
This interview with Elon Musk is interesting. Released today (14th Dec 2022) it reveals a lot of his opinions and aspirations:


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"if you want to tweet about neo-Nazis in the Ukraine, or anything else the Emperor Elonicus doesn’t want you to tweet about, well, not to put too fine a point on it, you’re fucked.

Fucked as in suspended, or censored, or “deboosted,” or “visibility filtered,” or maybe your account is just hidden from view behind one of these fake “sensitive content” warnings, exactly like it was on non-free-speech Twitter…" ~ CJ Hopkins


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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Pinned

TOM COWAN DISCUSSING PETER MCCULLOUGH'S RECENT ARTICLE- WEBINAR FROM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 2022 - defending the importance of proving that virus believers are wrong.






The mystery of the "Died Suddenly" blood clots ~ by Linda Lazarides


Dr Robert Young - Radiation & The VAXXX Causes Dis-Ease, Injury & Sudden Death!


Christine Massey 's latest collection of info - https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/germ-fois-igor-chudov-german-belgian

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Pinned

Veiled insults and bitchy ones plus many alternative theories have come at me from every angle since January of 2020, when I first stated how obvious it is that Covid19 is the result of an overload of electro-magnetic radiation triggered by the roll out of 5G.

I wrote that on the WHO Twitter feed and it generated a hatefest which grew and grew on that thread until I was de-platformed by Twitter because I dared to publish my email exchange with UK MHRA in December of 2020.

Did I buckle? Not a bit. I am certain there is no such thing as a virus.

I am also certain that the various combinations of EMFs, the infinite number of different health states and other environmental factors can combine to produce a vast array of symptoms.

I am also certain that virology is the science of mistaken identity - they think they have found an external pernicious influence when it is plainly obvious that they are misidentifying exosomes. Further - as exosomes are waste matter from dying cells, the number of "variants" discoverable is infinite!

But what do I know? I am just a retired Barefoot Doctor of TCM who happens to think that this entire universe, and all life within it, is a delicate and sacred construction of natural electro-magnetic frequencies which should be treated with respect and reverence.

I also believe that disturbing the qi/chi of another living being is a crime.

How much more of a crime is disturbing the qi/chi of an entire planet?

So, I will NEVER shut up because some among us are too limited in their understanding of the true beauty and delicacy of all living forms to be capable of seeing the errors or negative intentions that are glaringly obvious to me.

Some theories express points concerning the economy collapsing, or the horrible state of Wuhan's air pollution but these theories do not account for the progress that Covid19 made coinciding, as it did, with the roll out of 5G worldwide.

They also talk about deaths, while I talk about a debilitating illness which is even affecting insects, plants and animals.

Yes, the economy was (once again) being deliberately crashed.

Yes, the air is deliberately contaminated.


Neither of those things account for the amazing correlation of 5G and the initial journey of Covid 19, as carefully noted at the time by this Spanish doctor's study which was buried and ignored in spite of being incredibly brilliant and thorough.


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Git 'em!

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

All these fake viruses also were claimed to exist before 5g was invented. Why did flu disappear during COVID? (Also not a virus)

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I still don't buy that covid 19 exists or that illness spread in the way they said. 'Outbreaks' of 'disease' on cruise ships, which happen a lot, was ignored if it didn't happen in the right geographical context to fit the news narrative for example. The whole story is murky and suspicious.

Having said that I'm not defending interfering with the delicate and amazing interaction and communication between all living things. It's an unmitigated disaster and will destroy us.

I don't suggest, or want, that you ever shut up


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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader


This should be a must-view video for everyone.

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can't watch/listen with all that ridiculous music in the background! fortunately covers familiar ground

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

If you get a chance, there's a lot of discussion of all the studies that used to be done to prove that "viruses" spread from person to person. Absolutely zero proof of it ever happening.

Since then, they have stopped trying.

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yes I looked into them for myself, without accompaniment!, a while ago https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/how-does-transmission-of-illness


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Every cruise ship that was affected by 'covid' had been fitted with 5G.

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I see these 5G towers all around the area I live in... At first I was thinking they were deliberately put near schools...

Then I realized: they're near SENIOR FACILITIES. Schools, too, but... So EVIL.

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According to Arthur Firstenberg every viral outbreak can be correlated to a development in electro-magnetic interference either cosmically in the distant past or more recently since the invention of telegraph, electricity and especially radar. I have a wonderful chart which illustrates this included in this post:


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Agree on all points.

I'm no Musk fan and have written a not very glowing article about him, but at this point I have to wonder if the reason why some side with antiquated germ theory and the ensuing gain of function story is because it provides a means to wage a sort of war on insiders like Fauci.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

It's just a fake us vs. them narrative that is the only allowed opposition. Kinda like Rs vs D's without the 'neither' option.

Protecting germ theory is an even bigger battle than the COVID narrative, which is the purpose for controlled opposition.

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Yes, the deep state and the globalists they work for see germ theory as the key to the kingdom. The battle over germ theory is well over 150 years old, going back to Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp. Pasteur won because he had friends in high places who understood the potential of that phony idea.

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Think of all the VAX MONEY they'll lose if Germ Theory goes bye bye.

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And let the controlled opposition, i.e., Dr Robert Malone, take his job when he retires at the end of the year?

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That seems pretty far fetched. The deep state and their globalist puppeteers have to much invested in pooh pooing Malone to allow that.

I've been putting out the idea of having someone like Dr. Tm Cowan in that postition, but I realize that's not going to happen any time soon.

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They'll NEVER let Cowan have any actual visibility, much less power. He's RIGHT.

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The globalists ALWAYS always ALWAYS control the opposition and ALWAYS always ALWAYS give their sheeplike opposition the victory!

My money is on Malone for Fauci's job and the dummies will think they have succeeded in resisting the predator class' agenda..... but they will have fallen into the set trap.

Off course Tom Cowan would make the better candidate but my solution would go MUCH further and dissolve the entire P-Harma industry together with the alphabetti agencies which depend on it.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

My vote is Jon Rappoport or you even though you're not doctors.😁

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Malone in Fauci's job would be HIDEOUS.

I mean, the SAME as it is with Fauci... HIDEOUS.

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Precisely.... just as the predators like it.

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I've also called for your latter option in a number of posts, but sadly, short of a major revolution, that's not going to happen any time soon either.

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Visualise it..... do not negate the possibility or you hex the vision!

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And just like The Real Anthony Fauci documentary acknowledging the virus, I'm totally with you on this Frances. "The phrase "gain of function" suggests there was a virus in the first place, and that there was an accidental, or even deliberate, release of it on the public.

I do not ascribe to those parts of the theory."

I don't either and would suggest other's do the same, he's Dangerously fooling other weak minded souls. Respect & X 2 All

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I am not waiting for anyone to catch my drift. I am seeking solutions!


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Except it should be Lone Skum.

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capitalizning the denotation only gives him undeserved respect :)

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Regardless of the capitalisation. There is no 'c' in his name. It is a 'k' - THAT was my point Ray.

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I realize that, but the pronuncation is the same, and that is MY point. It doesn't matter, anyway; it's a good pun and you invented it. :)

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https://youtu.be/O2RIvJ1U7RE i'll just leave this here

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Blimey that is a grim feat of imagination!

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Science is 60 years ahead of what they show the public. Psyop 101 get people into a dizzy pissing contest about what mr skum and social media are doing ( distraction ) whilst the powers that be start building matrix growth pod factories. Fran don't take your eyes off the prize ( lol )

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Author

There is a prize? Oooh! I never imagined that. I wonder what it will be?

At the end of all these oppressed lives in material hell I want a nice perfumed bath with ripped masseurs and Roger Daltry talking to me in his fabulous cockney accent, swearing about all the nutters he had to tolerate while singing with the Who. I want to see Keith Moon raving on the drums once more at least and I want all my past furry mates to purr and wag tails and head butt me. I won't even mind if Soldato the heavy horse yanks the chop stick out of my hair one more time! Just as long as I can ride him bareback into a mountain waterfall again.



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AMEN https://youtu.be/UDfAdHBtK_Q the sound was immense preaching to the deaf dumb and blind kids.

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It was so misunderstood at the time.... but it was epic.

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So you mean like Aristotle Plato and Socrates peeps still don't get em 3000 years on lol

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I agree with you that EMF is harmful and 5G can cause a COVID-like illness. But the main reason we had the COVID "pandemic" was because TPTB ordered the MSM to promote that narrative after the global economy started to tank in 2019. "COVID" deaths were due to democide (Midazolam, Remdesivir, ventilators), not a "virus" as you know.


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Please see the comment I have just pinned on this post.

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yes I agree- were their any excess deaths before the forced ventilation and welding into homes? was there a pandemic at all? https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing


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Please see the comment I have just pinned on this post.

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Also of note if we must always go back to Wuhan...

There were protests there for months prior to COVID because of atrocious air pollution since they opened a garage incinerator not much earlier. The pneumonia rate was exponentially higher in Wuhan than anywhere else. This is always where "new viruses" come from, when some environmental disaster needs a cover story.

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Amazing smog, yes, AND that little factor of 30,000 5G towers going up in January 2020...

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I'm not saying 5G is in any way a good thing but i still despite that there was a surge in illnesses in 2020 but if there was I think it's explained by pollution, isolation, fear, forced ventilation and anti 'virals'.

How are the finger-like fluctuations in winter and holiday season ' flu' like detox symptoms, which do seem to have been consistently happening in temperate countries, but not in other countries, for many years, explained but the 5G hypothesis?

thank you


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It's sort of "common knowledge," if you're someone who has been into the words/vids of Tom Cowan and his sort, that EMF's, radiation, makes people sick in a way that can look very much like the "flu." The symptoms are often quite the same, and it seems very clear, after reading on these things for two, nearly three years now, that much of the "Covid" sickness we're seeing is actually radiation sickness, and/or the effects of combining injected/inhaled/ingested metals such as graphene, aluminum, mercury, etc into the body and then the body being "pulsed" or irradiated with WiFi, cell towers (4G, 5G,) or from carrying around cell phones and holding them up against the head...

If you've ever seen what graphene does when exposed to EMF's... it sort of "assembles" itself into formations that really fuck up your blood vessels and surely your brain, if they are in that...

There's my layperson's explanation... Am I sort of answering your question? This is my understanding of this particular kind of experience...

Cheers, m'dear. xo

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Great effort to pull the scales off the eyes, Jaan. However, some people really do not want to see.

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Actually, that comment was for georgie. ^_^

But we ALL have some kind of scales, do we not? Scales are the human plague, and as soon as we pull off a couple, there's always more of 'em, the dammed pestilence that they are.

Be of good cheer, and if you can't be of good cheer, then by God, let's storm the fucking Bastille.

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Yes, I am aware that your comment was for Jo. (Georgie is her cat)

I am passing Arthur Firstenberg's Newsletter on today:

"On March 24-25, 2021 people all over the world suddenly could not sleep, were weak and exhausted, had muscle spasms, and hurt and itched all over, especially in their feet and legs. They had skin rashes, were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhoea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly amplified. Their eyes were inflamed, and their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart arrhythmias, and their blood pressure went out of control. Some had nosebleeds, or coughed up blood. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable. Their cats, dogs, chickens, goats and cows were sick at the same time."


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If I forget to answer this, remind me... I have to leave to take my mom to get a Xmas tree.


But I will answer! Or, Fran can answer, we agree about this stuff, I think!

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Author

Can you edit this comment please? I am unclear, due to typos, what you are saying.

A Spanish doctor produced evidence of correlation between the roll out of 5G and the sequence of outbreaks during early 2020.

Unfortunately very few people have actually read his paper.


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this study https://radiationdangers.com/2020/04/24/study-shows-direct-correlation-between-5g-networks-and-coronavirus-outbreaks-2/ shows a correlation between 'infection' rates and 5G networks. Unfortunately as we know 'infection' is just a positive PCR result which is not a test but an amplification technique. It is not clear if the rate of infection in the hot spots is a function of the number of tests done. In Africa, yes low 5G but I don't think they could afford to the daily testing that we were doing.

Also a coronavirus 'infection' ie positive test doesn't mean that the person is ill in any way.


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You are quibbling over semantics now.

There is no virus.

Someone can present with symptoms and have no test.

If there are no people with symptoms in Africa, then why would they do tests?

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I think semantics are very important in peer reviewed evidence.

good question... why was everyone without symptoms in the UK being tested (as they tried to make me do twice a week) so that they could go to work ,for a virus that doesn't exist? trillion dollar testing industry perhaps?

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I also don't understand this paper! it's saying 5G increases the rates of infection. But there is no virus!

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There is no virus.

5G is a type of electro-magnetic radiation which causes identical symptoms to those attributed to covid19. There is no virus.

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Yes, and in Italy, too. I believe it was Northern Italy that first had a huge upsurge in early 2020.

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Please read the paper I attached. Northern Italy is included.

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Don't take it personally that I can't read everything I want to read... I remembered about Northern Italy from hearing about it back in early 2020. I read a LOT of stuff, and there's always stuff I forget where I read it, or some detail or two... But I do think your posts are highly informative. xo

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022Author

Please see the comment I have just pinned on this post.



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Yes viruses have been blamed for the effects of drug trafficking in impoverished areas of the US and the working conditions in diamond mines in Africa (HIV), covid has been blamed for diabetes and skin rashes and Wuhan air pollution, pneumonia being THE leading cause of childhood death in China, seems to still be completely ignored https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/were-so-far-down-the-rabbit-hole



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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

garbage, not garage. Why does the substack app not allow comment editing?

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I’ve struggled with that myself, try a quick tap on the 3 dots to bring up edit, not a firm press

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Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

App isn't differentiating between firm and soft press. Hmmph

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I agree and see a silver lining.

Maybe a bit cynic :

What does not kill us, makes us stronger . . .

Quote (FL)

I think that 5G caused a sudden rush of illnesses in Wuhan and when they examined the exosomes of victims they assumed them to be 'viruses', which they are not.

Virus means poison. Electro-magnetic radiation, at the frequencies employed for 5G, is an invisible poison to all living things.

Unquote (FL)

I believe our psyche is being shaken in ways that are unprecedented (maybe at a same level as people in the trenches in WWI and similar situations).

Imo it triggers unprocessed trauma and if one is 'organized' enough to process these 'arisings' then the individual slate gets cleaned. (Bullet points of one's karma get resolved). So for the ones that seriously study all disturbances there will be huge advantages. It may lead to 'breaking seal 7'.

Just my 2 cents.

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Interesting thoughts!

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(For others reading this comment, Leo refers to this interpretation of Revelation by Edgar Cayce: https://near-death.com/book-of-revelation/)

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It's all so cringe and obvious misdirection. Kinda fun to see shit finally thrown and sticking at the Faucinator, sure, but Elon will probably be grifting his own injectable microchips by the end of this psy-op.

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