Ever heard of a natural asset company or NAC?
The ‘assets’ from Nature’s Economy are valued at more than US$4,000 trillion or $4 quadrillion.
The current global economy is valued at approx. US$512 trillion; that makes the current economy around only 8% the value of the Nature’s Economy.
Each ‘asset’ will have an owner.
The ownership through NACs allows domination of not just the economy, but the entire natural world.
Removal of freedoms. So many practices today are reframing freedom as a service or a privilege, not a fundamental right.
Owners will dictate who gets access to clean water, clean air, wild spaces and yet untapped, dwindling natural resources.
The editor of Technocracy News has been documenting this for 45 years, starting with the Trilateral Commission’s co-called New International Economic Order in 1973. Those who say they are going to save the world are the very ones who are destroying it. Nature will be commodified and financialised into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy.
This story is so big that few can really wrap their head around it. This needs to stop. It is real. It is a clear and present danger. It is affecting every human on planet earth. It is totally disingenuous and driven by propaganda. ⁃ TN Editor
If you believe that Nature should never become a commodity that’s bought and sold by a powerful few, read this.
We hear so much about them in vague terms.
Are they corporate CEOs?
Are they politicians?
No. They are the Black Nobility who own all the central banks, invest in all corporations via BlackRock and Vanguard and have built their New World Order via instruments like the United Nations and World Economic Forum.
They are the Royal houses and aristocracy of Europe.
They own everything, even the Vatican.
They own YOU too.
The idea of technocracy began to develop in the early 20th century as a public policy concept designed to advocate the application of the scientific method to solving social problems.
The term was coined by the American engineer William Henry Smyth in 1919, and adopted as a key theme by the sociologist and economist Thorstein Veblen in his influential book, Engineers and the Price System (1921).
It was further popularised by James Burnham in his widely read The Managerial Revolution (1941). The term has come to mean “government by technical decision making.”
As a social movement, technocracy gained prominence, predominantly in the United States and Canada (but also in Germany and the Soviet Union) briefly in the 1930s, advocating the replacement of elected politicians and business people with scientists, engineers and economists who had the technical expertise to manage the economy and address the problems of the Great Depression. Read full story here…
Patrick Wood makes reference to historian, Antony Sutton who wrote the book Skull & Bones which resulted in him being prevented from publishing. Here he explains the story in an interview held February 28, 1984.
Thanks again for all your hard work Frances, this info is very important.
I’ve been following Ian Davis from In This Together and he does a great analysis on this in his book Pseudopandemic . It’s a big book packed with information and citations. Highly suggest it to all.