A related previous post introducing yet another book:

THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR by Walter H. Bowart and Richard Sutton


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"We must substitute faith for fear" - this audio book may well describe the exact antedote we need:

"The Game of Life & How to Play It" by Florence Scovel Shinn


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J. Kenneth Smail, Confronting The 21st Century's Hidden Crisis: Reducing Human Numbers by 80%, Forum

Series, Negative Population Growth, May 1995 See https://npg.org/library/forum-series/confronting-the-21st-centurys-hidden-crisis-reducing-human-numbers-by-80.html

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Creepy paper!

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Thank you for this. I downloaded the book

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The Police State Road map downloads as a .pdf alright but Consensus Trance doesn't. It's available on Kindle for £3.63.

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Thank you Frances. I'm still trying to catch up on all the substacks and other emails. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!

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Have you ever noticed how diabolical is the NWO? I suggest to you that it is Satan inspired (assuming one believes in God and the whole bible narrative - which I do). The only way we get out of this mess is via divine intervention - Satan has a firm grasp on the earth. Good news is that God wins in the end…however to get there most reading this will be consumed in the coming holocaust (which has been shared via prophecy). Ergo- pray, focus/change/improve on what you can and prepare. Pax

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You are manifesting Satan simply by believing in that narrative! I prefer to avoid such things and explained myself in many different posts here on Substack.

This series of 3 posts may give you a small insight: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/manifesting-our-reality

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Hi Frances,

The link for Consensus Trance does not work. More precisely it works but it says it's unavailable for viewing. I happen to have the pdf and would be happy to send it to you, if you'd like me to, so that you may share it with your reader.

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Same here. However, it is available on Kindle if you use that.

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Could you add a link to it here please?

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If I had a link I would have posted here. Alas, I only have a pdf file of the book.

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It could well the kill box and we citizen must find a way of protection from all the quasi governments around the world who have assigned them self onto the treaty of murderer their citizen including the children, thanks

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Hi Frances,

Your comment: "I cannot find any information about the author so, if he is familiar to you, do comment and let me know something about him" - this raised the hair on the back of the neck. As someone who has read this book thoroughly, and the fact the author is not trackable, do you believe that this is a WARNING, or that this is a PLAN OF ACTION distributed under the cover of a 'warning.' ???? Has the author at any point raised points on how to FIGHT BACK? Or not?

I'd be interested to hear your comments.

Do you know anything about the multiple authors in the second book Consensus Trance -that might fall into the same category. A plan of action.


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There is nothing in the book about fighting back beyond the weak comments made in the conclusion about the internet. The author's name could be a pseudonym, adopted purely for this genre of his work. Whoever he is, he was well read, quoting from a number of known authors and early eugenicist conspirators.

The actual plan of action was well documented in many books long before 2005. This guy is simply reporting on it, compiling research. So I would think he was an academic researcher who did not want to sacrifice his career over knowing too much!

I have briefly glanced through Consensus Trance and do not know anything about any of the authors. I find it loaded with well known conspiracy theories and theorists. Like a facebook group of that period!

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It strikes me it is simply the globalist cabal publishing their plans, using an unknown author, who may not have even been an author, and likely well rewarded for his efforts, and he puts it out there with weak comments as you said, and the the Empire of Evil, which is countless millions of agents of useful idiots in all the International Institutions, think tanks, NGos, and secret societies, not to mention the churches, all the leaders see it, understand what it is and digest it and help the agenda forward. Just like the Protocols of Zion - a published plan. Likely using a useful idiot. But the English translation was published by a major establishment publisher in London and sold tens of thousands of them. Same pattern.

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This is exactly what I was thinking. An intentional leak of real plans.

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Great post 📫 👏

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Gobsmacked. Totally gobsmacked.

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It's the UN as the *peace keeper* with their global army that will be doing the enforcing.

Michael does a good job of pointing this out as it's not much spoken of.

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Thanks for trying to find out more about this author! He is something of a mystery!

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I found the site below with entries by Michael Nield. It has a link to a now absent web site named Police State Planning. I find myself thinking about love more than ever these days. It's the key for maintaining sovereignty , freedom, courage, and peace. Our connection to God (or source if you prefer).


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Thanks for your precious time and experience to bring these facts to a wider readership as well as the links to the books !!!👍👍👍🌹🌹

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