A very short clip of me greeting Sonia Poulton, the journalist who had given me an hour long phone interview on her TV programme in which I spelled out our objections to fracking (now sadly lost footage!). She arrived at Barton Moss Anti Fracking Camp very late on New Year's Eve after running around the country chasing stories. She was with her husband and daughter. We were absolutely thrilled to see her. Every time I see this piece of film, I well up. It gets me right in the feels because I was already very ill then and trying to put a brave face on it....


Two weeks later I told my companion from Dorset that if I did not drive home that night I would not be fit to do it tomorrow. I drove through one of those slamming, blinding storms all night. I had a fever so high that I did not notice how cold it was. Mid January 2014, wild weather and the beginning of the end of my robust good health. Was it the radioactivity from the gas well? Or was it the low flying Cessna plane that sprayed us with a toxic cloud in broad daylight? Or was it the electro-magnetic radiation from mobile phones? Who knows, truly....

However, we lost a lot of good people after that to major aggressive cancers. I was one of the lucky ones, it only sickened me very gradually, giving me a heart attack, a stroke, emphysema and oedema but I ain't dead yet! So onwards, huh?

I retrieved some of my interviews and videos (those that are left) and you can find them all linked together on this post:


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You are such an inspiration, Frances. All you've been through and have shared with others. Helping so many learn through what you've been through. A true wounded healer. Although I've heard you're known as the barefoot doctor, you sure are skilled at walking in other's moccasins. I am so grateful for you! You've taught me so much! 🙏

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Thanks for the Rolling Stone article link. I had no idea. Terrifying.

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Justin Noble used it as the basis for an epic book but I can't find out whether he got it published or not.... I dare say he has had a lot of trouble finding a publisher with enough bottle.

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"Justin Nobel writes on issues of science and the environment for Rolling Stone and has a book on oil and gas radioactivity forthcoming with Simon & Schuster entitled PETROLEUM-238: Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It."

from here:


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Yes, but that is old news! The book has not appeared and it has been 4 years since he gathered the intel he needed.

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Loved seeing and hearing you in this piece Fran! We are sad about the day you parted with Boodicca's chariot #1 - she still looked beautiful. Frank says he would have loved to fix her for you.

During my early environmental campaigning, I'd drive my white steed, Beauregard (Beau) a 1973 MGB GT - the seats folded down at night so my two small boys could sleep while I slept in a sleeping bag along side.

So glad not all the footage of you has been "lost"!

I'm actually writing to ask if you saw Woody Harrelson's moment....https://rumble.com/v2b74i0-woody-harrelson-covid-monologue-snl.html.

Last night it apparently was banned from viewing in Canada and many countries. Don't know if it still is. We thought it rather tame! But bless him for doing it. Drawing fire in Mordor is never pleasant .

Here is Mark Crispin Miller's piece on it. https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/woody-harrelson-goes-where-no-star?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=383085&post_id=105267710&isFreemail=false&utm_medium=email

And excuse me if this is old news to you.

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Thanks very much for the Woody Harrelson clip! I loved when he showed up his manager as a 'mule'! Very funny! When I clicked on MCM's link I got a polite notice that the video is not available in my country! So well anticipated - thankfully, rumble doesn't play those games with us Brits!

Talking of footage of me being lost.... up until 2017ish you could google my name and see loads of photos of me at various protests and events. And I really mean LOADS. Try it now and all you see is endless shots of that twat Macron & his missus! You also could find links to all my social media accounts and articles which have mirrored my work, articles which mentioned me and videos, podcasts, interviews, etc. Now.... the only thing that is there is the link to this Substack account!!

They have scrubbed me off the internet. Do you suppose I rattled some cages when I whistleblew on the radioactivity of oil & gas rigs? Ooooh, naughty Fran. Slap wristies.

Or was it the work on 5G and EMFs in general that upset their little applecarts?

Or maybe when I outed that raving Black Nob Nicole Junckerman who was nurturing our NHS towards privatisation? Could've been that.... she did get her lawyer to threaten me with a lawsuit for damages.... Or was it revealing that UK MHRA knew that the muck in the killer pricks is a manmade synthetic computer written toxic shitebomb BEFORE they approved it in Dec 2020?

Oh I dunno.... maybe all of the above? 🤣😂

Anyway, look at the pinned comment on this post. I have added a link to one of my Substack posts carrying every video and podcast which survived obliteration.

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Well the fucking DOD/Darpa internet is NOT the Akashic Record, is it.

That's where we are and I've long looked forward to that being read aloud!

I was interviewed in 2008 on CNN for an environmental boondoggle here and proudly alerted family and friends to look for me on their TV screens - and since we didn't and still don't have TV - I assumed it happened. Until people called to tell me the piece ran, but with the heavyset toothless airport toll booth attendant woman giving her opinion. This was after CNN got my name from an LA Times article, called me from New York and set me up with cameras and sound at a specific location and me talking about "socializing the debt while privatizing the profits". It was a two day project..... that went.....where?

I certainly don't have the body of published and media work you've created in your life - yet have felt for decades that I am actively "erased". Or more accurately, blocked. Stymied.

Is it because I've had emails blocked going to the EU?

Is it because my orders from across the pond never get past US Customs?

I always loved flying, but even before 2001 I am torn apart every time by the Stasi TSA. Locally, in state, federally and internationally. One of the worst was at Stansted June of 2001. Don't know why me, but they always pull me aside and go all over my body and tear my clothing and backpack apart. For 21 years. While my family stands and watches. I've learned to LOVE trains, ferries and cars.

Yes, I think I've already save that piece of yours which has all that has survived of your interviews. I remember watching some at the time. Thanks for reposting.

Waiting happily for the block buster release of The Akashic Record.......starring........US!

All of US!

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Gawd, the absolute SIZE of that movie would be of epic proportions... nobody could possibly watch it all and live long enough to distil it down to an appropriate plan of action for humanity to adopt in cooperation with nature! I believe I can go there, by astral travel, and because I believe so totally, it happens for me.

I have never been mistreated, as you describe, at airports (thank goodness!) it sounds horrific! But for me, slipping into the EU is a doddle, and I have done it frequently driving my old living vehicle (before Boodicca's Chariot). That was a large hi-top white builder's van, converted to house me, my two dogs and Pearlie, the dashboard squatting mistress of ceremonies cat! Authoritarian jobs-worths would take one look at my big, silent and menacing looking shepherd dogs and immediately wave me by! That big truck was called Omlove and it took me all over Europe on a quest to find an off-grid home.

The funniest moment I had was just after the Madrid bombings in 2004, I was stopped by the Spanish Guardia Civil because they thought my big black Groenendahl, Rasta, was DRIVING!! Of course, being a British vehicle the driving seat was on the right hand side of the vehicle. This young dozy officer opening the left hand door to be confronted with Rasta, grinning at him! He was totally confused! His older companion had noticed the Union Jack bumper sticker and was approaching my door. He immediately apologised to me for the idiocy of his rookie compadre! So funny! Thankfully Rasta was super intelligent and didn't jump out into the fast motorway traffic!

The scariest moment was in 2007 when Interpol found me at a friend's apartment in the suburbs of Madrid. When I asked how they knew where I was, they indicated the microchip in the back of my passport! My son had phoned them after being unable to contact me for several months. I had lost my mobile phone and had no note of anybody's phone numbers. Interpol sent two young men-in-black to give me my son's phone number! How sweet of them!

But that alerted me to how easy it is for authorities to track and trace us using this modern tech. People online (shills I suspect) tell me that is impossible, they get within a hair's breath of accusing me of lying about the incident. We are not supposed to know that our passports are tracking devices, I guess.

Another whistle blown? lol

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I remember your story of your son getting worried about you and trusty old Interpol so helpfully locating you!

Whatever shills are out there spewing BS haven't tried getting lost in the wilds of Alaska.......

Contrary to popular imagination, Alaska can be one of the easier places to locate people - past due child support, axe murderers on the run, drug dealers etc. If the "authorities" want to find you for real or fabricated crimes, they easily can.

I figure it may be because of the low population density here.

Along with of course, all the toxic EMF driven surveillance apparatus.

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I cannot imagine what it must be like to get lost in Alaska! It is a huge place and such 'inclement' weather! lol (Me and my typically British understatements!)

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So much fun hearing your voice, Fran! We "old mares' still have much to teach. Talk is truly cheap...actions speak louder!

God bless you, camarada! ✌️

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See the pinned comment on this post for access to all the surviving interviews and podcasts. There used to be so many more.... The Predator Class has tried to wipe me off the internet radar but I survive in the hidden corners, for now at least!

Vamanos, hasta siempre! Besos y abrazos, mi amiga! ⚡


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I always find interesting, but even moreso puzzling, how the exact same tactics are used to this day, across the globe, as they ever were since the Romans developed them, and spread their filth about.

It is past time to clean the Temple.

As long as we allow ourselves to be dictated to- even by supposedly well meaning sorts, and are willing to imbibe in the Pax Romana, by taking our sustenance from, and paying our lives' into their contrived prison system (which foremost imprisoned the Earth her Self, and then the mind's and bodies of the human workforce), enabling those that would gladly dictate to the world that the only way is Hedonistic Greed for those blind-willing enough to consume such a blood feast, or the mass consumption of the pap that they will dole out as moldy morsels to you, and I (should I allow) in the form of our long lives spent working at their saltmines, all while the devil's are laughing at the Destruction from their golden towers---- if such is what the bulk of "humanity" is willing to accept, just to stay a (luke)warm body, to eat, and to creep around on our belly's, lapping at the tyrant's feet, cringing at their lashes, hiding back from the cruel reality of which we are all Participants, and will not Stand Up to the rampant tyranny, willing to trade the worm's life for a Real Life, but will instead mope in the corner, waving the flag half-heartedly, well... common sense should give a strong clue as to the eventual outcome- to which we few are now bearing witness to These Dark Days.

It is of the Utmost Importance to withdraw from participating within the old, failing ways of civilized modernity, and to smash the clocks and the wheels, to burn the money, and go back to the simple roots, digging our hands into the Earth- not to rob her, but to heal and protect Her, along with what remains of our tattered Dignity, and to grow brighter in our re-discovered worthy aims, which have nothing to do with racking up physical treasures as lead weight, but only our pure and loving experience here, inter-acting in a balanced, wholesome way with All of the worthy bounty presented here for our kind and thoughtful use- not as Nazi jack-booted thugs, surely.

Is this Utopian Bosh that I speak of?

Only those not committed to Truth will allow theirselves to sit on their nethers in complacency, with full consent given to the lie and the liar's spewing them,... never willing to be the change, but waiting for some outside saviour, such as Christ or the Buddha to lend all the Required Efforts-- only those will give up without ever giving Life their full attention, and I am not gladdened by such waste, as I hope that none of you here are, and perhaps our efforts will wake at least a few soul's to the Writing upon the Wall.

Bless you for your efforts, Frances, and for not being an armchair activist, but getting your own hands dirty, and even taking a techno-bullet in the process.

See you There!

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Loved this entire comment, thanks a lot Marcus! Fracking was not my first rodeo.... and it certainly was not the last! I may be disabled now, but the fire still burns for nature and I will defend her until I reincarnate and then, in obedience to this wonderful Universe, I will get up and do it again. Amen.


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You have inspired the title, "The Last Rodeo", and now I must flesh it out...

Dedicated to you, of course.

You have at least a double handful of rodeos left within you, I feel to detect, and my blessing upon you, that you need take no more "bullets" in the process, not that such would stop you, anyhow.

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Fleshed out beautifully. Thank you both for the meaningful and inspirational sharing.

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Another fascinating tale Fran. I wonder if you came across Geza Tarjanyi aka Frackman on your travels. Am not sure what to make of him. He reposted old anti fracking content recently including criticism of carbon footprint. I commented to ask his position on AGW scam and no response....

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Yes I know Geza. He would come down to Balcombe in Sussex at weekends with a group of others. There were no trucks and heavy cop presence at the weekends so this was not much help to us. He also used to dress up like a sort of clown and I had to point out that we are not clowns and we didn't want him to convey that impression of us because the paparazzi were crawling all over us trying to get snaps of humiliation to publish in the Guardian etc.

When I got to Barton Moss I don't remember seeing him at all - which was odd because that was his neck of the woods. He comes from Lancashire, after all.

It was only when Cuadrilla began drilling at Little Plumpton that I saw him regularly but he was not popular there either. He seemed to try to claim a leadership role and that did not go down well with Tina Rothery who was standing for the Green Party and determined to be boss-lady on that site. She made me very unwelcome when I turned up and she hung out with several known shills. Overall the atmosphere on that camp was hostile in many ways, so I did not stay for more than a couple of hours, early in the protest.

Geza went on antagonising everyone, focusing too much attention on outing the shills (and there were loads of them tbf) - He filmed me giving a speech once but 'lost' the footage..... hmm. He was not the only one who pulled that stunt on me.

I stuck up for him when he was attacked by the shills and he did not seem to appreciate it.

He did a few hunger-strikes outside the gates of Downing Street and he accosted some MPs at that time. I thought that was a good effort. He lost a fair bit of weight, so it did him a lot of good too.

After the fracking was stopped by a moratorium, we all went our separate ways and Geza said that he enjoyed activism so much that he was not going back to his clown shows for kids.

I have seen him here and there, still trying to corner MPs on various issues. But, as I live on the south coast of England, we did not keep in touch.

He believed the climate change ruse while I was focused on the radioactivity of oil and gas rigs.

We did not really get on very well. He (like many men) did not seem to appreciate my powerful manner and my refusal to back down and toe some invisible line about how we defended Britain. I seldom allow myself to be led by group-think and always conduct my activism autonomously so that when my spidey sense gets triggered I can high-tail it outta there if necessary.

Too often, it is the group which can get us arrested. Thankfully I was not arrested during the entire 7 years of the anti-fracking campaign, but I believe Geza was. He was a rookie at the game but he did learn the ropes really fast. I will give him that.

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Just caught up on all the latest comments. Truly inspiring. Thanks for clarifying about Geza. He seems committed and called out Matt Hancock recently, Leading to another arrest. So.ething does seem off about him but cannot fault his protest outside Parkuament for weeks. Meanwhile, worth a read, especially the comments!


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Oh gawd! I am in such a happy mood today! I just can't go anywhere that there is any discussion about bloody 'viruses' (spit!)....

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Ahah, understand but it is right up your alley Fran '- has a lot of frequency related stuff in it and is about a sleep regulation patent / biotracking. Save it for another time. You will be horrified and fascinated in equal measure.

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Yep, I read a lot of the comments. It looks as if more people are catching onto the EMF connection, doesn't it? Marvellous!

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Glad you peeked. Another day. Cremating my mum Thursday after Dad in law last Friday. My workn is done for now.

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Love the youtube footage and the cop with the thin vest...much less intimidating than what we have now!

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That is a Liaison Officer. The goons were ARMOURED.

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