I know this is an old article. I just stumbled upon your page recently so i have some catching up to do 😉

But.... contagion isn't real, and viruses don't exist. I was sort of hoping to see this obvious disclaimer at the end somewhere. The biolabs and WMD narratives scattered all over MSM & alt-media are purposely & carefully curated to either instoke fear, or provide a distraction.

The only thing they could possibly be doing of any concern is making more poisonous quackzines, or re-purposing so-called cancer drugs... aka gene therapy.

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2009 Joseph Moshe: Bioweapon Ukraine Baxter Lab and H1N1 Plague Warning

Joseph Moshe was going public about H1N1 Swine flu vaccine produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions in Ukraine:


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Sitrep: UNSC on biolabs in the Ukraine + Russia Transcript


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Now it all begins to fall into place. Thank you for this. I just got over reading The Real Anthony Fauci, which is not actually about him but the biosecurity state. That ought to be an ironic name, but irony seems to have died along with every other thing I value.

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This article was another good one exposing the corruption.


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Many thanks for adding that here!

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"List of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by US Embassy

Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.

All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed."


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A look into Pentagon funded bio labs in Georgia:


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They expect our young men and women to do, and see these things, and come home whole, and unaffected. They EXPECT us to do this for THEM. They expect our young men and women to do these things, then see what they did, and accept what cannot be undone.

Is this what our creator askes us to do to one another?


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"Putin is doing precisely what he set out to do in Ukraine.... Crushing the globalists' money schemes. And he's doing it in a very controlled and measured manner. This is a surgical military operation Russia is doing, to take out VERY precise targets.

Putin sent his military in to protect Russians living in Ukraine. The Russians living there were supposed to be protected under the Minsk Agreement. The Ukrainians did not abide by the Minsk agreement.

Putin warned Ukraine and the USA for at least the past 10+ years to move their bio-weapon labs on his doorstep, or he WOULD destroy them. Putin's warnings fell on deaf ears."



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May I ask what are the russian military troops have to do with the Zaporojie nuclear power plant? That site is deep within the Ukrainean territory and has nothing to do with Donbass, Lugansk, Black Sea or the Ukrainean army. Where does that site fit within their claim that they only target military sites, biolabs and securing the Donbass and Lugansk territories? An army, any army, is not dependent on electric power. Only businesses and civilians are dependent on electric power. So this action is not about the Ukrainean army. I saw no explanation from the russian side for this takeover (and I do read Tass, Ria Novosti, Pravda and so on).

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I think the answer is obvious! Putin is securing sensitive locations which could become a target for terrorist attack by mercenaries and militia like Azov. He is protectting Ukraine's population from threat.

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But if the russian troops would only stay within the Donbass, Lugansk, and Crimeea territories on ground, how could the Zaporojie power plant be at risk? Would Azov make a terrorist attack on that site even though there is no russian soldier to put the blame on, as they would be miles and miles away?

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Oh come on! You know about false flag events surely? Ukraine has drones and missiles both of which can be shot down from the site but not from a distance!

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I know very well what a false flag event is. And yes, what you're saying is perfectly good to set up, but I don't see what would be the difference if the russians would be there or not. The ukrainians could still make the same claim. For instance, last night a military drone fell in Zagreb and no one is claiming it, although it clearly came from the war zone. Was it supposed to be a false flag? If yes, why is nobody pointing at nobody? If no, why is nobody shown to be responsible? Everything is a total mess and everybody's lying.

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Chenobyl radiation was blown east over Belarus. The Russians do not want the terrorists to have an opportunity to contaminate Belarus again. Controlling the nuclear power station area is VITAL for Belarus + Russia security.

You seem to think that the only people with skin in the game are Ukraine & Russia. If the military drone is unclaimed then it could be anybody's INCLUDING terrorist organisations.

300 ex Al Qaeda fighters arrived in Ukraine together with some White Helmets who created propaganda films in Syria. Someone is financing and equipping them.... US & UK probably.

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your taxpayer funds at work... feeding the beast.

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