In praise of herbal medicine for detox, Josep Pamies does not mince his words!

Here is a summary:



Milk thistle




horsetail grass



Tulsi (ocimum sanctum)*

Houttuynia cordata*

*(2 potent plants that detox heavy metals, poisons, and RADIOACTIVITY)!


Activated Charcoal


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What can I add, Frances? I’m 88

and have survived a hip injury that added 2 metal rods into my leg in 2013. Just made it through colon cancer surgery a year ago? And

the oncologist never once mentioned any non drug protocol.

He said at my age to just watch

Whatever happens next?

Oh goody goody?

I went jab- less and glad as less chance of turbocancer .

I’ve been into herbal use for decades …and have Dr Mercola’s chlorella here. Those tiny green pills are easy to swallow.

I’m planting more herbs now and love fresh peppermint as tea or on carrots with honey. Got a few books on growing herbs.

Just found a brand new book at our library on celery juice by Anthony William who claims it is the most powerful medicine of our time? From what I’ve read so far, he may be correct as it is a powerful detoxifier and heavy metal chelator.

I’m leading a very active life as long as I can. My key issue is blood pressure from anxiety over current events. I need to do some yoga and learn to tune out! Don’t we all who care about the planet?

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Celery juice? Interesting! xx

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So far this author maintains that few scientists have throughly investigated the properties of this raw juice. The electrolytes cleanse and rejuvenate glands in the gut to increase acids in the stomach to improve digestion. It detoxifies the liver and kills strep etc . I’m taking notes as I read!

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My mum used to add celery to all her stews, soups and salads. When I was a youngun I heard, at school, that celery cost more calories to chew and consume than it provided. No mention was ever made of its hidden properties probably because everything was about calories in those days and chemistry was a mystery in domesticity.

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Grateful to your amazing informations Wonderful Lady🙏🌹🙏🙋‍♀️

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I would only amend one thing: "...Rockefeller Institute and all its fossil fuel *waste product* -based pharmaceuticals!

xo xo xo

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Yeah, totally good point! 😉

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The hot peppery taste of plants in the mustard and onion family are due to the presence of sulphur thiols, when I first tried MSM powder it reminded me of scurvy grass, a plant of the mustard family high in viatmin C (hence the name) and sulphur compounds. Interesting that both vit C and sulphur are turning up in healing protocols for the strange symptoms often attributed to "covid". I wonder if any of theses plants have a potential in treating some of these new and bizarre presentations.

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I hear what you say about education in naturopathy however having trained as a medical herbalist I know of only a few of my colleagues who are actively trying to keep abreast of what is going on. Far too many people are touting herbs as having "anti viral actions" and such like and have not begun to think clearly about these issues. As I studied I became aware of the older discourses that disavowed germ theory but as time went on many herbalists began to talk about herbal antibiotics and anti virals, possibly more out of laziness than anything else. The challenge is finding those naturopaths and healers that properly understand natural healing and are not just using herbs as drugs.

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Agreed. That annoys me too. In TCM we have a blanket term "external pernicious influences" which covers anything that gets into the body and causes a problem. That could be electro-magnetic frequencies, parasites, moulds, even wind borne particles.

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Yes, makes sense, similarly do they not also have a concept of immunity as being like a field of Qi surrounding the body. In homoeopathy they have miasms which seem similar to the pernicious influences of Chinese medicine. In ancient Greek medicine the humors and their disregulation known as dyskrasia, which perhaps is ultimately about how the spirit manifests in the material and intervening realms.

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I'm right there with you, Frances! Good information. When I was living in NYC and had blood work for some reason my lead levels were elevated. My Ayurvedic practitioner told me to juice cilantro with red grapes and it worked! Food heals!

I would also add Yarrow to the list because she's such an amazing plant of protection as well as a survivor/drought-resistant weed much like Dandelion. Thank God for the plants. 💚

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And herb Robert! So many!

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You’re the best! Thank you! I smoke, and I’m healthy as fuck. ❤️ 55 years old. Fit. Happy. Healthy. ❤️

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Me too at 58 yrs young!

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Thank you Frances, I was just going to ask you when replying to you this morning and saying about the special substack friends group that we seem to have, had you read Toby Rogers post about Prozac and depression?, and here it is in your post! There is something (not toxic) in the air!!!


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i use Aloe Dent Triple Action Aloe Vera Toothpaste, its fluoride free

ive used chlorella before, tastes disgusting wonder if the cilantro will improve the flavour

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I use Dr. Mercolas Chlorella tablets and have for 2 years! No magnesium sterate which will defeat the purpose of any vitamin or mineral supplenent.

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Erm.... not really! Nothing can disguise the flavour of chlorella! I have a teaspoon of honey at the ready as compensation! I am still under five in my ability to cope with horrible tastes!

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Hmmm. I figured there was a good reason I'd been saving and successively sowing cilantro each growing season....not to mention I love the taste. Glad to hear the confirmation in your message. Also knew I was to follow suggestion in an article I'd read years ago to take chlorella. Better than pharma, for sure.

Hopefully you don't have any residual stroke deficits. I've worked with so many stroke survivors over 30 years when a speech pathologist in neuro- rehab. Can be quite debilitating depending on location/extent of cva. 🙏 Seems you're a true survivor 😌

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No worries, Kelly! I had a pair of very small bleeds at the base of my brain on the right hand side, just behind the ear. I experienced numbness in the tips of my index and middle fingers of my left hand which worked themselves back to normal with so much typing.... my left hip was a little unco-operative for a while, but that settled down eventually. I was lucky, the left side of my mouth slid down very slightly but that is barely noticeable now. I am very VERY careful to keep my emotions under strict control. I can feel my blood pressure rising by listening to the pounding in my ears (usually when the BBC is spewing lies!) and I have been able to bring that down with breathing exercises. I realise that I could get another stroke, because my paternal grandmother finally succumbed after her third. We all have our weaknesses, don't we? Mine is an overdose of Latin bloodline which makes me emotionally volatile! 😏

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That emotional volatility may very well be fueled by your passion! ❤️

Glad you are recovering. Hopefully no swallowing troubles. You know, if you feel like potentially further improving symmetry in your lip....try filling only that cheek with a big cheekfull of air and lightly press on the cheek without letting the air leak. Gradually increase pressure. See if it helps. Or try swishing water in your mouth -puffung that side only, without leaking. (Added pressure of water adds to the muscle strength demand.) Sorry for the unsolicited suggestions ...I just can't seem to keep quiet on that topic after all those years! I've got loads of suggestions! 😉

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I love a good suggestion!

Erm... that was not intended to sound as salacious as it does.... 😊

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No worries! I meant to add that you can try the air puff on the other side too, held in the opposite cheek as a different exercise. It tightens the unpuffed cheek muscles and lips a bit differently, but whatever feels like it works, do that one.

Also, you can try puckering lips tightly and then direct your pucker as far towards right ear as possible. Then add an attempt to coax your "pucker" to center using your index finger along your left cheek coaxing towards left ear, attempting to keep pucker tight and to right with your lips. Try the reverse and see which is tougher to do. Work on that one! You'll probably feel like you have done a real workout with your mouth! I hope this makes sense, it's easier to just demonstrate! One more...try an open mouthed pucker. WIDELY open jaw/ mouth and keeping the position, pucker lips- they really won't close, but that's just a bit extra stretching beyond typically used for speech needs. It may help improve the symmetry further. Good luck!

Oh, the pleasures of being in "crone stage" of life. I'm right there with you. (Been using the breathing myself).

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Francis - just an FYI, UK Column news for Oct. 5th (you can easily find them on Bitchute), covered a health report segment, by their very credible health reporter, Debbie, that the NHS is very rapidly moving patient care into the meta-verse. (Bizarre does not suffice her description.) She said half the population had been sent an "app" for their phones. Her advice was eliminate the "app" ASAP or don't use it, but getting rid of it if you can would be the best. I'm stateside, but I like UK Column reporting , to keep up with what's up across the pond, and likely headed here. Looks and sounds like you will have to make some moves "out of the system" completely and soon.

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I do not use a mobile phone, Amethyst! The environment is so choked with electro-magnetic radiation I do not permit such devices in my home - so the new NHS app won't be trapping us into any bizarre meta-verse! Thanks for the reminder to watch the recent UK Column reports.... I will have to line them up for the morning! It is 3am right now and I must get some sleep. Lots of love across the wild and windy Atlantic to you and yours. xx

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So glad to hear this :).... we are "cousins" who think & behave in (very) similar ways on different continents. (And from reading your Sunday reports we have been doing so for many, many years. Always makes me smile with sheer recognition.) I hope we have many compatriots, near and far, who are of a similar mindset. I had to do the math last night to remember when was the last time I had accessed (govt.) health services here , and was very happy and self satisfied to realize "Wow, it's been 4 years!".....you cannot officially remove yourself from the roles, but you can be invisible and find alternatives if needed, and pay cash. Leave no trace.

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Thank you for reminding me of the benefits of Chlorella!!!

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It used to be that "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Rockefeller changed that to "what doesn't kill you now, will kill you later after we make a lot of money off of you first".

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Oct 6, 2022Edited
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Thanks very much for adding those relevant links here. I greatly appreciate the comments you have made too.

I have some personal, very unpleasant experiences of the way so-called Christian folk behave towards holistic healers.


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