I've been hearing about this, too. It's so monstrous as to actually chill the blood. But of course it can't really happen. That doesn't mean that these Evil Muffos can't do some very nasty, evil things. I tell ya, I'm just one relatively old lady... But I'm ready for some ACTION. The HELL with these muthrfukkrs, I want to take them down.
Thanks again for all your hard work Frances, this info is very important.
I’ve been following Ian Davis from In This Together and he does a great analysis on this in his book Pseudopandemic . It’s a big book packed with information and citations. Highly suggest it to all.
The real problem with the valuation of nature is what is the "value" of this new normal. Is it based on another fiat currency or a commodity gasket such as gold silver etc. Problem is nature has been ravaged and depleted of its resources by greed of the reptile bankers led by anti-christ. since the Malthusian Fabians acknowledge in their new balancing act.(depopulation to rebalance available resources). Since the negative impacts of destroying nature, such as Fukishima destruction of Pacific oceans eco system with rad wastewater. The list goes on and on with the agenda 2030! How can an extinction level event in this plandemic be even positively valued or does Bezo;s yacht be revalued as collateral for a kazillion $$free loan -all in all just another brick in the wall.
I think, for the Black Nobs, the value of nature is measurable in terms of power rather than currency. They intend to use the Agenda 2030 SDGs to reduce the population of all forms of life and replace them with a controlled quantifiable pseudo-nature strictly excluding all that is natural.
This psychotic power shocks the normal ethical mind.
It denies the divine spark from even existing.
When asked if God exists, Ray Kurzweil replied "Not yet!" suggesting that the technocrats are working towards the ultimate ecocide of nature in favour of a barcoded manmade "improved" version, perhaps.
Remember Herr Schwaabs message to the Serfs by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy-because we told you so. Dr Harari already stated we have the technology to hack the human mind, the free will, spirit and soul of humanity gone. The 5g and graphene oxide are to work in harmony to control the thought process of the survivors. The fact that tinitus is one of adverse affects of the kill shot points to torture by increasing frequency of 5g radiation. The Communist solution of high gas prices is for 'mericans is not drive cars on Sunday. Seems to me there is something about Sunday and God now that NFL is in hibernation. The scamdemic put the cabash on worship for 2 years, which is a war on faith. Ah the web of deceit of those serpents of trickery-greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing world he never existed. They are following book of revelations to the T. White horse conquers the world. Who is the anti-christ?
I've had tinnitus for years now, well before any jabs (and I'm un-jabbed). Just sayin. But I can add that it would be a very useful TOOL, tinnitus, for the Evil Ones.
I also have had for a long time. I will fight to be a human experiment for the agenda. The vaxxed adverse reports are very concerning if u areaware of 5g and graphene oxide in MRNA delivery system.
I think the anti-christ is not an individual, more likely a philosophy which is atheist and nihilist as referenced by the 33rd degree freemason, Albert Pike:
“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
I'd just like to point out that it is a very, very common thing, in my view, to label Atheism as a view that there is NOTHING. It is not. Atheism is the view that there is no GOD, no DEITY, not that there is NOTHING at all. As a former student of religions and belief systems, I think it is a very common mistake, but theism is NOT the only belief system that is positive, spiritual, and respectful of Life, Earth, Humanity, and so forth. Just had to throw that in! Cheers.
I have been trying to solve this puzzle of what is happening to this world since 9-11. Like peeling back an onion it got stinker with each discovery from smarter journalists/historian researchers. History has been rewritten by the victors of wars, which is a racket for banksters. WW2 was for the creation of the 10 nation states controlled by 10 kings (Gomberg map 1942). All states serve the New world order king of kings. The Illumenti families (named) serve the so called king of kings-which is who? Titled themselves Lord and controls the Bank of England. which is the central of central banks with the BIS serving as their power. Covid 19 is a symbol of a passport system from the bible-where 19 is chap 19n book of revelations. The 4 horseman of appocolypse , seal 1 is the white horse which is the anti-christ which again is the king of kings. There is one family that has financed both sides of every war since 1700;s, and who is that family? From a guiding point of faith, the old testament never discussed book of revelations-end of humanity chapters 20-23. What I do know now is WW2 never ended and is now on steroids cause the debt bubble is about to pop. The UN agreements is the NWO magna carta which we are enslaved by! The closest the physical representation of Christ would be JFK, as one of the 13 families, he revolted against the evil satanic hand of the masters of war and was cut down by Dulles and Kissinger. Webster Tarpley has a great unauthorized autobiography of GH Bush online free. There are those in power rationalize the teachings of bible (modern) that God will allow Satan(antichrist) to rule earth for thousand years before Jesus christ returns-good luck with that one.
Revelation is a Roman predictive programming effort. It is the only bible book which ends with a threat should it ever be removed.... that tells me that it is a psy op.
Exactly-it is the playbook/masterplan for the New World Order. If you do not understand the agenda then you have surrendered because the Hegelian dialect is in play. The 4th empire Roman empire falls leaving the NWO ruled by Anti christ=Pleased to meet you hope you guess my name? Whats puzzling you is the nature of my game. Mck and Keith got it right.
Patrick Wood makes reference to historian, Antony Sutton who wrote the book Skull & Bones which resulted in him being prevented from publishing. Here he explains the story in an interview held February 28, 1984.
I've been hearing about this, too. It's so monstrous as to actually chill the blood. But of course it can't really happen. That doesn't mean that these Evil Muffos can't do some very nasty, evil things. I tell ya, I'm just one relatively old lady... But I'm ready for some ACTION. The HELL with these muthrfukkrs, I want to take them down.
Thanks again for all your hard work Frances, this info is very important.
I’ve been following Ian Davis from In This Together and he does a great analysis on this in his book Pseudopandemic . It’s a big book packed with information and citations. Highly suggest it to all.
I have great respect for Iain and he is one of the many twitter accounts that I miss. If you get a chance please pass him my best regards.
The real problem with the valuation of nature is what is the "value" of this new normal. Is it based on another fiat currency or a commodity gasket such as gold silver etc. Problem is nature has been ravaged and depleted of its resources by greed of the reptile bankers led by anti-christ. since the Malthusian Fabians acknowledge in their new balancing act.(depopulation to rebalance available resources). Since the negative impacts of destroying nature, such as Fukishima destruction of Pacific oceans eco system with rad wastewater. The list goes on and on with the agenda 2030! How can an extinction level event in this plandemic be even positively valued or does Bezo;s yacht be revalued as collateral for a kazillion $$free loan -all in all just another brick in the wall.
I think, for the Black Nobs, the value of nature is measurable in terms of power rather than currency. They intend to use the Agenda 2030 SDGs to reduce the population of all forms of life and replace them with a controlled quantifiable pseudo-nature strictly excluding all that is natural.
This psychotic power shocks the normal ethical mind.
It denies the divine spark from even existing.
When asked if God exists, Ray Kurzweil replied "Not yet!" suggesting that the technocrats are working towards the ultimate ecocide of nature in favour of a barcoded manmade "improved" version, perhaps.
Remember Herr Schwaabs message to the Serfs by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy-because we told you so. Dr Harari already stated we have the technology to hack the human mind, the free will, spirit and soul of humanity gone. The 5g and graphene oxide are to work in harmony to control the thought process of the survivors. The fact that tinitus is one of adverse affects of the kill shot points to torture by increasing frequency of 5g radiation. The Communist solution of high gas prices is for 'mericans is not drive cars on Sunday. Seems to me there is something about Sunday and God now that NFL is in hibernation. The scamdemic put the cabash on worship for 2 years, which is a war on faith. Ah the web of deceit of those serpents of trickery-greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing world he never existed. They are following book of revelations to the T. White horse conquers the world. Who is the anti-christ?
I've had tinnitus for years now, well before any jabs (and I'm un-jabbed). Just sayin. But I can add that it would be a very useful TOOL, tinnitus, for the Evil Ones.
I also have had for a long time. I will fight to be a human experiment for the agenda. The vaxxed adverse reports are very concerning if u areaware of 5g and graphene oxide in MRNA delivery system.
You don't need one iota of graphene for 5G to take you OUT....
I think the anti-christ is not an individual, more likely a philosophy which is atheist and nihilist as referenced by the 33rd degree freemason, Albert Pike:
“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism; the origins of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
I'd just like to point out that it is a very, very common thing, in my view, to label Atheism as a view that there is NOTHING. It is not. Atheism is the view that there is no GOD, no DEITY, not that there is NOTHING at all. As a former student of religions and belief systems, I think it is a very common mistake, but theism is NOT the only belief system that is positive, spiritual, and respectful of Life, Earth, Humanity, and so forth. Just had to throw that in! Cheers.
I have been trying to solve this puzzle of what is happening to this world since 9-11. Like peeling back an onion it got stinker with each discovery from smarter journalists/historian researchers. History has been rewritten by the victors of wars, which is a racket for banksters. WW2 was for the creation of the 10 nation states controlled by 10 kings (Gomberg map 1942). All states serve the New world order king of kings. The Illumenti families (named) serve the so called king of kings-which is who? Titled themselves Lord and controls the Bank of England. which is the central of central banks with the BIS serving as their power. Covid 19 is a symbol of a passport system from the bible-where 19 is chap 19n book of revelations. The 4 horseman of appocolypse , seal 1 is the white horse which is the anti-christ which again is the king of kings. There is one family that has financed both sides of every war since 1700;s, and who is that family? From a guiding point of faith, the old testament never discussed book of revelations-end of humanity chapters 20-23. What I do know now is WW2 never ended and is now on steroids cause the debt bubble is about to pop. The UN agreements is the NWO magna carta which we are enslaved by! The closest the physical representation of Christ would be JFK, as one of the 13 families, he revolted against the evil satanic hand of the masters of war and was cut down by Dulles and Kissinger. Webster Tarpley has a great unauthorized autobiography of GH Bush online free. There are those in power rationalize the teachings of bible (modern) that God will allow Satan(antichrist) to rule earth for thousand years before Jesus christ returns-good luck with that one.
Revelation is a Roman predictive programming effort. It is the only bible book which ends with a threat should it ever be removed.... that tells me that it is a psy op.
Exactly-it is the playbook/masterplan for the New World Order. If you do not understand the agenda then you have surrendered because the Hegelian dialect is in play. The 4th empire Roman empire falls leaving the NWO ruled by Anti christ=Pleased to meet you hope you guess my name? Whats puzzling you is the nature of my game. Mck and Keith got it right.
Patrick Wood makes reference to historian, Antony Sutton who wrote the book Skull & Bones which resulted in him being prevented from publishing. Here he explains the story in an interview held February 28, 1984.