I am not woke in any way just have to mention the lesbian orgasm and it puts a potato in their tail pipe. And as for masculinity and toxicity PLEASE do not get me started. When people believe they sexual oriniation is a f**king tomato.

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Oh Dave! Nobody could ever accuse you of wokism.... but grumpy humour? Oh yeah! 🤣😂

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hey I am 50 and lived through Labour Troy and Lib Dem governments what can you expect lol

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You and Dan and most of your generation seem to be badly jaded off with polytricks. Time for a new system?

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Jeez in my mind we've needed a new system since those lying bastards in the Roman senate lol as you state many times Rome never fell.

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Perhaps a logical conclusion of centuries of male genital mutilation--aka circumcision, where the most sensitive part of the male genitalia is removed at birth, in many cases without anesthesia. No mother who saw this operation , or was fully informed, would ever let this happen to her newborn son.

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I don't understand why people go along with circumcision at all but fail to see what point you are making in respect of female orgasm!

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The MOST sensitive part removed, like 6" of flesh at maturity, leaving just the 'ring' scar where it was attached at birth, as any many will say is most erotic location. Uncut men, in my experience, move differently . have more 'options' for theirs and/or their partners orgasm. Can't now find the video where a chap was going into great detail . . A more disturbing connection is that in US area with large, new Muslim population, FGM, Female Genital Mutilation, is now decriminalized, as if can be done to boys, why not girls. . . . gender equality and all . . . . :( . . .

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Crikey! I had no idea. Circumcision is exclusively a religious option here in UK. The majority of men are intact. I have never considered that removing the foreskin would limit men. I have heard that some have had to have the operation due to problems and that they felt super sensitive thereafter. That must be very unpleasant.

As for FGM - that is illegal here in the UK. Thank goodness!

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Also in US is 'billable' additional service at childbirth

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Yeah, that is what circumcision is really about.... $$$s.

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Found it! https://odysee.com/@januszkowalskii1979:e/Circumcision-(2022-Full-Documentary):f

. . well, at least a starter one . .

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Dec 3, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

PS . . most of it quite watchable . . .except for some footage hard to un-see closer to mid-end of baby procedures . . . religious and hospital

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I will take your word for it.... I can't go there.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

listen to the experts!

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Okay, I didn't even make it to TWO MINUTES, it's just not worth my time. It WAS worth my time to read the rest of the post, tho. Good Job, Fran.

Why haven't these guys thought, too, about the possibility that women need to orgasm in order to be able to put up with this kind of silliness from their counterparts? Pleasure, guys, pleasure: It's not just meant for guys. ;)

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2 mins? I will have to listen to those again to see your limit! Throughout the video neither of those guys even MENTIONED pleasure! A right pair of plonkers! Both good looking, fit guys..... what a waste! Maybe they are gay? Whoops, I bet I am not supposed to say that! 🤣😂

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Probably NOT gay. Gay men seem more likely to be "clued in," generally speaking. Pretty boys like these two "researchers" are far more likely, at least in my experience-- and this phenomenon applies to gals, too-- to be self-absorbed and therefore rather clueless, on many levels.

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I have to say right now, having only just seen the cartoon for this video, that I am completely outraged already just looking at that STUPID cartoon of the woman... a total imbecile... Great start, eh. I will now watch the video and read the rest...

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I am gonna get my popcorn..... this'll be good!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Came to SS for vax truths, staying for candid, intelligent information on sex. ;-) Didn't listen to the audio, as I'm hard of hearing, but have a good idea of the content based on the article and comments.

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You lucky thing! I wish I hadn't heard the audio! I must have boosted my blood pressure something awful! lol

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I wish I had a clever comment! Having a good laugh, though. I didn't make it past five minutes of their commentary. Way to school them, Frances! Hilarious.

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I had to steel myself and stop snarling..... but I eventually threw in the towel around the 30 minute mark when they were comparing throwing skills! WTF does that have to do with orgasms? Dozy halfwits! lol

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What do they know, anyway?? I feel sorry for their partners. Maybe they don't have one but they just felt the need to educate us all.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Oh Frances...you have the best Headlines...I almost tweaked my neck when I saw it 😁

Great identification of these betaboys...one is led to think their manpon was inserted incorrectly and irritated them into this dysphoric convo.

I keep wondering when younger women will stand in mass to tell these men and trans-interlopers (men in women's locker rooms and spaces) to have a pint of STFU and go get stuffed!!

It seems they are happy to accept the mantra, that to be an accomplished, strong and just as good as a man...woman, you have to be a guy, saying he is a girl...the new girl power.

Now, I will admit, prior to the age of 20, my total knowledge base of the female orgasm, came from palyboy, penthouse and porn videos...which I must say, set quite the high bar, for that first encounter...how the hell do you get her to scream like that and spin around like an airport beacon???

However, past 20, I read some physiology material and books on human sexuality in college and then started actually asking partners, about it and what needed to be done, in order for them to have one.

It was very unexpected by them and enlightening for me.

This whole woke, nihilistic movement, we have been taken over by, is geared toward societal destruction...1001 blocks at a time, simultaneously. Rip down truths, faith, norms and then sexuality and you are basically soaking the human dye, out of human beings.

Great piece. I hope it moves women to get out there and lambast these soyboys, so they can crawl back under their rocks.

“We shall abolish the orgasm. Our neurologists are at work upon it now.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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Ah, it's good to hear the voice of reason! And Understanding! Whoda thunk to ASK their partners what is good for them? LOL Great response, and George Orwell probably died a virgin.

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Room 101...you know what's in there George...no...no...I don't want to do it...no please


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He... needed a diaper?

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I am so glad you nearly tweaked your neck! This subject deserves your comment and wow.... will ya look at that ^^^?? Thanks xx

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this is funny because I am just watching Cara Delevingne's BRILLIANT Planet Sex on iplayer- I know you don't watch tele- she has group masterbation, her blood tested pre and post orgasm; more pleasure giving cannabinoids are present after, watches porn while the pulse in her vagina is taken; she's turned on by any image of sex including monkeys (unlike penises which are apparently only turned on by their sexual preference) though her subjective experience of arousal was mostly for her preference (women), she makes a plaster cast of her vulva, opens up about her feelings of shame around her sexual preference, talks about how most porn is crap, destructive, violent, made by men for men and big profits, and is totally the opposite of what children need to know about intimacy and joy, and highlights that we have the most widely available images of people having sex that humans have ever had yet are the worst we have ever been about talking about it, especially female sexuality.


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Great comment!

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How delightful that you saw that programme! She sounds amazing! Thanks for the heads up xx

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she is gorgeous, I don't mean this facetiously at all ;but she's worth becoming gay for! xx

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I looked her up and agree that she is a stunner. The Daily Mail has nice things to say about her..... shock, horror! lol

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She is a beauty...not sure if I'd go full trans lesbian for her, but she made me consider it!! Woof!! 😋

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Hi Frances, thanks for posting something relevant about sexuality, even if its relevance is in the form of pointing out the absurd.

Here is something: I don't think that most men orgasm, which is why female orgasm is so mysterious. Most as nearly no men experience the kind of rolling multiple orgasm I've seen in women, or the very wide diversity of types of orgasm that I've seen in women.

I think that most men have a physiological response that is more accurately described as ejaculation, but not the full spectrum emotional experience of actual orgasm. This makes female orgasm even more mysterious. When men experience an actual orgasm, full-bodied, emotional and with waves of energy, they know there is a difference. It takes time, and a map of the territory not included in grade school sex education.

There are many other questions that the people in white lab coats seem to not understand so well, such as why women tend to have breasts far larger than is necessary for lactation; why women 'call out' during sex, essentially advertising their experience to housemates, neighbors and the universe; the nature of sperm competition (nothing could be more opposite than monogamy); why there is a clitoris in the universe, which seems to have just one purpose; and this thing that I've seen evolve over the course of my relatively short, 41-year sexual career, female ejaculation.

This is seen to be so controversial that my close friend the late Betty Dodson (1929-2020, author of Sex for One), did not believe that it even happened.

It happens. And by the way — I've never seen men involved, except for my close proximity. The women I've seen do this had total ownership of the experience. It is emotionally complex, sexually interesting and overall truly beautiful — speaking from an emotional perspective as well as sexual.

All in all, I think that the persistent state of mystery looming over female sexuality is really about all of sexuality, which you rarely see discussed in anything but a ridiculous study like this, all of which remind me of Gary Larson's "The Far Side" parodies of wonky scientists trying to figure out the obvious, or sniffing chemicals from their beakers.

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Before sexual dimorphism and greater genetic diversity evolved we must have been hermaphrodites; we all had clitorises, then some grew bigger into penises , those with original size lost their sperm making ability and developed improved gestational spaces???

secondary sexual characteristics like big boobs to attract mates came about when we stood up, previously our sticking up bums, sometimess even coloured bright red used to do the job for us???

monogamy seems to be helpful to survival once the child is born; it doesn't really matter who the father is if the strongest sperm wins.

Female ejaculation is urine isn't it? Or are you suggesting it's mucus from the Bartholin gland? I don't think so

what a fascinating topic for a Thursday evening x

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I can only speak for myself here but it definitely is not urine. That comes from a different orifice and smells different and has colour. The vaginal liquid is clear, usually like pure water but salty and smells like the ocean. When I was young I was very curious about it because I could not find any information anywhere so I captured some urine and some vaginal liquid in separate glasses. Litmus test was very interesting. Urine was slightly acidic but vag fluid was always alkaline.

Where it comes from is hard to say. It seemed to leak through the walls of my vagina, according to my lovers who often were washed out on a 'tidal wave' which they found most entertaining!

A couple of days ago I read a scientific study which suggested that alkaline fluid would support the sperm destined to create boys. More acidic or viscous would support the sperm destined to create girls. Apparently the boy sperm are shorter tailed and move very fast in a straight line but the girl sperm tend to meander and are slightly larger with longer tails. The experiments have assisted people who wish to choose what sex their next child will be. https://ezinearticles.com/?In-Terms-of-Conception,-is-it-True-That-Boy-Producing-Sperm-is-Weaker-Than-Girl-Producing-Sperm?&id=4265409

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

It is definitely, not urine, you're right about that Frances. As to the sex of the child thing, I thought that it develops one or the other after conception, depending on estrogen/testosterone input to the fetus. Geez, now I need to look into it more lol

The other thing I'm pretty sure about is that, like with multiple orgasms not every woman (even if she climaxes) ejaculates, like you Frances, I do too. Hey, probably, like with men, we "do" our orgasms in different

ways. Btw Frances, like with your other "lighter" writing I appreciate the disruption from everyday contemporary issues, so thank you muchly for that 😋

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I also thought sex of babies is determined after conception... I do think that's correct.

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So did I but like virology, it appears that medicine has been making some wrong guesses and science is now advancing enough to correct them.

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Could be. I haven't been looking into that much at all, for a long time. But... some science has been around a looooong time, and as Len has demonstrated, has been suppressed... ;)

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I never orgasmed during sex let alone ejaculated. I'll try not to feel inadequate! x

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I hope you made up for the first one on your own! If not, go buy a vibrator today.

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Yes, I did, although I was incredibly incurious and didn't start masterbating (what an awful word, touching myself) until my early twenties.

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That's maybe not so uncommon. We could do a survey! On a street corner!

"Excuse me, but how old were you when you first started masturbating?"

These days, it would probably be CELEBRATED instead of us getting punched! :P

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Why should you feel inadequate? In my experience it depended on the foreplay techniques of the male partner in the whole biz. Maybe your man or men never knew the techniques? It is common because a lot of women do not know how to do it themselves and so cannot teach their men.

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I came to understand what sex was all about very late in life. Lots of repression, lack of confidence, and indeed knowledge, before that.

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You make up for it in heart and mind. You are brilliant. Shiny. Beautiful. xo

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My mum said the same. She did not enjoy sex until she was in her 40s when she met someone who was able to show her a good time.... so to speak. On the other hand my grandmother asked me if I liked sex when I was young. I said yes, of course and she told me that she had given it up at age 34 due to lack of interest! I was so sad for her!

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When I worked in reproductive biology it was assumed that because the Y chromosome is so small and light, the male sperm swim much faster ( I think this has been shown ) I never saw any difference between male and female, although sperm differs a lot between species x

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Interesting! I would think it would be vaginal, and definitely NOT urine.

But I thought the male gender happens during the early part of pregnancy, with a hormonal wash... Maybe it's both that AND the alkalinity and sperm... a big happy party of baby boy making! Yes, they are special (you ARE, fellas) because they must learn how to satisfy their mates! ^_^

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

No, I don't think it's urine. It's Mystery Juice. ;)

And I DO think women are the primal human, and the clitoris evolved into a penis, or maybe just became that quickly, like with chickens and eggs... OF COURSE the chicken came first, and no fricken way did the first woman come from a man's BONE. LOL Men come from women, and not the other way around! We love ya, fellas.

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So, in the beginning there were only chicks, and then they needed to get things done, like, capitalism and stuff, so they decided to create the male.

I think it doesn't work.

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Chicks, lol. Have you ever noticed that chickens look like feathery dinosaurs?

I think the males work fine, when they're not rolling around trying to figure out why women have orgasms, and how. But they shouldn't be allowed to have control of things, especially politics, like they do now.

And why was Roger Waters wrong? About what? Don't make me float a giant pig over your house...

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Wow! The Word Herder scores again! She got you to change your moniker! That is much better! xx

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2nded on the giant pig stunt....

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deletedDec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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Hmm. Again with the men first, eh? Alright Robert, we'll let you off this one time... ;)

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Just using one's imagination, it's not difficult to consider women conceiving from really deep masturbation. My favorite remaining "feminist" (really, existential) text The Second Sex begins with a discussion of "what is a woman?" which includes the potential for women to replicate through some form of cloning, without men. I am not one of these PC feminists, I am old school, pro-sex (obviously), and do not mean to advocate for men "not being necessary" but I thought that Simone gave us a really excellent thought experiment. Akin to Ursula's Left Hand of Darkness.

If we follow a bit of Reich and consider that the primary purpose of sex may not be reproduction — again, a thought exercise — that all of this fuss over reproduction is diversionary and obscures the true creative and spiritual meaning of sex — well, that's a lot of fun. No woman ever got pregnant from having her pussy eaten. But it's happening all over the place right now...

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Athena parthenos, or Lady Science eternally virgin and self-sufficient in everything, finally giving birth from the unavoidable contradictions of language.

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that is why her head exploded!

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Many thanks for your comment. I was despairing when I finished listening to those two guys..... they were comparing the sexes throwing balls at one point. I switched off shortly after that. I appreciate that men find it mysterious and many do just ejaculate without much orgasmic bliss but they can learn..... surely?

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Hi Frances! Yes they/we can learn — but it is embarrassing to many. Interior spaces need to be opened up. One distinct difference between how (most) hetero men experience sexuality is through an appendage, not within their body. So that deeply relaxed interior space does not open up. Any discussion of the matter must be sexually explicit, in ways that are not merely physical. Female partners need to be in on the plan. Many women are extremely intuitive sexual teachers; I have seen countless women open right up to methods of guiding men — but this too takes some training and experience, by someone. Most men experience a very wide division within themselves pre- and post-ejaculation and that has to be acknowledged and addressed. This gap contains a whole lot of emotions that need to be seen, experienced, felt and moved with...learned from...it's a whole new universe for both men and women...

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This is why sex is better when you really do love somebody and aren't just looking for a sexual "release."

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It is also possible to carry this ability to connect with you. Some of the most meaningful and beautiful sex I've ever had has been with people I did not know well and did not see again. What matters is feeling, sincerity, open heart, curiosity...

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Yes, it's entirely possible. Not as easy for me to trust people I don't know, tho, generally speaking.

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deletedDec 1, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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IF their science degrees permit them to read the words of the general public without dismissing us as uneducated ignoramuses!! Read the other comments on the YouTube post.... not a soul attempting to steer them right - bar myself.

I feel so sorry for the women in their lives. Do they wear surgical gloves and headlamps when they are in the bedroom? Bet they do! lol

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Nah, they prolly keep their socks and undershirts ON.

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