
If everything is centralised what happens?

Listen to Gary Waterman, UK police whistleblower:


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Apr 11Liked by Frances Leader

You nailed my concerns and gut feeling about crypto.

Reminds me of .com bubble. People became millionaires overnight, with zero concrete substance. Made zero sense.

What a great childhood, you described me to a degree. I too thought it a waste of time and money to go to university. To study what THEY wanted me to.

I eventually went to culinary academy, perfect.

It’s too bad the powers that be have demonized Trade Schools, but than, US Government has the loans to universities , the unions, the indoctrination… tidy little corrupt package.

Decentralized. Love it.

Thank you for your posts ☮️💜

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Healthy Mind Healthy Body - Question is how many have sick minds ??? and the preverbal placebo effect always discounted. Sadly the industries that make massive profits from aledged cures aren't gonna let the pennies slip from their grasp.

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Bitcoin is for surveillance this will give perspective on how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVsUOuSjvcgon when SSD came out it went analog to digital back to analog and this sped things up so it could be used in the cloud. The CIA made bitcoin

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Apr 11Liked by Frances Leader

»For me, crypto currencies have one glaring flaw - they don’t exist in real life. They are entirely cyber and that depends on the availability of the energy grid, the internet and devices to access your stash.«

Anyone who has often seen people frantically searching for cash in their pockets at the gas station because card payment is not possible or seen the astonished face of a customer at the market stall who wanted to pay for a kilo of potatoes by card and was told: "Sorry, cash only!" – knows that it's always better to have a few bucks in your pocket than a plastic card or a smartphone. An old German proverb says: "Nur Bares ist wahres" ("Only cash is king!") That's obviously true. At least in real life...

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Apr 11·edited Apr 11Liked by Frances Leader

I dunno.... that guy pushing bitcoin/blockchain, and virtual fiat currency, and talk of being 'decentralized' seems like an oxymoron and completely at odds with the reality that the internet will be going down - as you and others have so astutely pointed out. I suppose those buy gold with it will do better but who knows?

I liked it much more reading about your decentralized barefoot and free childhood and choices in life, and how your folks supported some of them (like the encyclopedias) , even if they did shake their heads! That was so smart of your kid self to just disappear when they were distracted and do what you liked without fighting them. That's a sign of true intelligence.

I'm piss poor now and half of the WEF prophesy came true - I own nothing except my ancient car. But the second half? I'm mad as hell at the grab and grift, the genocide and ecocide the power players are unleashing on us all.

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Apr 11Liked by Frances Leader

Well Francis - we all know that the Japanese guy who "invented" Bitcoin is no where to be found. Hmmm and lol ? What if it was all a construct to get ppl used to the idea of a CBDC - a Central Bank Digital Currency. And the "blockchain" ? A ledger - where everything is tokenized. Even the word "blcckchain" is suspect. After all, slaves were put on auctioneered "blocks" to be sold and traded. And of course, slaves were often in chains. I personally feel this is the central bankers marketing campaign/propaganda to sell a as "convenience " to a delusional public a modernized digital slave system. Yeah - slavery as a "convenience". It's interesting if you compare it to biblical teachings of the Creator's "ledger". I grew up Catholic but no longer practice. But I do remember going to confession where if I confessed and repented my sins - the Creator would "absorb" my debts (sins). Kind of fascinating considering what is going on in the world these days. Yeah - we've got to get out of this toxic, centralized system that's going on here. Sorry for the ramble....short on sleep these days :)

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Apr 11Liked by Frances Leader

Sign me up, Frances! I am thoroughly jazzed about decentralization. Huzzah! Now, where are my glasses? ;)

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Frances Leader

Again, with you on this decentralized-self.

The interesting thing is resonating with childhood experiences at the core. Defying parental and familial intent I reproduce their values and ideals. Yet overtly - due to early life trauma response - my rebellion looked much different. Artistically subversive in quiet and not quiet ways. I was the only male in my suburban high school '69 - '72 to have long hair and huge mauroon suede platform shoes bought in Carnaby St. on my first trip to London. They looked great with my full length Afghan

sherpa coat! lol

Choosing a "career" in department store visual presentation was seen as bizarre. On the inside it was a world of both supporting beauty, defying ordinariness, while always tongue in cheek. The irony was as much taking the piss by "making shit shine" as it was to produce imaginative vingettes to boggle the average mind ... more than to cast a spell for the punters to dive into thier pocketbooks.

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Apr 10Liked by Frances Leader

I still haven't listened to the podcast, but yeah, now that I've read your post, I think I've been de-centralized most of my life, and I keep chasing it, subconsciously, til now.

Thankye, ma'am. Yup, a yup yup yup.

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I consider myself thoroughly sideways does that help? 😜

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just wanted to be the 22 coments. its my number. i will watch the interview now. but i'm sure its gonna be grrreat =-)

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Great piece Frances!

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Apr 10Liked by Frances Leader

Drenched in the stench of self importance...and sweat.

Man should have put a shirt on.

He said, with great pride, that he stood alongside two of the biggest Health Freedom Frauds in the business, Malone and McCullough, and told the world not to take the Quackzine.

When he started to tout Bitcoin, I killed the feed.

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Apr 10Liked by Frances Leader

'Nuther good word, 'INALIENABLE' . . . which is not 'in'alien'able.' The 'alien' version is incorrect. . . nothing to do with aliens, but everything to do with 'liens' . Our 'in-a-leen-able' rights come from God, we cannot allow corporations disguised as govments keep removing them--or 'liening' against them . . they are UN(IN)-ALIENABLE if we know who we are. https://inalienable-university.mn.co/

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you really ought to focus on what was in the vials. What did the Moderna patent say was in the vials? They said carbon nanotubes and synthetic biology. Be the doctor that tells the truth instead of soft-pedalling for the controllers like everyone else.

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