
"The sinister re-emergence of Nazi elements in contemporary liberal democracies offers compelling evidence that the worst elements of the Third Reich were not defeated in 1945, but were, rather, secretly incubated in preparation for their eventual return." Quoted from a Substack article entitled Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State


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If you want to view the practices, see a film called "Imagining Argentina".

The capstone of the "neo-liberalls' "...Chicago School of Terrorists...agendas of the eighties in Central and South America.

Genocide is precisely how Europe "gained" the Americas. Only three hundred years ago. A "War of Extermination" created the "USA".

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Very interesting interview with David Hughes. Fyi, he has done several more recent interviews on rumble - https://rumble.com/search/all?q=david%20hughes and I also see he's on substack - https://dhughes.substack.com/

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Many thanks Kerrylyn! Pinned this comment! xx

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

1/2 way through - sped it up to 1.5x

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

Right so, if you listened to his interview with Geopolitics & Empire guy, you won't learn much more from interview with Dr Len Ber. You know much more about subject than David. I was thinking Dr Ber would have pressed him on effects of emfs. However, there were a few interesting points raised which I'll email to you separately rather than monopolize comments section. I'm about to subscribe to David's channel & will point him to your research on emfs. He's very open to being educated. I also suspect he knows much more than he's letting on. Also, I realised why you found very little info on Hughes: if you began researching his work even a few weeks ago, there was very little info available. He explains why in interview.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Author

I caught his explanation about being 'made redundant' from his academic career now. So maybe that is why he is now uploading bucket loads of his stuff to Substack. He is prepping for approaching exclusion from his traditional form of employment.

When I received his acknowledgement of my Subscription I wrote a reply email introducing myself and my focus on EMFs.

He really should look at EMFs because, as global weapons go, that is the biggest and least recognised. I do hope he takes the time to look at my work.

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Jun 6Liked by Frances Leader

Was alerted yesterday *They* are going full-throttle in Bath...

From the article: "...5G uses non-ionising radio waves, which do not harm the DNA in cells..."

Oh I feel so much 'safer' now... One commenter -- got it.


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Oh no…. Bath held out for so long! I am very sorry to hear this news, Jayne! Brown paper packages of cash, was it?

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There's a reason so many have ignored the "elephant in the room" for so long now.

We know what that reason is if we're willing to acknowledge it.

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Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Frances Leader

Skip along the TStamp a couple of minutes. Lost me a little with his maybe subtle? embrace of Marxism? Would be Interested if he could in the future expand on 'why 'he brought up Marx. Then, timing (wow!) linking to a very recent H/T from a Canadian non-academic seeker of truth ... Looking at what could be considered current subtle ideas of Marxist subversion .

"...When it came to KGB efforts, Bezmenov said:

Only about 15% of the time, money, and manpower [are] spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process, which we call either ‘ideological subversion,’ or ‘active measures’—in the language of the KGB—or ‘psychological warfare.’ What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.

The ex-KGB agent said the “great brainwashing process” begins with a “demoralization” process that takes “15-20 years . . . the minimum number of years which [is required] to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the enemy.”

From there, “it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation—what matters [are] essentials: economy, foreign relations, defense systems.” Next, “It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis.” Finally, “with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have a period of normalization. It may last indefinitely.” At that point, Marxism reigns unimpeded..."

At least 'Food for Thought' methinks -- What we thought was truth is not. And, then with religion that's beginning to be another real mind-bender. Glad you decided on posting a blog on sub stack -- Interesting topics and discussions you bring up here. Thanks!


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It is too convenient to blame brainwashing on Russian intervention. The Tavistock Institute is getting a pass?

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Jun 4Liked by Frances Leader

Yes he does mention EMFs. Timestamp: 29:45

David Hughes: Ruling Elites Working to Install Global Totalitarian State Interview. There's a Transcript too


Smells of M15. LOL However, no smoke without fire with his pertinent comments and more importantly Questions that many of us are asking.

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Jun 3Liked by Frances Leader

Hi Frances - fyi, I just forwarded you a message I sent to David and his response

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

Yes and you can be sure he's not gonna spill the beans before he negotiates his departure package. I'm sure he'll take the time to study your work.

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RemovedJun 7Liked by Frances Leader
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Directed Energy Weapons can be powered by electro-magnetic frequencies. I have good reason to believe that such weapons already exist in a hand held format.

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

I should’ve read your comment before I posted :)

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Jul 6Liked by Frances Leader

David A Hughes is on Substack now! I’m a massive fan

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ooh as a side note Fran you know they've had good weather modification results in the middle east with electrifying the air - I believe with about 120 volts - Well when the galactic current sheet gets up to max power - 100 sextillion volts per cubic meter - size of the current sheet 10 trillion cubic meters by 10 trillion cubic meters. And that is just the current sheet without a solar micro nova and this https://youtu.be/b0CchWATaFM ( f-m-o-b-s )

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10,000 to 20,000 micro Tesla can affect and alter the human brain and even the heart. If I were to say the forces of nature were going to hit our homes with 15,630,000 micro Tesla per second in the coming years then you may have some idea of what we are all in for.

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Thank you Frances, I hadn't heard of Prof Hughes and subbed to Cov-Id Substack. I've been through all the theories on dots, blinking flashing lights, bells and whistles in the blood. I eat a healthy diet, stay away from wifi, unplug electronics at night. Am I going to buy a blacklight to see if my face has an orange or purple glow? Probably not. 😆 I did pull out visible metallic particles in black tea with magnets. You'd never know it was there, it's the same color as the tea!

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To speak of separating the head from the body is to speak in nodal language.

This is the language of the ecliptic nodes.

Psychiatry was "created" when the courts of Europe needed a way to incarcerate persons who had committed no crime. They appealed to the physicians to "find a disease", and when the know it all dudes said well, we really can't find one, the judge's eyebrows lifted in a question...Rudra is ruled by the north node, and is the anger from the Big Dude's eyebrows....and the physicians duly invented one.

You can learn much about the origins of psychiatry by reading historian Michel Foucault.

And don't stop insisting that the real war agenda is in the technology. Those great big phallic 5G towers, and Haarp facilities, and Nexrad, and Doplar, and all the rest of the boys toys.

But war won't end until the oldest and most continuous war on the planet is acknowledged and ended. And mentioning that will disappear you faster than a Native American.

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Jun 5Liked by Frances Leader

Dear Mrs. Leader, thank you very much for your thoughts, your knowledge, your work on truth.

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Listening to the interview now and thoroughly enjoying it, learning a lot and looking forward to getting more familiar with David A Hughes and others who zoom in on the fact that a transnational ruling class is going all out against humanity - using every weapon they can deploy. Thank you, Frances!!!

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Jun 3Liked by Frances Leader

I'm pretty sure I read or watched something by David Hughes in either 2020 or 2021, so he has been putting stuff out there for a while.

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

They say that each shot of gin kills 100 million neurons. If all I started with was 86 billion then I’m running a huge deficit!

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'They' must have been fearmongers!

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Jun 11Liked by Frances Leader


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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

David has just started a substack , very little on it for now but I’m sure it will grow

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

Very little? I counted 18 articles since 20 May

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

I’ve just watched David in an interview with geopolitics and empire, it was excellent.


I will listen to this later, thanks 🙏

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

Half-way through. Yes excellent,

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

I've just finished listening to interview that Darren linked above. David gives details of his social media accounts, where to find his academic papers etc. right at the end of the interview - 1:50:15 https://rumble.com/v4ww190-david-hughes-ruling-elites-working-to-install-global-biodigital-totalitaria.html So glad you reminded me of David Hughes Frances. I thought he had disappeared from the scene. Next interview I'll be listening to will be the one he did with Len Ber a couple of weeks ago - https://rumble.com/v4ww190-david-hughes-ruling-elites-working-to-install-global-biodigital-totalitaria.html

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As you seem to have heard more from this man that I have, Kerrylyn..... can you tell me if he mentions EMF as a weapon anywhere? So far it seems to have been avoided.

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

I followed him closely a couple of years ago then lost track of him so I'm just catching up. I'm certain he's aware of it and I'm pretty sure he has talked about it. I'm about to listen to his interview with Dr Len Ber - https://rumble.com/v4vuq05-ep.-62-interview-with-legendary-david-hughes-about-his-new-book.html Dr Ber is certain to bring that up given his interest in targeted individuals. I'll let you know.

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Jun 3Liked by Frances Leader

fyi, I sent you an email about that yesterday

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Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

Thanks everybody: so many laughs and useful comments. I will apologise upfront for being rude in this comment. I think there are a lot of scientists wanking off in front of papers that extoll the virtues of graphene nanoparticles for curing all ailments. (Do a search, those papers are myriad.) I also think that if more honest scientists had been paying attention over the past century or two, every other so-called vaccination would have been found to contain unmentioned ingredients. I also think (a lot of very egotistical thinking going on here ;-)) that all vaccinations (injections?) are potentially lethal and should be avoided at all costs. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Dr.-Andrew-Moulden-%28Interview%29%3A-What-You-Were-Never-Botha/c005ca4d83a0d8de7621a4efceeb28f9259b00cd Now I'm off to do a cold, damp hike in nature and no doubt, some more egotistical thinking. As a word person, all this C19 junk scientism has been making me manic. English has been massacred!

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Frances Leader

this is how the sausage gets made (prior to being encased in lipid nano-particlulate.)

(1:25:20 to the end...)


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Whoa. A whole lot came down in '69. I had to read a synopsis of this one to understand your comment.

for sure, been saying that from the start. they threw everything left on the shelf in, and a few new spices to cover up the stink

far as I'm concerned, AZ's juice bottles are simply being re-labelled. "Green"/recycling Pharmacy.

Will certainly watch this, or read book, when feeling up to it. Thanks for adding to the stories of '69. By the night of Kent State, after watching the Boston Tac Squad march up Mass Ave, we knew martial law was on the way.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by Frances Leader

Can't click on the Like button coz of the topic of the film you've linked. Yikes!!! Also, while watching some of this creepy film I remembered what a friend of mine recently said who has a kid working in Hollywood. He mentioned that they're now capable of creating a "digital clone" of deceased stars like Marilyn Monroe - They can create a script and have this digital clone play the role and you wouldn't know the difference -- whether the movie was made while she was alive or dead. Definitely that statement felt like a Whoa moment.

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Jun 1Liked by Frances Leader

UN-vaxxed sperm is the new Crypto !!

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I'd like to tickle Marx with that one.

Hey, Karl, hey, look. Sperm is now the "Universal Whore".

Can't make this stuff up. It writes itself.

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Makes for a messy wallet tho....

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Jun 1Liked by Frances Leader

👍👍👍👍👍 !!!!

Still better than graphene, SV40, self-assembling filaments, fibrous matter, red blood-cells stuck together in rouleaux, etc. running in your veins and arteries and finally clogging them ...

I'd rather die owning a messy crypto wallet than of SADS or "causes unknown" ...🤣🤣

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