Thank you all so much for your fantastic comments. This has been very informative so far and only 24 hours have passed. The poll will run for a week, so please help it get around by sharing, tweeting and restacking so that we can see the ideas altogether. A consensus may not happen but at least we will be better informed!

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It is showing a shift.

Not many in the virus camp.

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Jun 27, 2023
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That Dr Gilbert lost me.... or is it poor translation?

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First time visitor here. To the question : of course there were multiple factors.

Among them, 5G has been shown to have only limited geographical correlation with the reports of so-called disease. They have been appearing often in rural regions far from urban areas covered with 5G.

Of all the other candidates, there are at least two that are based on actual independent research: those of Denis Rancourt, and of Sebastien Powell.

And we would be amiss to omit that what we have all intuited, the psychological results from the 24/7 fearmongering, has been fully acknowledged by the mainstream medical science years before this onslaught, under the term ...

" mass psychogenic illness "

We don' t need to prove it. It's already right there in official papers.


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Strange that you dismiss the option which most people preferred.

It is obvious that you have not researched how 5G is impacting health.

Here, allow me to introduce you to some "actual independent research" on the subject:


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Can I choose more than one, but less than all and opt out on the 'virus' part? Because of the choices given I find a) EMF exposure WITH b) contamination of environment/food sources (think nano particulae sprayed for 'global warming' or 'weather manipulation' ) and c) toxins distributed 'on purpose' to cause illness (ricin, anthrax alot of potential for this) and d) shut down treatment known to cure or help and provide 'deadly hospital' cures....

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Yep. Feasible.

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I'm a big believer in all of the above theory. I even wrote a bit about it in my recent substack post https://sukwan.substack.com/p/radiation-and-resonance? I don't know what a virus is, exactly, whether it's a byproduct of man's natural healing processes or something else. But I do believe they are looking at and tinkering with lots of stuff, and poisoning us in every way they can...

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That is a great subsack post! Loved the Aussie guy too!

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This may be an answer. it is in the jabs. I do not know anyone who got sick until after the jab. The next virus will be from the jab too when 5G is raised, it will burst the nano particles, thus releasing the Marburg virus. Ar least this is what this doctor is saying. I am sorry I am replying twice to the question and hope it does not cause any problems. I thought it would be good to share this knowledge.

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What a shame! That video has been removed by Bitchute, claiming that it incites hatred.

Don't worry about commenting as much as you like, Mary! Feel free! xx

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Thank you Francis. I jsut clicked on the above video that I posted and it opened. It is a very important video, in my opinion anyway. Again, thank you.

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Must be something to do with the country I am in.... UK. Our gov is shockingly totalitarian and does not believe in free speech, regardless of what they pretend. So I used a US VPN and voila, watching it now!

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I don't care what some few, other people may believe: the evidence says there definitely was a virus, at least 26 million people died of it , disproportionately in the US, and the vaccines were useless at best, and very likely a ruthless, money-making scheme. I suggest you watch the Dr Dave Martin video online: Millions Killed for Profit: and/or his book: Covid 19 Antony Fauci Dossier.

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I see no evidence of a virus. They didn't prove contagion. People were ill in isolation. Contact tracing didn't work. Super spreader events don't exist in 2023.

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If you would point out some "evidence" to support your belief, that would be very helpful. Insofar as the millions of deaths. nothing about the case or death count claims have ever passed scientuific muster. Casedemic? Yes. Was fear included as a cause of deaths?

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I normally relpy to any post through my email immediately -so I don't know why you 're talking about.

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Ah. Try clicking through to the actual post on Substack before commenting. That way you can see all the other comments too.

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We are at an impasse and communications won't help. My answers are on the thread of the issues as I find them. I am not interested in hunting down the original statements. You do a lot of good stuff. Our positions on the existence of viruses can never be reconciled . All the best to you.

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See this? It is a reply - using the reply facility. Simple. Try it. Communications stay assembled together rather than divorced and unintelligible to other readers.

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How can exosomes be mistaken for viruses when viruses don't exist - according to you? What is it that antivirals kill or mitigate ? Does it matter what they are called? People died, millions of people,

of something other than bacteria, nor was it electro-magnetiic waves: electro-magnetic waves cannot be discouraged by the use of anti- virals or lock-downs. Now, doctors in ICUs may all be liars, but they did ask for lock-downs and "claimed" they did slow down the rate of serious infections. I am, BTW, very much against the cavalier proliferation of Wifi towers. I don't have a cell phone, and am so sensitive to electric waves that I had to give away an expensive electric treadmill: its use gave me migraine auras. I am at times a little abrasive, and apologize for that, but you referred to me as "people like you...don't understand.. ." Perhaps there are things you don't understand as well.

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Too RIGHT there are many things I don't understand and one of them is why you cannot seem to use the reply facility. Your original comment and my reply are elsewhere. If you wish to refer to my response there I will be happy to continue communications.

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All possible explanations you mention seem valid..

Mass hysteria and chaos brought on by relentless fear-mongering from, especially, the media seem to be able to trigger our systems to detox - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Whatever and wherever our weak, inflamed places are, that is what seems to ‘give out’.

It’s been a time of great learning

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People were afraid. Being in the fear state constantly means your body has no way of healing. It's when we relax and get out of the fight or flight mode that the body can heal itself. The fear kept people repressing their immune systems to their own detriment.

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COVID19 was a rebranding of different strains, or variants to use the current parlance, of seasonal (for the Northern hemisphere) influenza, with the peak of infections in Britain early in March 2020, when most people's Vitamin D levels are at their lowest and the sun is not yet strong enough for people to be able to naturally synthesise it.

There is something (graphene oxide?) in the COVI19 'vaccines' that is causing blood clots. The recently 'boosted' may be exhaling and/or perspiring this substance, hence 'viral shedding' to infect others.

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I Will Pay

For The Funeral

Of Anyone

Who Demands

To Be Buried

With Their Mask On.


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Thanks Frances. Great poll.

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Good to pin us down on what we think.

Sometimes one takes in a lot of information but with no one to talk to about it, in one's mind one might not be clear.

I definitely think that the towers will be our downfall. If they currently are sending out targeted EMF then it's the towers. If that capacity for targeting is not yet used then I am going for toxins, to explain the small cluster effect.

I've definitely woken up to the virus hoax, but not everyone is prepared to admit that they have been so wrong so long.

I notice a real aversion in people to admit mistakes or apologize.

An insurance broker who charged $100,000 too much doesn't say he's sorry, no he says that the refund is "Great news!".

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a quote, presumably from Molière (1622–1673):

Nearly all men die of their remedies, and not of their illnesses.

Le Malade Imaginaire (1673), Act III, sc. iii.

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