamp drainage, dosing and spraying, and so on. Now I use organic soil condiitioners and microbial nutrition... seaweed, food waste, and vegetation. Soon ot will also include sludge from biodiesel and butyle alcohol production, derived from shark livers and kasava. Buffalo domestication will become another source. I find it ironic that farmers are successfully using the corporate weapons (tractors) on the corporate stormteoopers (police).

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They're also still using roundup without giving a damn about the consequences for us and the environment.

They're being used as pawns without realising it.

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In Australia, I have seen roundup sprayed over the lawns of homes at the same rate as is used in a fire hose, in places where toddlers and children play. This is local government, supported by the Department of Health, which preaches that glyphosate is safe and effective. We then have inquiries into the causes of premature illness and death.

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Sorry! Off topic, but do you know of anyone, Frances, who can attend this important hearing at the High Court in London on Monday? https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/public-call-up-to-high-court-london

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I needed a lot more info so I found this: https://newsletter.martingeddes.com/p/all-we-are-doing-is-making-them-follow

I created a Note which may attract some attention. I hope you appreciate that I depend on my subscribers to circulate anything I write onto Facebook, Discord and X, because I am permanently banned from those platforms. I wish the litigant every success! 💛


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Much obliged!

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Wish I could go, but it's a long swim... Good Luck!

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Even longer for me -- I'm in the South Pacific.

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Here in Wales those farmers that diversified into

holiday let’s are now in some counties bring hit by eg double/ potentially triple council tax charges if they don’t achieve 186 days pa lettings rendering such uneconomic. It’s an assault, not just on farmers, in a number of directions.

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It's the intentional destruction of the middle class. The Covid lockdowns were part of that, destroying small businesses.

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So, I can finally judge Charles De Gaulle. He was one of us.

Mysaan also confirms the great beneficiary is the City of London, which is to say, the Rothschilds.

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The City is far larger than one measly family of bankers, Tony! Good grief, have you never read my work about the Black Nobility?


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Yes, I am aware of that. I have been writing about the City of London, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, BIS, and the rest of the alliance for quarter of a century, but I also know most of the BN suffer from congenital problems, with around five times the extant of mental retardation compared to mainstream; largely due to inbreeding. It is those they commission who interest me.

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They have enough marbles to run an international crime syndicate which rules the world, so a couple of retards every now and then are hardly going to upset the applecart, are they? Look at these people.... do they look as if they are suffering at all?


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Jumpin lizards! Frances, I am only one fifth through this and I will have to study for several more days. Great material. I note some truly dangerous people there. Two of them, or their agents, have put contracts on me in the past, one in 1964 and the other still concurrent. Thus, I have a passing familiarity with the aristos. I acknowledge their power and influence but my point was that only some of them are intelligent. Mostly, they are priviledged, protected, and evil.

My concern is with the people they employ or favour because these are the SOBs who may one day kill me.

All of this is extremely relevant to anybody in UK. Europe, US, Hong Kong or Singapore but in Australia, not so much. Even then, pretty much in the main cities. Their killers are fish out of water where I live and they strick out like dogs balls. Word gets around real fast that a hardnut is on the loose and every man and his dog gets curious about who might be the target. People here love excitment and death and a hitman around these parts will get no privacy. For example, typically, they will ignore Aborigines yet these people have 24,000 years experience with hired killers (Kadaitja, featherfoot men, Galka) and they can spot one coming every time. It's in the body language and eyes. These people are close to me and, very often, family.

So, basically, although one of the people you identified would dearly love to see an end to me, his own agents know me personally but killing these days is actually extraordinarily difficult to do. And I never sit still. One of these men waved to me cheerfully outside the supermarket recently. He and I both know there has to be a collapse of law and order first, before they can make a move. But by then I will be invisible.

So my thinking is, Frances, if you harrass the shit out of them at your end, I will apply their solutions at mine; in time. LOL.

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Glad to hear that you are realising the size of the international mafia. I suspect that rather than sending actual hit-men to murder us, we are more likely to be satellite located and EMF zapped with pulse weapons which leave no discernible marks or traces. "He/she died of a sudden heart attack, stroke or kidney failure!"

So much quicker and cheaper, don't you think?

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All they need is a Smart Meter. Trust me.

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I am several kilometres from the nearest 5G, 4G actually. Lousy reception but a trade-off is a trade-off.

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The history of European countries and their attempts to form "Unions" with each other is quite complex. Your post is excellent, especially because it points out the issue of the Farmer's economic anguish; one of the most naturally shared experiences in common across Europe.

The pattern of the various plans to lash all or most European countries together into a system of interdependence, reminds me of the "No Annexation Principle." The concept of "Contractual Economic Invasion" where people and their individual lives alongside their country's culture is subverted and sacrificed for a perceived "greater good," as arbitrated by a "Select Few."

This is such an important perspective on the European Experience.

Can I cross post it?

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Please do, but note that I did not write it. Thierry Meyssan is a French geo-political analyst that I follow and admire. I often mirror his work to help him to become better known in English speaking communities.

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He is quite sharp 😎 I am admiring him too.

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Me, three. Excellent post.

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We are seeing another inversion in all this.

There is a generalized animosity against free trade. Everyone fails to mention that regulated trade (CAP) is nothing like free trade.

What we have here is another Communist five year central plan that fails spectacularly and, again, the free trade is the scapegoat.

Free trade is fascinating: every authoritarian ideologue hates it and loves to use it as a scapegoat. From White nationalists, to Socialdemocrats, to radical Islamic Imams to Jewish bankers, and everyone else. Everyone hates it and loves it at the same time!

I think farmers want the same as every other industry: the favor of the national government. They prefer local authoritarian dictatorship to global authoritarian dictatorship. I think they are right.

I also think we should go back to the older system of small, rural banks. And having everything on paper and on the computer. Everything. Paper is good!

I've been saying we (Spain) should leave the EU since 2003. Subsidies are poisonous.

But simply abandoning international Fascist-Communist organizations such as the EU and NATO else is not enough. Our domestic laws are a deathtrap. The traditional Social Security system could be rebranded as "Social Credit System" and no none would notice any difference.

Doctors are slaves. They don't think much about anything. They just try to avoid the lash and daydream about a better life. The public education system is also horrible, not only for what they do to the children, but for the emotional damage the teachers suffer. Money security is not worth it, but there is nothing else.

Now imagine this: the farmers naively think that their children are in good hands when they send them to the school. But some of the teachers cannot even take care of themselves. The kids are completely submerged on the internet. How crazy is it that the internet is the only safe place for children!

So, of the children have to inherit the farmer profession from their parents... it's just not going to work.

And the farmers get diseases. There is no cure for them. Only waiting lists. That's what a modern public health system in a EU country really is. It's a killbox.

We live in near-permanent crisis since at least 2007. It's hopeless. And the problem is not freedom.

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Groan. Free trade has been promoted by the globalists through the WTO, WB, IMF, and by the US Government through free trade zones. All of this is run by the Zionists. Agent; How did you get all of this so back to front?

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Yes. I'd only say that it's not "communist" but FASCIST...

Tyranny for the People is like eating crickets... Poison.

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Frightening, and maddening, to anyone who isn't a Globby.

We the People! We must stop this... Go, FARMERS!!!!

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The real solution is freedom. Government has done us only one favor: It has taught us all how much we will be relieved, once it is gone. We are all and each complete Sovereigns.

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Feb 28, 2024
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"dark skinned Muslim trash"

wow. I suppose you're a white Christian racist? If you live in the US, please DO leave and go somewhere else, please.

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Feb 29, 2024
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Well, I tried to sell YOU, but there were no takers.

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Feb 29, 2024
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No, YOU have a nice day. LOL

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I don't even believe there is a society, much less civilized.

Muslims seem to like law and order better than others. But when there is mass poverty, every interaction is dangerous.

When there is abundance and predictability, danger is rare. Social Harmony depends on rational laws, but legislation is always irrational and creates poverty.

It's not the people who destroy civilization, the real destroyers live upstairs. The problems created by mass migration are the effect of globalist legislation.

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It would help if you added that mass immigration was launched by oil and pipeline wars that drove refugees into the West, and that the oil and pipeline owners are the Zionist/Weffers who are very conscious of how immigration dilutes demand for national sovereignty, and weakens cultures, religion, and prosperity; depresses wages, and anihilates culture and family. Most of all, immigration destroys democracy, already teetering since the 1970s. And you failed to mention lobbies and the Zionist media, who now create legislation once driven by public demand. If you are going to rewite political science it would be politic to get your facts lined up.

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I don't need to rewrite political science. Here is the straight dope https://marketsnotcapitalism.com/

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Feb 28, 2024
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Taqqiya is a word worth looking up

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Yes, but not all Muslims choose to use that device in their lives. Most are devout and good people.

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Absolutely, I know many and grew up in Southall in the 70s. However, there are many Hadiths and Koran passages that bother me. Also Jizyah protection money but not aware of where and how it is used.

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We are using different meanings of the word "Muslim." You are talking about criminals. I'm talking about people who are moral realists.

About the criminals, they are not following the muslim religion. Unless you can prove that the muslim religion mandates its followers to commit those crimes against infidels. If you can, then you can say that their evil actions are due to their pious practice of the moral code imposed by that religion.

They are not sending their best, clearly.

But why are we allowing it to happen?

We knew it's going to happen. Why we the people allowed it? The police officers and the military are also citizens. They are individuals. They have moral feelings too. Why they obey stand down orders? Why the civil government gives those odious orders to not prevent crime? Why people keep supporting such civil governments? Why the evil journalists lie to the people? Why the majority of academics and the intellectuals of our glorious white civilization are actively inducing suicidal behavior on society?

I think our society is based on betrayal. The Government is always at war with the people. And there is plenty of evidence that it is part of a plan. It's genocide. The criminals you complain about are only the tip of the dagger, but our corrupt minds are the real weapon the upperclass uses to exterminate us.

Uncorrupt your mind if you can.

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The Koran does exactly that! Mandates its followers to commit those very crimes which you seem wilfully unaware of!

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Oh, now you are back on track with a vengeance. (Applaud).

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It seems to be a fairly common thing that those who hate other people because of superficialities like skin color, religious belief, or political affiliation, are often the most cruel, the most unhappy, the most disliked people in any given "superior" designation.

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