To access all the episodes of this ludicrous fictional tale of social media influencers and their self indulgent life, simply go to the pinned comment on:

Episode 17 -https://francesleader.substack.com/p/diamonds-are-occasionally-dim

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Great videos of Dominica...I'd never heard of it before.

You now have me looking up properties there. 🌴🌴🤿

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Ooh, are they pricey?

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They run the gambit...$80K for something small in town up to tens or hundreds of millions for huge (very cool) mansions on the eastern side of the island. Not sure how I feel about that.

Goes back to the millionaire thing...while I would enjoys and like a newly built, minimalist larger place, with land, I would have an issue with the opulence in the face of the normal towns folk...like the women running the orphanage and Goldco. I would imagine that guilt (among other things), is what gives rise to philanthropic efforts.

Still looking though.

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i vaguely recall something about Udo Ulfkotte's death, something stinky.

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He said that he had already had 3 heart attacks, so I wondered if the alphabettis had already tried to bump him off..... maybe their 4th attempt was successful? We will never know, but the case looks like a racing certainty to me! Bless him and RT for immortalising his whistle blowing for us. Otherwise we would have not known.

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