Hamas is an Israeli construct and elections in Gaza have been rare and often contentious. The last legislative elections were held in 2006, in which Hamas won a surprise victory over Fatah. It was a BIG surprise because Gazans did not vote for them..... in other words, it was rigged to ensure that Hamas would take over, rob the Palestinians of democracy, steal all the wealth and provide intel for Tel Aviv ever since.

Hamas is a branch of MOSSAD and the 7th October was a false flag event. Israelis parachuted and paraglided into a festival with weapons and green bandanas on their heads.

Think about it.... how did the inhabitants of Gaza get planes and gliders through Israel's barricades? They didn't. They were set up for this genocide because there are huge gas fields off Gaza's coast and Israel wants to build a 2nd Suez Canal through their territory.

That is why Israel is not just murdering everyone.... They are obliterating and razing the cities to the ground and sickest of all…..

They are holding their own people hostage to justify continuing the destruction!

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I sure enjoyed your conversation with James Delingpole on "The Delingpod". :)

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I am very happy you got to hear that! xx

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the best piece succinct or long form explaining said method

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Virtually every terrorist organisation on the planet are created and funded by the globalists.

They are designed to either instil fear in the population, who will then accept their freedoms being removed for the false promise of feeling more secure, or they are created to cause division so we hate each other rather than aiming our anger at the people who are really to blame for all our suffering, those in power. A Jew has more in common with a Muslim then either of them do with members of their own government. The enemy is not the ones they tell you it is but the ones that are doing the telling.

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Nailed it, yeah.

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Blackrock/Vanguard flow chart: > Hire and train ignorant mercenaries from war-torn territories. > Set up the game so there’s no chance for success regardless of mission. > Rename the mission subsequent to massive levels of collateral damage and civilian slaughter. Offer usury loans to the defeated. > Rinse and repeat.. - Paul Vonharnish - (3/18/2016)

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Good article, Frances. Linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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THANK YOU Frances! I love Truth! People are so brainwashed, it’s absolutely incredible...and so frustrating!

God loves you Frances!

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Yeah, and COVID is back, and it's coming to KILL YOU...


(Roll eyes and flee to Venus)

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🎯 You are absolutely NOT wrong.

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If Hamas does not represent or protect Gaza , what does? Fatah is totally corrupt , and a tool of the West and Israel.

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There is nothing protecting Gaza, or any Palestinian anywhere in the world right now. Did you know that people are being arrested in UK for wearing Palestinian keffiyeh scarves or flying Palestinian flags? The British police are revealing their inability to differentiate between Hamas (a designated terrorist org) and normal Palestinian cultural symbols. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/nov/11/pro-palestine-march-london-israel-hamas-war-gaza-armistice-day?filterKeyEvents=false&page=with:block-654f33308f08c3ba45a5115d

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It is not inneficacy to interpret, it is a clear intentional death cult order to create missconcepts and illegal "laws": dictatorship in plain sight (the by the News hypnotized crowd are blind to them). By the way, here in New Normal Deutschland it is also prohibited to wear anything identifiable with Palestine: hatred incitement, then punishable. They are building a global prison, heating the unaware frogs.


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It's insane that people accept this. They are literally policing 'thought' & the normies don't question it.

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Nov 16, 2023
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Yeah, maybe! But you may be applying your own honed observation skills and intelligence to the Brit Bobby. In my experience, they are not that bright or politically aware!


A young copper said to me, "If it is not on the BBC, it didn't happen!" To which I could not resist replying, "Oh? Is that so? In that case my deceased husband is walking around somewhere! Man, has he got a lot to answer for, his funeral cost a small fortune!"

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Nov 16, 2023
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Having personally known some British Bobbies a while back in a previous life, I can assure you that the only people who seem to be drawn to that career are people who don't question anything they are told.

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The screening process assesses candidates to ensure that they only train and employ obedience freaks. Me? I would NEVER have even applied for a job which did not require a certain amount of autonomy and initiative. You appear to be similar!

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Seriously? Wow @ the cognitive dissonance. When the educated peddle the elementary black n white narrative, its time for serious introspection.

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I haven't fully understood (or trusted) how the focus of the Palestinian "resistance" morphed from Arafat's,PLO to "Hamas." From non-secular to "Islamist.'

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It didn't morph at all. Hamas was set up to rival the PLO. The old divide and conquer routine, so loved by all operatives of the Black Nobility.

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I agree, even on just an intuitive level. The "morphing" I think I meant is the perception created for the rest of the world.

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In a way similar to the perception among many/most on the "good side" of this issue that it's all Netanyahu and the current regime, that it's a radical outlier shift.

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Evil will be called, "good," and good called, "evil." Unlike most, I don't need television or social media to help me distinguish. It is manifest. I concern myself with those who don't see it. They are programmable, violent robots, who are reactionary, emotional and primed for release.

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right on point Frances. The last picture is so apt

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Yep, you pretty much summed the model in which the Nobs have been utilizing for a few hundred years, if not more, in doing their dirty deed of disrupting societies for their own good. It's right out of their advanced mafia schemes playbook.

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Wish more people would understand this. It is key to what's happening.

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I second this 💯

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