Clifford E. Carnicom: Citizen Scientist Part 4 - The Covid Connection


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Holy shit, I just got down to reading this...

This is far more insidious and utterly EVIL than even I had imagined.

I am dumbfounded, but not surprised. I am stunned by the level of maliciousness possible in other people... Surely there is something defective in THEIR blood? Or their hearts?

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Very important. Thanks Frances.


I'm currently listening to the second interview with Clifford.


At 24min 17s he says "you can't fight if you're sick...if you are sick you can't fight. You can't find out what you want to know if you're sick; you can't perform, you can't object, you can't do anything properly if you're sick". So true. So frustrating. And when the people around you are so....(choose an appropriate adjective)...it's almost impossible. Again, thanks for the heads up. I had never even heard of him. And it seems people (I'm only referring to my personal experience) just want to play with dogs, tinker with cars, go on holiday or to cafes, or worst of all imo watch that wretched brainwashing box. It seems no one is prepared to do the work.

It's funny (peculiar). I had a chap come to me the other week asking me what we can do about the massive amount of geoengineering/spraying going on here. Wanted me to do the work (because of the covid work I did - despite what it cost my health - and my political experience). And I'm still very unwell and trying to heal, which he knows. He also knows that cost me my marriage. He also knows I haven't been able to earn/work for a decade. I told him he needed to do the work. Next time I saw him he was going on holiday; has done no work on this. I think I'm going to become a hermit if I ever get through this. What is wrong with people! (rhetorical)

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The self preservation gene has been turned off, there is no traction to the incredible work done by individuals like yourself. We have a wonderful tool called the internet yet people are watching the same thing they do on the brainwashing box the first chance they get

Its like the aztec welcomeing the spaniards all over again. What is wrong with people? I've been warning the people on bioweapons hazard ever since the swineflu scandal in 2009

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This is astounding... Thanks for posting Frances x

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Yeah, how am I NOT surprised? Disgusted, yes. Horrified, yes. Angry, HELL, yes.

I just hope they don't throw the Zap Switch tooo soon, because I just cleaned the most disgusting bathroom where I'm living, and I want to take a shower in a little while...

THANK YOU FL!!!!!!!! I've got plenty of work to do now... xo xo xo

If we are pitched into the Ether, I will find you... 💖

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This ^ comment was made when I'd scanned through this post... Now, I've just READ it, and I have to listen to the rest of it later...

I must say, I thought I'd heard the worst of human beings already... THIS is just blowing me away.

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Thank you for posting this, Frances. We are being attacked in many ways.. some of which I have yet to even comprehend. Hopefully more people will soon realize that we are at war right now.. a fight for our very existence.

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the first publicity surrounding this disease was in the late 1990s due to the persistence of Mary Leitao whose two year old son suffered from multicolored fibers growing out of his skin. The condition was labeled Morgellons and was derided by mainstream medical professionals from the get go as delusional psychosis despite physical evidence of disease and a growing population of sufferers. In addition to his research into the nature of the condition Clifford Carnicom did victims a favor by renaming it descriptively, removing the stigma attached to the “morgellons label.” He is a hero to many.

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Thank you for sharing this Frances. I imagine that like me you were aware of Clifford's work many years ago so it's good to see that what he discovered way back then is now being accepted on a larger scale..although not large enough yet :-) Also having suffered from radiation sickness for as long as I can remember, like yourself, we also know that radiation alone will cause sticky blood and is the main influence on peoples deteriorating health.

Keeping my blood healthy and thin along with detoxing metals as best I can has been my mainstay of health practices. I used to think how terrible it was to have this affliction but in more recent years I have seen it as a blessing. We may well be the canaries in the coalmine but any sufferer who is taking the right steps to minimize exposure and detoxify etc. is experiencing better health than most! I hated being so sick all the time but looking at all my friends and family who are rapidly going downhill, I am now the 'healthy' one! I hope all is well with you. Your work is much appreciated :-)

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Brilliant ... thank you once again Frances.


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We are are still thinking INSIDE THE BOX people!

I have been warned and warned and warned - I am a slow learner.

This is why some are calling the alternative media the alternative MSM!

Almost ALL of us are still thinking inside the box!

Exactly where those who control the MSM want us!

Those of us who think we are awake, need to really WAKE UP!

Incremental killing has been going on for a very long time.

We didn't notice because we were too busy happily leading our death-style!

Increasing needless suffering and death by many covert and overt means.

The kill switch is not the real issue.

The real issue is WHO installed the kill switch?

WHO enabled the killers to install the kill switch?

WHO is STILL enabling the killers to install and activate the kill switch?

The big wolves may be over the hills and far away!

The little wolves ( in sheep's clothing) are right here at home!

They feed US to the big wolves, to save THEIR own skins!

We feed the little wolves and they feed us to the big wolves!

We are feeding ourselves to the wolves!

We are enabling our own genocide!

Time to WAKE UP!


To win the war , we need to fight the real enemy.

Not waste our resources fighting arranged battles.

Is it too late?

Better to be truly awake and accountable regardless of the outcomes.

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🤣😂 Assuming that this is the only post I have ever written is ‘thinking inside the box’ and quite hilarious. Thanks for the giggle. 🤣😂

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I rang the warning bell as loudly as I could.

If anyone thinks it is funny - so be it.

I fulfilled my responsibility.

What others do is their responsibility.

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I suspect he or she didn't mean YOU. How could anyone think that about you!?!?!

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I did not mean anyone specifically.

I meant most of us who think we are awake!

As some made me see clearly - I could not possibly connect all the dots on my radar screen to complete the picture.

I needed to broaden my screen, to be able to see all the dots and connect them to see the bigger picture.

I had to do this, to clearly identify the real enemy and fight to win.

I do not care whether people agree with me or not.

We have to stop calling out the wolves for killing the sheep.

That is what wolves do - they kill sheep.

Governments are meant to protect all the sheep.

But we have let the wolves and their agents into the sheep fold.

We have allowed the wolves to kill unchecked for a long time.

Now we have to stop them - one way or another.

Or go on suffering and dying until we do.

Our choice.

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I agree. And I would just add that the wolves have got into the govt, as well. But yeah, I could have said most of your comment myself... Cheers. We will succeed because we MUST.

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I have questioned Cliff Carnicom on his post :

"Have you considered that what you are calling Cross Domain Bacteria might be blood parasites in their various stages of life?" This interesting video illustrates my point:


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Can you contact that guy? I think he'd appreciate your brain.

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The amyloid, fibrin structures otherwise known as calamari clots started showing up in the 1/4 2021 according to most morticians I have listened to.

Phosphorus sulfur tin seem the play a roll in triggering these formations.

Breaking them down is not easy.

I have posted some microscopic images and information on this topic.

It should be taken VERY seriously.

Some morticians are reporting that 7-10 cadaver contain these clots now. It become a normal day finding them. They in fact have changed their traditional way of emblaming the dead.

Yes they are removing them from the living also.

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Think it's because the EMF's are being amped UP?

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I personally don't think EMF has anything to do with this clot issue.

It appears to be a chemical reaction or some mineral trigger.

Tin in the drinking water is being looked at. Phosphorus in the world's most popular cola soft drink could be a factor.

We may never know what is responsible.

No serious studies are being done and doubt they will ever be done.

I'm taking it seriously and we in the study groups are looking at prophylactic treatments.

I haven't heard of an unvaxxed ever having been found with these clots. So if you didn't take the mRNA and not banging mRNA humans you might all be ok.

Again to be seen.

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You may be right, it sounds quite reasonable, what you're saying. This is not an area of expertise for me, I've just been learning things since 2020. No science background for this dog, I'm just Not Stupid. But what you're saying makes sense... We'll figure it out in time, I'm sure-- ALL of it. Because I believe strongly that while we may have to go through some Serious Hell, we will not be eradicated. THEY will be.

And I am of the opinion that "shedding" is a fear mouse... I donut chase those. I'd like someone to explain to me how something can be shed FROM THE BLOODSTREAM without actually drinking that blood! LOL Anyway, nice to meet you.

When I have time, I'm going to plunge into all this and really study, but busy til after today... Cheers!

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I'm only an only relaying what I have learned Herder.

Have a good weekend.

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Well, I like your relay ability, LOL. You, too Axe!

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Hey there girl! Thanks so much for posting in reference to Cliff Carnicom. Such a wonderful dedicated soul. NM certainly has rooted in some breathtaking researchers! Must be something good in the mountains here :-)

Just so sad what has happened over the years with those associated with his brilliance. You may not be familiar with Terral Croft's work. Another brilliant researcher.

"Terral Croft, a man whose family members (as well as team member’s families) were either injured or killed (13 total) as a result of being a part of Carnicom, a team of 360 scientists (now greatly reduced) studying and exposing how programmable synthetic biology is growing like a cancer inside our bodies. What is even more disconcerting is how this synthetic biology can be manipulated inside a targeted individual to do a variety of things"


Keep up the wonderful work Frances. Much LOVE and Respect.

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I remember Dana Ashlie’s interview with Terral Croft. Does Clifford Carnicom ever mention him? I have not seen that if he has.

I read the link you provided and it reads like a novel crammed with terrifying speculation. I am not convinced about our bodies being filled with nano-bots because the logistics of manufacturing such vast numbers of tiny machines is not evident - and I have researched the idea.

I keep asking the same questions: Where are the factories? Who supplies the materials? Who pays for all this tech? All I get is crickets!

I am fairly convinced that Cliff Carnicom’s Cross Domain Bacteria exist as do the carbon guzzling Synthia microbes invented by Craig Venter but beyond that all we are seeing is technological fear porn.

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Thank you!! I am so Not Educated in this way, and I was feeling pretty freaked out!

Well, I still am, but not quite so freakishly now... sigh.

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Upper level a eye is way sophisticated. I understand your points. There are no factories.

Yes . Total technological fear porn.

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Anybody ventilating a thought about discarding his so "convenient" smart-phone ??? ...

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Damn straight, Skippy. I've NEVER trusted those gd things, if just for the surveillance factor and the "pulsing" emf's... smfh

What an insidious bunch of murderous... THINGS these people are.

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...and the gullible sheeple will reply: But it is soooo convenient !!!

Einstein was right: Human stupidity is infinite ...

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I agree, but will say this, also: Human beings have an equally infinite ability to RISE ABOVE and OVERCOME. I tend to lean toward stupid fairly often, with good reason, as you imply, but I also am surprised by simple kindness, surprisingly effortless ability that springs forth, and a truly selfless kind of reflexive response to emergencies that just seems to "happen," without a lot of prodding! I will never give up on People, even though they often drive me right up the wall... ;) Cheers.

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You are a real optimist !!!👍👍👍

Thank you so much for your kind and indestructible faith in humanity !!!

Wish, this kind of humanity you so well described, had some better governments with far weaker concentrations of narcissists without any empathy ...

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I am driven to be an optimist, but I sure do have my times of despair. I try not to dwell on them, as I feel it's magnetic, sort of! I really do believe Humanity is Good. But when under duress, and for long long years of it, it is much harder to always SEE it. That's my stance, anyway. These globalists, tho-- I'm not so sure about them even being fully HUMAN, some of them. They have such darkness... That's why we mustn't become like them. I DO believe that what we think/feel makes a difference in regard to what IS, or what WILL BE.

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{...what we think/feel makes a difference in regard to what IS, or what WILL BE...} B I N G O !!! 👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥

Perception and attitude is EVERYTHING.

That's the reason why evil is so eager to control the former.

Power, most unfortunately attracts only human scum.

Normalos don't have any kind of cravings outside of their personal bubble in work and wider family circle.

{...not so sure about them even being fully HUMAN, some of them. They have such darkness...} B I N G O !!! 👍👍👍 🔥🔥🔥

THAT's the price to be paid if you consider yourself and act as a "Chosen One". Which simply means: ALL others are sub-human and destined to be their slaves.

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Xenotoxins is the key & culprit.

Antoine Beauchamp’s Terrain Theory.

Total Toxic Body Burden.

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Cliff has been around a long time. I remember him with Morgellons.

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26th year now!

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I've read some of his work, and seen a lot of his photos. He's well informed.

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Feb 4
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Yeah "woke" me up.

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