
Andrew Bridgen's campaign song!


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Thanks for sharing your thoughts! It’s refreshing to hear someone call out the noise and distractions we often see. Authenticity is what makes content worth reading. What stood out to you in Andrew Bridgen’s interview that felt like a breath of fresh air?

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Andrew’s bravery resulted in him losing his seat in Parliament. I wonder what he is up to now, frankly!

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Turkey's voting for Christmas comes to mind, you cant be in the game if you don't play by their rules, no good media coverage = no honest coverage = if your honest with grit and sincere, they wont let you be in it to win it, voting wont get us out of this. Respect & X 2 All

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Jun 28Liked by Frances Leader

The ugly money and I love the example just given me that the snake will choke on its own tail. They are chocking.

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Jun 28Liked by Frances Leader

Andrew Bridgen is a hero. I've been following him for a couple of years. The only politician willing to speak out about the crap our governments have put us through. If he ran for prime minister, I would support him in a second. And I am South African. Not even living in the UK. I wish we had politicians of his ilk in ZA. Instead we have the standard corrupt bunch.

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Absolutely. Why has all - particularly medical - comment on social media degenerated into a bear fight, with people flinging the word traitor around like mad ? Egos do as much harm as actual traitors, of which quite frankly there may be scant need when egos will do their work for them. God bless Mike Yeadon and the older guard for quieter rhetoric. You would think divisiveness was scarcely appropriate at the moment.

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@ 34th minute- "crimes are being committed and its a crime to coverup a crime," Bridgen says. I wish, given his background of biochemistry, virology, biosciences, that he was educated as to the reality of the HIV/AIDS narrative. Early in this interview he talks about a friend (an American living in the U.K.) who was infected with Hep C and HIV via a blood transfusion.

If only Bridgen knew the truth. Not that he could or would speak up about it in parliament, as it would immediately end his career. There is however a vast body of information that HIV is not a "virus", nor is is passed on, in any fashion, to other humans.

There are so many links I could share on this topic, I will cherry pick just a couple as I'm sure no one will even see nor review them.

John Lauritsen AIDS Conference 2010-


Nancy Turner Banks -


Nancy Turner Banks' book, "AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire" is brilliantly written. If reads this book they will gain a very clear understanding that of course the 'pandemic' was just another of their fake medical paradigms. They do these things regularly, because they work on a very dumbed down and unsuspecting public who clearly is not paying attention.

There are at least 8 good books on the hoax that is HIV/AIDS.

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Well, to be fair, Andrew Bridgen was not asked to give an opinion about the AIDS hoax. It does not mean that he was fooled by it any more than you or I.

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I was being fair, I thought. I was simply referring to what he said of his own free will. You are correct, he was not being asked to comment about AIDS directly, but gave this response as an answer to the question the interviewer asks at the 32nd minute:

"It's no different to the 40 years of the infected blood, I've got a constituent......Bobby Anguin, he's actually American....I've represented him for a decade. He got uh infected blood transfusion, he's got hepatitis. He's pretty ill, and he hasn't gotten his compensation.....And the worst bit about that there uh, the review...the inquiry, the public inquiry that was announced, the results of the week before the election was called. It was covered up, the harms were done, they actually had a school for children with hemophilia, where they deliberately infected them with HIV and hepatitis, just as an experiment to see what would happen.....they covered it up that it was cheaper to use children than it was to buy chimpanzees."

I'm not attempting to argue with you so much as fantasize for a moment, wishing this MP was so in for the truth that he would firstly know the truth, and secondly speak up widely about it. Seems he does not seem to know, according to his statement. He'd be perfect given his claim to try to stay abreast of medical issues. Though would he really risk his paycheck and his financial stability and that of his family's?

I am brand new to Mr. Bridgen and this is the only thing I have ever seen him speak on. My comments are made accordingly. he was commenting about suicide deaths skyrocketing during the pandemic, and what a tragedy it is. Well, same occurred with HIV positive diagnoses. Countless people thought it the best way to go out since they had received an alleged death sentence anyhow. I personally know three such people. I'm just one person.

I don't hold out that humanity will reverse generations of organized syndicated crime by psychopaths because a tiny percent of people read. It is all too far gone in my opinion. The reason, imo, we're increasingly seeing it out'd in the media that the jabs are so dangerous is for a much larger narrative. They are building cover story for that. So, even if someone like Bridgen spoke out about HIV/AIDS, it would only be allowed, or be part of a similar narrative. That of a "satanic' deep state (problem), which would then lead to a pre-planned solution (Trump).

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

Ya eres parte de nosotros, te necesitamos Francés y sobre todo, más a menudo. Entiendo tu tedio, estamos todos un poco cansados pero la lucha continua. Es parte del Estado triturar al individuo disidente, pero me consuela que de la rueda de molino de toneladas de peso, salga un buen aceite de oliva virgen extra, que es lo que eres tú. Abrazos y besos desde España.

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Muchisima gracias - ¡Tengo una gran sonrisa de felicidad al tener noticias de mi querida España! Dejé una gran parte de mi corazón en Madrigal de la Vera, Extremadura, donde viví hasta 2008. ¡Os echo mucho de menos! xx

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

I have just watched the interview and it's one of the best out there. Thanks Frances. Lots of info to digest but what a scabby hearted cowardly bunch of MPs we have, lacking in the merest sliver of integrity to stand up against the corruption. Rats leaving a sinking ship, But Andrew is right, people are waking up big time and humanity will win out. The cabal has gone after him big time and his losses have been great, but what a man! A real man!

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

And his wife is a bitch not to stand by him

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Thank you Frances for sharing this really good discussion which pretty much covers most of the corruption and dark side of the snowy seats of Westminster. We need more people like Andrew who have the balls to speak truth to perverted power.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

We need more people like this man who calls out the corruption. These crooks worldwide need to be removed by we the people. When is enough enough? I am so tired of the bullshit and lies. It is time to take a stand. Thank you Frances for sharing this video and letting us know that there are still good people in office fighting the corruption.

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You might want to look at his hand gestures from a few years earlier.

And read Miri on him. I know that you don't like Miri (not sure what your beef is though, and that's your loss) yet she is the single most authentic and truthful activist in our time with an impeccable track record. (You are not far behind yet qualitatively different). Beyond her track record, her service to humanity with her informed consent matters is invaluable and in my book gained her two seats in heaven :). And, on top of all this, she remains humble unlike many of the self absorbed arrivistes with a constant need of virtue signalling and self shoulder tapping. Miri walks the talk consistently yet quietly.

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I have never said that I don't like Miri. I don't know her. More than likely you saw ONE comment from me in which I disagreed with her over her opinion about Doc Ahmad Malik.

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Miri described her experience with Malik. You might want to read it. She is 100% correct about him, whether people like it or not.

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Erm.... surely you realise that I have already read Miri's opinion? I think she over-reacted because she is a very suspicious young woman who maybe thought that Doc was flirting with her. I had a similar experience with Doc Malik and reacted very differently. I am 72 so imagining salaciousness is a thing of the past for me. I will repeat..... I don't dislike Miri. I just don't agree with her every word. OK?

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He comes across very very well there. I still think he's dodge. I wish he'd respond the questions raised at him by the like of Miri Finch as I think they were most pertinent to my ability to have any trust in anything he says. And I hope he sheds off any connection to Dan Wooton and Lawrence Fox (he may have already), as those 2 and and anyone connected to them are a buch of absulute establishment agent provocateur tools. But havving said all of that, taken at face value, he spoke quite well and SEEMED dignified.

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Thanks for making those points, Rob. Did you notice how knackered he is looking? I am quite concerned about the hints about 'suicide' that he mentioned. He is under a lot of duress imo.

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Yes he is looking knackered and he does indeed seem to care. I know "they all lie all the time" but if thats the case, he really is a great actor. I wish him luck, and I dare say that if I was in his area, i'd vote for him, just to put the cat amongst the pidgeons. I struggle to trust anyone that has as much connection to the system as he had, so he's on a sticky wicket from the offset with me.

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

»I am bored to salty tears of the lies, the fake narratives and the controlling distractions that are jamming this platform into a tedious copy of the old paparazzi.«

Thanks for bringing this up, I've been thinking I'm hallucinating for quite a while now without having taken any drugs. Every time I look at the Notes feed, there have also been tons of "cat and flower pictures", crappy memes or boring old propaganda phrases and truisms popping up — from accounts I don't even follow (e.g. the notorious "Rand Paul Review"; begging for support and getting thousands of likes for...hm, BS).

I figured back when Substack launched "Notes" that this would be the starting gun for legions of social media trolls to shit all over Substack with the same garbage they do on TwiXer or FakeBook. Too bad there's little we can do to stop it somehow. Critical (long-form) content seems to be increasingly drowning in a sea of banal, infantile and superficial short comments.

The number of new subscribers is also stagnating and my posts and notes are hardly read or not read at all. It feels like this has been happening since at least February, and the trend is steadily increasing. But you shouldn't be surprised if you've read posts like this one carefully: https://aaronkheriaty.substack.com/p/the-closing-of-the-internet-mind .

I think I'll stop putting up with this Notes nonsense and concentrate exclusively on the interesting authors I subscribe to, whose newsletters I receive by email anyway. Everything else just distracts from the essentials.

Sorry for this long rant, but reality sometimes drives you nuts.

PS: Andrew Bridgen seems to be to the British what Sarah Wagenknecht is to the Germans — one of the very few politicians who still have a brain and use it.

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I am delighted to hear that I am not the only one with a very worn out scroll finger…. I thought I was being a bitch (it has been known to happen!)…. but YAY! I am not alone at all.

Whole days go by with me disappointed and silenced by content on Notes. I don’t bother arguing, because in many cases, I hardly know where to start with these people. So I switch off and do something else, mindful that this may well be the intended effect….

It comes to something when the cyber concentration camp for dissidents has more guards than inmates, don’tcha fink?

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

»So I switch off and do something else...«

And that, my friend, is at least a personal gain ... even if it is perhaps an intended effect. My garden tells me every day that I am right when I walk through it or do some gardening. Sometimes, of course, I just sit there with my guitar and connect with the universe. Priceless!

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

Will watch this and Neil Oliver with Tucker soon. Over 4 hours! Meanwhile, being of Irish stock, this is well worth reading. Will the UK fight back too? https://open.substack.com/pub/frankwright/p/ireland-says-no?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=b7m4j

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Yes, I have been keeping aware of this, thanks to my dear friend Arbz in Belfast.

Have you read my work on the GAP + CORE?

That explains the root and reason behind The Great Replacement.

"If you live in the GAP you have two choices: Migrate or die.

If you live in the CORE you have no choices: Accept immigration, poverty & debt.

Thus, every single person living on earth is being targeted one way or another!"


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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

Yes, remember that, just reread it. I could apply for an Irish passport but why bother when it is so corrupt there!?

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Jun 21Liked by Frances Leader

I live in Leicestershire, just south of Andrew's NW-Leics seat. He is a hero.

I find it extremely distressing that less than 1% of my friends, neighbours, relations in the city and county have even heard of him.

The power of the Mainstream Media to write False History is simply incredible.

-- It is like 9/11. To this day, over 99% of the people think only 2 Towers went down. No one I speak to has heard of WTC7.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

He does say that he needs a lot of help locally to ensure his return to parliament. I agree with you that the blasted media is nothing but a smear fest against anyone trying to stand against the official narratives - no matter what they are. I live in Dorset and can report that opinions are far too tell-lie-vision inspired around here.... Oh well. I won't let that deter me!

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