
Important information from Elon Musk (Lone Skum) and his Starlink developments:


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Thanks Frances

One more for your archives: Effects not only on the brain but metabolism, etc. pathways. China 2015 Medical Military Research

Cite this article

Hao, YH., Zhao, L. & Peng, RY. Effects of microwave radiation on brain energy metabolism and related mechanisms. Military Med Res 2, 4 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40779-015-0033-6

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Many thanks Deborah! They have always known…. but they did it anyway. So despicable.

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

yep....effer hatched parasites :))

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AEtherEMF frequently posts this list of related links:

EXPOSÉ: DARPA's Mosaic Warfare Program >


- 1h 24m 36s - 23Feb23 - Celeste Solum

Timetable of 1968's Club of Rome long-planned depop together w/ Borg syn-bio transformation ...... scroll down to countdown clock quote,



C40 Cities >

C40 is a global network of mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.




💀Klaus Schwab: apt gets deMolay skull+bones lol

'I am the person who provided the .... Club of Rome ..... with its first major platform' >


- 3m 44s - 3Jun23 - SettingBrushfires

Birth of co2 Climate-Hoax | Club of Rome | UN Agenda 21 | Documentary -


- 42m 9s - 8May22 - Censored Important Videos

[plenty Show Notes]


'Limits To Growth’ book author Dennis Meadows - 'I hope the depopulation will occur in a civil and peaceful way'

- WEF Mastermind and Club of Rome founder, in resurfaced 2012 interview - 12Jul22 -


German Scientists: Global Warming ‘Corrupt’ Fearmongering Scheme ‘Headed By Super-Rich’ - 30Aug23 >


Psyop ‘Climate Change’: The Absurd CO2 Scam - 22May23 >

Psyop-19 flows perfectly into Psyop-Climate Change for numerous reasons >


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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader

"Owning the airspace above us..."


NOBODY can "own" airspace.

I'm ready to enlist in whatever it is we need to do to stop these freex.

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

Hey Jaan! Did you see my msg about that dude we subbed? Kaiser something...?

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

I donut fink so! Can you copy/paste it in this thread? Or... somefing?

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Just go look at his pedo post. You'll leave in a hurry like I did. I refuse to even link his stack. Or say his full name. But to find him in a search he has this logo:


The last name starts with a B

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Sep 18Liked by Frances Leader

Pedo post??!?!?! Nooooo, I yam nod going to dat place. I can’t see dat stuff. I get night & day mares for years… I will just belief you… Ewwww, nooooooo.

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I was curious and peeked.... 😵

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Mystery as Trump supporters suffer odd medical condition after sitting behind former president at Arizona rally. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13867101/Mystery-Trump-supporters-experience-odd-medical-condition-Arizona-rally.html

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Wow! That is weird!

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20 hrs agoLiked by Frances Leader

EMF will alter/down regulate your zeta potential… this affects cell clumping .. the less ZP the more your cells clump… so it’s important to ‘ground’ regularly 15 mins a day if possible… get hold of a PEMF device and place it in areas where you experience issues.. this will unclump aggregated pockets that cause pain particularly head and joints.Switch off routers at night .. get a grounding sheet for the bed… it’s a start.. because we are being bombarded with 5g.

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My son made me a grounding plate which is under my desk when I am online. I swear it has helped me a lot.

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Like a constellation of low orbit satellites , like Starlink.

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Yes - see the top pinned post!

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Isn't it remarkable that King Charles III has a painting of himself shaded all in red like the sleeve image of that book?

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https://rumble.com/v4izt39 Scary Veg and Hot & Spicy Bug Pizza

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I can do telepathy without machines. It is easy. 😉

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Sep 18Liked by Frances Leader

I feel absolutely compelled to leave this comment today on the news of the "Hezbollah" pagers exploding and killing several and injuring thousands... Who is Hezbollah? Why do they call them terrorists? If you have been one of those strong people who has stood up in your community against the tyranny you see rolling out, you were also labeled a terrorist. I am one who made that list. And, as such, it would be easy to dismiss an attack on me as a preemptive strike on a terrorist organization. This is, of course, laughable. The fact that this kind of attack even with simple technology such as a pager was possible means that any and all of our "connected" devices run a risk of this kind of attack. And I find it strange that as I struggled to sleep last night, I felt a strange new heat coming off my laptop. It was extraordinarily hot. It's never done THAT before. It just makes you cringe and think "what other evil will befall us because we can't even comprehend the level of their insanity?

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I don't follow main stream news so I had to look up the pagers event and am as horrified as you. Many thanks for alerting me.


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Sep 18Liked by Frances Leader

Very few in alternative media are covering this. Why aren't they? This is HUGE news!

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They are probably avoiding the MSM like I do. Give it time.... I have just posted about it on Notes.

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Sep 18Liked by Frances Leader

Oh, GOOD! GB News covered it and kept referring to Hezbollah as terrorists... I lost my poop in their comment section. I probably got censored.

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

Looking through old bookmarks, going down a strange memory lane; These are a “fun” read:


And the man who pored through Nikola Tesla’s papers upon his death in 1943? Donald Trump’s uncle!


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"A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons.

Completed December 2006, Sonoma State University Project Censored Media Freedom Foundation.

This research explores the current capabilities of the US military to use electromagnetic (EMF) devices to harass, intimidate, and kill individuals and the continuing possibilities of violations of human rights by the testing and deployment of these weapons. To establish historical precedent in the US for such acts, we document long-term human rights and freedom of thought violations by US military/intelligence organizations. Additionally, we explore contemporary evidence of on-going government research in EMF weapons technologies and examine the potentialities of continuing human rights abuses."

Thanks a lot Terry! xx

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

Wes penre papers are an exceptionally good resource on everything you never knew about our reality and the spiritual world

Balance love and harmony

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Thanks for mentioning Wes Penre. Took me 2 years to read his papers :-) Then Wes led me to John Lamb Lash and all pieces of the puzzle came together for me.

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Thank you - that looks as if it requires very intense study! I have opened the website and lined it up next to the three other books I am curently reading.

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

Some years ago, before covid, I was having lunch with a woman working in 5G for a large provider and doing PHD research in 6G. I asked her why she isn't concerned about the dangers of 5G. She replied that she is, and told a few 'danger' stories... but then she changed topic - informing me that things were moving toward 6G, which is laser beams and we discussed ongoing projects in laser beam 6G. At the time, I just filed that conversation away as 'interesting'.

Nowadays I find it more interesting. 6G is (66) ok, their favourite number. Holography, weapons systems, precise robotic manufacturing, modern surgery - it's all lasers folks! Ever heard of a CO2 laser? It's been around for a long time. Very common tech. Future application such as direct CO2 laser-based generation of holographic structures among other things - makes it sound like we need to start harvesting CO 2 - as Bill Gates is doing - more for this tech than for 'the environment'.

If you wanna go down a wierd rabbit hole then look into synthetic diamonds, time crystals, lab grown diamonds - specifically their use in all future IOT, IOB, future laser systens, etc. As you know, you can right now today turn dead granny or your pet into a synthetic diamond - this is a 'service'. The essentially cremation ovens which are used in the process are not even very expensive.

Anyone who understands the implications of EU, US, Japan, etc old age dependency burden - the current inverted population pyramid - will also understand mass immigration, hospital 'kill box' protocols, etc. Well - what if we were to dig into connections between the biggest funeral service / cremation providers and synthetic diamond manufacturing. I have not done this but it seems obvious that 'they' are planning for mass death and a huge demand for synthetic diamonds..

Perhaps 'we' will be the diamonds in the internet of bodies.

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

The guy in the video was attacked and lit up like a Christmas Tree. It happened to me as well in 2015. Screaming my head off. That's when you realize that fabric isn't enough.

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Thanks for the info. Great Information

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

The beam forming idea has been around in broadcasting forever, but this millimeter wave beam forming on 5G towers is very sophisticated. It focuses the energy to a spot BUT what if I happen to be closer to the tower and in the way of that beam? A high exposure results. I also have a hunch they dial up the power when it’s raining since mm waves are easily disrupted. OTOH I wonder if that makes it easier to design a shielded room from 5G waves. Dunno. But I do know that frequencies are not all the same. I have a frequent opportunity to avail myself of a Rife Beam Rays device and its 3.3megahertz carrier wave. I find calming while the audio frequency sidebands do their work. I suspect it’s fighting fire with fire in some sense but I’ve seen its frequency selective therapeutic effect too many times for it to be coincidence. Keep in mind though exposure to it is for a limited duration. It’s not something that’s always on or used all the time. Edit: also note that therapeutic effects are based on resonant frequencies and NOT tissue heating! Government standards are based on the assumption that bio resonance doesn’t exist and therefore tissue heating from the radio frequencies is the only measure they use. I presume evidence of other effects is ignored or found to be “baffling.”

To keep emf everything out by building a faraday caged room has a certain appeal because a respite from the EMF out there might have restorative effect if,say, one were to sleep in it. I think living in it would be detrimental because it shields everything including the natural earth resonances that keep us grounded. I recall reading that experiments with underground facilities where earth resonances were absent resulted in the study subjects (mostly grad students) going insane over time. When the resonances were generated artificially underground, the students’ mental state returned to normal. These studies were done in the 1950s and 60s Cold War era where long term underground living was studied from the standpoint of a post nuclear war scenario. Also from an orbiting space station point of view. So they’ve studied physiological and psychological effects of specific frequencies for a long time.

I won’t go into detail but my recent experience with a local power interruption and dead cell battery gave me the only restful and restorative sleep I’ve had in literally years. I have to point out that I am very prone to neuroinflammation associated with long term ME/CFS and I don’t think it’s any coincidence that I tend towards high sensitivity in general and to communications EMF in particular. And though this makes the average insensitive normie 😏 seem unaffected, I doubt they really are, in the long term.

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Sep 16Liked by Frances Leader

I've been thinking about this, too. Based on intuition and how I FEEL... being a sensitive person who's already "damaged" by this nastiness...

Because things ARE slowly coming forth, the truth IS slowly coming out, I DO strongly feel that the attempts to mess with us, harm us, maybe kill some of us, by secretly "zapping" us sort of covertly


Because maybe they are getting a bit frightened that we're going to STOP THEM and their big plan to take over the world (the freakin maniacs).

I feel this strongly.

I left my former abode after being evicted. I was getting HIGH doses there, due to my landlord's HAM RADIO spewing all over me for years... I thought things would get better. But I'm also spending time, a lot of time, in public places, like libraries, parks, and fishing piers (where they have porta-potties)...

You know, the "good" places where people go often, in numbers...

I'm not always right, but this seems right in my intuitive self...

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Are you saying that since you are spending a lot of time in public places, you feel that you are being zapped?

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Sep 17Liked by Frances Leader

Yes. Now I gotta get outta the library, or ARF the computer...

Back tamale.

xo xo xo

CONGRATS once again!!!!!! ^_^

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