I think this post may prove to be very timely. Everything I read or watch on the spiritual side of things now majors on how differently we are going to live in the near future. Much of this is about ascension to 5D and I don't necessarily take that at face value (though it simmers on my back burner) but what is striking is quite how soon they put this; like 2026, which is only 18 months away - or 24 months to be bang in the middle of it! They tend to avoid describing what turmoil we're going to go through to get there and what the scale of upheaval is going to be. The scenario that easily comes to mind is that a LOT of us will die and all of us can think of plenty of ways that could come about, with the Covid vaccine at the top of most people's lists. Readers of Frances's substack will also know how 5G can fill in for the missing virus at the flick of a switch. But the point is that it would take trauma on that sort of scale for our behaviour to change that dramatically.
There is a missing piece however, which is how we are going to "afford" this new lifestyle. Some of the potential scenarios above could (or would, normally) send us back to the Stone Age - or at least to an agrarian economy - but that won't happen if we have energy. It's astonishing how energy is such a fundamentally key element in prosperity and productivity, and how, in the hands of the elite, it completely controls a country's destiny. The reason we are de-industrialising in the UK (down to 1/3 of what it was in the '70s - 8% of GDP vs 25%) is that energy costs are 5x what they are in the US. Yes, 5 times - and that's not by chance! Mexico is even cheaper and China builds a new power station every week to keep it cheap. There's a really important point mentioned above which is how it will free up resources of Aluminium, copper etc.. There's no shortage whatsoever of Bauxite in the world but reducing it to Aluminium requires huge amounts of electricity and the same is largely true of other ores. Combine cheap and abundant materials with negligible energy costs and you now have a real Industrial Revolution (and very possibly one that can be done from home).
So if this vision of idyllic life is true, and is just around the corner - and if 2026 is too soon then 2030 is just as good - a necessary element of it will be an energy revolution at the same time or beforehand, so it would have to happen pretty damn soon. Fusion is one possibility - and I think they're pretty close in "unhidden" science with plasma technology - zero point is another, which we really shouldn't dismiss since ALL energy is carried and transferred in the fields not, as most imagine, in the wires, and water is a third. Completely out in the open we also have Rolls-Royce working on suitcase-sized nuclear power stations, which frankly tells us that we could have had this all along! Contrary to the impression most people have, there are few things quite as simple as a nuclear power station using radioactive decay to run a steam turbine.
So there you have it. This article could well be the heads-up telling you what's just around the corner. 😘
It's my pleasure. I haven't had much opportunity to contribute here of late and even this is a bit of an offbeat perspective. I'm glad to have you back in agreement after sitting out your Andrew Bridgen piece. (It's actually not so much that I question him, more that I'm generally unimpressed with him.)
Anyway, I have an interesting addendum to the above. I should preface this by saying that when it comes to astrology I'm about one rung above clueless, so any astrological insights here are not mine. Soon after I wrote the above I heard someone mention that all three outer planets - Pluto, Uranus, Neptune - are going to change sign soon, within the space of a couple of months, so I thought I'd go and look up what this meant. This happens in 2025. There is an element of destruction to the events (and this is repeated with 2025 being a 9 year and that number having destruction/rebirth connotations) but the 3 planets are in some unusual positions (like 0 degree of Aries) and are in rare conjunctions that imply harmony - ie. that they are working together. By itself , as I understand it, each planet change alone would represent a significant consciousness change but all three together implies a rather huge one - which is just what we need!
The precedents for this astrological event are very interesting, with James Watt and steam power emerging in 1776 - a date not without its own significance - and the 1470s version bringing us the plague starting the Renaissance (going on conventional dating) and the return (near identical to what's going to happen now) topping off the achievements of the Renaissance in 1533. It is supposed to be an era of radical innovation with new, creative minds coming to the fore.
I found the financial side of Pluto's transit through Capricorn particularly interesting, being associated with concentrations of wealth, with that starting in 2008 and coming to an end in 2025 when it will be reversed. That is an almost perfect correlation of what has happened since the Lehman crisis and Hank Paulson's heist of Congress - demanding $770 billion in cash with the menaces of economic meltdown and troops on the street as an alternative. In spite of it appearing to be a blow to the banking system they never did even break their stride, never awarded themselves lower remuneration and in fact went on to become wealthier than ever before in history. I would say we are now at the stage of democratising the losses - one of those periods when everyone knows that the financial markets are a "sure thing" - and the rise of day trading is one visible element of that. It's fascinating to think that this comes to an end in 2025 (or so this says).
My source for this is linked below and I found it to be very nicely written. It is also worth reading the article on "The Radical Era" that he links to in his first para. Finding this was just the result of a Google search, so there's nothing special about it, though I think I was lucky this was what was at the top of the list. So we have this era of innovation and discovery (very likely in energy provision), a change in planetary consciousness with new creative people leading the thrust towards a fairer world, with the bankers either finished or at least sidelined and unable to parasite off other people's labour. Bring it on!
Not at all. I know a little about the star signs and which are water, air, earth or fire because I understand a little of the Tarot. I have never trusted astrology because it talks in such broad generalities. I was gifted a birth chart once and found it very confusing.
It may be clean/safe and free/cheap to generate, but the Elite will make sure it won't be cheap to the end user. Most of mankind may well be in the planned depopulated global totalitarian state before any benefit of cold fusion is seen.
Sadly, limitless free energy is incompatible with the depopulationist agenda. Our oligarchs prefer the safety and security of being kings of an unchanging dung heap to the risk of losing control of a quickly growing economy with rapid technological advances.
Excellent post, Frances. Although I believe fusion energy will power everything in the decades to come, I seriously doubt it will be available for us regular folks who are considered useless eaters by the globalists. After 80% of the world’s population has been exterminated and robots have been mass produced to replace those humans, they’ll be powered by fusion energy. Marvel Comics’ Ironman was all about revealing this type of technology to the global population because you know, the Black Nobs believe in Karma and therefore must reveal their plans ahead of time to maintain their “holiness.”
I don’t believe in that theory about the Nobs ‘revealing the method’ to avoid bad karma. I think they lie about that too! If they are nihilists there is no such thing as karma in their philosophy!
It always seemed hokey to me, too. Besides, the way they reveal things is so cryptic that it's only in retrospect that it makes sense to us; much more like predictive programming than any kind of obedience on their part.
Actually, when you know psyop MO you can see them immediately they arise and also predict the controlled opposition narratives even if you don't know exactly what nature they will take. As soon as covid hit the signs were given that it was a psyop so immediately I knew there wouldn't be a virus because psyop MO is to do what they want for real and fake the rest - which only makes the most perfect sense, right? It's all about mind control, not doing things for real unless they're wanted for real and very often doing something for real wouldn't work for their narrative anyway. I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in it. Thus as soon as I heard "biolab" I knew that was a misleading narrative to fragment and undermine.
However, I didn't know that the psyop was coming before it came whereas others did. They knew something vaccine-related was coming whereas I had no clue until it was mentioned. Also, others knew about the previous pandemic scams such as the Spanish Flu and SARS-1 back in 2003 as well as the completely fraudulent germ theory to begin with.
A lot of it is expectation. While the reporting of Michael Mosley's death seemed strange to me it didn't occur to me that he would be involved in a psyop because in Australia I knew him as a personable doctor making reasonably interesting medical programs - didn't know that he was a jab-pusher in the UK. It was only Miri AF's substack that alerted me. Similarly, I didn't suspect Salman Rushdie's 2022 stabbing to be fake because I didn't think such a person would be involved in that kind of operation ... but indeed he is and the fatwa looks like a complete hoax as well.
Regardless of whether their concern with karma is part of it or not:
--- Seemingly counterintuitively, Revelation of the Method works better (see quote below)
--- If it didn't how could they use it? Presumably, millennia ago they discovered that the holes in their stories would pass ... so they decided to turn a bug into a feature ... and then to top it off they turned it into our responsibility!
"The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
Very valuable, thank you for comment and link (not yet visited). Humiliation is such powerful manipulation. When I found out about Color Revolutions, after having been quite vocally supportive of the War on Libya, there was literally a sense of wanting to sink down into my chair and never show my face again. Unbearable. And then I somehow realized how very much more real, true, and freeing it felt to simply acknowledge that I'd been scammed by evil people; that one isn't "made a fool," one is LIED TO.
I'm sorry you felt that way, Ann, but glad you recovered.
Sometimes I feel made a fool of and sometimes just lied to ... but I don't really mind feeling being made a fool of ... because at least now I know, right?
I follow Jonathan Swift's quote:
"A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying ... that he is wiser today than yesterday."
As well, even calling the phenom "political correctness" puts things that have nothing to do with politics smack dab into the realm where we're forced to take a side that's predetermined for our group, removing not only the responsibility, but the opportunity, of critical thinking.
Propaganda (and stories in general) hijack our psychic ability to manifest reality. That is something the Roman philosophers discovered very early on. They then used all three Abrahamic religions to mind control their slaves into fearing afterlife retribution from a deity and, simultaneously, projecting a future scenario serving the development of a global Empire. The scheme still works alarmingly well.
Generations of believers have projected fear of Armageddon for 2,000 years and have even enhanced the story with expectations such as the rapture.
That's what I believe it is too - though you've got some add-ons there that I haven't seen before. They get us all thinking along the same lines and fearing the same thing and, along with their efforts (because they must put in some effort to have a practical, physical outcome), we end up helping create the reality for them. There are some other things in there too like getting us to curse ourselves by saying things that on the surface look or sound good but in fact have negative implications. Things like "Get well soon!" having the implication that we must not be well now. I'm not at all expert in how this works but I'm dead certain manifestation itself works, and this a either a subset or an offshoot of it. Funnily enough I still find myself doing a double-take when I hear myself saying magic is real but I think it is.
Very cool. Spent rods? I think not. Valuable rods indeed. Is the toroidal shape part of how the earth is constructed? Fascinating and all of it lights up the brain, excites the spirit, heart and creative mind and that is not what they want to have happen with our youth.
Our youth have been lucky enough to be in the midst a scouting resurgence, my own two were taught many valuable skills which didn’t just include the basics and survival.
A lot of the leaders put a great deal of time and effort into teaching how to think as a team but also independently and had many design and building competitions.
My oldest went onto explorers which is the eldest group they do.
Their leader who run the group was ex military, he brought people in who taught how to track, hunt and trap including how to shoot plus clean and prep for cooking.
He never once mollycoddled and always addressed them as young adults who are our future.
Being able to find your way around using a map and a compass, plus knowing the suns direction it moves in is a massive bonus when the systems go down.
You’d be surprised on how many know and talk about the all seeing eye and its agendas.
My son refused point blank to go to uni no matter how hard school pushed for him to go.
Most of his friends did not go even though some had far better grades than those that did.
Those opting out are going into apprenticeships, my is doing engineering in air con which includes ventilation plus refrigeration, a couple of others are doing engineering in mechanical and electrical, one is training as a carpenter and another an accountant.
Two of those who went to uni have already dropped out and one of them is extremely disillusioned with uni full stop.
Not a single one of them buy into the lgbq plus whatever and trans men should not be in women’s sport or spaces, women deserve safe spaces of their own, plus it’s a big fat no to corrupting and noncing the children.
Private billions are pouring into Fusion according to Bloomberg!
https://youtu.be/LjDdD5rLeBk people don't understand how badly they're getting shafted by the energy cabal hence the name POWER companies.
Wow…. a very interesting film! Thanks Dave.
You're welcome Fran.
I don't know if anyone copped a big electricity bill for turning The WTC to dust and detritus, but it was impressive. www.drjudywood.com
It has already been weaponized against us. Don't see that changing with how things are right now.
Hi Frances,
I know you have written on The Electric Universe.
A political Economy founded on the notion of scarcity is at the heart of rationalisation of the usury mistake.
Eulers Number, Eric Dollard Nicola Tesla, and Maxwell, The Exponential, the spiral, and the humble Right Angle. #GrubStreetJournal @Wiki_Ballot https://longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/2019/10/08/eulers-number-eric-dollard-nicola-tesla-and-maxwell-the-exponential-the-spiral-and-the-humble-right-angle/ via @PMotels
I think this post may prove to be very timely. Everything I read or watch on the spiritual side of things now majors on how differently we are going to live in the near future. Much of this is about ascension to 5D and I don't necessarily take that at face value (though it simmers on my back burner) but what is striking is quite how soon they put this; like 2026, which is only 18 months away - or 24 months to be bang in the middle of it! They tend to avoid describing what turmoil we're going to go through to get there and what the scale of upheaval is going to be. The scenario that easily comes to mind is that a LOT of us will die and all of us can think of plenty of ways that could come about, with the Covid vaccine at the top of most people's lists. Readers of Frances's substack will also know how 5G can fill in for the missing virus at the flick of a switch. But the point is that it would take trauma on that sort of scale for our behaviour to change that dramatically.
There is a missing piece however, which is how we are going to "afford" this new lifestyle. Some of the potential scenarios above could (or would, normally) send us back to the Stone Age - or at least to an agrarian economy - but that won't happen if we have energy. It's astonishing how energy is such a fundamentally key element in prosperity and productivity, and how, in the hands of the elite, it completely controls a country's destiny. The reason we are de-industrialising in the UK (down to 1/3 of what it was in the '70s - 8% of GDP vs 25%) is that energy costs are 5x what they are in the US. Yes, 5 times - and that's not by chance! Mexico is even cheaper and China builds a new power station every week to keep it cheap. There's a really important point mentioned above which is how it will free up resources of Aluminium, copper etc.. There's no shortage whatsoever of Bauxite in the world but reducing it to Aluminium requires huge amounts of electricity and the same is largely true of other ores. Combine cheap and abundant materials with negligible energy costs and you now have a real Industrial Revolution (and very possibly one that can be done from home).
So if this vision of idyllic life is true, and is just around the corner - and if 2026 is too soon then 2030 is just as good - a necessary element of it will be an energy revolution at the same time or beforehand, so it would have to happen pretty damn soon. Fusion is one possibility - and I think they're pretty close in "unhidden" science with plasma technology - zero point is another, which we really shouldn't dismiss since ALL energy is carried and transferred in the fields not, as most imagine, in the wires, and water is a third. Completely out in the open we also have Rolls-Royce working on suitcase-sized nuclear power stations, which frankly tells us that we could have had this all along! Contrary to the impression most people have, there are few things quite as simple as a nuclear power station using radioactive decay to run a steam turbine.
So there you have it. This article could well be the heads-up telling you what's just around the corner. 😘
Thanks very much for taking the time to express those thoughts. I agree with you!
It's my pleasure. I haven't had much opportunity to contribute here of late and even this is a bit of an offbeat perspective. I'm glad to have you back in agreement after sitting out your Andrew Bridgen piece. (It's actually not so much that I question him, more that I'm generally unimpressed with him.)
Anyway, I have an interesting addendum to the above. I should preface this by saying that when it comes to astrology I'm about one rung above clueless, so any astrological insights here are not mine. Soon after I wrote the above I heard someone mention that all three outer planets - Pluto, Uranus, Neptune - are going to change sign soon, within the space of a couple of months, so I thought I'd go and look up what this meant. This happens in 2025. There is an element of destruction to the events (and this is repeated with 2025 being a 9 year and that number having destruction/rebirth connotations) but the 3 planets are in some unusual positions (like 0 degree of Aries) and are in rare conjunctions that imply harmony - ie. that they are working together. By itself , as I understand it, each planet change alone would represent a significant consciousness change but all three together implies a rather huge one - which is just what we need!
The precedents for this astrological event are very interesting, with James Watt and steam power emerging in 1776 - a date not without its own significance - and the 1470s version bringing us the plague starting the Renaissance (going on conventional dating) and the return (near identical to what's going to happen now) topping off the achievements of the Renaissance in 1533. It is supposed to be an era of radical innovation with new, creative minds coming to the fore.
I found the financial side of Pluto's transit through Capricorn particularly interesting, being associated with concentrations of wealth, with that starting in 2008 and coming to an end in 2025 when it will be reversed. That is an almost perfect correlation of what has happened since the Lehman crisis and Hank Paulson's heist of Congress - demanding $770 billion in cash with the menaces of economic meltdown and troops on the street as an alternative. In spite of it appearing to be a blow to the banking system they never did even break their stride, never awarded themselves lower remuneration and in fact went on to become wealthier than ever before in history. I would say we are now at the stage of democratising the losses - one of those periods when everyone knows that the financial markets are a "sure thing" - and the rise of day trading is one visible element of that. It's fascinating to think that this comes to an end in 2025 (or so this says).
My source for this is linked below and I found it to be very nicely written. It is also worth reading the article on "The Radical Era" that he links to in his first para. Finding this was just the result of a Google search, so there's nothing special about it, though I think I was lucky this was what was at the top of the list. So we have this era of innovation and discovery (very likely in energy provision), a change in planetary consciousness with new creative people leading the thrust towards a fairer world, with the bankers either finished or at least sidelined and unable to parasite off other people's labour. Bring it on!
Well! That is all very hopeful, isn’t it? I understand that Andrew Bridgen is a bit Marmite…. xx
Is astrology one of your skill sets? I'm going to guess it is.
Not at all. I know a little about the star signs and which are water, air, earth or fire because I understand a little of the Tarot. I have never trusted astrology because it talks in such broad generalities. I was gifted a birth chart once and found it very confusing.
Something for you when you get 5mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2cmgH60J0Y
reminds me of Alan Stivell
Yes sounds a bit like the same https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMQbcGNs9kg&list=RDEMvCBJHaa_EGYz6mf2FDoaKw&start_radio=1&rv=cOerwlY-oCo
He's brilliant. Also very interesting background. Born in '75, year I discovered Stivell. Been listening to him all day.
We all need to unwind with what we love and music can do that so well
Good post. It's happening outside of official circles as well.
See Bob Greenyer's work and Malcolm Bendall is building equipment now that is transmuting the exhaust.
Jordan does a great job on his Alchemical Science YT channel of synthesizing the latest of these two.
We have had Malcolm on - and will have Jordan on again to go into his sacred alchemical works.
It may be clean/safe and free/cheap to generate, but the Elite will make sure it won't be cheap to the end user. Most of mankind may well be in the planned depopulated global totalitarian state before any benefit of cold fusion is seen.
….. IF any of us survive!
Sadly, limitless free energy is incompatible with the depopulationist agenda. Our oligarchs prefer the safety and security of being kings of an unchanging dung heap to the risk of losing control of a quickly growing economy with rapid technological advances.
Excellent post, Frances. Although I believe fusion energy will power everything in the decades to come, I seriously doubt it will be available for us regular folks who are considered useless eaters by the globalists. After 80% of the world’s population has been exterminated and robots have been mass produced to replace those humans, they’ll be powered by fusion energy. Marvel Comics’ Ironman was all about revealing this type of technology to the global population because you know, the Black Nobs believe in Karma and therefore must reveal their plans ahead of time to maintain their “holiness.”
I don’t believe in that theory about the Nobs ‘revealing the method’ to avoid bad karma. I think they lie about that too! If they are nihilists there is no such thing as karma in their philosophy!
It always seemed hokey to me, too. Besides, the way they reveal things is so cryptic that it's only in retrospect that it makes sense to us; much more like predictive programming than any kind of obedience on their part.
Actually, when you know psyop MO you can see them immediately they arise and also predict the controlled opposition narratives even if you don't know exactly what nature they will take. As soon as covid hit the signs were given that it was a psyop so immediately I knew there wouldn't be a virus because psyop MO is to do what they want for real and fake the rest - which only makes the most perfect sense, right? It's all about mind control, not doing things for real unless they're wanted for real and very often doing something for real wouldn't work for their narrative anyway. I knew they didn't want a virus they only wanted us to believe in it. Thus as soon as I heard "biolab" I knew that was a misleading narrative to fragment and undermine.
However, I didn't know that the psyop was coming before it came whereas others did. They knew something vaccine-related was coming whereas I had no clue until it was mentioned. Also, others knew about the previous pandemic scams such as the Spanish Flu and SARS-1 back in 2003 as well as the completely fraudulent germ theory to begin with.
A lot of it is expectation. While the reporting of Michael Mosley's death seemed strange to me it didn't occur to me that he would be involved in a psyop because in Australia I knew him as a personable doctor making reasonably interesting medical programs - didn't know that he was a jab-pusher in the UK. It was only Miri AF's substack that alerted me. Similarly, I didn't suspect Salman Rushdie's 2022 stabbing to be fake because I didn't think such a person would be involved in that kind of operation ... but indeed he is and the fatwa looks like a complete hoax as well.
Regardless of whether their concern with karma is part of it or not:
--- Seemingly counterintuitively, Revelation of the Method works better (see quote below)
--- If it didn't how could they use it? Presumably, millennia ago they discovered that the holes in their stories would pass ... so they decided to turn a bug into a feature ... and then to top it off they turned it into our responsibility!
"The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
Very valuable, thank you for comment and link (not yet visited). Humiliation is such powerful manipulation. When I found out about Color Revolutions, after having been quite vocally supportive of the War on Libya, there was literally a sense of wanting to sink down into my chair and never show my face again. Unbearable. And then I somehow realized how very much more real, true, and freeing it felt to simply acknowledge that I'd been scammed by evil people; that one isn't "made a fool," one is LIED TO.
I'm sorry you felt that way, Ann, but glad you recovered.
Sometimes I feel made a fool of and sometimes just lied to ... but I don't really mind feeling being made a fool of ... because at least now I know, right?
I follow Jonathan Swift's quote:
"A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying ... that he is wiser today than yesterday."
As well, even calling the phenom "political correctness" puts things that have nothing to do with politics smack dab into the realm where we're forced to take a side that's predetermined for our group, removing not only the responsibility, but the opportunity, of critical thinking.
Propaganda (and stories in general) hijack our psychic ability to manifest reality. That is something the Roman philosophers discovered very early on. They then used all three Abrahamic religions to mind control their slaves into fearing afterlife retribution from a deity and, simultaneously, projecting a future scenario serving the development of a global Empire. The scheme still works alarmingly well.
Generations of believers have projected fear of Armageddon for 2,000 years and have even enhanced the story with expectations such as the rapture.
It's amazing how long it's been going on.
That's what I believe it is too - though you've got some add-ons there that I haven't seen before. They get us all thinking along the same lines and fearing the same thing and, along with their efforts (because they must put in some effort to have a practical, physical outcome), we end up helping create the reality for them. There are some other things in there too like getting us to curse ourselves by saying things that on the surface look or sound good but in fact have negative implications. Things like "Get well soon!" having the implication that we must not be well now. I'm not at all expert in how this works but I'm dead certain manifestation itself works, and this a either a subset or an offshoot of it. Funnily enough I still find myself doing a double-take when I hear myself saying magic is real but I think it is.
Yea, that’s what I thought too. It certainly makes more sense based on logic. 🥸
Very cool. Spent rods? I think not. Valuable rods indeed. Is the toroidal shape part of how the earth is constructed? Fascinating and all of it lights up the brain, excites the spirit, heart and creative mind and that is not what they want to have happen with our youth.
Our youth have been lucky enough to be in the midst a scouting resurgence, my own two were taught many valuable skills which didn’t just include the basics and survival.
A lot of the leaders put a great deal of time and effort into teaching how to think as a team but also independently and had many design and building competitions.
My oldest went onto explorers which is the eldest group they do.
Their leader who run the group was ex military, he brought people in who taught how to track, hunt and trap including how to shoot plus clean and prep for cooking.
He never once mollycoddled and always addressed them as young adults who are our future.
Being able to find your way around using a map and a compass, plus knowing the suns direction it moves in is a massive bonus when the systems go down.
You’d be surprised on how many know and talk about the all seeing eye and its agendas.
My son refused point blank to go to uni no matter how hard school pushed for him to go.
Most of his friends did not go even though some had far better grades than those that did.
Those opting out are going into apprenticeships, my is doing engineering in air con which includes ventilation plus refrigeration, a couple of others are doing engineering in mechanical and electrical, one is training as a carpenter and another an accountant.
Two of those who went to uni have already dropped out and one of them is extremely disillusioned with uni full stop.
Not a single one of them buy into the lgbq plus whatever and trans men should not be in women’s sport or spaces, women deserve safe spaces of their own, plus it’s a big fat no to corrupting and noncing the children.