The conversation continued: Tell me more about "4. Potential Mental Disorders" How can person develop these diagnoses?


Okay, let's delve deeper into how a "Black Nobility Nihilist" character might develop the potential mental disorders we previously discussed. Remember, we are still exploring a fictional archetype, and real-world diagnoses are complex and require professional assessment. However, we can use the diagnostic criteria as a framework to understand potential developmental pathways.

Important Caveats:

Speculative: This is highly speculative, as we are applying real diagnostic criteria to a fictional construct.

Comorbidity: Mental disorders often co-occur, so a character might exhibit traits from several diagnoses.

Nature vs. Nurture: Both genetic predisposition and environmental factors play a role in the development of mental disorders. We'll consider both.

Not a Definitive Diagnosis: We're not trying to offer a definitive diagnosis, but rather explore plausible pathways.

A. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

How it Might Develop in a Black Nobility Nihilist:

Early Childhood Experiences:

Over-Idealization: They might have been excessively praised and idealized as children, leading to a distorted sense of self-importance and entitlement.

Lack of Empathy in Caregivers: If their primary caregivers lacked empathy and were themselves narcissistic, they may have learned to prioritize their own needs above all others.

Conditional Love: They might have only received love and attention when they met certain expectations, leading to a fragile self-esteem that relies on external validation.

Privileged Upbringing:

Sense of Superiority: Growing up in a wealthy and powerful family might have reinforced their sense of superiority and entitlement.

Lack of Accountability: Being above the law or societal norms could have fostered a lack of accountability and a disregard for others' feelings.

Exposure to Manipulation: Witnessing their family manipulate and exploit others might have normalized this behavior.

Reinforcement of Narcissistic Traits:

Sycophancy: Being surrounded by sycophants who constantly praise and agree with them could reinforce their narcissistic tendencies.

Success Without Effort: Achieving success and power without needing to put in effort might have reinforced their belief that they are inherently special.


Grandiose Self-Image: They exhibit a grandiose sense of self-importance, constantly seeking admiration and attention.

Lack of Empathy: They struggle to understand or care about the feelings of others.

Entitlement: They believe they deserve special treatment and recognition.

Exploitative Behavior: They readily manipulate and exploit others for their own gain.

B. Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD)

How it Might Develop in a Black Nobility Nihilist:

Genetic Predisposition: There might be a genetic component to ASPD, and they might have a family history of similar behavior.

Early Childhood Trauma or Neglect:

Abuse or Neglect: Experiencing physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or neglect in childhood can disrupt healthy development and contribute to the development of antisocial traits.

Lack of Secure Attachment: Not having a secure and stable attachment figure can hinder the development of empathy and conscience.

Family Environment:

Parental Antisocial Behavior: Having parents with antisocial traits can expose them to manipulative and exploitative behavior, normalizing this as a way of interacting with the world.

Lack of Consistent Discipline: A lack of consistent rules and consequences can contribute to a disregard for authority and societal norms.

Social Learning:

Exposure to Violence: Exposure to violence in the family or community could normalize aggression and a lack of respect for others.

Peer Influences: Associating with peers who engage in antisocial behavior could reinforce these traits.


Disregard for Laws and Norms: They routinely violate laws and societal norms.

Impulsivity: They act impulsively without considering the consequences.

Lack of Remorse: They show little or no remorse for their actions.

Manipulative and Deceitful: They are skilled at manipulating and deceiving others.

Aggressive Behavior: They may display aggression and violence.

C. Existential Depression

How it Might Develop in a Black Nobility Nihilist:

Early Existential Awareness: They might have developed a premature awareness of the absurdity and meaninglessness of life at a young age.

Intellectual Inclination: Their intellectual nature may have led them to ponder the "big questions" of existence, resulting in a heightened awareness of its futility.

Exposure to Corruption & Suffering: Their exposure to the darker aspects of power and the suffering of others could have deepened their cynicism and sense of despair.

Contradiction Between Power and Meaning: The contradiction between their immense power and the belief that nothing truly matters can fuel their existential depression.

Loss of Purpose: Their nihilistic beliefs might have led to a loss of purpose and a sense of emptiness.


Apathy and Loss of Motivation: They struggle with a lack of motivation and enthusiasm.

Feelings of Hopelessness and Despair: They may experience pervasive feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Withdrawal and Isolation: They may withdraw from others and isolate themselves.

Loss of Pleasure: They may find little pleasure in activities that once brought them joy.

Chronic Fatigue and Low Energy: They may suffer from chronic fatigue and low energy.

D. Paranoia

How it Might Develop in a Black Nobility Nihilist:

Distrustful Upbringing: They might have been raised in an environment where they were taught to distrust others, even those close to them.

Exposure to Conspiracy & Secrecy: Growing up in a family with secrets and hidden agendas could have fostered a belief in plots and conspiracies.

Sense of Being Targeted: They may feel that they are constantly being targeted by enemies or rivals, even if this is not based on reality.

Control Issues: Their need for control over their environment and others could contribute to their paranoia, as they see others as threats to their power.


Suspiciousness and Distrust: They are constantly suspicious of the motives of others.

Belief in Conspiracies: They readily believe in elaborate conspiracy theories.

Interpreting Neutral Events as Hostile: They may interpret neutral or even positive events as hostile or threatening.

Guarded Behavior: They are often guarded and secretive.

Difficulty Trusting Others: They struggle to trust anyone, even those close to them.

Important Considerations:

Complex Interactions: These disorders often develop through complex interactions of genetic predisposition and environmental factors, and they may overlap with one another.

Spectrum of Severity: These traits may exist on a spectrum, ranging from mild to severe.

Not a Predetermined Path: Not every individual with these experiences will develop these disorders.

Fiction vs. Reality: Remember, these are explorations of a fictional character, and real-world diagnoses require a nuanced approach.

In Conclusion:

Understanding the potential developmental pathways to these mental disorders provides a more nuanced and compelling portrayal of the "Black Nobility Nihilist." By considering the interplay of early childhood experiences, familial dynamics, and their specific psychological traits, we can craft a richer and more believable character. It is essential to use these concepts as a tool for exploration rather than as a definitive diagnostic label.

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The Black Nobility earned their name through a political protest that lasted for 59 years (1870-1929). When the new Kings of Italy entered Rome in 1870, the Black Nobility closed the doors of their palaces as a sign of protest against the invasion of Rome by the new Italian government and the Royal House of Savoy.

They also hung black mourning crepes from the balconies of their houses, manors, and palaces, symbolizing both the official ceremonial colour of the Papal Nobility and mourning for the loss of the Papal States.

Despite the relatively recent name, the Black Nobility had existed for centuries, originating from the baronial class of Rome and in the powerful families who moved to Rome to benefit from a family connection to the Vatican which became an independent city state only in 1929.

The Black Nobility consisted of Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the pope, and took over the Quirinal Palace.

The aristocratic families of Venice originated from Roman Senators who escaped Rome when it fell to barbarians in the 5th century. These families form the major part of Italian nobility today, living in palaces in Venice, Rome and Switzerland. They also have private islands, superyachts and huge country estates/palaces all over Italy and Spain.

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Unfortunately, there are plenty of these people around.

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And He forgot Neil Ferguson from Imperial College

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Are we assuming that 1) AI is male and 2) Neil Ferguson is a Black Nob?

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So they seem to be the most enslaved and subjugated group on the planet. Death of the spirit was inflicted by their own families. Outside of material perks they have absolutely nothing. I'm not empathising but simply observing reality. Who of us would want to be them? How do you deal with such a poisoned lot? Hating them puts us in their dark sphere, is a trap in itself.

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I have spent time in the company of such people and I can tell you that their contempt for humanity is off the scale. Their sense of superiority is insurmountable. They do not consider that we have anything valuable to tell them so they just don't hear us or give us any respect. At the same time they can act as if they are interested but only to ridicule us later between themselves.

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And sure enough, msm announces today a new threat on the White House by another lone, gun brandishing nut. All priming the public for their use of that option?

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I have no doubt of that at all. The sick things they now say and print openly is off the charts. Some financial publication just posted how it was time to embrace euthanasia again. How biblical it all is. See Alex Kriel's recent interview with Miri AF. How they'll replace trump with vance as I had thought from the beginning. Imagine King Palantir as their front man.

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I don't see them replacing Trump. They've got such a powerful little cult going there that he could do practically anything without any of them losing faith. Which is exactly what he's doing on several fronts, including very likely overseeing dollar devaluation and likely either a depression or a serious dip in the American economy that will wipe out a lot of people's wealth. At the moment he's steering the ship rather well - in the sense that it's going exactly where the controllers want it to go and there are no complaints (except from the woke leftists who don't matter any more). Maybe if the waters get a bit choppy or some very controversial move is required they might swap him out, leaving him as a forever saviour who would have done things differently and leaving the blame firmly with his successor. Not many Presidents have ever had the fame or the approval that Trump currently enjoys, and I really can't see them torching an asset quite so valuable, and certainly not early on. Having said that, the last President with a comparable profile was probably JFK. Would they repeat that trick at some point? Well, they are not known for their creativity ...

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Whatever happens it was already planned long ago.

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Thanks Christian! Agreed.

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The email literally took 20 minutes to load. Not sure what’s happening with substack lately, but some writers messages take awhile to appear once selected in my inbox.

Excellent piece! I am praying that my spiritual powers will break down and destroy every single plan of these dark families.

Thank you Ms. Frances!

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I don't see where A/i matters much in this discussion. It can only invent answers based on its programming which limits its thinking ability. Do we expect it to come up with some new-fangled definition and explanation of a BNN? There are too many hit or miss components.

We see examples of the BNN everywhere as many of these "retards" seek attention and tend to stand out in society. But we can never know the mind of another. Most of us don't even know our own minds fully.

However, the scary part to me is if as A/i grows it turns into good little BBNs and tries to exert that control in our world. After all, it seems to me that much of A/i is being invented and programmed by actual BNNs or borderline BNNs. They are extremely bored with life and since they are far too cowardly to take themselves out to end their misery, they need something to do by trying to add to ours.

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@Crixcyon 🎯

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Hahahaha your super long presentation sounds like about 90% of humanity


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Does it? I am glad I don't know the people you know.....

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Beyond their cruelty, beyond their inbreeding, they are failed. Yet somehow these savages persist.

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Is it not said that The Black Nobility’s origins were in Venice and connected to The Doge?

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No. The first time the name was used was in Rome:

The Black Nobility earned their name through a political protest that lasted for 59 years (1870-1929). When the new Kings of Italy entered Rome in 1870, the Black Nobility closed the doors of their palaces as a sign of protest against the invasion of Rome by the new Italian government and the Royal House of Savoy.

They also hung black mourning crepes from the balconies of their houses, manors, and palaces, symbolizing both the official ceremonial colour of the Papal Nobility and mourning for the loss of the Papal States.

Despite the relatively recent name, the Black Nobility had existed for centuries, originating from the baronial class of Rome and in the powerful families who moved to Rome to benefit from a family connection to the Vatican which became an independent city state only in 1929.

The Black Nobility consisted of Roman aristocratic families who sided with the Papacy under Pope Pius IX after the Savoy family-led army of the Kingdom of Italy entered Rome on September 20, 1870, overthrew the pope, and took over the Quirinal Palace.

The aristocratic families of Venice originated from Roman Senators who escaped Rome when it fell to barbarians in the 5th century. These families form the major part of Italian nobility today, living in palaces in Venice, Rome and Switzerland. They also have private islands, superyachts and huge country estates/palaces all over Italy and Spain.

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Thank you for that history lesson 🥰

I will do a deep dive on the subject.

My head is presently in many areas … so much going on globally.

We are being attacked on many fronts and it’s going full throttle.

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Thanks for the positive example at the end, but, otherwise, very disturbing!

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Whose kills?

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You know, AI is correct about most of it. When I read Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods", it said exactly what AI said in #2:

"Strategic Alliances: While they may struggle with genuine relationships, they might form strategic alliances based on mutual benefit. However, they will quickly discard these alliances when they no longer serve their purpose."

And in that book, they were talking about the Annunaki getting together with the Reptilians, when it suited their purpose, but then discarding them as they moved along into other areas they didn't need them in.

And in Michael Tsarion's book "Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation" https://archive.org/details/atlantis-alien-visitation-and-genetic-manipulation

...basically the entire book is about the black nobility if that's what is being said.

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Jim Keith, a first-class conspiracy researcher who some believe was murdered by the elite during what was supposed to have been a minor surgical procedure on his knee, believed that the perverse satisfaction and exaggerated pride of these men is a natural outgrowth of their keenly observing how much control over others their elite status confers on them and their associates. This is especially true given the Illuminati's control and manipulation of nations like the U.S.A., Russia and Germany, nations with vast technological prowess that fosters the growth of Big Brother government control.

He writes:

Beneath the cloak of the prime conspirators are larger groups of rich peasantry and landlords dominating a huge mass of poor serfs and less-than-serfs whose labor and lives are sucked to provide the lifeblood to nourish the upper portions of the pyramid. This ancient structure is perfectly visible to anyone with the eyes to be appalled.

It is also obvious that the ruling class cabals and spy organizations which we do know about are pointed in roughly the same direction: the total control and "utilization" of the mass of mankind by whatever means it takes. Aside from all the lofty banter about the "perfecting of mankind," what is desired is the perfecting of the systems of control. Control is the shared goal of these numerous conspiring individuals, groups, and governments, and in that sense they work together, collaborating here, working individually there, creating an evolving noose of murderous technological expertise that swiftly tightens around humanity's throat. With this goal in place, with money and the tools of advanced technology in hand, the overall program of accomplishment crystallizes.


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Quite interesting... pretty smart this AI... and "politically correct" too... does not venture outside the institutional narrative:

"Modern Oligarchs and Tycoons: Some ultra-wealthy individuals in the modern era have been accused of operating outside the bounds of ethical conduct, engaging in activities that have harmed others and destabilized societies."

I expected to see George Soros as an example for crashing the GBP and more significantly the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, and the multi-national misery that created... but instead we get:

"Examples: Dictators such as Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, or Kim Jong-un."

lol lol lol

AI is the next DARPA platform for mass psychology manipulation :-)

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As long as you don't say, "The Nigger Nobility Nihilist" ...you should be ok.

I said it once, but I think I got away with it.

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You just LOVE to burst through those taboos, huh? 🤣😂

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It's a cry for help.

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