For more information about the Black Nobs - correctly named the Black Nobility, please see this compilation of articles: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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Yesterday in my online natural health/healing class, a friend posted this: "they want fewer of us because in 2011 they learned of discoveries allowing people to live 1000 years at peak health (like a 40 year old) and they want only those "they" want in that era and don't want anyone who has short lives to be on the planet because the short lived people would be jealous. All the people doing the bad deeds, unless they are invited into the 1000 YEAR CLUB, then they are slated for culling as well after they are no longer useful to the agenda."

It's obvious they want immortality and more billions/trillions. Culling is such a nasty word.

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Vision = potential future not an absolute future.

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I was just thinking the same thing. I have seen other descriptions of this.--in that sense it is real. It really is what the Black ones are planning. But who says they will win?

My vision I call The Great Shift of The Ages. For thousands of years since Adam and the Plow, humans have been tearing up the earth, wrecking the soils and making deserts. In the 20th and 21st centuries a number of discoveries have taught us how to restore the well-being of the soil, using animal agriculture, among other things. Restoration of fertility can be remarkably fast--a thousand years of degradation can be healed in a few years. Food forests and other perennial techniques make food production easier. We are headed into a world of abundance, and helping it along is a lot more fun than the enemy stuff.

I have learned a little bit about Quantum Jumping and parallel worlds. Physicists say there is no reason Time cannot run backwards as well as forwards. If so, it would run differently and there would be a jillion alternate worlds. There are claims that one can consciously choose to shift into a better reality. If so, we may be heading to TWO or more futures, one of Love and abundance, and another the Black Nob dystopia. The loving happy one is for those who take adult responsibility for cleaning up the mess, and the mind-controlled one for those who want somebody else to make all the decisions and take all the risks.

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If so shift me off this reality. I want no wars, I want peace and free energy (suppressed technology in our time line), I want morals back, I want law abiding citizens (not excuse my racists self) not ones that are not by history's reckoning law abiding. I want the corrupted perverts that run this world GONE. Not all humans are as they. I want the psychopaths chasing money and POWER OVER OTHERS ....GONE. Poof. Like it never existed. Deport em all to Mars, LOL. See how long it takes to ruin a going concern with their psychodrams. Civilization. Yes, that's what I want.

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Like that needed to be said? I know what a vision is.... I have been having them since I was a baby!

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"I believe that the Black Nobs, the Venetian/Khazarian Mafia, have collected sufficient heirloom seeds in their frozen vaults and they have cross-pollinated or GMO replicated everything they think they will need in their Man-Made Utopian designer world."

I realized this in the past week - remaking the world to be supreme entities entirely in control ... without the link to creativity!

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Great! My mind-meme is travelling nicely! xx

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They may well have this (the seedbank) because they are nothng if not dramatic in their plans and love having things to show, but I don't think they are anything like this good. Most of the things they are proud of (and which keep us fearful) don't even exist! The pandemic for one. Then viruses, nukes, space exploration... I'm quite interested in the idea that DNA is fake too. I know the Crick/Watson/Rosalind Franklin part, but that's the last place I have physical evidence of its existence. After that the story gets taken up by the media and, aside from what I was taught about genetics and chromosomes, I really have no evidence that there is this ultimately important spiral in each one of our cells. I do, though, have evidence and motive for genetic fingerprinting and DNA evidence being totally fake and I feel pretty sure that's true of the gene editing tools too. This is not like Guardians of the Galaxy 3 where they can try out different DNA sequences and see what they grow into. I don't think it's even in keeping with the "light show" basis of this planet.

They definitely want to kill everything - or seem to have no barrier to it happening - and I wouldn't want to dismiss your vision either, but they have such a history of faking everything (and being deeply stupid) that I can't see why they'd change their MO on this. Everything that we've feared the most quite literally hasn't existed, so is there a reason that the fear du jour should be an exception. Besides, they're not into reading long books and doing hard work. They're about shortcuts and drinking up glory (usually other people's). I think the whole gene thing is going to be another round of Blue Peter Fairy bottles and sticky tape. Then again I have a good record of being wrong. :)

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It would be wonderful if you were right this time, Christian! I really hope so! xx

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I think this is our history

It’s THEIR playbook

Orphan children are seeded into the popular books/films

Orphan children from THEIR underground labs?

The technology we have access to is retarded.

Our science and medicine is retarded.

We are much more than we are TAUT!

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Taught.... taut means tight.

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Exactly we are taut - tightened to colour in between the lines - tightened to be corrected - tighter to be frightened.

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How do we stop it WITHOUT rioting in the streets and starting civil wars which is what the enemy supposedly want?

What can we DO about this?

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We cannot allow the Black Nobility to continue robbing the world of its wealth. The entire class of aristocrats have to be arrested for crimes against humanity and their wealth stripped from them to be returned to the people of the world from whom it was robbed over the last 8,000 years or more.

Real populist democracy MUST be initiated.

A fine example of bottom-up governance can be found by reading the Green Book by Muammar Gaddafi. https://archive.org/details/TheGreenBookMuammarGaddafi

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I'm glad you brought up Gadaffi. I didn't know this book existed and only knew he was a good leader when he was almost at his end. And wasn't that an end to showcase the visceral hatred that motivates and drives our controllers? And then Hillary (?) goes and flattens everything good he's done. WTF? He probably was unwise to take on the Cabal directly with his African Florin, but it's the kind of stupid thing that I'd do so i have immense sympathy. If I believed there was actually a Satan in charge of this world I'd say Gadaffi's fate was a model piece of satanic discipleship. In fact it's somewhat reminiscent of the Crucifixion, only completely outside the purview of law.

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They didn't just flatten Libya. They bombed the Great Water Project and its aquifer with depleted uranium, turning the entire aquifer radio-active and starving the desert of its potential for future farming.

NATO was and IS an instrument of extreme evil.

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I knew they'd done that but I didn't know they'd done it with depleted uranium. I know it's naive to even start down this road but how is that not in contravention of numerous International Laws?

What this makes me think is quite how culpable the media are in all these things. They can stop with all the Fourth Estate bollocks and the guff about speaking truth to power. If any of this were widely known and if it were to be roundly condemned by the media, this sort of thing would not be able to happen. What we have here is a mechanism that demonstrates the direct relationship between what the media do and people dying. If even the people working in media realised they were, by policy, actively facilitating people's dying, then at least some of them might have some sort of crisis of conscience. (Actually, this would be a really good place to attack the cabal. If one can establish that link incontrovertably, with numerous examples well beyond covid - probably excluding covid, in fact - one could severely weaken that media platform that doesn't just do this but also serves to create our reality and deliberately twists our beliefs. It's almost the key platform in the elite's setup. Without it they can't crow about their successes and nor can they promote their ideas or their people. A well put moral case could do a LOT of damage to their power structure.

Just as a quick sign-off, a fantastic example is how many people are completely unaware Hillary Clinton is evil to the core. This is literally 100s of millions. And yet her life has left a trail of dead bodies long enough to satisfy the dreams of most serial killers (if such people actuall exist) and there is nothing she has touched that she hasn't corrupted. It's like having Satan on the planet, with wings and a forked tail, and no one noticing that there's something a little different about him. It's quite incredible.

Extreme evil is exactly what it is. Yet isn't it amazing how clean and civilised they manage to keep it? As the son of an officer in the Royal Navy I never suspected that all those magnificent ships, and the organisations behind them, had anything at all to do with death. And if they did I would have imagined it was lawful and for the greater good - neither of which are characteristic of ANYTHING I've seen in the last 20 years or more. (btw, I would have been 10 or younger when my father was in the Navy.)

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"Hillary Clinton is evil to the core."

Not only her. Remember that she is just a puppet of the Black Nobs.

She will never be free to make decisions in her lifetime.

It is the Black Nobs who dictate NATO activities and the Clintons, Bushes, Blairs and thousands of others are their obedient servants through choice, avarice or blackmail.

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" choice, avarice or blackmail". That's beautifully put. ❤️😘

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Can you please explain the term "Real populist democracy" in simple terms?

What exactly do you mean by that? Ideally, a step by step process if possible.

Just trying to understand what are you proposing exactly.

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The Green Book (as provided in the link attached to my previous comment) is a step by step process for enacting a real populist democracy.

The first 6 pages clearly explain why western democracy is flawed.

The rest of the book, a mere 100 pages, spells out the structure of the society which runs itself without leadership. Gadaffi himself, was a hands off leader who merely represented his people. He was adored and able to stand in an open vehicle riding around the streets of Tripoli - https://youtu.be/Jqf4bWGvd08?si=pppgchZHiZZVi5pq

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So was Libya under Gaddafi already "Populist democracy" or was it on its way to become one?

If so, how well progressed was it towards that?

Are you able to please give me a summary of the steps as outlined by Gaddafi in his green book? 100 pages is still a lot to read...

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Please Michael. I am very busy and have provided you with several links during this conversation which, judging by the speed of your responses, you are not actually opening and reading.

This time, please open this link to find my previous comments on life in Libya.


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No matter how they try in their sickest warped minds they CANNOT sterilize the earth or wipe out all life and redesign it . 1. They dont even know of most of the existing species . 2 They cannot access enormous numbers of species life , there is life under the sea mud 35,000 ft deep in the Marianas trench, there are uncountable extraordinary creatures living in the great ocean depths. There are life forms that can live in 200 degree F. boiling volcanic geysers. There are veritable tons of insects blowing in high altitude winds streams that cross oceans and continents. There are species in enormous numbers in the Tropical Rain Forests yet undiscovered. The Russians drilled 47,000 ft into the earth and kept hitting unsuspected streams of flowing water , where there is water there is life. There are life forms deep into caverns and into the earth "they" cannot access. There are thousands of miles of extraordinary ancient tunnels going all over the planet created by ancient civilizations , there is always life in these unexplored worlds. Lastly the great Mother Earth is an alive and sentient being who can wipe them all off the place if she chooses, I hope she does , they are alien to the magic of life here .

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Thanks a lot. So good to remember it in these dark times. The intelligent beauty of the creation is unstopable!

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Here is an example they will never eliminate these immortal worms/parasites


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I am delighted by your comments, Thomas! I was a bit depressed until I read it! xx

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I am delighted by your tremendous dedication and efforts to enlighten others with your extraordinary research, personal enlightenment and perspective, AND most importantly your courageous, outrageous, multi faceted life , well lived , its much like mine .

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Anything I can do to help, please call upon me.

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I see this too and I hope that we can stop them from destroying all Nature. I think that it would be best to foist these individuals into a large space shuttle, close the door, set course either straight into the sun or a far distant galaxy, and wave good bye.

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Won't it take decades for their plan to come to fruition? Many members of these Globalist Tyrants will be dead by then. Who really benefits from the Great Reset finale? Are these people so evil and selfish that it really doesn't matter. It makes absolutely no sense to me why, how and when their planned utopia comes to fruition and what good it is to humanity as we know it.

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No, this scenario can be accomplished in seconds.

The Black Nobility benefit from the end of life on this planet.

It is NOT good for humanity. The Nobs think of humans as a plague on THEIR PLANET.

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They call us ‘useless eaters’

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When I was 16 I was devoted to THE WHO. I saw them at the Marquee Club in London's seedy Soho long before they became famous. Their lyrics spoke for me and they still do.

When it comes to the Black Nobs, I ask - WHO ARE YOU? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?

And like the east end guttersnipes we truly were..... we are taking them bastards on.

Ain't it great that the Who are still touring?


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Idk, I think you give these numbskulls a bit too much credit. They rely on way too many uncertain variables. And most of them are stupid af! If they were any smarter we would already be barcoded and chipped...

And they cant do shit if sheep decide to act as free humans..

At least thats my impression!

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They have already fukt themselves by poisoning everyone who worked in their machine..... it is now a matter of time before their house of cards collapses. I have never thought that they will get to their vision, not for a minute. I just wanted to convey their plan so that everyone can see how sick it really is.... See the pinned comment here.

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I've written here before that I was told over 20 years ago, I had nothing to fear from Papa Sun's CMEs - that we are working in concert. Our human hearts and brains have a hand in the direction and intensity of Sun's filaments and ejections. We are not separate from the sun. The sun's current activity is likely really freaking the nob entities out.

We know we are not separate from Mama Earth - we are born of her and she shelters and feeds us. We are terrestrial and if we are smart like Frances, and touch our feet to the soil daily, we are recharged. This also is not comprehended by nobs.

Water is love. Water is memory. Water is life and our most powerful weapon. Woe to the nobs for dismissing and worse, torturing our water. They gonna regret it!

I do not know how, but keeping these things in mind, while giving our hearts to fellow deserving people and our love to Creator. God. Jehovah Jesus - we will live.

That is our birthright.


I am not nor ever have been a part or member of any religion and using the specific names of Jesus and especially Jehovah, makes my husband and sons very uncomfortable.

Makes me uncomfortable too.

But for three years I've tried the experiment of voicing these names out loud in prayer and the results, for me, have been astonishing.

I have to give credit where credit is due.

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Have a look at Dr Ammon Hillmans YT and then decide if ‘Jesus’ is who we are taught he is! I see now that we have been so indoctrinated that we just can’t fathom why oaedophiles are consistently religious/priests. Again the New Testament is a translated version from the Hebrew text which only has 8000 words. When the bible is translated from the oldest text Ancient Greek it sure tells a damning story. Way more plausible as we get to know the black nobs of this world!

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When I was four years old I used to nip along the street to the church on the corner. I would slip inside (the door was always ajar) and I would go to the very front where an image of Jesus was lit up from behind. It was a famous painting, of him at a door with a lantern in his hand..... at that time, I had no idea who this man was but I liked chatting to him.

I read all about him at Sunday School several years later and I thought he was a really nice bloke. I still think that about him. I am not at all impressed with Christianity though..... it doesn't do him justice.

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That's putting it mildly! Christianity has blasphemed him!

Has blasphemed all of us.

(I took out my cuss word.)

And I think I may despise proselytizing more than anyone.........

But I love thinking of you at four chatting with the nice man!

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And just to think that they wouldn't accomplished any of if, if it wasn't for the army of stupid, corrupted knobs. Oh Frances I so hope that we're not there yet!

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Yes my dear Frances.

You saw exactly what was outlined in Agenda 21 and signed (not "ratified") by 156 countries in Rio de Janeiro June 1992.


Darling Al Gore & Other Bob Bill Black Nobs redefined biodiversity as GENETIC CODES.


The genetic takeover of life on planet earth.

These two young environmental journalists were horrified enough to write a book about it at the time, which is no longer in print.


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Many thanks for that useful pdf - downloaded (like the greedy knowledge muncher that I am!)

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