We live, we love, we throw things away, Love again is all I can say.

Remember the internet is an endless void and all that we can really ever do is leave messages for those that come after us,

for the next generation of rebels and leaders to ponder and react to.

We all put our heart and soul into our works. We care, we desire, we want the world to change but the world needs to first catch up to our ideas, knowledge and plans. All we can do is be the change which we desire.

Many people need to practise what they preach and slowly their bravery and courage will lead others to follow

The man on the mountain has a great view of where everyone is heading he can see it all clearly but when he comes down to explain what he has seen people will ignore and ridicule him or hate him for knowing the plan so clearly for they cannot see the path themselves, or they do not recognize the game that is being played on them by their fellow man.

We have seen what happens when we come together and speak the truth. We have seen how fragile the world is and they will ridicule us forever as they do not see what we see, they only do as they are told and enjoy their enslavement.

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Gawd, DeGe! I thought you had fallen off the planet! It has been so long since I have heard from you..... how the heck are you? Where have you been?

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Well one way to put it is that I unplugged myself from the matrix and from many things that I had developed connections with over the years.

There comes a time when disconnecting is required because there are too many cables as such connected to you and pulling you away from where you want to be and doing what you want to do.

So I detached myself from those connections and went back to living my life for me. I have travelled a lot to different countries with my family for many different reasons and been busy just doing things which I love to do.

Sometimes you need to realise that there is a waiting game and while you wait for others to catch up you have time to enjoy whatever you want.

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That is wonderful! I am so glad you did that, you certainly deserved it. You were a great influence and inspiration to me and I have run with it at a helluva pace since we last chinwagged (on Discord, I think!)..... I see you have your own Substack account but you have not published anything yet. Can I expect to see much from you or are you still busy doing what you love to do..... doesn't that include a bit of comms?

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

And know that you are loved and cherished and seen and heard

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Just touch the earth every day. Just that. Start there. No devices. Just your body touching the earth’s body. Keep doing that.

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I stand barefooted on the grass first thing in the mornings. Every day. I also use a grounding device under my desk. I have done this for more than 5 years. It does not stop me feeling the tsunami of sadness all around me.

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Nov 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I know. Me too. This is what it is like to be in the midst of a silent cull. There are just these times of overwhelming sorrow and horror.

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Sorry Frances, I'm not giving up on you or anyone. Truth is my red light. Have been through so many tragedies, heart aches and that overwhelming feeling that there is no hope, but something always pushes me to look to the future, however uncomfortable and gloomy it may seem, I know that so many cannot see what's happening, talking to my brother today as soon as I start to mention things, he seems to shy away from this conversation and change the subject, but I will continue no matter how many times it takes, because I love him and that's the truth that I think we all share. Some good words in this song that keep me focused. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP9lqLspByo "The road I'm on has grown so weary, I'm caught in a trap, there's no looking back for me this time, I've lost everything I ever wanted, It's a fight for this troubled land and break out the bubble that I'm in, I've been running away from myself, you are the only one who could save me." Think I got all the words right in the beginning of this song, but this gives me a boost each time I hear it, hope it does the same for you, good people need to know that others believe in them and that the cause, no matter how hard, is worth it especially when you know that this is a beautiful world and our DNA was made to love and defend that love. Francis just say fucket to all the fuckers out there, pardon my French.

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Onwards! xx

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Me too.

My beloveds, horses, dog, geese and chickens, many cats. Kept my arm muscles toned carrying heavy buckets of feed and water and my feet fast protecting them from hawks and bears and the elements. They have been gone these not so many years.

THE young man of my youth that loved me well and not so well is also gone. Somewhere.

Where did they go?

Where I want to go. https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-02-736581-8

If you go somewhere else Frances, I expect to hear from you because I need and love your voice.

love, jill

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think of it as the weight you feel in your bones, and of the bones of collective humanity... the ache of Wetiko Frances....the weight of Wetiko, the dis-ease of the separate self...................

I have found that identifying it as a concept, as the infection, is really quite liberating as keeps one on one's toes, and always engaged with the challenge...looking at how it manifests...in self, others, the wide wide world....



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waking this morn, and doing my moving practise routine, it was thinking of you, and feeling to write again, more personally. So i read through what you posted here of yourself, the moments of description of yourself whilst writing... more slowly, with more presence.

The tab beside this Substack one i found myself hovering cursor over...

It was John poised there for me to listen re 'fasting and prayer...for whom'?

i clicked on, and listened.

He talks of unity consciousness ; and of duality consciousness (the playground of that wetiko eh)

I imagined you amidst trees and animals 15 years ago ; and you engrossed on laptop now.

The fundamental differences of lifestyle, of your being in the world.

I think of your comment to me about a previous video of Johns i sent you..."is he mad?"

Of anyone who talks of spirit , 'God', duality that i have listened to, i hear him the most.

(Far from mad... )

Despite any resistance listening to him again... do it!...all the way through...keep rewinding to re-listen...offer a porousity, to let wash in ... my hunch is aspects will infuse and guide in some way.... :)


All best Fran....gotta still be onwards...(that is the word that i put on my old nokia, which pops up as reminder when i boot up phone)


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I get the impression that you have read very, very little of my writing.

You talk to me as if there is something wrong with me. You order me to listen to John St Julien Baba Wanyama as if he should be revered by all as a saint or a guru.

Let me assure you that I have heard the man. Many, many times over the recent decade. I have watched him develop his personality, YouTube channel, his career and his mission.

That is his journey.

It is not mine.

I have a very different spirituality and it is no less valid that his or yours.

You may not realise it, and I am pretty certain you don't..... but you are inflicting your ideals on me. You almost accuse me of being infected with this Wetiko thing, which I recognise may be a concept some believe in but I DO NOT.

I know this may come as a huge shock to you but when I open up my laptop and try to express a deep empathetic, altruistic sadness for the state of the world, I absolutely do not do so because I need saving by some evangelistic preacher or any of his acolytes.

The person I am is multi-faceted, multi-talented, multi-careered, multi-experienced. Way beyond your limited vision of me.

I am also no push over and far from weak minded.

I have never met a real Christian other than those who naturally wear fur or wings or exoskeletons. I do not push my beliefs on anyone else. I talk about them, sure..... but I do not presume that I have the purest understanding of this universe and everything.

All my life I have been psychic. Very, very psychic.

What I am writing about comes from that, whether I want it to or not. I have tuned into a tsunami of distress and deep sadness which most people commenting here seem to realise.

But not you.

There is NOTHING wrong with me but there is a LOT wrong with this world and it started thousands of years ago with megalomaniacal freaks trying to force us all into one totalitarian belief system, one controlled financial system, one draconian law system and one helluva repressive future.

I hope I have made myself very clear.

John St Julien Baba Wanyama is one guy making his way in this world. He is YOUR hero.

To me he appears as phoney as a nine bob note and YOU, Sir, will have to accept that some of us are not in need of his guidance. Far from it. We are in need of being free from those who want to preach, teach, cajole and direct. We need to get in touch with our joy, rather than fit someone else's idea of what a human being should be.

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Well Frances a week has passed and i have been marinating further on your 'pop' at me. I am not sure if you received my private response by Substack email?

But i feel, coming from sensitivity of soul, or bruise of ego, or demand of my yang ( i know not) , i have to respond here publicly...

This may be your Substack, but it is not edifying to accuse a commenter of this that and the other, when equally not knowing the person. Thus, i feel to add a disclaimer.....anyone reading what you said of me can take it as all your 'stuff' cascading out.

I think it fair to say all humans wish to be seen , heard and understood....and that is basically why you write on Substack. True?

Part of posting any content is surely with aim to elicit comment....the silence of invisible masses will not satiate a wish to be seen, heard and understood.

So i felt to comment given that you were asking 'say something',...to comment with good intent and care...as you sounded down...but a bit clueless as to 'how' as i dont know you personally. So I just shared what just recently was 'rocking my boat' so to speak, and i assertively said 'have a listen'.

And you have gone on a rant for 'inflicting ideals' on you, accusing me of inferring, (or even 'as if' stating clearly?).... that there is something wrong with you!

Can i scold you as much as you have scolded me? You clearly got your knickers in a twist, and have not taken responsibility for all your feelings, (and reflected on whence they originate), volleyed out at moi.

And why would being 'very very psychic' give you a knowing of who I am....over my sense of knowing myself?

Your comment stimulated a good amount of self-reflection about myself, musings on you, what Substack writing is about, so I can thank you for that. I have actually learnt more , and feel differently oriented by it (and i have subsequently got in the mix the well-written but traumatic article telling all the sorry tale of your real infliction by Tony...which feeds into my sense of gradually giving up on humanity to be honest...as too many beyond the pail to be redeemable...so i will avoid reading of your personal story in future....a thought i have is that what of idea you keep stuff like fracking and 5G separate from the raw personal?) (that latter idea is a comment not a directive....!)

Let me leave it at that. lots more thoughts, but too much to try and make cohesive and relevant? I have had my necessary say....

Guru's, hero's, saviours are not my cup of tea either thanks ....

As for Joy.... my sense of it continues to be adulterated by mass murder, so i will leave an overwish or expectation for such a free feeling to some other incarnation....or beyond...?

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

There's one thing I do know for sure, even though it doesn't help to hear it... you are not alone. Bunches of us here have been through very similar experiences. I find myself saying over and over again, "If I was only 20 years younger I wouldn't mind fighting all of this madness and starting over! But at my age? Ugh!" I know there isn't a switch I can flip to help you find your happiness. But please remember that you are not alone. You *will* find you happiness again! Sometimes we have to be open to finding that happiness in an unexpected place.

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

It seems so easy, and almost natural to give up when facing the onslaught from every side and angle. Yet, if we yield, who is left to stand up to the tyranny?

You are such a smart, interesting and funny woman, Frances. You write beautifully and engagingly, you expose what others don't. I can understand that your life is tough - and the life of many is about to become a lot tougher as well, even in the cushiest countries - but it has meaning! That's more than most can say of theirs.

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find myself blue (a lot lately) when my focus is on all things i can’t control… you are a great communicator & teacher!… 💕you are appreciated 💕

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It lifts my mood and gives me strength, as does your posts! onward ever onward!. X

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I can relate and I have empathy to your situation as do thousands if not millions world wide also feel, our life's have been stolen and being surrounded by so many who cannot see and are oblivious to what seems so obvious to us all, I was out having lunch at the local Uni student bar with a friend who is recovering from an brain aneurysm and is paralysed down her right side and we went there because we wanted to cheer ourselves up but instead it had the opposite effect as everyone in the bar was acting ultra normal but to us who can see it was a sad thing to observe and the weight of it was still with me but I started to take some Ashwagandha supplement two days ago and this has helped me some what, so I send on X & the Energy of happiness with a big fat smile to you Frances and to everyone.

I Think UB40 says exactly what I want to say.


I won't close my eyes

To the sufferers plight.

In a world full of sadness

I won't turn off my light.

Our cries for justice are shots in the dark

But our strength's in our bite

And not in our bark

It's time to stand

And shout it out loud

And the louder we scream

The sweeter the sound.

I won't close my eyes

When I know that I'm right

When I'm drowning in tears

I won't turn off my light.

We're shown no respect

But that can't break our pride,

When our backs to the wall

We won't run and we won't hide

It's time to stand, face the oncoming crowd

And the louder we scream

The sweeter the sound.

I wont' close my eyes

When the future don't look bright

Though the road seems too long

I won't turn off my light

In a world full of darkness,

I won't turn off my light.

Respect & X 2 All

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Wow. I have heard that song many times but I never actually listened to the lyrics..... thank you! xx

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Nov 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I'm feeling that way too Frances. Feeling a kinship here with you and fellow readers. Getting outside sure helps. Nature still is a healing force I feel. Missing simpler feeling times....grieving. Also lost my 2 "fur babies" this year. Nature seems to be the sole source of true unconditional love nowadays. So glad to have connected with you through your sharing. Thank you so much.❤️

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Never say never.

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Nov 16, 2022·edited Nov 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The ENERGY Formula by Shawn Wells goes into details about supplements related to longevity and energy levels. Dopa Mucuna is available via iherb.com world wide. Excellent quality and prices. And Shawn is a good person and uncorrupted professional.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Sending prayers, Frances. I pray more now than at any time in my life. When things overwhelm me, I get off the computer (TV went off 2 years ago). My increasingly closer relationship with our Heavenly Father brings peace.

The holidays are always stressful. Most of my family is quite hostile to my thoughts, not even capable of conversation. So very sad.

Take care of yourself. ❤️

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I believe that that the darkness for many of us is coming from the sky. Lack of sunshine.


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Some of it is... Ray is right. Interesting that he took such a long road trip and observed so much that really should not be happening. There should not be sticky goo on our windshields. Those lumpy clouds are similar to some I have seen here in England. As for the EMF towers and launches of satellites, I despair..... how can all this be happening? Nobody asked us if we wanted any of it!

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