When I passed 60 I happened to move from the East to the South coast of Britain. My new doc called me in for a 'geriatric assessment' which, apart from offending me with its insensitive title, proved to be highly enlightening.
At the end of a very thorough check up my doc announced that not only were my smokers' lungs 97% fit but I was the only patient on his books who used zero medications. I am now 70 years young, a boomer, growing old disgracefully, recovering from a heart attack, emphysema and a stroke but still adamantly refusing all P-Harma medications. I prefer to self medicate with traditional remedies and especially diet control and herbs. I am remarkably dynamic and cheerful.
My son is Generation X, born in 1972 and he was a dedicated rebel from birth. He refused vaccines and P-Harma no matter what went down at school or among his peers. He is never sick. Seriously. NEVER. He is now 50.
We have read this USA article in dismay:
We had no idea that so many people did not realise how toxic fluoride is and are shocked that they swallowed so many drugs which include fluoride, all washed down with fluoridated water, no less! Presumably they also clean their teeth with fluoridated toothpastes!
Our water supplier states on their blurb "We, at West Water, do not believe in mass medication" which is wonderful. However, we distil our drinking water and are disgusted at the brown sludge and white powdery residues we find after each 4 litre cleansing operation. We add a sprinkle of sea salt and another of bicarbonate of soda to remineralise the resulting glass jar of sparklingly clean unadulterated water. We use this for all drinks and cooking.
We make our own toothpaste with bicarbonate of soda, we even wash our hands with it too.
Here, in the UK, we get free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare via the National Health Service but we can count the number of times either of us have required medical assistance on one hand. Nevertheless we have paid into the service via wage deductions all our lives.
I am now a little uncomfortable realising that all our NHS contributions must have gone to pay for people to be poisoned with toxic drugs and vaccines!
Therefore making us complicit by proxy!
This Big P-Harma system is a murder machine with a smiley face!
So I am thinking that we do need a radical 'reset' after all..... not on the lines that Klaus Schwab and King Charles III are promoting, but by reverting to the old natural healing modalities which served previous generations so well.
A new emphasis really must be rapidly adopted.
Chelation and detox - just as a starting point to rescue Boomers and Gen X from the damage that has been done to their bodies. The vaccine schedule for children must be stopped and all previously injected individuals given assistance to chelate and detox from all the metals and poisons which have been introduced to their systems by medical practitioners who clearly had no idea what they were doing.
See these links: Cilantro + Chlorella and 6 natural foods for chelation
Finally, and most importantly, I would like to see new schools of natural medicine legitimised, training genuine healers rather than leaving citizens at the mercy of toxic allopathy under the auspices of the notorious Rockefeller Institute and all its fossil fuel based pharmaceuticals.
In praise of herbal medicine for detox, Josep Pamies does not mince his words!
Here is a summary:
Milk thistle
horsetail grass
Tulsi (ocimum sanctum)*
Houttuynia cordata*
*(2 potent plants that detox heavy metals, poisons, and RADIOACTIVITY)!
Activated Charcoal
I came across this.... related!
ARSENIC! https://www.bitchute.com/video/rCIEbVuxg8tf/