Buy only medical grade Frankincense and Myrrh untreated resin from Ebay.
Take a small quantity (fit into well of the hand) of each raw resin and smash them to dust in a mortar and pestle. Add about a pint of distilled water. Bring to the boil in a glass or enamelled pot. Do not use a metal one. Simmer the mix, add a gold ring, the higher the carat the better. When the fluid has reduced to about an inch at the bottom of the pan strain it into cups. Add honey. Drink down very fast because it tastes awful. Repeat after 3 days. Retrieve gold ring.
Wait at least a fortnight before repeating the treatment.
I think you don’t need to be a part of any church or religion to believe in god and Jesus Christ, all these different versions of Christianity seem to cause nothing but division, same with all different religions?
frances if your happy i am happy thats all that matters to me ----- oh and i agree with you that there is no covid virus i agree with Dr. Andrew Kaufman------ dr. Samatha Baily and her husband DR. Mark Baily and that group of like minded people etc etc which there are millions of us ------- and your loveing story about your dog
was just to emotional for me i only made it through a few paragraghs and had to stop fearing the end --------- and i really loved the commet you made about that you have never met a christian WOW you realy are an independent free thinking individual thier are not many of us ------- always looking forward to seeing your name in my email ------- i thought you would really like this Quote from a book titled (( The Joy Of Bieng Selfish written by Michelle Elman )))))) published 2021---- sorry two Quoets #1 I am going to love my self and not make it anyone else's job. "Setting Boundaries means saying. I Am going to get my needs met and I Am Not going to expect others to do it for me. "" If That Selffish , then i'm selfish ---------#2 For every women who has been treated badly and wonderd whether you deserved it --YOU DON"T ---------- Michelle s personal story and what she has personaly overcome in life is shocking to say the least she lives in England i think both of you would make great friends
Frances you are a kindred spirit and a Blessing a Real Healer! I salute you.. and what you do...
This incarnation for me has been a spiritual one as well. I'll never forget being in church one day age 6 and hearing the minister say that the only people going to heaven were those in that small congregation of maybe 100 people..? I didn't say anything at the time but I thought to myself that makes no sense because I knew of several good people that were not part of the congregation... I was fortunate to live in the Smokie mtns during these formative years so nature became my teacher. Out into the woods every chance I got.. All four seasons with each containing their own particular bliss.. and lessons.. We moved to California in 10th grade. The Pacific Ocean and surfing became my passions and teachers. Then I discovered the universe of climbing rock, ice, snow. In my 30s I decided to have a health crisis.. Epstein Barr. For sometime I had been dismayed with allopathic medicine, never trusted pharmaceutical rubbish. So I found Chinese medicine and as you know so incredible Bona Fide healing system .. Then Yoga teacher trainings from Ashtanga to Iyengar, Descachar, Ayurvedic Yoga... Simultaneously studying everyone from Lao Tzu to Patanjali, Dr David R Hawkins, Dr Franklin M Wolf, and last but not least JR Krishnamurti..... my body is aging now at 74 but the Blessings of a strong practice still enable me to have fun in this crazy world..
I had a comment, I fink I erased it, bc I went to find that book-- and ordered one for myself!!! YAY
Question for thee: Is Dandelion tea the same as what you're referring to? I love that stuff and started drinking it for no apparent reason... lol
Thank you for this post, I SO relate to your journey, it's like a twin highway in another ... thing. ;)
Cheers, and my latest repugnance toward certain "religious" types-- Got a Xmas card from my mother's church (I took her bc she wanted to go, it is very hard for me to listen to those prayers, but I like the music, usually)-- The Xmas card was, mind-blowingly, a SNOWMAN SALUTING THE AMERICAN FLAG. Forget Baby Jesus! OMD (O. Mai. Dog.) I threw it out. It was toooo weird. smdh (Shakin' Mai Dog Head)
If your Dandelion Tea is already packaged, I cannot say that it is likely to be as effective as powdered dandelion which can be bought from a real Chinese herbalist. I have only ever used that, rather than a commercial product.
OMD on the Xmas card too.... what are they thinking? Well, maybe they don't? ((Howls))
I am also a person whose Christianity is influenced by the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, or The Way of Water. Wisdom can arise independently in several places at once. That there is no direct link between ancient Chinese Taoism and the teachings of Jesus is more exciting to me than if Jesus had studied with Taoist teachers. It means that the wisdom behind both systems is real and verifiable. I felt the resonance with Christianity most strongly in Ch. 38 of Tao Te Ching, where the author proves that honor is based on humble station. The way of water is to lay low and support, or float, the work of others. The way of water is to flow to the lowest point, or the most humble station possible. This is a conceptual way of turning human status systems on their head (which is what many of the parables of Christ are about).
The I Ching is a manual for interpreting the casting of Yarrow sticks, which is an ancient method of Chinese divination. In Salish culture (west coast of Canada), they gamble with a bundle of sticks and its interesting to me how one culture's divination becomes another culture's way of gambling (dice, cards, or in this case, a bundle of sticks). So, you cast the yarrow sticks, and according to how they land, you apply one of the 81 hexagrams, that leads to a corresponding verse. In Herman Hesse's novel Magister Ludi (The Glass Bead Game) there is a chapter where this process is described. Magister Ludi spends three years studying with a Chinese master.
Cool. I'm a Hesse buff. This is his longest novel. The introduction, which describes Feullitan culture, is some of Hesse's best writing. By the time you get to the end of the intro, you'll be hooked. The rest of it describes the life of Magister Ludi, whose common name was Joseph Knecht. The book illustrates the primacy of musical education (which is a big deal to Germans).
I looked up Feulliton culture and was amused to find out that it means:
1) a part of a European newspaper or magazine devoted to material designed to entertain the general reader
2) something (such as an instalment of a novel) printed in a feuilleton
3) a novel printed in instalments or a work of fiction catering to popular taste
4) a short literary composition often having a familiar tone and reminiscent content
That is precisely how I would describe my autobiography which has been published over the recent couple of years in Substack instalments! The post we are commenting on is a supplementary chapter.
Very often you are such a pleasant surprise to me. I had a four year stint in my life with an intense preoccupation with the occult. I should (and will) write abut it at some point. I assume that you have the English translation based on the Wilhelm translation with a foreword of Karl Jung.
I obviously had the affinity, but it was that foreword that started me off on the journey. The idea that it is possible to have a rational approach to the investigation of the mysteriously unknown.
I stopped when I hit the kabbalah and Aleistair Crowley's Book of Thoth. I had to choose between becoming a full time kabbalist or drop the entire line of investigation. I chose the second.
Yep, I had a similar moment when I was asked to join a Coven. The decision, for me depended on one factor. Could I talk to people about my new knowledge? If not, I was not interested.
Fascinating, like all your autobiography. One question, and it's an open one, where do you find that "I knew that Jesus had been quite firm in believing that we are all equally capable of such things"? Just curious.
Ah, a gnostic text. I didn't remember that from the Biblical gospels where he's very dismissive and insulting towards his apostles.
Thomas is Didymous or Twin, and I think it's of Judas who my research shows as the Christ who did believe that everyone was capable of miracles. Jesus just wanted people to 'believe in him' that he was God. In my research (I need a new acronym for imo when it's not just an opinion ;-)
I'm thankful for Frances, Tereza and Pauline's commentary throughout this exchange of thoughtful ideas and learned readings.
It's always enlightening for me as I struggle to find wisdom and meaning to my life and reality (is there such a thing?) that I find individuals like Frances and Tereza amongst others to form meaning to this insanity surrounding us all. I know in my heart and soul that someone is guiding me to read content and discourse like this string of communication.
Hoping to write something coherent and sensical here. But mostly I just want to extend my thankfulness and gratitude for you women.
I also thought that Jesus was saying that anyone could do what he did. He is just the example for us to follow:
John 14:12-14
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."
Ah, good point. There are other places (I'd need to look when I have time) when he castigates the apostles for their faithlessness and incompetence. When I've reread the gospels without the 'glamour' of Jesus being the Christ, I've realized he's just not a nice person. Someone you'd never call spiritual if he went around saying those things today. We'd call him arrogant. And I'm again not talking about someone who I think was real, I'm saying that you could never imagine Thich Nhat Hahn, for instance, saying the kinds of things this character does.
I think that there is a lot lost from the legend in the passing of time. I also think the translation from Aramaic to Greek to Latin and lastly, to English, might make the words appear arrogant rather than sincerely human and genuinely frustrated. If he existed, as described, I imagine he was often troubled by the lack of understanding he had to deal with. He was light-years ahead of his milieu, imparting far eastern philosophy to ignorant simple people who were filled with bizarre beliefs and loose morals.
If he and John the Baptist were, as I strongly suspect, educated at a Silk Road hospitality establishment, set up by Taoist or Tibetan priests and nuns, then they would certainly have struggled to convey their knowledge outside of their community.
In ancient Taoism and pre-Buddhist Tibetan teachings I have read about four rites of passage, aka baptisms.
The water baptism is the first and conveys the understanding of unconditional love, eternal existence and indivisible oneness.
Then there are three more: Air, Fire and Earth which each teach profound lessons. The rudimentary teachings convey psychic communications (air), spiritual power (fire) and finally, manifestation (earth).
There is no Aramaic gospel. Even the parables don't make sense in Aramaic, they use Greek tropes and plays on words. So the first language is Greek, giving more credence that Josephus or your guy, Piso, wrote them after the 'fall' (aka the conquest) of Jerusalem.
One of my translations is directly from the Greek. The translator talks about his decision to 'take off the gloves' and show how mean and vicious the language is against the Jews. It's actually become tempered through various translations because the original, including the words of 'Jesus' are rather repugnant in their hatred. And this translator is a believer! But he felt that he had to be honest.
Recall listening to an interview with David Skrbina and I believe Adam Green (of course DS has talked w/others re his book which I've not read). Really made me wonder about the miracles, certainly St Paul... then naturally the resurrection, Saviour status, etc...Really struggled. Been praying, albeit lately inconsistently, all my life. Lapsed Catholic for many reasons. My enduring question (more to self) is: To whom then do I pray?! :-(
It's not the miracles I question, which I suspect were ubiquitous and made the zealots unafraid because resurrection and being impervious to pain and loss was inclusive. It's the character of Jesus that doesn't fit my theology. The Christ is the one who sees the Christ in others. That's definitely not Jesus.
Prayer, imo, is how we communicate with the Christ-mind, which is in all of us. Maybe the question is 'how do I pray?' I think it's by seeing the good in others.
I think that's perfect, Pauline. Some things are best to take in and just let sit as a possibility. If they're true, what I find, is that the universe makes it unmistakable. Nothing's left to chance.
fracnces i want to let you know i read a heart breaking artticle you wrote were you were beating up on yourselve ----- you were saying that your son and your (((friends whatever that means )))) said mean words to you about how happy and jouyfilled and self confident you are all the time and he and your friends did not like you for these personal characterristica of yours ----------- first of all your son and your freinds are JEALOUS and envius of you because you have something they don't and want to hurt you and control you ------- its thier promblem not yours that is the 1st step you must realize starting now not later or in the future or rationalize their behavoir and try to please them ------- in your artical you sound like a classic victom ---------- i would love to be in your presence as much as possablt you are a wonderful person full of love and radiating joy to all senteant beings i wish the world was full of millions of people like you ---- thats way me and so many poeple love hearing about you and your life experences ETc ETc ----------- DON"T CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOURSELVE you are perfect thats way they hate you ------------- PLEASE DON 'T THINK YOUR DOING ANYTHING WRONG --------- i am looking forward to reading your book ------ Bradley M Brooks 2/20/2024 sorry to be so personal but i thought you really needed to hear this-----good luck you need it because in this fight its you against yourselve
Aw, Bradley, you are so kind to say such lovely things to me! I am overwhelmed!
My son was having a very hard time during the summer last year. He lost his job and he was ill for a while but now he is fully recovered and has apologised for being so mean to me.
Thank you for taking the time to let me know you are thinking of me - that was very unexpected and most welcome! 💙💚💛
Frances, how does one use the gold, frankincense and myrrh? I have heard of the healing aspects of this many times. I’ll check Amazon to see if they sell frankincense and myrrh unless you know a better source. Thanks
Frances, I want to know more about how gold, frankinsense and myrhh are used in healing...Oils? gold flakes? Like in that alchohol where they put gold flakes in it (can't stand the stuff)....and more about who Jesus really is, and more about what happens when we die? I am starting just now in my old age to seek out many things I thought about as a child, but now as an old woman, want to know more....
See pinned comment for instructions of how to prepare the GFM formula!
You ask me who Jesus really is - I can only tell you that he is an example of genuine enlightenment to me, but so are a number of other characters from legend and history.
Buy only medical grade Frankincense and Myrrh untreated resin from Ebay.
Take a small quantity (fit into well of the hand) of each raw resin and smash them to dust in a mortar and pestle. Add about a pint of distilled water. Bring to the boil in a glass or enamelled pot. Do not use a metal one. Simmer the mix, add a gold ring, the higher the carat the better. When the fluid has reduced to about an inch at the bottom of the pan strain it into cups. Add honey. Drink down very fast because it tastes awful. Repeat after 3 days. Retrieve gold ring.
Wait at least a fortnight before repeating the treatment.
The mega so-called Christians churches are fake like Graham. Your gut feeling was spot on.
I think you don’t need to be a part of any church or religion to believe in god and Jesus Christ, all these different versions of Christianity seem to cause nothing but division, same with all different religions?
Are you aware that only one third of the world is Christian?
No, i thought it was more than that, but then I don’t go to church, watch tv or read papers.
frances if your happy i am happy thats all that matters to me ----- oh and i agree with you that there is no covid virus i agree with Dr. Andrew Kaufman------ dr. Samatha Baily and her husband DR. Mark Baily and that group of like minded people etc etc which there are millions of us ------- and your loveing story about your dog
was just to emotional for me i only made it through a few paragraghs and had to stop fearing the end --------- and i really loved the commet you made about that you have never met a christian WOW you realy are an independent free thinking individual thier are not many of us ------- always looking forward to seeing your name in my email ------- i thought you would really like this Quote from a book titled (( The Joy Of Bieng Selfish written by Michelle Elman )))))) published 2021---- sorry two Quoets #1 I am going to love my self and not make it anyone else's job. "Setting Boundaries means saying. I Am going to get my needs met and I Am Not going to expect others to do it for me. "" If That Selffish , then i'm selfish ---------#2 For every women who has been treated badly and wonderd whether you deserved it --YOU DON"T ---------- Michelle s personal story and what she has personaly overcome in life is shocking to say the least she lives in England i think both of you would make great friends
The Joy of Being Selfish with Michelle Elman in video here:
Frances you are a kindred spirit and a Blessing a Real Healer! I salute you.. and what you do...
This incarnation for me has been a spiritual one as well. I'll never forget being in church one day age 6 and hearing the minister say that the only people going to heaven were those in that small congregation of maybe 100 people..? I didn't say anything at the time but I thought to myself that makes no sense because I knew of several good people that were not part of the congregation... I was fortunate to live in the Smokie mtns during these formative years so nature became my teacher. Out into the woods every chance I got.. All four seasons with each containing their own particular bliss.. and lessons.. We moved to California in 10th grade. The Pacific Ocean and surfing became my passions and teachers. Then I discovered the universe of climbing rock, ice, snow. In my 30s I decided to have a health crisis.. Epstein Barr. For sometime I had been dismayed with allopathic medicine, never trusted pharmaceutical rubbish. So I found Chinese medicine and as you know so incredible Bona Fide healing system .. Then Yoga teacher trainings from Ashtanga to Iyengar, Descachar, Ayurvedic Yoga... Simultaneously studying everyone from Lao Tzu to Patanjali, Dr David R Hawkins, Dr Franklin M Wolf, and last but not least JR Krishnamurti..... my body is aging now at 74 but the Blessings of a strong practice still enable me to have fun in this crazy world..
Nice to meet you, Curt! Many thanks for this wonderful contribution to my post! Much appreciated. xx
Loved this, Frances.! XO
I had a comment, I fink I erased it, bc I went to find that book-- and ordered one for myself!!! YAY
Question for thee: Is Dandelion tea the same as what you're referring to? I love that stuff and started drinking it for no apparent reason... lol
Thank you for this post, I SO relate to your journey, it's like a twin highway in another ... thing. ;)
Cheers, and my latest repugnance toward certain "religious" types-- Got a Xmas card from my mother's church (I took her bc she wanted to go, it is very hard for me to listen to those prayers, but I like the music, usually)-- The Xmas card was, mind-blowingly, a SNOWMAN SALUTING THE AMERICAN FLAG. Forget Baby Jesus! OMD (O. Mai. Dog.) I threw it out. It was toooo weird. smdh (Shakin' Mai Dog Head)
If your Dandelion Tea is already packaged, I cannot say that it is likely to be as effective as powdered dandelion which can be bought from a real Chinese herbalist. I have only ever used that, rather than a commercial product.
OMD on the Xmas card too.... what are they thinking? Well, maybe they don't? ((Howls))
Dat's wot oi sed... "Ow wooo wooo woooooo!!!" As in surprise and dismay.
Bloody wankers...
I am also a person whose Christianity is influenced by the Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, or The Way of Water. Wisdom can arise independently in several places at once. That there is no direct link between ancient Chinese Taoism and the teachings of Jesus is more exciting to me than if Jesus had studied with Taoist teachers. It means that the wisdom behind both systems is real and verifiable. I felt the resonance with Christianity most strongly in Ch. 38 of Tao Te Ching, where the author proves that honor is based on humble station. The way of water is to lay low and support, or float, the work of others. The way of water is to flow to the lowest point, or the most humble station possible. This is a conceptual way of turning human status systems on their head (which is what many of the parables of Christ are about).
The I Ching is a manual for interpreting the casting of Yarrow sticks, which is an ancient method of Chinese divination. In Salish culture (west coast of Canada), they gamble with a bundle of sticks and its interesting to me how one culture's divination becomes another culture's way of gambling (dice, cards, or in this case, a bundle of sticks). So, you cast the yarrow sticks, and according to how they land, you apply one of the 81 hexagrams, that leads to a corresponding verse. In Herman Hesse's novel Magister Ludi (The Glass Bead Game) there is a chapter where this process is described. Magister Ludi spends three years studying with a Chinese master.
I had not heard of Herman Hesse's novel, Magister Ludi. Thanks for mentioning it. xx I found a hardback 2nd hand copy on Ebay and snapped it up!
Cool. I'm a Hesse buff. This is his longest novel. The introduction, which describes Feullitan culture, is some of Hesse's best writing. By the time you get to the end of the intro, you'll be hooked. The rest of it describes the life of Magister Ludi, whose common name was Joseph Knecht. The book illustrates the primacy of musical education (which is a big deal to Germans).
I looked up Feulliton culture and was amused to find out that it means:
1) a part of a European newspaper or magazine devoted to material designed to entertain the general reader
2) something (such as an instalment of a novel) printed in a feuilleton
3) a novel printed in instalments or a work of fiction catering to popular taste
4) a short literary composition often having a familiar tone and reminiscent content
That is precisely how I would describe my autobiography which has been published over the recent couple of years in Substack instalments! The post we are commenting on is a supplementary chapter.
You can find all the links to the chapters listed here:
Very often you are such a pleasant surprise to me. I had a four year stint in my life with an intense preoccupation with the occult. I should (and will) write abut it at some point. I assume that you have the English translation based on the Wilhelm translation with a foreword of Karl Jung.
I obviously had the affinity, but it was that foreword that started me off on the journey. The idea that it is possible to have a rational approach to the investigation of the mysteriously unknown.
I stopped when I hit the kabbalah and Aleistair Crowley's Book of Thoth. I had to choose between becoming a full time kabbalist or drop the entire line of investigation. I chose the second.
Yep, I had a similar moment when I was asked to join a Coven. The decision, for me depended on one factor. Could I talk to people about my new knowledge? If not, I was not interested.
Fascinating, like all your autobiography. One question, and it's an open one, where do you find that "I knew that Jesus had been quite firm in believing that we are all equally capable of such things"? Just curious.
From the Gospel according to Thomas, I believe. He recorded a lot more of Jesus' actual words than any other of the disciples.
Thank you Frances for this link to the gospel of Thomas and all the wisdoms you impart amongst your readership.
Ah, a gnostic text. I didn't remember that from the Biblical gospels where he's very dismissive and insulting towards his apostles.
Thomas is Didymous or Twin, and I think it's of Judas who my research shows as the Christ who did believe that everyone was capable of miracles. Jesus just wanted people to 'believe in him' that he was God. In my research (I need a new acronym for imo when it's not just an opinion ;-)
I'm thankful for Frances, Tereza and Pauline's commentary throughout this exchange of thoughtful ideas and learned readings.
It's always enlightening for me as I struggle to find wisdom and meaning to my life and reality (is there such a thing?) that I find individuals like Frances and Tereza amongst others to form meaning to this insanity surrounding us all. I know in my heart and soul that someone is guiding me to read content and discourse like this string of communication.
Hoping to write something coherent and sensical here. But mostly I just want to extend my thankfulness and gratitude for you women.
I also thought that Jesus was saying that anyone could do what he did. He is just the example for us to follow:
John 14:12-14
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."
Ah, good point. There are other places (I'd need to look when I have time) when he castigates the apostles for their faithlessness and incompetence. When I've reread the gospels without the 'glamour' of Jesus being the Christ, I've realized he's just not a nice person. Someone you'd never call spiritual if he went around saying those things today. We'd call him arrogant. And I'm again not talking about someone who I think was real, I'm saying that you could never imagine Thich Nhat Hahn, for instance, saying the kinds of things this character does.
I think that there is a lot lost from the legend in the passing of time. I also think the translation from Aramaic to Greek to Latin and lastly, to English, might make the words appear arrogant rather than sincerely human and genuinely frustrated. If he existed, as described, I imagine he was often troubled by the lack of understanding he had to deal with. He was light-years ahead of his milieu, imparting far eastern philosophy to ignorant simple people who were filled with bizarre beliefs and loose morals.
If he and John the Baptist were, as I strongly suspect, educated at a Silk Road hospitality establishment, set up by Taoist or Tibetan priests and nuns, then they would certainly have struggled to convey their knowledge outside of their community.
In ancient Taoism and pre-Buddhist Tibetan teachings I have read about four rites of passage, aka baptisms.
The water baptism is the first and conveys the understanding of unconditional love, eternal existence and indivisible oneness.
Then there are three more: Air, Fire and Earth which each teach profound lessons. The rudimentary teachings convey psychic communications (air), spiritual power (fire) and finally, manifestation (earth).
There is no Aramaic gospel. Even the parables don't make sense in Aramaic, they use Greek tropes and plays on words. So the first language is Greek, giving more credence that Josephus or your guy, Piso, wrote them after the 'fall' (aka the conquest) of Jerusalem.
One of my translations is directly from the Greek. The translator talks about his decision to 'take off the gloves' and show how mean and vicious the language is against the Jews. It's actually become tempered through various translations because the original, including the words of 'Jesus' are rather repugnant in their hatred. And this translator is a believer! But he felt that he had to be honest.
Recall listening to an interview with David Skrbina and I believe Adam Green (of course DS has talked w/others re his book which I've not read). Really made me wonder about the miracles, certainly St Paul... then naturally the resurrection, Saviour status, etc...Really struggled. Been praying, albeit lately inconsistently, all my life. Lapsed Catholic for many reasons. My enduring question (more to self) is: To whom then do I pray?! :-(
It's not the miracles I question, which I suspect were ubiquitous and made the zealots unafraid because resurrection and being impervious to pain and loss was inclusive. It's the character of Jesus that doesn't fit my theology. The Christ is the one who sees the Christ in others. That's definitely not Jesus.
Prayer, imo, is how we communicate with the Christ-mind, which is in all of us. Maybe the question is 'how do I pray?' I think it's by seeing the good in others.
Appreciate your considered reply Tereza.
Been trying to form a coherent response. Not getting efforts in vain :(
You + Frances are blessed with an envious facility with language/writing.
A lot to think about on this issue.
Shall leave it at 'thank you.'
I think that's perfect, Pauline. Some things are best to take in and just let sit as a possibility. If they're true, what I find, is that the universe makes it unmistakable. Nothing's left to chance.
fracnces i want to let you know i read a heart breaking artticle you wrote were you were beating up on yourselve ----- you were saying that your son and your (((friends whatever that means )))) said mean words to you about how happy and jouyfilled and self confident you are all the time and he and your friends did not like you for these personal characterristica of yours ----------- first of all your son and your freinds are JEALOUS and envius of you because you have something they don't and want to hurt you and control you ------- its thier promblem not yours that is the 1st step you must realize starting now not later or in the future or rationalize their behavoir and try to please them ------- in your artical you sound like a classic victom ---------- i would love to be in your presence as much as possablt you are a wonderful person full of love and radiating joy to all senteant beings i wish the world was full of millions of people like you ---- thats way me and so many poeple love hearing about you and your life experences ETc ETc ----------- DON"T CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOURSELVE you are perfect thats way they hate you ------------- PLEASE DON 'T THINK YOUR DOING ANYTHING WRONG --------- i am looking forward to reading your book ------ Bradley M Brooks 2/20/2024 sorry to be so personal but i thought you really needed to hear this-----good luck you need it because in this fight its you against yourselve
Aw, Bradley, you are so kind to say such lovely things to me! I am overwhelmed!
My son was having a very hard time during the summer last year. He lost his job and he was ill for a while but now he is fully recovered and has apologised for being so mean to me.
Thank you for taking the time to let me know you are thinking of me - that was very unexpected and most welcome! 💙💚💛
Why birds sing every time you are near... xo
Fascinating! That's perfect frank-' n - sense 🤭sorry . I love it 💖
brilliantly described. your words about the CHURCH are how I've felt all my life. thank you.
Frances, how does one use the gold, frankincense and myrrh? I have heard of the healing aspects of this many times. I’ll check Amazon to see if they sell frankincense and myrrh unless you know a better source. Thanks
See pinned comment! xx
Frances, I want to know more about how gold, frankinsense and myrhh are used in healing...Oils? gold flakes? Like in that alchohol where they put gold flakes in it (can't stand the stuff)....and more about who Jesus really is, and more about what happens when we die? I am starting just now in my old age to seek out many things I thought about as a child, but now as an old woman, want to know more....
See pinned comment for instructions of how to prepare the GFM formula!
You ask me who Jesus really is - I can only tell you that he is an example of genuine enlightenment to me, but so are a number of other characters from legend and history.
As for what happens when we die, I recommend that you read this post and watch the videos linked in the pinned comments:
Thank you Frances.
Yeah...... then, to add to the confusion they pronounce it Dow. What a mess! 😂🙄
Can you share a link to the video David? Thanks in advance.
David the one you referenced above, you say totally unrelated I have found a video etc.... That's the one.
I think you were referring to this:
Thanks Frances, you're a Gem, woman. I mean that in the utmost respectful and positive sense of the word. XX