BioGeometry is the only science that has been effectively applied on a wide scale for the harmonization of the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and geopathic stress (Earth energy grids)
This first-ever published collection of writings by Dr. Ibrahim Karim reflects the holistic essence of his worldview. Dr Karim is the founder of the Science of BioGeometry in the early 1970s. BioGeometry is the science that uses shapes, colours, motion and sound to induce harmony into the subtle energy qualities of the environment.
The views expressed in this program are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the Theosophical Society in America, its members or its affiliates.
Buried deep, within the final paragraphs of Amy Sukman’s recent post you can find a link to a very interesting website:
Accompanying that introductory page is a video created 15 years ago, much overlooked but very interesting to those of us who suffer from Electro-Hypersensitivity, especially since the roll out of 4G + 5G in our environment.
BioGeometry is the only science that has been effectively applied on a wide scale for the harmonization of the effect of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and geopathic stress (Earth energy grids) on biological systems. The environmental energy harmonization of the Swiss town of Hemberg in collaboration with mobile telecommunications provider SwissCom was the first successful application of its kind in the world. The residents of Hemberg suffering from the condition of electro-sensitivity reported to the independent monitoring institution and the media that their suffering was alleviated by the implementation of the BioGeometry solutions. A second project commissioned by the Kanton of Appenzell for the town of Hirschberg confirmed the successful application with regards to electro-sensitivity, and also focused on the positive effects on the ecology, and the project was documented by Swiss TV in a documentary that was aired on Swiss national TV channel SF1.
On the company profile page we find:
BioGeometry is an environmental science that uses the energy principles of shape to introduce equilibrium into the fundamental energy harmonics of biological systems, within the overall framework of environmental energy interactions. The BioGeometry effect is a relationship between the BioGeometry energy- quality balanced environment and the biological systems within it, and one of our main missions has been to research and highlight this effect among a variety of biological systems (humans, plants, and animals) through independent scientific research. The science of BioGeometry has become the de facto benchmark in the harmonization of environmental electromagnetic and geopathic stress. This is showcased in our work over the past few years with the Swiss government and Swiss telecom provider SwissCom in the BioGeometry environmental harmonization of the Swiss rural towns of Hemberg and Hirschberg, for which we received official recognition from the Swiss government, as well as extensive international media coverage, including a documentary on our work in Hirschberg that aired on Swiss national television channel SF1.
Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an architect by profession, established BioGeometry Consulting Ltd in 1997. against the backdrop of his own architecture consulting firm Al-Emara, which was founded in 1939 by his father, renowned architect Dr. Sayed Karim. Al- Emara was recognized as the first architecture “house of expertise” (Reg. No. 001) in the Arab world. This was based on the pioneering modern architecture work of Dr. S. Karim, and an extensive portfolio of regional and international city planning that included Jeddah, Riyadh, Kuwait City, Abu Dhabi, Nablus, Santiago, and Brussels. Dr. I. Karim’s began his research that would eventually lead to the development of the science of BioGeometry early in his architecture career. Today BioGeometry is compromised of three companies worldwide, including BioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd. (Canada), BioGeometry Consulting Ltd. (Egypt), and BioGeometry Europe (Switzerland), which are working together to further research, education, and application of the science of BioGeometry.
Dr. Karim “officially” founded the science of BioGeometry in 1993, after more than thirty years of research, with the issuance of the first worldwide patent by the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research. This patent was based on two years of official research by the Egyptian National Research Center, where Dr. Karim was the head of a committee on the research of the effect of his proprietary BioGeometry shapes on the biological functions of microorganisms. This first patent embodied the results of the research and officially recognized the first BioGeometry shape, describing that it “achieves a resulting field around the shape that can produce certain effects on the energy fields of biological systems, with measurable results. First experiments in raising the level of immunity were successful according to the results of clinical and laboratory analysis.”
BioGeometry energy-quality balancing solutions are being applied for the environmental electromagnetic and geopathic stress harmonization of residential and commercial spaces, as well as for larger geographical areas. BioGeometry energy-balancing architectural and industrial design consulting solutions are offered. Applied solutions for telecom and Wi-Fi networks, as well as aircraft and ships are available to transmute the effects of environmental energy disturbances from sources such as electromagnetic radiation, structural design, and cosmic and earth-energy radiation. A line of BioGeometry products for individual and home use is also available to offer basic BioGeometry energy-quality balancing as a long-term support system for our well-being, and our personal development education curriculum is offered in Egypt, as well as through an international network of licensed instructors.
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More from Dr Karim:
Read this post by The Good Citizen:
He draws heavily on my research and discusses how to escape 5G, NATO nutters and the predators.
Also listen to Nicolas Pineault's solutions at the end of this interview:
PLUS How to defend yourself against a microwave weapon: