I have been doing the best I can for 5 years. Arthur Firstenberg has been on it for two decades. We are de-platformed and cancelled for talking about it.

The enemy is filthy rich and filthy with desire for more.

The potential warriors are addicted to the devices that the filthy rich sell them and, consequentially, crippled by them.

That leaves a very few hated luddites screaming from the side-lines, treated like social lepers.

"The end is nigh" banners fluttering in the electro-magnetic soup.....

Nobody listens because their noses are pointed at the black mirrors....

"My precious!" we hear them mutter as their brains turn to mush before our very eyes.


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Wow! Excellent info all searched out and collected! Thank you so much!!!!💗

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good to know we're on the same page as I received my wave packet from Arthur this morning and will be sharing to all .Respect & X 2 All

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So gnarly. Kinda wish I’d read this later in the day. Of course it was on my “smart” phone. I actually held out a long time before my enslavement.

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Gotta get rid of those [safe] 'dead zones' by blasting us from space so there's no place to be free of it...


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This is not elimination of dead zones.

It is implementation of dead zones.


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Egggzactly! I wouldn't doubt if the muthaWEFers have built a whole network of underground Faraday 'survival cities' for when the great reset goes into full scorched earth mode.

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Racing certainty..... (holding back the tears here....)

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Thanks Frances for this complilation. It

will take a while to digest it.

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Good one Frances. Will be linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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A very good contribution, which I fully agree with - there are already a lot of studies, also in the present, that prove this.... and yet they want to install 5 G globally - it's a horror to think about what damage that will do to human health....

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So how do we stop it?

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I have been doing the best I can for 5 years. Arthur has been on it for two decades. We are de-platformed and cancelled for talking about it.

The enemy is filthy rich and filthy with desire for more.

The potential warriors are addicted to the devices that the filthy rich sell them and, consequentially, crippled by them.

That leaves a very few hated luddites screaming from the side-lines, treated like social lepers.

"The end is nigh" banners fluttering in the electro-magnetic soup.....

Nobody listens because their noses are pointed at the black mirrors....

"My precious!" we hear them mutter as their brains turn to mush before our very eyes.

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It was very late last night when l received/read this posting. And yesterday was a day of nothing but awful, negative worldwide news. On all fronts....

This morning l've returned to re-read your article again & l feel l must apologize for my flippant comment. Oh, l was being sincere but l should have been a bit more polite. So l beg forgiveness for being so abrupt.

I believe we are almost the same age although on opposite sides of the pond. And l've been learning so much from yours & a few other wonderful Substack's. And l am finding myself becoming more & more filled with dread for the future of mankind & the world we live in.

I have always been an optimist but l am beginning to feel that it has become too late to turn things around. Big sigh....

I wish l could convince the parents of my 6 y/o grand-daughter to take away her stupid cellphone! For God's sake, what does a 6 y/o need a cellphone for!

Anyway, today l am going to investigate the possibility of getting a landline installed in my residence!

And scream at everyone l encounter to shut off their cellphone & blow up every 5G cell tower! (Just kidding....sort of).

Maybe a few might listen....big sigh again.

Keep writing Frances! I am reading . Thank-you for all that you do!

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I did not see your comment as abrupt at all. I saw it as sincere and sad actually. Feelings are hard to convey in writing and we are frequently misunderstood, even though we do try to be very clear.

I am never depressed by the filthy rich. I become more determined with every dirty trick they pull. I applaud you for getting a landline, that is all I have and my laptop is hard wired through it. I cannot bear any mobile phones in my vicinity. I get horrible headaches and a sensation of pressure in my ears. My friends have to switch their phones off if they visit but I am still molested by the neighbours wifi bleeding through the walls.

I agree that your grandchild should not have a mobile phone but they feel left out if all their little mates have one..... sad world.

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this is incredibly important… we are literally bartering our health for convenience. 🙀.

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Oct 6, 2022
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Same phenomena here on Dorset coast. Hardly any flies and the ones that are around are dozy, almost drunk. Swatting them is too easy. So we now catch them and release them outside. We used to have fantastic aerial displays by huge flocks of starlings.... now we have a few dozen flying around. I mention it to other villagers and they do not seem to have noticed!

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Oct 7, 2022
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Hmm. For some reason Substack did not provide me notification of this comment back in October. I came across it now by chance.

Thanks for the links. Most helpful.

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