Today I have been trawling back through my old articles, stored on the Steemit blockchain. Many of them were written ten years ago and more. Unexpectedly I came across a link to an obscure short book in pdf format which I thought I had lost when my old laptop gave up the ghost. After a sharp intake of breath I was delighted to find that the link still works! ‘How rare is that?’ I thought and decided to share some of its more punchy paragraphs to tickle your fancy.
I cannot find any information about the author so, if he is familiar to you, do comment and let me know something about him.
The book is:
THE POLICE STATE ROAD MAP by Michael Nield (201 pages 2005)
and the only other written work I can find from this author is:
THE CONSENSUS TRANCE (multiple authors including Michael Nield) (230 pages 2015)
I hope the following excerpts encourage you to read both books.
'Money is power'. Well, to be precise, it's the gap between the rich and poor that counts. The objective of the elite is to maintain the capitalist structure as it is with one vital difference. There will be no middle class in the New World Order. Under public-private partnership, the middle class, free markets, and consumer choice will be replaced with a neo-feudal society in which the Money Trust dictates to an impoverished populace through a supranational technocracy. This is international socialism, run for the benefit of the financial elite who own the economy and control the emerging continental Politburos. The polite name for it is 'The Third Way', but less deferential commentators call it 'corporate fascism'. The corporations need government to restrict consumer choice in the market place, allowing the cartel to determine what we can buy, sell, or even do in our own homes. The 'Third Way' is the path to utopia for our self-appointed philosopher kings, advocated by the likes of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, and Gerhard Schroder - their senior political puppets. There is no difference between ostensibly right and left wing political parties about the eventual destination, even if they appear to be travelling at different speeds towards it. (Chapter 7.1, page 48)
To summarize inflation: There are three bands of thieves who work as a cartel. The central banks acting as lender of last resort have enabled the commercial banks and the government to expand the money supply at our cost by increasing government deficit spending, sustaining non-performing loans and bailing out major corporate failures. Since 1971 when Nixon destroyed the last remnants of the Gold Standard, the U.S. national debt has increased from $408 billion to $6.8 trillion, a 1600% increase. In 1971, M3 money supply was $776 billion; today it stands at $8.9 trillion, a 1100% increase. During that time the dollar has lost almost 80% of its purchasing power.(18) In addition to all the other state and federal taxes, the hapless taxpayer has paid another 5% per year in inflation.(19) A 1999 UK Parliamentary report shows that inflation in Britain accelerated after WWII. The pre-war annual inflation rate was about 2.5% and the post -war rate averaged 6%. Over the whole century, the Pound lost 98.5% of its purchasing power.(20) It is no coincidence that during this period the gap between rich and poor and the size of government has grown significantly.
Fiscal and monetary policy has been used by the bankers to redistribute wealth to themselves and the corporations they control as well as to national governments. Whilst taxation policy is overt, a hidden transfer of wealth is achieved by monetary policy- the public endure inflation whilst the debtor governments grow in size and the bankers grow rich collecting interest on the loans that cause it. The fleecing of the Western taxpayer accelerated during the post-War period, with the creation of the IMF/World bank. (Chapter 7.2 page 54)
Whilst free-trade allows capital to travel to developing countries in search of cheap labour, lax immigration controls have allowed cheap labour to travel to the West in search of capital. The immigrant population in the United States has increased to 33 million, a five percent increase in the last two years. The new Census Bureau data show that immigrants account for 11.8 percent of the U.S. population. In California 27% of the population are foreign born. The immigrant population in the U.S. is now larger than the entire population of Canada.(36) 9 million Mexicans make up 30% of these foreign born residents. Over a third of them are illegals. (Chapter 7.4 page 56)
Substantial financing and leadership of the United Nations came directly from the corporate elite as well as from national governments. In 1946 John D. Rockefeller Jr. brought the U.N. to America by gifting $8 million for the purchase of the land for the U.N. building in New York. Canadian multi-billionaire and Rockefeller associate, Maurice Strong, was the first Director of the U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP) created after The Stockholm Conference, ('Earth Summit 1') in 1972. Mr Strong was secretary general of all three Earth Summits 1972, 1992, and 1997. He initiated The Earth Charter Project in 1994, the 'Ten Commandments' of sustainable development. Gorbachev was co-chair of The Earth Charter Commission and Stephen Rockefeller was Chair of the drafting committee. The ceremony to launch the Earth Charter initiative in May 2000, involved the presentation of the document to regular Bilderberg attendee, Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands. This illustrates how top-down the environmental movement is, despite its significant grass-roots support. (Chapter 7.5 page 60)
Whilst there are many real and serious environmental problems, man-made global warming is a contrived political issue. The end of earth scenarios linked to global warming have been successful in mobilizing public opinion in favour of reducing industrial activity in order to cut CO2 emissions. However, an independent petition organized by the Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine signed by 17,000 independent scientists states that increased CO2 levels do not cause deleterious changes in climate or weather; indeed they lead to increased plant growth. (Chapter 7.5 page 64)
The dream of prosperity for all is dying out around the world. Developing countries which had an expanding middle class in the early 1980s have been ransacked. Almost 5 billion people on the planet do not have basic property rights enjoyed in the West. At the same time, Westerners are getting poorer year by year. In the U.K., the enormous increase in house prices has made home ownership an impossibility for most young people. (Conclusion of Chapter 7 page 70)
The thought police are already active in Britain. In January 2003, Robin Page, former presenter of TV's One Man and his Dog and Daily Telegraph columnist, was questioned by police after saying country dwellers should enjoy the same rights as blacks, Muslims and homosexuals. Mr Page, was arrested on suspicion of stirring up racial hatred after making a speech at a pro-hunting rally in November which began: "If there is a black, vegetarian, Muslim, asylum-seeking, one-legged, lesbian lorry driver present…I want the same rights as you." (Chapter 8.2 page 86)
Think-tanks, university grants and bribes are not enough to bring about global government. The League of Nations and the United Nations were forged from the heat of the first and second world wars. Global government will be the fall-out from World War III. There is a three pronged strategy being played out, masquerading as the Global War on Terror. Firstly, America's superpower status will be destroyed. This will partly be achieved in carrying out the second tactic which is to bring uncooperative nations, especially those in the Middle East, under U.N. control. America's military might will be exhausted by invading Third World nations and setting up U.N. protectorates. Thirdly, threatened or actual conflict between nuclear powers will persuade all nations to surrender their military power to the U.N. thereby permanently relinquishing their sovereignty. This is why the West has given nuclear technology to North Korea and China. At this point, before hundreds of cities are annihilated ,there will be an emergency U.N. conference. The agreement reached will be to surrender control all weapons of mass destruction to a U.N. agency. The submission of all conventional armed forces to U.N command will follow. Eventually all military forces will be U.N. 'Peace Keeping' forces, whose purpose is to enforce the U.N. hegemony over rogue states. If this sounds a little fantastic, consider this: NATO exercises for enforcing U.N. embargoes on breakaway states have already begun. The first exercise of NATO'S Response Force took place between 11th and 26th September 2003 in Galloway, Scotland. This was a 'crisis response' operation called 'Exercise Northern Lights' in which the mission was enforcing a U.N. arms embargo on a recently formed country.
A second exercise took place in Turkey on 20th November 2003. According to the NATO website, "the forces rescued and evacuated the U.N. staff and civilians, established an embargo, engaged in counter-terrorist operations and a show of force". (Chapter 8.4 page 87)
With the War on Terror expected to go on forever, we may soon find ourselves under a form of indefinite martial law. What is likely to be the purpose of this scenario for the police state planners? The populace will be required to surrender rights to life, liberty and property for short term expediency. This will be the window of opportunity the planners need to purge dissident groups and exploit the popular panic to introduce permanent legal or constitutional changes. Chapter 10 page 99)
“The capacity to assert social and political control over the individual will vastly increase. It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and to maintain up-to-date, complete files, containing even the most personal information about the health or personal behaviour of the citizen in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” – Between Two Ages- America's Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970. Zbigniew Brzezinski, first director of The Trilateral Commission 1973-1976 and U.S. National Security Advisor 1977-1981. Source: The Rand Corporation website.
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. - Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society
… this is how the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel has killed, injured, and sterilized millions of people over the last hundred years. The same forces that supported Hitler have continued to operate covertly ever since. Population control is multi-faceted. It includes: Reducing the number of people; eugenics; reducing intelligence levels; mind control; increasing poverty; and creating financial dependence on the pharmaceutical industry. Various facets of the population control agenda can be served simultaneously by the same device. Facing up to this 21st century holocaust merely requires an acknowledgement of the moral position of its elevated sponsors. Some might be unashamedly evil but most are Malthusians who believe that the there is no sanctity in human life. To 'save the planet' we must kill off most of the people, so said Jacques Cousteau in the UNESCO Courier of November 1991: The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics - it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ...
This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it.
Bertrand Russell, one of the twentieth century's most eminent philosophers, said the same in his book, The Impact of Science on Society: “At present the population of the world is increasing ... War so far has had no great effect on this increase ... I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others ... If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full...(2) Russell also supported the idea of engineering human beings to meet social requirements: Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. . . . It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. The Nazis were more scientific than the present rulers of Russia. . . . If they had survived, they would probably have soon taken to scientific breeding. Any nation which adopts this practice will, within a generation, secure great military advantages. The system, one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the governing aristocracy, all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent of females will be sterilized. The 30 per cent of females will be expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction, in order to secure adequate cannon fodder. As a rule, artificial insemination will be preferred to the natural method. . . . Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. (3) The progressively dumbed down society described in Brave New World is desirable to those in the ruling class who believe in 'command and control'. However, with the internet serving as a counter-weight to official disinformation, we can now afford ourselves some protection against a health catastrophe we might otherwise endure at their hands. (Chapter 14 page 150)
N.B. The health catastrophe (as predicted in this 2005 book) happened in spite of the internet and a revolt was prevented with lockdowns, censorship and fear.
The book concludes:
Most human beings are targeted for extermination and the remainder will be indentured on the global plantation. The 'sort of character' that the authorities consider desirable is the diseased, impoverished, infertile, sexless, dumbed down automaton, whose function in life is merely to enact the Masters' business plan. Some of the character-altering weaponry already at their disposal includes: Media brainwashing; water fluoridation; vaccination; gender altering foods and chemicals; neurotoxic food additives; and psychotropic drugs. Life expectancy is being gradually reduced by the modern day concentration camp which masquerades as the public healthcare system.
On the horizon are: Implantable microchips; vaccines to alter brain chemistry; genetically modified pharmacological food; human cloning; and nanotechnology Under pending U.K. legislation, the process of generational transformation will be monitored on a special children's database. Family life will be replaced by a gigantic welfare apparatus and state controlled childcare. Privacy will become an alien concept. Citizens will be permanently logged on to the Big Brother surveillance grid, through their implanted microchip, the face scanning CCTV in the street, the RFID tracking chips in every supermarket product, and the biometric identification that accompanies every transaction. Government will have instant access to all public and private sector databases. Don't think of getting in your car and heading for hills. Under current proposals, Big Brother will be able to track cars by satellite and disable them by remote control.
Think you can escape to another country?
Sorry, under world government, there is no 'other country'.How about joining the rebel forces? Well, this may land you in some serious hot water. Literally in hot water, because already, the U.S. Government is shipping out 'terrorists' to foreign countries to be tortured. With distinction between ordinary crime and terrorism swept aside, rebels can expect the harshest treatment. Orwell observed that,' reprisals against prisoners which extend even to boiling and burying alive, are looked upon as normal, and, when they are committed by one's own side and not by the enemy, meritorious.' What about voting the regime out? Votes cast on electronic voting machines will disappear straight down the memory hole.
For something written in 2005 it is surprisingly accurate and gloomy. It was truly a black pill of its time. The author held the internet in high regard and was hopeful that it would provide us an opportunity to expose and counteract the eugenic trajectory. He did not foresee the extreme censorship, the echo chambers and the speed of technological advance.
Writing this in 2024, I wonder what happened to him and how he feels about the reality we face today.
Buy me a coffee?
A related previous post introducing yet another book:
THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR by Walter H. Bowart and Richard Sutton
"We must substitute faith for fear" - this audio book may well describe the exact antedote we need:
"The Game of Life & How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn