Every time something is discovered “those damned Khazarians” steal it and hide it away from the rest of humanity.
Who are the Khazarians? Why do they demand that everything should belong to them?
Let’s hear Clif High explain to Dr Lee Merritt his theories and experience!
Part One » https://rumble.com/v28kuu4-my-interview-with-the-inimitable-clif-high-part-i-the-kazarians.html
Part Two » https://rumble.com/vhttps://rumble.com/v28lrqa-part-2-of-the-cosmic-interview-with-clif-high.html
Part Three » https://rumble.com/v28m890-part-3-cosmic-interview-with-clif-high.html
But then, Dave’s contribution this morning adds to the discussion. It comes from Asimov and a short story which imagines the far future…..
There is insufficient data for a meaningful answer!
During Part Three Clif High references what happened to Christ when he 'died' on the cross after only 6 hours. He theorises that Christ was given a poison on a sponge, to make it seem that he had died.
I have an insight to impart in this respect:
The 3 Wise Men (or Kings from the East) gave Jesus Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh (GFM) when he was born in Bethlehem. This is an ancient formula which is mentioned in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a terrific remedy for extreme poisoning events. Japanese Doctors used it to heal radiation poisoning after the nuking at the end of WW2.
It is an extremely powerful formula which tastes unbelievably bitter. The Frankincense is a cleaner and the Myrrh is a coagulant. The Gold carries the other two ingredients to all of the vital organs, including the spinal fluid and brain.
In 1997 I was poisoned with phosphorus by the wives of local Freemasons. They did not like me healing people and gaining a reputation as a Barefoot Doctor. They were terrified of me because I was doing it free of charge and my clients were reporting to their consultants and being declared healed from some very difficult disorders like blindness, multiple sclerosis, cancer, diabetes, chronic eczema, and many more. They had invited me to give them a talk and they had closely questioned me about my opinions of Christianity. I offended them by saying that when I found the formula of GFM hidden in ancient literature from China, I had a 'Eureka' moment, realising that the education which made Jesus such an effective healer had been given to him by the 3 Wise Men when they hid him from Herod during the murder of first borns.
They poisoned me via a small piece of vile tasting cake but, because it was given to me by their oldest member, I was too polite to reject it. That night, around 4am I fell out of bed, projectile vomiting and in considerable agony. My boyfriend called a doctor and I was stunned by how quickly one arrived. He administered Pethidine immediately by injection and told my boyfriend that it was an 'ectopic pregnancy'.
I was unconscious immediately so was unable to refute this diagnosis! The following night the same 'doctor' returned without being summoned to administer another dose of Pethidine. I was in colossal pain but only just returning to consciousness. My boyfriend was simply grateful that I was not yelling in pain and thanked the doctor. He did not realise that if it really were an ectopic pregnancy, a REAL doctor would have rushed me to hospital!
On the 3rd night when the Doctor arrived I was barely aware but I demanded that my boyfriend deny him access to the house. My boyfriend was very upset. The Doctor was angry but I managed to fiercely defend myself so effectively that they ran away down the stairs and LEFT THE HOUSE!
I immediately crawled downstairs and blinded by the poison I created the GFM potion by feeling. I was unable to measure the dose and certainly made it very strong.
An hour later my boyfriend, terrified, returned to the house with his mother and I drank the medicine in front of them. I told them to watch me. THAT is how much faith I had in the formula.
Within 10 minutes I was no longer in pain, it cleared from the top down. My head tingled, then my throat, and on until it finally tackled the extreme pain in my gut. It didn't fully clear the pain from the lowest part of my torso but, at least, I was able to communicate and explain that the doctor would have killed me if he had been allowed to knock me out for one more night.
I explained about the false diagnosis and my boyfriend's mother confirmed that I was right that it could not have been ectopic pregnancy.
After 3 days I took another dose of GFM. I slowly recovered over the following year but not without losing my boyfriend, the healing clinic, all my friends and a huge amount of weight.
I believe that GFM saved my life.
I believe that the sponge which was given to Jesus on the cross was GFM because when it is within the body, the sensation is like being 'remote' in consciousness. Remote and in close communion with the Universe. In a state of soul-bliss.
Don't you think it is odd that we have never been taught what the significance of GFM really is?
How much more has been hidden from us?
not to burst anyone's bubble, but I think this cliff guy is full of it.
few signs that tell me so: I followed him here on substack for 6 months and not one of his predictions for 2022 came through. when he speaks he sounds a bit like he is story telling, not reporting facts. he gives false hope. so that people think some one will save them. kinda like Q.
all these are usually signs of a psy-op agenda.
compare him to Igan and it is even more obvious.