bang on. Respect & x to you & family

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Exactly Glen, although I'm up for free (nothing needed in return) shekels, moola etc. if anyone's handing them out hee hee but only the coin, paper variety, at least you can do practical things with them like make fires or pots, wheels, garden implements etc. Lol but that's the problem with money you have to exchange some thing in return, which keeps you away from your natural state of grow your own build your own make your own, which in turn stops you passing on knowledge you have learned in the process to children , WE'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!!1 of ??????? EVERYTHING!!!!, well nearly everything ,we still have the power of choice and the consequences that come with that, I would rather not wear a muzzle or be locked down and stand up with like minded beings than living a life not worth living

Respect & X2 All

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Aug 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

God damnit. I hate when I type out 90% of my comment & Substack does something stupid and it disappears.

Ugh! Again.....

as much as I hate politics (yet can't help but read up on geo-politics sometimes - it does impact my life after all, even if indirectly) and I tire of those who are stuck in the left/right paradigm..... however, Jordan Peterson is an international treasure and must be protected at all costs! I just wish he'd wake up a little faster lol but.... hes getting there.

I remember when he finally realized he was duped by government coercion - he got the quackzine so he could "go back to normal"... that was the first time I ever heard him say the "F" word, and it felt like hearing my dad say it for the first time 😂 hes gotten a little more loosey goosey with the F bombs since then AND I LOVE IT! LOL

I'm so glad he left the university. You can tell he feels liberated and can finally start to speak his mind, everything he was holding back is coming out & he seems more comfortable talking about this stuff. Not that he hasn't always been outspoken - even abrasive at times (for those with delicate feelings). He just seems more.... natural? Idk I'm having a hard time finding the right word. Im exhausted.

Now if only he'd realize that all governments are corporations and we dont actually have a vote or a voice.... they are SElections, not Elections. The system is broken - in US & CA - and has been for a long time... one could argue its always been broken, intentionally so.

But he is one of my guilty pleasures lol (not in a perverted way.... I just tend to steer away from right-wingers, for reasons stated further above)

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What a TERRIFIC speech!!!!!!

Now let's have the same from someone who speaks as a poor person, with a translation into Murkan-Speak. ;) I want to hear that same speech in Everyone Jargon.

As in, "Fuck off, Parasite Class!"

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Been onto Billy Hill he said 9/11 33 days!

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022Author

The historical background to our present totalitarian regimes:

STOLEN HISTORY, parts 1 & 2


See my post: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/stolen-history

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Aug 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

The fact that it is on YouTube...speaks volumes to me!

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deletedAug 16, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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