During Part Three Clif High references what happened to Christ when he 'died' on the cross after only 6 hours. He theorises that Christ was given a poison on a sponge, to make it seem that he had died.
I have an insight to impart in this respect:
The 3 Wise Men (or Kings from the East) gave Jesus Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (GFM) when he was born in Bethlehem. This is an ancient formula which is mentioned in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a terrific remedy for extreme poisoning events. Japanese Doctors used it to heal radiation poisoning after the nuking at the end of WW2.
It is an extremely powerful formula which tastes unbelievably bitter. The Frankincense is a cleaner and the Myrrh is a coagulant. The Gold carries the other two ingredients to all of the vital organs, including the spinal fluid and brain.
In 1997 I was poisoned with phosphorus by the wives of local Freemasons. They did not like me healing people and gaining a reputation as a Barefoot Doctor. They were terrified of me because I was doing it free of charge and my clients were reporting to their consultants and being declared healed from some very difficult disorders like blindness, multiple sclerosis, cancer, diabetes, chronic eczema, and many more. They had invited me to give them a talk and they had closely questioned me about my opinions of Christianity. I offended them by saying that when I found the formula of GFM hidden in ancient literature from China, I had a 'Eureka' moment, realising that the education which made Jesus such an effective healer had been given to him by the 3 Wise Men when they hid him from Herod during the murder of first borns.
They poisoned me via a small piece of vile tasting cake but, because it was given to me by their oldest member, I was too polite to reject it. That night, around 4am I fell out of bed, projectile vomiting and in considerable agony. My boyfriend called a doctor and I was stunned by how quickly one arrived. He administered Pethidine immediately by injection and told my boyfriend that it was an 'ectopic pregnancy'.
I was unconscious immediately so was unable to refute this diagnosis! The following night the same 'doctor' returned without being summoned to administer another dose of Pethidine. I was in colossal pain but only just returning to consciousness. My boyfriend was simply grateful that I was not yelling in pain and thanked the doctor. He did not realise that if it really were an ectopic pregnancy, a REAL doctor would have rushed me to hospital!
On the 3rd night when the Doctor arrived I was barely aware but I demanded that my boyfriend deny him access to the house. My boyfriend was very upset. The Doctor was angry but I managed to fiercely defend myself so effectively that they ran away down the stairs and LEFT THE HOUSE!
I immediately crawled downstairs and blinded by the poison I created the GFM potion by feeling. I was unable to measure the dose and certainly made it very strong.
An hour later my boyfriend, terrified, returned to the house with his mother and I drank the medicine in front of them. I told them to watch me. THAT is how much faith I had in the formula.
Within 10 minutes I was no longer in pain, it cleared from the top down. My head tingled, then my throat, and on until it finally tackled the extreme pain in my gut. It didn't fully clear the pain from the lowest part of my torso but, at least, I was able to communicate and explain that the doctor would have killed me if he had been allowed to knock me out for one more night.
I explained about the false diagnosis and my boyfriend's mother confirmed that I was right that it could not have been ectopic pregnancy.
After 3 days I took another dose of GFM. I slowly recovered over the following year but not without losing my boyfriend, the healing clinic, all my friends and a huge amount of weight.
I believe that GFM saved my life.
I believe that the sponge which was given to Jesus on the cross was GFM because when it is within the body, the sensation is like being 'remote' in consciousness. Remote and in close communion with the Universe. In a state of soul-bliss.
Don't you think it is odd that we have never been taught what the significance of GFM really is?
Amazing story Frances. Do you think colloidal gold would work the same as boiling the gold ring? Thank you so much for sharing. Grateful that you're still on this plane with us all (:
I have a tendency to stick with the original and ancient instructions as I have explained to you before. This formula pre-dates the written word and that is at least 6,000 years ago in China. I have never used colloidal silver or gold.
Fascinating hypothesis about the sponge given to JC, Frances …..and fascinating further facts about your experience following your encounter with the wives (I already knew some of this - about how you used GFM to save your life - but didn’t know about the ‘doctor’ and his pethedine)
Yes, I only gave a bare bones account of that poisoning in previous articles on the matter. However, with recent medical men behaving in such a eugenic way I felt it was more relevant than I previously suspected and so decided to provide all the small details of that awful event.
WOW. I cannot wait to dig into these videos. Not a big fan of Clif but I think Dr. Merritt is brilliant. I will let you know after I listen to all 3. Thanks!!
not to burst anyone's bubble, but I think this cliff guy is full of it.
few signs that tell me so: I followed him here on substack for 6 months and not one of his predictions for 2022 came through. when he speaks he sounds a bit like he is story telling, not reporting facts. he gives false hope. so that people think some one will save them. kinda like Q.
I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same when I first came across him so I ignored him. Since he has opened an account on Substack I have been more aware of him and read a number of his articles. He is very clever. I think he is a wrongun but I have only one major beef atm.
He refers to the Woo BUT everything he says comes straight from Chinese martial arts which developed from Taoism. So what he means is the Tao. He even uses their explanations. In part 3 of the interview Dr Merritt asks him to give a definition of Woo and he flatly refuses. This is because, as in Taoism, "the way cannot be put into words" and "the way that is in words is not the true way". Why doesn't he admit that Woo is Tao or The Way? Could it be that he is trying to distance himself from China so that he does not interfere with his country's obsession with fear of China? He is claiming to be a martial artist, therefore cognisant of the importance of Taoist warriors like Sun Tzu, whose book the Art of War is highly regarded by all military establishments.
It is interesting to note that it was first translated into Latin and from Latin to English by Jesuit missionaries in China. The Jesuits are the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church.
He has a helluva following on his Substack and if you dare to challenge his 'word' they assume you are a bot or a troll. I am trying to understand him, just like Dr Merritt. So far I am on your side of the opinion spectrum.
I've been watching Clif for several years now. I like him, a very unique mind and personality. Likable, entertaining, clearly bright. That said his predictive stuff is at best unpredictable - yes he's nailed some things, but fully off on others. (I don't know anyone in the 'business' of predictions that has a good track record) My gut is he's sincere and wants to add value, believes in that as an orienting principal. That doesn't make him right. I like his take on things though often I disagree. He has shared excellent info on vitamins and chaga and health related stuff, particularly around cancer.
OK. I will take each point in the order you have made them:
1) The proof is in their content and the way that they still remain on YouTube unmolested while others are driven off. They are brainwashed by whatever education and experiences they have received. They are sincere but sincere about the wrong things.
2) They are very anti-semitic because none of them differentiate between Zionists and grass-roots Jewish people. They are not the same. Most Zionists are either atheist or nihilist and they do not respect God. Genuine Jewish people believe in God.
3) Anyone, whether they know it or not, who has been indoctrinated to fear any religious or race group is mentally disturbed. They did not come to that mind-state by themselves. It was taught to them via tell-lie-vision and distorted history imparted in educational establishments, many of which have ties to the Catholic Church or Jesuits in particular.
4) Being a Jesuit does not necessarily mean that a person is a gatekeeper. It depends on the way in which the person makes a living, raises funds and influences others.
5) The myth that Loyola was Jewish was disproven by the Spanish Inquisition during his incarceration and examination by them during his lifetime. He was sympathetic towards Jews because he witnessed them being persecuted. He encouraged them to convert to Christianity. That is not proof that he, himself was a Jew. He was born in the Basque region of Spain to an aristocratic family and (at that period of history) there were no Jews in the area.
6) The use of the phrase anti-semitic is not getting old. It is important to distinguish between middle eastern semites (people who speak semitic languages) and European converts to Judaism. The people who control Israel are not from Judaism. They are Khazarian converts who have infiltrated the Jews of Europe since the 10th century when they were driven out of their country by the Rus. They have exploited the Jews and initiated their destruction and removal from Europe by cooperating with the German Government between 1939 and 1945. Please see this article which covers the way it was done: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-true-enemies-of-russia
7) Do I need to point out that "rabid supremacist Rabbis" are appointed to mislead the Jews and to give them a very bad name? Surely not!
8) There is NO such thing as "Christian slavish pacifism" - all wars have been religious and most have been initiated by the Roman Catholic Church either directly, as in the Crusades, or indirectly, as seen in the 20th century. Modern wars have secret religious motivations. The Catholics have Unam Sanctum since 1302, a papal bull which claims all souls for the Catholic Church. That is true slavery and explains the wholesale slaughter of indigenous Americans, Australians, Indians, Iraqis, Libyans, Afghanis, Yemenis and now Syrians and Turks.
9) Israel is Zionist. The land is mostly owned by the Rothschild family which is Khazarian Zionist Globalist Mafia and connected by marriage to royals and Black Nobility. Hence the attack on the USA and the manipulation of China. The foundation of Globalism comes from Venice aka the Phoenicians aka the Sea Peoples aka the founders of the Roman Empire which is now the Roman Catholic Church. Netanyahu is clearly a Khazarian in family origin, word, deed and appearance.
10) What you say in your last two paragraphs means that you DO know the difference between Jews and Zionist Khazarian Mafia families. Yes, it is crime. COLOSSAL CRIME perpetrated over many centuries but its source is Roman and the Jews are its victim.
Jews in Israel know what these people are... they are trapped. Look at the way they have been forced to vaccinate! They are being holocausted again by the same dirty scum.
Crikey.... again you demand answers to your misconceptions and I wonder if you even opened the link I provided.
The first point you make which is way off base is: "But their own texts spell out how it is acceptable for Jews to treat non Jews in despicable ways because they are "lesser" like animals." Your lack of knowledge of Judea is appalling. Why are you here discussing it with me if you have no idea what Judaism is about? Allow me to educate you. Real genuine semitic jews use the Torah, the first four books of the Bible. The Zionists have developed their own twisted extremist texts, numbering in the many thousand but none the less bogus for that. Those are known as the Talmud.
The next point which I find offensive is: "Why the special protection?" Well, if you are as much of a historian as you claim to be, you should be well aware of the way in which the Jews have been treated since the Romans threw them out of Palestine and hounded them throughout history - no the Roman Empire never fell, it simply went clandestine, relocating to Venice and eventually to the City of London. Hitler was not the first to chuck them in concentration camps. Russians had pogroms from the turn of the 20th century!
WTF is this nonsense about? "Whoever tells you that he or she found “the Khazar gene” is a charlatan." - I made no mention of genes. FFS.
As for the Khazar language, what do you suppose is the root of Yiddish?
This question is ludicrous and shows how utterly defensive and angry you are, flailing about for a hatefest against me! "Are you saying that Abrahamic mythology has nothing to do with what is unfolding in the world?" My answer is NO. I am not saying any of the things you accuse me of. I am saying PRECISELY what I said in my previous answer to you. NOT YOUR EXTRAPOLATIONS!
More utter kneejerky stupidity follows: "That the people who are pulling the strings are not using American power to build a Third Temple in Jerusalem? To expand into the surrounding territories according to the Greater Israel Project? And to unite Eurasia and then the whole world under one government?"
You make it very obvious that you did not read my article. You again continue to call Zionists, Jews. They are not. Yes, the Zionist Khazarian Mafia are going to build the 3rd Temple; Yes, the ZKM are aiming for Yinon Plan. Yes Eurasia and NWO is a ZKM wet dream - BUT IT IS NOT JEWISH. It is atheist, nihilist and evil. No Jew would defy God in that way!
Your final paragraph is epic in its ignorance! Rome took over Christianity to use as a control mechanism in its Empire - it is a lot cheaper than running a massive military! Rome still rules the world AND YOU FACILITATE IT WITH YOUR TWISTED SWAPPING OF VICTIM AND PERPETRATOR.
Now read the article I searched out for you and stop being so damned rude.
🤣😂 I am so glad we don't have a SMART phone! I wonder if UK Gov will send a spooky computer generated voice message to me over the landline.... sounding like this, maybe?
Good comment, as per "keeping it real"... It's easy to get caught up in magical thinking, especially in times of stress. One has to be brave to bring in the Rational Broom sometimes--
Just thought I'd throw this in there, and I don't claim to know what's what in regard to all this "chosen people" thing, but... I had a Jewish friend who was very quiet, serene, and always helping people. He told me most people, including a lot of Jews, got it wrong, that being "chosen" meant that the Jews were supposed to take on the suffering of the rest of the world in order to relieve the rest of the People of that pain. It had nothing to do with with superiority, or anything like that, but more like a SERVANT sort of thing. Perhaps that was simply HIS take, but the guy was not suspicious to me, on the contrary, and I have a pretty good BS detector. What I mean is, he could have been wrong, but I don't think he was LYING... I know and have known Jewish folks, they've been my friends, acquaintances, teachers, and while I'm not in love with everyone I've known from that "category" I would say I find it very difficult to believe that they are all of the belief that they are better and the rest of us are their "slaves." That just feels like simple racism to me! Someone I used to know would loudly declare, whenever anyone said something vaguely exclusionary: "And they ALL that way!!"
That said, and I don't have time to watch that video today-- haven't seen it yet!-- I will say that there is more "magic" in the Earthly realm than we are taught to believe. And THAT said, I do agree with you as far as being skeptical and keeping an eye out for charlatans... they're everywhere!
Thanks Dave! I think the Asimov story fits nicely as an end point for this particular thought train. I just LOVE the ending of the story but don't want to mention it - so I don't spoil it for new listeners! 😉
During Part Three Clif High references what happened to Christ when he 'died' on the cross after only 6 hours. He theorises that Christ was given a poison on a sponge, to make it seem that he had died.
I have an insight to impart in this respect:
The 3 Wise Men (or Kings from the East) gave Jesus Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (GFM) when he was born in Bethlehem. This is an ancient formula which is mentioned in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a terrific remedy for extreme poisoning events. Japanese Doctors used it to heal radiation poisoning after the nuking at the end of WW2.
It is an extremely powerful formula which tastes unbelievably bitter. The Frankincense is a cleaner and the Myrrh is a coagulant. The Gold carries the other two ingredients to all of the vital organs, including the spinal fluid and brain.
In 1997 I was poisoned with phosphorus by the wives of local Freemasons. They did not like me healing people and gaining a reputation as a Barefoot Doctor. They were terrified of me because I was doing it free of charge and my clients were reporting to their consultants and being declared healed from some very difficult disorders like blindness, multiple sclerosis, cancer, diabetes, chronic eczema, and many more. They had invited me to give them a talk and they had closely questioned me about my opinions of Christianity. I offended them by saying that when I found the formula of GFM hidden in ancient literature from China, I had a 'Eureka' moment, realising that the education which made Jesus such an effective healer had been given to him by the 3 Wise Men when they hid him from Herod during the murder of first borns.
They poisoned me via a small piece of vile tasting cake but, because it was given to me by their oldest member, I was too polite to reject it. That night, around 4am I fell out of bed, projectile vomiting and in considerable agony. My boyfriend called a doctor and I was stunned by how quickly one arrived. He administered Pethidine immediately by injection and told my boyfriend that it was an 'ectopic pregnancy'.
I was unconscious immediately so was unable to refute this diagnosis! The following night the same 'doctor' returned without being summoned to administer another dose of Pethidine. I was in colossal pain but only just returning to consciousness. My boyfriend was simply grateful that I was not yelling in pain and thanked the doctor. He did not realise that if it really were an ectopic pregnancy, a REAL doctor would have rushed me to hospital!
On the 3rd night when the Doctor arrived I was barely aware but I demanded that my boyfriend deny him access to the house. My boyfriend was very upset. The Doctor was angry but I managed to fiercely defend myself so effectively that they ran away down the stairs and LEFT THE HOUSE!
I immediately crawled downstairs and blinded by the poison I created the GFM potion by feeling. I was unable to measure the dose and certainly made it very strong.
An hour later my boyfriend, terrified, returned to the house with his mother and I drank the medicine in front of them. I told them to watch me. THAT is how much faith I had in the formula.
Within 10 minutes I was no longer in pain, it cleared from the top down. My head tingled, then my throat, and on until it finally tackled the extreme pain in my gut. It didn't fully clear the pain from the lowest part of my torso but, at least, I was able to communicate and explain that the doctor would have killed me if he had been allowed to knock me out for one more night.
I explained about the false diagnosis and my boyfriend's mother confirmed that I was right that it could not have been ectopic pregnancy.
After 3 days I took another dose of GFM. I slowly recovered over the following year but not without losing my boyfriend, the healing clinic, all my friends and a huge amount of weight.
I believe that GFM saved my life.
I believe that the sponge which was given to Jesus on the cross was GFM because when it is within the body, the sensation is like being 'remote' in consciousness. Remote and in close communion with the Universe. In a state of soul-bliss.
Don't you think it is odd that we have never been taught what the significance of GFM really is?
How much more has been hidden from us?
I'll check out Part 3 tamale...
So far, YOUR story is best. ;)
Unquestionably, far, far too much.
So glad you're still here!! xo
Amazing story Frances. Do you think colloidal gold would work the same as boiling the gold ring? Thank you so much for sharing. Grateful that you're still on this plane with us all (:
I have a tendency to stick with the original and ancient instructions as I have explained to you before. This formula pre-dates the written word and that is at least 6,000 years ago in China. I have never used colloidal silver or gold.
Thanks for your candid reply Frances- I look forward to trying this out.
Fascinating hypothesis about the sponge given to JC, Frances …..and fascinating further facts about your experience following your encounter with the wives (I already knew some of this - about how you used GFM to save your life - but didn’t know about the ‘doctor’ and his pethedine)
Yes, I only gave a bare bones account of that poisoning in previous articles on the matter. However, with recent medical men behaving in such a eugenic way I felt it was more relevant than I previously suspected and so decided to provide all the small details of that awful event.
Well, I enjoyed the first part, but he lost me into the second one after a time...
Interesting, tho!
So glad you made it through all that Frances! Wow.
This looks interesting! I'll have to save it for tomorrow.
Thanks, Fran. xo
WOW. I cannot wait to dig into these videos. Not a big fan of Clif but I think Dr. Merritt is brilliant. I will let you know after I listen to all 3. Thanks!!
not to burst anyone's bubble, but I think this cliff guy is full of it.
few signs that tell me so: I followed him here on substack for 6 months and not one of his predictions for 2022 came through. when he speaks he sounds a bit like he is story telling, not reporting facts. he gives false hope. so that people think some one will save them. kinda like Q.
all these are usually signs of a psy-op agenda.
compare him to Igan and it is even more obvious.
I've tried to listen to him but... there's something that doesn't quite gel and I tend to trust my instincts. Just my observation 🤷♀️
I know exactly what you mean. I felt the same when I first came across him so I ignored him. Since he has opened an account on Substack I have been more aware of him and read a number of his articles. He is very clever. I think he is a wrongun but I have only one major beef atm.
He refers to the Woo BUT everything he says comes straight from Chinese martial arts which developed from Taoism. So what he means is the Tao. He even uses their explanations. In part 3 of the interview Dr Merritt asks him to give a definition of Woo and he flatly refuses. This is because, as in Taoism, "the way cannot be put into words" and "the way that is in words is not the true way". Why doesn't he admit that Woo is Tao or The Way? Could it be that he is trying to distance himself from China so that he does not interfere with his country's obsession with fear of China? He is claiming to be a martial artist, therefore cognisant of the importance of Taoist warriors like Sun Tzu, whose book the Art of War is highly regarded by all military establishments.
It is interesting to note that it was first translated into Latin and from Latin to English by Jesuit missionaries in China. The Jesuits are the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church.
He has a helluva following on his Substack and if you dare to challenge his 'word' they assume you are a bot or a troll. I am trying to understand him, just like Dr Merritt. So far I am on your side of the opinion spectrum.
I've been watching Clif for several years now. I like him, a very unique mind and personality. Likable, entertaining, clearly bright. That said his predictive stuff is at best unpredictable - yes he's nailed some things, but fully off on others. (I don't know anyone in the 'business' of predictions that has a good track record) My gut is he's sincere and wants to add value, believes in that as an orienting principal. That doesn't make him right. I like his take on things though often I disagree. He has shared excellent info on vitamins and chaga and health related stuff, particularly around cancer.
I know, thats why I compared him to Q.
And my intuition is confirming what I see and hear.
Those 3 you like are all Jesuit trained gatekeepers, deeply disturbed and thoroughly anti-semitic. I cannot stand any of them! Sorry!
OK. I will take each point in the order you have made them:
1) The proof is in their content and the way that they still remain on YouTube unmolested while others are driven off. They are brainwashed by whatever education and experiences they have received. They are sincere but sincere about the wrong things.
2) They are very anti-semitic because none of them differentiate between Zionists and grass-roots Jewish people. They are not the same. Most Zionists are either atheist or nihilist and they do not respect God. Genuine Jewish people believe in God.
3) Anyone, whether they know it or not, who has been indoctrinated to fear any religious or race group is mentally disturbed. They did not come to that mind-state by themselves. It was taught to them via tell-lie-vision and distorted history imparted in educational establishments, many of which have ties to the Catholic Church or Jesuits in particular.
4) Being a Jesuit does not necessarily mean that a person is a gatekeeper. It depends on the way in which the person makes a living, raises funds and influences others.
5) The myth that Loyola was Jewish was disproven by the Spanish Inquisition during his incarceration and examination by them during his lifetime. He was sympathetic towards Jews because he witnessed them being persecuted. He encouraged them to convert to Christianity. That is not proof that he, himself was a Jew. He was born in the Basque region of Spain to an aristocratic family and (at that period of history) there were no Jews in the area.
6) The use of the phrase anti-semitic is not getting old. It is important to distinguish between middle eastern semites (people who speak semitic languages) and European converts to Judaism. The people who control Israel are not from Judaism. They are Khazarian converts who have infiltrated the Jews of Europe since the 10th century when they were driven out of their country by the Rus. They have exploited the Jews and initiated their destruction and removal from Europe by cooperating with the German Government between 1939 and 1945. Please see this article which covers the way it was done: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-true-enemies-of-russia
7) Do I need to point out that "rabid supremacist Rabbis" are appointed to mislead the Jews and to give them a very bad name? Surely not!
8) There is NO such thing as "Christian slavish pacifism" - all wars have been religious and most have been initiated by the Roman Catholic Church either directly, as in the Crusades, or indirectly, as seen in the 20th century. Modern wars have secret religious motivations. The Catholics have Unam Sanctum since 1302, a papal bull which claims all souls for the Catholic Church. That is true slavery and explains the wholesale slaughter of indigenous Americans, Australians, Indians, Iraqis, Libyans, Afghanis, Yemenis and now Syrians and Turks.
9) Israel is Zionist. The land is mostly owned by the Rothschild family which is Khazarian Zionist Globalist Mafia and connected by marriage to royals and Black Nobility. Hence the attack on the USA and the manipulation of China. The foundation of Globalism comes from Venice aka the Phoenicians aka the Sea Peoples aka the founders of the Roman Empire which is now the Roman Catholic Church. Netanyahu is clearly a Khazarian in family origin, word, deed and appearance.
10) What you say in your last two paragraphs means that you DO know the difference between Jews and Zionist Khazarian Mafia families. Yes, it is crime. COLOSSAL CRIME perpetrated over many centuries but its source is Roman and the Jews are its victim.
Well said.
Jews in Israel know what these people are... they are trapped. Look at the way they have been forced to vaccinate! They are being holocausted again by the same dirty scum.
Jewish Illuminati order in Spain ?? Nope. Not that long ago. The above account is propaganda.
lol - so the round head on a very short neck is not familiar physical traits to you? Have you ever been to a former Soviet country?
Netanyahu is a Khazarian Mafia crook. He is not semitic or Jewish. No Jew would dare defy God the way he does.
Crikey.... again you demand answers to your misconceptions and I wonder if you even opened the link I provided.
The first point you make which is way off base is: "But their own texts spell out how it is acceptable for Jews to treat non Jews in despicable ways because they are "lesser" like animals." Your lack of knowledge of Judea is appalling. Why are you here discussing it with me if you have no idea what Judaism is about? Allow me to educate you. Real genuine semitic jews use the Torah, the first four books of the Bible. The Zionists have developed their own twisted extremist texts, numbering in the many thousand but none the less bogus for that. Those are known as the Talmud.
The next point which I find offensive is: "Why the special protection?" Well, if you are as much of a historian as you claim to be, you should be well aware of the way in which the Jews have been treated since the Romans threw them out of Palestine and hounded them throughout history - no the Roman Empire never fell, it simply went clandestine, relocating to Venice and eventually to the City of London. Hitler was not the first to chuck them in concentration camps. Russians had pogroms from the turn of the 20th century!
WTF is this nonsense about? "Whoever tells you that he or she found “the Khazar gene” is a charlatan." - I made no mention of genes. FFS.
As for the Khazar language, what do you suppose is the root of Yiddish?
This question is ludicrous and shows how utterly defensive and angry you are, flailing about for a hatefest against me! "Are you saying that Abrahamic mythology has nothing to do with what is unfolding in the world?" My answer is NO. I am not saying any of the things you accuse me of. I am saying PRECISELY what I said in my previous answer to you. NOT YOUR EXTRAPOLATIONS!
More utter kneejerky stupidity follows: "That the people who are pulling the strings are not using American power to build a Third Temple in Jerusalem? To expand into the surrounding territories according to the Greater Israel Project? And to unite Eurasia and then the whole world under one government?"
You make it very obvious that you did not read my article. You again continue to call Zionists, Jews. They are not. Yes, the Zionist Khazarian Mafia are going to build the 3rd Temple; Yes, the ZKM are aiming for Yinon Plan. Yes Eurasia and NWO is a ZKM wet dream - BUT IT IS NOT JEWISH. It is atheist, nihilist and evil. No Jew would defy God in that way!
Your final paragraph is epic in its ignorance! Rome took over Christianity to use as a control mechanism in its Empire - it is a lot cheaper than running a massive military! Rome still rules the world AND YOU FACILITATE IT WITH YOUR TWISTED SWAPPING OF VICTIM AND PERPETRATOR.
Now read the article I searched out for you and stop being so damned rude.
brilliant. Been following clif and Harald for last 10 years. fantastic interview.
Love your work.
🤣😂 I am so glad we don't have a SMART phone! I wonder if UK Gov will send a spooky computer generated voice message to me over the landline.... sounding like this, maybe?
Good comment, as per "keeping it real"... It's easy to get caught up in magical thinking, especially in times of stress. One has to be brave to bring in the Rational Broom sometimes--
Just thought I'd throw this in there, and I don't claim to know what's what in regard to all this "chosen people" thing, but... I had a Jewish friend who was very quiet, serene, and always helping people. He told me most people, including a lot of Jews, got it wrong, that being "chosen" meant that the Jews were supposed to take on the suffering of the rest of the world in order to relieve the rest of the People of that pain. It had nothing to do with with superiority, or anything like that, but more like a SERVANT sort of thing. Perhaps that was simply HIS take, but the guy was not suspicious to me, on the contrary, and I have a pretty good BS detector. What I mean is, he could have been wrong, but I don't think he was LYING... I know and have known Jewish folks, they've been my friends, acquaintances, teachers, and while I'm not in love with everyone I've known from that "category" I would say I find it very difficult to believe that they are all of the belief that they are better and the rest of us are their "slaves." That just feels like simple racism to me! Someone I used to know would loudly declare, whenever anyone said something vaguely exclusionary: "And they ALL that way!!"
That said, and I don't have time to watch that video today-- haven't seen it yet!-- I will say that there is more "magic" in the Earthly realm than we are taught to believe. And THAT said, I do agree with you as far as being skeptical and keeping an eye out for charlatans... they're everywhere!
Don't worry! I am more than capable of discernment and critical thinking. Thanks for the excellent video which I will be watching in a few minutes.
Might have known that the Simpsons would be in there somewhere... 😉
Thanks Dave! I think the Asimov story fits nicely as an end point for this particular thought train. I just LOVE the ending of the story but don't want to mention it - so I don't spoil it for new listeners! 😉
Totally mad smart! I don't believe in crazy!