Oct 4·edited Oct 4Pinned

I decided to research some of the claims made during the video and came across this amazing website:









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Who are 'they'? And why would we talk about a figment of one writer's imagination?

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16 hrs agoLiked by Frances Leader

I think they are the Controligarchs and maybe it's not imagination! There is lots to research into this even Admiral Byrd's interview is still available!

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I have seen Admiral Byrd's assertions recirculated repeatedly for decades. Nobody has been able to confirm his report.

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𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑻 30 minutes of my life, where is Biden’s speech ? The link ? Plumber is a lier, period.

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I can't bear Patrick bet-David, who I think is a bullshitting fake. Not on the basis of any evidence, I should add, just what comes out of his mouth and the impression I get that he has a fairly distant relationship with the truth. I have him filed alongside Brian Rose and his sharp suits, though marginally less spivvy. He also appears to be remarkably comfortable among some real low lifes - Mafia enforcers and one particular gossipy former drug dealer - and even tries to compete with them.

I'm going to watch it anyway as I'm fascinated with Antarctica (towards which our Arctic Terns have recently set off on one of the longest migratory trips there is) and my interest has been rekindled recently by the idea that the pyramids on Earth are the tips of a merkabah (sp??), and of course Antarctica has at least one of those. Another suggestion I recently came across, which is way out there but for some reason appeals to me, is that the Saskwatch are the original humans and that is why they can phase in and out of dimensions. This makes the idea of underground civilisations a touch more realistic (though it probably shouldn't) and, of course, Antarctica is the #1 possible place for this. That is further bolstered as a possibility by what I feel is a rather good suggestion that UFOs are us returning from the future and that they have isolated themselves in Antarctica in order to not mess up our timeline inadvertently. I don't do UFOs generally but, as you can see from that rather eye-popping collection that I wouldn't air to most of my friends or relations, I do quite often entertain ideas that I don't necessarily believe in (yet?).

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Patrick bet-David looks like a wannabe gangster to me but he does have a good sense of humour which redeems him slightly. I am not all that interested in Antarctica particularly…. but I am very curious about neutrinos so the interview was interesting to me.

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I meant to mention that "wannabe gangster" aligns perfectly with my impression of him, formed not just from this interview but over the past four or five years, though with fewer viewings than that might imply; perhaps 6 to 12 videos.

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I fell asleep before it finished but, so far, I'm not entirely clear what the fuss is about. I can hardly think of a better place to detect neutrinos with the only alternative being underground cave networks with lakes. But I guess it has to be a pretty darn big lake as most neutrinos go through the whole planet without touching anything. As for building telescopes, that's even better. Access to solid rock foundations, if you want them - it may be better on the ice -, and an environment almost entirely free of noise and vibration, with no trucks rumbling by or planes overhead. Not to mention the cold, dry air above, which I imagine is free of heat haze. Heat haze can be corrected for, and if they can do that for Hawaii then how much better is it going to be in Antarctica? Every box is ticked, including it being a not often looked at sector of the night sky in a single shot. On the other hand, I don't see why you can't build DEWs in London or Maryland. I managed to miss what he had to say about wavelengths, twice, so there may be something about needing large, uninterrupted distances that I've missed. Mind you, there's no shortage of those in America, either.

I'll listen to the rest, and recap on the wavelength bit that I missed, but so far I can't say that I've been blown off my chair.

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

I'm just beginning this video... I haven't listened to any but just the very beginning.

I am very skeptical about the mind-reading. DEWS, yes, I think that's entirely possible, and PROBABLE.

And a bunch of other technology that seems wildly amazing...

But mind-reading or "brainwashing"? I am not biting. Maybe a vague, generalized "feeling" could be introduced, such as fear, or depression... It's not impossible that a guy could tell us a bunch of stuff that's TRUE and also some bullshit! But back to people saying things and then getting dead...

Well, I won't have time in the library today to listen to this entire video.

My doggie sense is saying "BULLSHIT!!" lol This is someone talking... I want PROOF.

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Some targeted individuals say that they hear voices in their heads…. Dr Len Ber has a Substack where people talk about their experiences and ‘intrusive thoughts’ are mentioned. Mainly though, they complain about being gang-stalked and harassed by neighbours. It all sounds very unpleasant. Ramola D told me that she was horribly harassed by neighbours who caused such a scene that she wound up in the local mental institution twice! They force drugged her all over Christmas and Easter holidays. So cruel.

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

Yes, these things seem viable. "Voices" can come from a number of places... When I still lived in that cottage, I heard some "voices" when I was asleep, that woke me up... I put it down to either the "ROKU" TV I got at Goodwill (a thrift shop) or the "Smart" meter on my house that reads electricity usage... I don't think it came from my HEAD, as I haven't heard anything like that before or since! But you never know, eh? Poor Ramola D... what a horrible thing. Anyway, I'm arf for today... Prolly back tamale... ;) xo xo

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

And this in no way alters what I think of YOU, dear Franita. ;) xo

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

And, as 9/11 Revisionist posted today, a picture of scientist Dr. Judy Woods, with the caption: "Real whistleblowers don't end up on TV."

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you for posting this, Frances. I find Patrick Bet-Davis highly credible not least because he has evidence of his claims. As for his yt appearance, as I have said before, I believe that yt are using their past form of hyper-censorship to now allow truths, i.e. messing. The perfect way to lead many to discount what is staring us in the face!

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You have to see he never really gets past a certain line in what he discusses, this is what makes him limited in his info. Makes me think his MO is to make us think there is no further to go.

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Tbf to You Tubers you have to acknowledge that, in order to maintain their channel, they have no choice but to avoid pushing the boundaries. It does not mean that they necessarily are that limited in their thinking.

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That is one possibility. Yes, each YTer needs to be evaluated separately. Like Joe Rogan, not a YTer, but who is on his show and the discussions strongly suggests he is more than just avoiding boundries.

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How did we get onto Joe The Shill Rogan?

Controlling us, the opposition, is a multi-faceted and very broad programme! Some get banned from social media and that makes them instantly accepted as kosher by the poorly informed public. Some don't get banned but are promoted by MSM, like Russell Brand and these are the Pied Pipers, misleading us into anger and rage.

There are lots of ways in which we are deceived. Look at David Icke. Making a small fortune by self-publishing his books and what do they contain? Nothing more than his gleanings from our work on social media! He is banned in loads of countries, making him appear to be a leader of the resistance! Now what is he talking up? He is denying reincarnation! He is directing people to turn away from religion - JUST EXACTLY what the criminal aristocratic syndicate wants as they work towards a totalitarian world.

Then there is Alex Jones.... cringeworthy to have to think of him but let's look.... do you think he will pay those crazy fines?

$75,000 for missing a deposition in March 2022. Although he later appeared for deposition, his attorneys sought to have the fine returned, which is a normal procedure in some cases.

$1.65 million: Jones was held in contempt and ordered to pay this amount in fines for relying on a doctor’s note to avoid attending a deposition.

$1.1 billion: Despite attempting to declare bankruptcy, a judge ruled that Jones cannot use personal bankruptcy to escape paying at least $1.1 billion in defamation damages stemming from his lies about the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre.

$1.5 billion: Jones has agreed to liquidate his assets to meet this judgment, which he owes to the victims’ families.

It is all a show and he is still producing the show for his fat controllers.

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100% correct!

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

To add to the chunkiness of the chaos broth both the UK and US on substantial alert for terror attacks 7th October 1 year anniversary of of the attack on Israel 8 th October Muslim Prophets Birthday.

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Interesting video, Frances. Thanks for sharing, hadn't seen this one before. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Hi Frances, Patrick over at Vaccinefraud SS has been TRYING to get this to sink into my dense skull.

450 nm (nanometers) is the WAVELENGTH OF INDIGO LIGHT (Thank you Rooster) that runs many of our cytochromes (isoenzymes that do oxidative/reduction processes to make hormones or detox the body) The P-450 cytochromes are known by many people who study health to that level.

So FREQUENCY is never an issue in that aspect of it. It is always wavelength.

So Answer your question, Are they mind controlling us thru WAVELENGTH..... I think YES ... ELectricity as you know is a killer. IS RA EL.... Is the Ra/sungod El/God? Think in terms of solar flares & our moods.

I think the guy in the video is a spook, But You bring up interesting topics of conversation. :)

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The incoming CME from the sun is messing with my hair again! I have so much static that even the tiny hairs on my arms legs and face are wriggling and itchy! It does make me very irritable, I must admit.

The length of the wavelength is proportional to the frequency…. so I don’t know what Patrick over at Vaccinefraud is on about!

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Well, strictly speaking, inversely proportional. 😂😂 xx

I'm looking forward to the X9 one arriving. NASA and the rest seem to be united in saying that it won't have much of an effect so this will be a very good test of Ben's conjecture that our weakening magnetic field is letting far more through than it normally would. My money is on Ben being right.

Incidentally, I think I'm right in saying this is the largest flare in the whole of this cycle (I presume 11 years) so it does seem a little incautious for NASA/NOAA et al to be sitting on their hands and going "Been there, seen the movie!". As far as I know, no one is disputing that magnetic North has moved a helluva long way recently, though they do appear to be obfuscating on whether the field is weakening. The odd thing about that second part is that measuring whether the field has changed is so incredibly easy that you could do it in your kitchen. All you need to do is apply a small torque to a compass and see how far off reference North it is - and you could use a magnetised pin floating on a cup of water if you don't have a compass. It's hardly something you need a $22 billion budget to achieve.

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SEE !! You FEEL it. It's tangible ... which means that it's scientifically able to be proven!

Patrick figured out that somehow the Devil horns hand sign, the pinky to index finger is broken down into wavelengths & equals roughly 666 hertz. THAT blew my mind & of course I was full of questions that should only be asked by much greater minds than mine. So You DO know what the heck he's talking about! I think that we all just use different verbiage, which renders science a bit incohesive.

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I have tried to follow his posts and often come away highly amused and confused! Devils horns hand sign? 666 Hz? Please, that is pure lunacy! Each person’s hand is different and the fingers can move….ffs.

Don’t let him suck you in with his half-baked theories!

He is fearmongering!


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I am ALWAYS amused & confused. Which draws me to his out of the box thinking. Everything we've been taught is lies. If we all put our half baked theories together, we may just find the truth.

I don't find Pat as fear mongering. I see him as dot connecting. Fear is something I just don't do. Once we SEE how & WHO runs this place... the fear dissipates. Thx for the link.

Call me crazy, BUT I'm 100% committed to outside the box thinking.

Btw, Did you know that magnetics control our minds? Makes me think of magnetic storms. & such. ... Not just MRI's.


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Yes. It is one of the reasons I do not like to wear headphones. I always get pressure headaches for hours after wearing them.

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

He did use the term Air Traffic Control when he was talking about technology to control the bodies muscles. Does this mean they have perfected it and have been using it for a long time so now they are telling us what there next op is. A big question the power to drive all this it has to astronomical????? Where and how is this power produced? Thank you Frances.

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He talked about Air Traffic Control in respect of space - not bodies! I often wonder how HAARP is energised and, more importantly, who pays for all that extra energy being shot into the ionosphere? If there is a similar array in the Antarctic ice, are they already using cold fusion energy to power it? It could be geo-thermal maybe? Lots of niggly questions!

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I think PBT is a spook, and if this were true, it would not be on YT

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It is possible that since their boss died, they have eased off on the censorship.

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Yea anything’s possible, but still think dude is a spook and I truly believe all these claims about Antarctica are complete bs. Some say people can’t go there cuz Ice Wall, while others make all sorts of these claims without proof. I could be wrong, but this isnt the first time I’ve come across these claims from ‘whistleblowers’. I just don’t buy any of them at all.

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There have been tourist boats visiting for years - so it isn't an ice wall as such. Also, some odd characters have made visits, such as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Kirill, has visited Antarctica on multiple occasions.

AI says:

"First visit: February 17, 2016, Patriarch Kirill became the first head of the Russian Orthodox Church to visit Antarctica. He traveled to Russia’s Bellingshausen Station on King George’s Island, where he held prayers for polar researchers, including 64 Russians who died on polar expeditions. He also visited the Church of the Holy Trinity, which was opened in 2004.

Second visit: November 29, 2017, Patriarch Kirill returned to Antarctica, this time flying from Punta Arenas in Chile to Russia’s Bellingshausen Station. He held a requiem for the Russian explorers who died in Antarctica and enjoyed the relatively balmy summer weather, visiting a rocky shore with hundreds of penguins.

Third visit: Although not explicitly mentioned in the available information, it is possible that Patriarch Kirill may have visited Antarctica again, as his most recent visit was reported in December 2023, where he served as a priest at the Church of the Holy Trinity on King George Island.

During these visits, Patriarch Kirill engaged in various activities, including praying with polar explorers, visiting the Church of the Holy Trinity, and interacting with penguins. These visits demonstrate the significance of Antarctica as a sacred and spiritual destination for the Russian Orthodox Church."

Also Lewis Hamilton, the Formula 1 driver was part of a group of celebrities who took a superyacht trip to Antarctica in early 2023, joining fellow travellers like Shaun White, Nina Dobrev, Zoey Deutch, and Jared Leto.

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So tourists visiting = no ice wall? Couldn’t there be an ice wall and the tourists visit just a section of it?

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I have presented far more info than that in this comment section. Look at the pinned comment please.

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You’re deflecting.

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couple things I wanna add. First, I very well could be wrong on what I had stated earlier. Second, things like this, bold claims that nobody could ever possibly verify, are often used to run cover for the control freaks. I am looking at it as possibly a disinfo campaign to cover for the existence of these technologies that do exist. As an example, think of all the outlandish claims about the jabs over the past few years from the '(not so concerned about)' truth community. It makes opening people's eyes to the reality of them that much harder as many will hear nonsensical claims, such as 5G ebola-zombies from the EBS last year, or that the injected are now remote controlled, and lump them in with legitimate concerns, and as such, think its all bs. Things like that make it harder to address actual EMF concerns, as well as actual injection concerns.

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Yep. I call that muddying the waters. It does cause people to turn away from all theories because they find it very hard to discern which bits are true. This has always been a problem in activism. I could tell you stories..... xx

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damn, I was trying to think of ‘muddying the waters’ and it just wouldnt to me. cool, just didnt what you to misunderstand what I was getting at

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

"...and interacting with penguins...": now thát makes me jealous ;-))

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well, yea obviously the Ice Wall is nonsense as that is part of Flat Earth, which is utterly absurd. But none of this AI response proves these other claims as to what goes on there. There are research facilities there. I’m not doubting that at all. Its just I don’t buy any of these ‘whistleblower’ claims that I have seen many of over the years

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

You are making sense to me. I didn't listen to the entire video... actually hardly any of it, as I'm on library time and have to go soon... But my BS Detector is squalling... Cheers.

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as I always like to say, trust your instincts.

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

if this guy is on YT sharing this kind of info on a huge channel like PBD then someone wants it to be seen by a BIG audience. the fact he wants no money for his information here means nothing.

channels get removed from YT all the time for lessor information than this eg an australian homeopath got her channel taken down and 'the authorities' claim it doesn't work anyway..... work that one out.

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It would have helped her case if she wasn’t telling people that rubbing themselves and rolling around in bicarbonate of soda prevents and cures cancer. I’m a naturopath and biochemist, and I view her as the Woo queen. Barbara had a class action initiated by the families of cancer victims who followed her woo advice and died. She fled the country and has a zombie army of uninformed YouTube ‘researcher” followrrs. She gives naturopaths a bad name IMO. My husband watches her stuff from time to time making him not only more stupid, but causes huge arguments between us as his know all/know fuck all arrogance is emboldened by Ms ONeils drivel.

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

I didn't say it was Barbara o Neil, where in my comment was her name mentioned? And, I was referring to homeopathy not naturopathy, there's a distinct difference.

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Tbf, there is a lot more to Barbara O'Neill's treatments than rubbing and rolling around in bicarb.


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"Whistleblowers" like this push my "red flag" buttons. In the 60s they said that the UFO files were classified higher than the atomic bomb was, and yet this fellow is going around "telling their secrets." Many people have been suicided over the decades for saying less than this, so I'm dubious; look at "former" Clowns in America assets Lou Elizondo saying he's a whistleblower about UFOs, and then David Grusch, who's handled by Clowns deputy director Chris Mellon; I mean, please! The story is intriguing, for sure, and perhaps "they" are using him to prepare us for the coming "reveal" re: UFOs and our galactic neighbors we haven't been allowed to know about heretofore. I guess we'll see.

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Secret Super Weapons, UFO's & 9/11

Scalar, Electromagnetics, RF Weapons and Magnetic Electro Gravitic Nuclear Reactions

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/secret-super-weapons-ufos-and-911

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It would help you a lot to have actually HEARD what you are commenting on here. No mention of UFOs, sorry.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

So, he can't really talk about that; I get it. I'm adding what I HEARD b/w the lines and outside the fence. Where do you think this tech comes from?

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People's inventiveness perhaps?

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Oct 4Liked by Frances Leader

LOL, always a possibility nowadays for sure, especially when you’re dealing with a highly secretive place like that.

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I remember hearing the warning to Turkey about an earthquake and they hit Turkey HARD all be it in a more remote region...

Think also tidal waves in Indonesia and Fukushima. Some are caused by burying nukes in the sea bed. Many ways cause harm and destruction - Dr Strangelove rides on the wildside.

NC just got hit hard, same groove as Paradice, Lahina, Katrina, 911, Turkey and more.

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I think it has to do with the way monks LEVITATE stuff.... can also vibrate into a earthquake.

I also think CERN is NOT what they say it is & it is used to Vibrate the earth ... no need for False flag cover ups or burying nooks. Who knows tho.

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I seen him on sean ryan show and every one on Ryan show is stressing me out. He got trump, and robert monroe for the remote viewing. Add that he is military assets it stresses me put even more. The ice carrot they dig in antartica and that is made of « special » skyice is so interesting tho. The way he talks about it ,Water that is solid aint that flat earth water above the dome? I think thats what they meant at least in the shawn ryan interview.

Out of subject, have you heard of wall mart being MART- LAW military building? a similar man who claim having worked as private for building company had a contract to reconfigure inside of dead wall mart and it was creepy how they where rebuilding… prison model with guard tower and more creepy stuff.

Both are interesting interviews but aint they all? Ryan may be our next generation rogan lol who knows.

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Sean Ryan sends my red flags flying… click bait style of grifter, if you ask me. This interview is better.

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