
Watch Hypnotic on Netflix. Chase Hughes posted an analysis video about it on his channel.


It is quite disturbing.

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You may be wondering why I find the analysis disturbing.

I was closely watching Chase Hughes' eyes at all times during that conversation with a fellow hypnotist. He is tremendously controlled in his body language but he reveals that he is lying a number of times. His eyes flick left (our right) as we watch him. It was highly noticeable to me that, when he was asked if this level of mind control could be done after only one month of sessions, he said absolutely not. He claims that it would take many years to be able to control someone, leading to amnesia. He knows that is not true.

I have seen Derren Brown, the British hypnosis entertainer, work with someone during his show and get them to shoot a gun at someone! https://www.gq.com/story/derren-brown-secret-show-profile

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

He definitely seemed to twitch a little when asked if methaline blue had side effects. (It gives me chilblanes :)

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Promoting Methylene Blue is a red flag for me. It is a fascinating conversation nonetheless

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A competitive conversation between two psychopaths pinpointing the signs of psychopathy while displaying them? That sure is fascinating alright!

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It is always an opportunity to learn!

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

Wait till you read this about MB. If it’s accurate, it’s highly toxic.


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Overall, what with the magic mushroom fetish, he does seem a bit of a lad, doesn’t he? Opportunist entrepreneur rather than big-wig psych expert, if you ask me!

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

This is so intriguing, Franita, as are all your posts. And these days, I need more than one day to get all the info... So I'll be taking it in bits, but already have seen some of the video...


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I don't like anything about this chap. Right from the start his demeanour is unsettling; I really don't like him not moving. I also don't think we're getting any actual information from him. Before I gave up - or was partially creeped out - we'd had one reference to Dr Hare plus something else minor that I now don't remember. Hare would come up in any Google search on psychopathy because he effectively defined it, but that must have been decades ago. Isn't there a single more modern development since. I also wasn't in the least bit convinced by him saying you can't identify psychopaths, especially as one of the things I remember reading was that they easily identify each other. I know this is because I don't like him but I did wonder if that was a defence mechanism. Sorry not to have made it to the end. I didn't even get to see what the chart was all about.

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I had him pegged as a psychopath himself from the beginning because of that lack of movement you spotted. Also he mentioned that psychopaths have few wrinkles in their faces because they don’t express their emotions. I was thinking, “Yeah mate. Have you checked out the mirror lately or is that botox?”

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I’m just reading the comments now and already see several others have come to the same conclusion; some quite amusingly. I suppose he could be allowed to do this on his own but there’s that trait that’s so common in intelligence ops of fielding supposed “experts” who have had nothing more than a short-lived brush with the subject or, like here, are doing it off the top of their heads. Someone can do a bit of bar room tinkling and suddenly they are a Conservatoire-trained concert pianist.

I’m not usually very kind to my instinct/intuition but it seems to have worked in this instance - perhaps because I’m at a distance and it’s not clouded by the prospect of, as you put it, “nookie”. 😅😋

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The prospect of nookie got scrubbed off my bucket list in 2012 when I was officially dubbed 'an old lady' by a sweet child in the street. I had just passed my 60th birthday and still felt fully chipper.... obviously I was entirely deluded!

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Sep 26Liked by Frances Leader

Don't take your life lessons from children, necessarily. They are often WRONG, lol. ;)

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Sep 26Liked by Frances Leader

Is this part of the conversation about Chase Hughes, or Derren Brown, or both? I thought they were both kinda weird...

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I am talking about Chase Hughes!

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10 hrs agoLiked by Frances Leader

Okay, good, I fot so... I agree. He's creepy. Kinda cute, but... creepy.

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That was enlightening. Thank you so much!

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

How , and by whom, was Erin Caffey diagnosed a psychopath? I think one of my siblings has a psychopathic brain. But I don't think people really understand psychopathy at all, thanks to the ridiculousness of Hollywood. I watched the YouTube of the four supposed world experts (SOO coincidental they are all in the military or government or psychotherapy) and finally, after giving it a lot of time I shouldn't have, turned it off out of boredom. I don't think any of them is a behavioral "expert". They were looking for little things they could identify as hidden signs only they could see--but this was after the fact of the murder of her family. The number one indicator of a psychopath is the person is not capable of true empathy. If they are smart, they know this is what sets them apart and that it is not good. So they identify individuals many people admire and respect and study them carefully and then imitate their behavior, especially their facial expressions. They may express empathy but the easiest way to identify them is by paying attention to your gut and trusting your own body. If you do not feel a sympathetic sort of chord in your own body, they are probably not expressing genuine emotion. And if their "emotions" feel false or kind of dead, they probably are faked. Your body will tell you. I was once in a court providing testimony with a person I am quite certain is psychopathic (currently serving time for a number of felonious crimes committed against his wife and kids), and the hair on my neck and back stood straight up the whole time. If I was assessing the situation only with my intellect, which is fairly good, I would have second-guessed myself, always wanting to be fair to others and generally assuming most people are "good". (It actually has nothing whatsoever to do with morality.) Psychopathic brains do not function normally. It's not that they're evil. It's that they are not physiologically capable of feeling empathy. And that allows them to do things most of us could not. This is why psychopaths often torture or kill animals as small children, as well as set fires, some of them very dangerous. My sibling didn't begin hurting others until he was five months old, at which point he learned to sit up. He did a lot of damage with two free hands. But he didn't express any of these tendencies until he had that mobility. He went on to torture and kill animals, set fires, throw things off buildings in an attempt to hit someone walking below, etc. He loved to watch others being physically punished. He would construct elaborate lies to get his siblings into trouble and then gleefully watch as an authority figure punished them for something they didn't do. He also tortured younger siblings. He was addicted to horror films which bored me to tears because they are not based in what I call reality. Psychopaths are also very charming--super charming--and impulsive. And I think they are attracted to the things which frighten them the most.

I also have a cousin I would characterize as a psychopath--much worse than my sibling--who has done much more damage to others. I won't go to any event he attends. I prefer not to be in the same state.

Interesting, also, that most psychopaths are male.

I didn't think any of those "experts" had much helpful to say. Erin Caffey wanted to impress Dr. Phil. She didn't have empathy for her family. But she cared about what Dr. Phil thought of her. I don't think true psychopaths care what other people think. She already had been giving 40 years in prison. She had nothing to gain from his approval. I am not convinced she was a psychopath, although she clearly had an anti-social personality disorder. They just care about whether they can get other people to meet their "needs". I'm not convinced there is a psychopathic "stare". Sociopaths stare in much the same way. But there is a range of behaviors, which Robert Hare details in his assessment tool, which indicates a level of psychopathy. Also, it's on a spectrum. It's not like being pregnant: You are or you are not.

I wouldn't follow anything done with Hollywood.

There is also--just look at Israel--a difference between psychopaths and sociopaths. Sociopathy is learned behavior. Psychopathy is not. At this point the majority of Israelis are sociopaths. Many in the leadership are not. They are psychopaths. Netanyahu is a psychopath. He is not capable of empathy. We keep expecting him to have a "normal" range of emotions which prevent most of us from behaving in clearly outrageous anti-social ways. But I don't think he is capable of empathy. Towards anyone.

The military is full of psychopaths and sociopaths, as is the political class. Anywhere there is power, you will find them clustered. The billionaire class is full of them as well. And, frankly, I think a number of religious leaders are psychopathic, particularly those who are focused on power over others and accumulating money, usually from the people they influence.

There are some indicators that are super interesting. If you yawn in front of a psychopath, they likely will not yawn in return. That indicates lack of empathy. And they like to drink their coffee bitter, if not black. There was a book I read several years ago by a researcher who looked at the brain scans of male prisoners (a high percentage were psychopaths, unsurprisingly). He threw in some of his own family's brain scans as a control group. Then he identified everyone he thought might be a psychopath from the scans. He was rather surprised to learn one of the scans from his family members was on the list of psychopaths. When he asked his research assistant to find out whose it was...it was his. This was a seemingly normal, "successful" individual but he had taught himself a number of techniques to minimize the damage he did to others.

Given enough social isolation and psychological torture, most people can be convinced to "believe" just about anything. Hang out at a junior high school playground and just watch. How do you think the transgender ideology caught on--during the Pandemic, no less? How do you think the ideology of "Pandemic" was so successful? Even among medical personnel who should have known the official story line was impossible.

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I'll second Frances. That was an excellent comment and well worth the read.

I wonder if it is actually physiological - though obviously from the brain scans it would appear it shows up physiologically. My train of thought, somewhat unexplored, is that they can't process love - are completely cut off from it. So they can't receive it properly and are completely incapable of giving it, and I would say we feel that. I know this sounds woo woo and rather airheaded, but it's not hard to picture them being completely blind to a huge raft of human interaction (probably the most important part) that's taking place around them. They are then bound to come up with different mechanisms and priorities for interaction and I think this is where we get the control freakery we so regularly see in the ruling classes. Because they can't feel or see the cooperation that would otherwise be taking place, their only solution is coercion.

Yeah, I know, you wouldn't believe I have only science A Levels and went to Edinburgh to do Engineering, but I do think there's something in it. The trouble is that even just thinking about this stuff gets me rather queasy, especially if you get an insight that seems to be close to reality. The other trouble is that not thinking about it leaves you blind to just about everything that's going on in the world right now.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

Emotions are not woo-woo, although they are treated as such. They are extremely important to our survival. They act as our alarm system. And we do not survive very well if we are not capable of some kind of bonding. Babies are completely dependent on their mothers.

My psycho sib cannot hold a job. It takes a lot for him to figure out people don't like him, aren't comfortable around him. He found himself a lovely girlfriend, now wife, who was willing to support him his entire life because he doesn't have the emotional/social skills to hold a job, even though he's very competent. She is very competent and he's very cheap so he limited spending to a neurotic degree and when she retired at 39 they took stock options and neither of them has HAD to work for decades. She did have to cut her own family off. He cut his family off to a great degree. His wife thinks she's a feminist but she's actually an abused spouse. People think she's a feminist because she makes great money.

Two emotions psychopaths DO feel are fear and anger. They are very limited.

If you think a domestic abuser feels love, then they do feel love. I don't think abusers actually DO feel love. What they feel is fear of abandonment.

BTW, apropos of nothing, I read yesterday that gabapentin causes raging episodes. This from a natural vet talking about people giving their animals gabapentin for pain even though there are no studies indicating it helps with that. I guess not all emotions are organic! Makes me wonder as I sometimes provide transcription for a major city's "Vicious and Dangerous Dog" hearings. A lot of people who should not have got puppies during the lockdowns. I wonder how many of the bites in cities are due to medications given to dogs. And we could say the same thing about humans. My sociopathic dog-killing neighbor was on that awful medication given for osteoporosis that causes your jaw bone to collapse. Fosamax. Maybe paranoia and rage are a side effect? She herself had a dog (who appears to have died).

What is love? Infants who don't have access to at least soft cloth to hug fail to thrive. It is essential for survival. So I would think psychopathic babies must absorb it to some degree. I think they are users. Love is transactional for them. Is this Trump's problem?

The psychopathic brain's electrical impulses move around the brain differently than in "normals".

Emotions are extremely important to humans (and any sentient being). You cannot survive without them. I think of a hive of yellow jackets in the fall. They have collective emotions; we do too, unfortunately.

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Fascinating comment! Thanks. It struck me that the guy who discovered that he was a psychopath during his prison population experiment was possibly being quite psychopathic when he even dreamed up the experiment. Subconsciously or maybe consciously, he already knew and wanted confirmation.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

It is his specialty in his field because he has known a long time that he is psychopathic. Maybe why he was attracted to the field of Psychology, which is probably a good warning to those interested in therapy! Not that therapists are all psychopaths but that they probably have issues that their clients should protect themselves from.

Also fascinating read--I think it's "Sociopath"--written by a sociopathic therapist--she specializes in treating Sociopathy and tells the story of how she exhibited it as a really young child (which makes me wonder about the trope that sociopathy is learned), learned to identify it, and how to deal with it, and even after therapy--a lot of it self-therapy--and has it more or less under control, she still experiences episodes that are super alluring to her and she knows they are very dangerous. She stops herself because she wants to be a productive (and accepted) member of society more--especially by her partner. Can't remember her name but that's a fascinating read.

A woman I think is a sociopath actually poisoned my beloved dog because he barked at her when she walked by (on an isolated country road where no one walks). She would walk as close to the fence as possible, very fast, arms swinging, fists clenched, face clenched in anger, staring him straight in his eyes. Anyone who knows dogs knows this is great body language to threaten a dog. She had earlier burned down her McMansion (which no one wanted to buy) for insurance money and I recently was told the Sheriff Department has a policy that they will not arrest a mentally ill person. They are afraid of them. They will only take them to a hospital for a wellness check. They never investigated that fire properly (or at all), nor did the Fire Marshall. So if you think you have protection from law enforcement, better think again. The first thing I heard about her, years ago, was that she murdered her husband when they were in a custody battle. Everyone in her town knew but the Sheriff never did anything about it. They're afraid of her.

I let her know through the grapevine gossip that she had met her match in me and that I knew who started her house fire (I was in the window when they drove by at 2 a.m.) She moved out of the area. But her kids are still living about a mile away. I was in the window when she threw the poisoned meat in my yard as well, though I didn't realize that's what she was doing. If you think you don't know a psychopath or sociopath, you are dead wrong. You know LOTS of them. And they are nothing like Hannibal Lector.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

So sorry about your dog. I’d want to take the law into my own hands in that kind of situation.

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I just hope she suffers as much as he did as she is dying. No. More.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

Chase Hughes! An interesting man.

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Yeah, if you admire self-promoting ex military opportunists.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

I’ve now watched the vid, and whether we like it or not, the insight is always good to know (Know your enemy) not suggesting Chase is intentionally subversive but he is probably influenced by is need to earn an income if nothing else. The studies re - Methylene Blue shows excellent results, so cred to him for that and I use M- B every day. The grade is critical though, the industrial grade allows for heavy metals and is really for the colour. The pharmacist grade is the best and pure and is suitable for the purpose recommended by Chase. I can’t comment on mushrooms though and it seems weird for they don’t affect me… seriously! As for body language brilliance and I want to learn more, it made me realise my skill level is at newbie level but that’s ok for I love learning. Personally social media such as f… b…. Is boring and I can’t be bothered, guess I like real reality too much. Those three columns… working on that.

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I know nothing about Methylene Blue but quite a bit about magic mushrooms. I used to enjoy scouring certain fields on misty November mornings and, once your eyes have adjusted to finding them (a magical achievement I might add!) you find yourself bent over double harvesting for the entire community! I used to be very careful not to pull them up, but to nip their stems. I didn't want to wreck their future!

Then I would take them home, consume a few with cheese on toast and dry the remainder carefully in my airing cupboard. The effects were delightful. I would see so much more in everything. Grains of sand became jewels, wooden floorboards had faces locked in them, the sky became a kaleidoscope of soft pastel colours and my friends' eyes would seem to show their every thought.

I haven't been on a mushroom hunt since the 90s when I taught my son how to find them. Once you have enhanced your brain with psychedelics there really is no need to keep doing it. You KNOW what is hidden and that becomes enough.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you for that, kinda envy you for that, maybe one day someone will show me a way.

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Look at the 666 hand signal at 1:46

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I don't interpret that hand signal as 666 at all. I only see that the person using it believes that they have completely understood something and have it in a nutshell. At the moment he used the signal he was saying that Erin Caffey was not human. He has no doubt and *that* was what his hand gesture was conveying.

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You may be correct, but it is similar


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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

You misunderstand me. I do not accept that the hand signal means 666 - regardless of who is using it. When I was young we used that hand signal to indicate perfection. Donald Trump is from my generation and clearly does the same - especially when he is talking about himself! 🤣

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Hahaha! 😂 Trump needs a whole diagnostic book to himself - which, of course he'd take as proof of how special he is. 😅 His egotism is almost comically off the charts. Now, in his case, I think it could be physiological because he also has that very odd, fractured delivery and strange sentence construction. I also never got the impression that he was more than even averagely bright and very possibly might even be autistic. Whatever the case, he's definitely not on our side and people shouldn't be deceived into believing that he is. The vaccines alone should put paid to that idea.

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All we need to do now, is convince Chase Hughes to interrogate the master villains, instead of the exponential, pissant criminals.

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lol - he worships the master villains! He is a wannabe master villain but he lacks the right bloodlines.

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Subordinate is what subordinate does.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

The first thing that hit me was copping an eyeful of his snake belt buckle 🧐🙈.

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I didn’t spot that, Sue! Well…. there ya go! That screams sexual predator to me. 😖

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

🎯 To be honest I have rarely come across anyone more boring ( I'm finding it hard to get through the whole thing because of this). Equally, like you, I see how dangerous he can be to the vulnerable.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

Dead eyes.

Definitely “no human” in his body. Total poseur.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

I was gonna write this then saw many in the comments already did. His promoting psychedelics sounds like 1960s Intel game reinvented-to numb us thru the current and planned worse catastrophe which he seems to want to include our toxic friend methlyene blue as a team player. They both look like Intel to me.

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Ah, I didn't actually make it through the whole thing as I really didn't like him, but I was wracking my brains to know what the Intel angles were. The only one I got was "you can't spot a psychopath", now that we have a panoply of them on display (and which I think is total bollocks). Your spot is much more insightful. Any others, by any chance? 🤔

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Sep 24·edited Sep 25Liked by Frances Leader

His psychology stuff is so you trust him, some is true, some is babble. His purpose in this vid is to get you to do dangerous drugs and dangerous chemicals. "Psychopath" just means people willing to do nasty things for which there are many reasons, most unprovable. Labels in mental health are just descriptions, sometimes helpful, but unprovable, but do help those in the field make money and bill insurance companies, and often used by some to just disparage others, like the recent Baily "Narcissist" video.

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Totally! Creepy! Pointing out psycho traits while displaying them? That is the ultimate piss take!

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Worrying chart at the bottom. I'm a fair distance down the list on the first two columns. Dunno what to make of the 3rd yet as I haven't watched the video yet.

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Hi Frances, Mr. Hughes is very smooth, and very watchable! He's got that Tom Hiddleston thing going on... The video you shared, whilst long, was fun to consume in instalments. On Chase Hughes' suggestion, I Googled him, and felt drawn to this video all about him... it would appear that he is a confidence trickster: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=chase+hughes#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cb66d348,vid:4t1DMxmqJOk,st:0

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I am pleased you saw through him. xx

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The video with Chase Hughes is very enlightening and disturbing at the same time; it should be clear by now that the pseudo or fake reality all of us are exposed to has become the norm or the new normal; and yes, the psychopaths are in control more than ever because they are and always have been smarter than the collective stupidity of the masses(who put them in power in the first place); I don't think "magic mushrooms" is the final or best way to overcome ego and achieve enlightenment or spiritual awareness; the root of all addictions, including psychopathy, can be found in the lack of spiritual development and growth and the failure of the birth of a moral conscience; in addition to Chase's offerings I would recommend the insightful work of Scott Peck in "People Of The Lie."

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

“the masses(who put them in power in the first place)”


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You know when he was describing psychopathic behaviour? I was thinking: Yeah, man! You know because you ARE one!

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader

He apparently has a severe seizure disorder. He sends out a lot of mixed signals, doesn’t he: Is he a brilliant mastermind of the concealed heart of man or the victim of his own broken brain? Hard to trust anyone in the business of deception, no matter what side they’re on. Look what his side did to us openly starting in 2020 alone.

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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader


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apparently Chase Hughes used to write pickup artist books. . 😆


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Sep 24Liked by Frances Leader


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Ooh hilarious! Many thanks!

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