Here in London, being drenched in 4G/5G EMF is physically exhausting. I'm tired all the time.

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I am not surprised! Can't you escape?

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I know there's 5G in my area, and more towers seem to "pop up" all the time-- plus there's a fucking Smart Meter on my house!!!!!!! I'll be responding to the utility company's ludicrous demand for absolute, grovelling compliance and submission to their "terms" in a contract.

Fuck that.

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We have a new huge tower right in the middle of our tiny hilltop village here in Dozy Dorset, UK. According to all the maps it is not active yet..... well, you could have fooled me! My electro-smog meter says otherwise!

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Yeah, shit. I saw a new one in my town just the other day.

I think THIS is where WE the PEEPS need to focus... and RESIST.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

I recall you talking about gold Frances, he does too.

Probably just a few hours left here.

Episode 5 BONUS episode start at minute 16 for 10 minutes with DR Ed Group about EMF.

By the way, I do believe our "pee pee", as my dear departed German mother in law called it, IS the real deal as per 1000s of years of proof. Urine therapy. If we're brave enough to overcome our programming......(?!)

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I always have good laughs reading this type of entertainment...

1/2/3/4/5/6G EMR is always bad!

It has nothing to do with OPERATION COVIVIDUS since "COVID19" is a simple PCR kit label. FOr EACH "positive" PCR kit I can provide a "negative" one. All the rest is just bullshit.

Those that are using the PCR kit scam/fraud to entertain other stuff aren't doing anyone any good.

PNEUMONIA/FLU/COLD always existed and will always exist. No matter the crap that degenerate uman animals build (like 5G transmitters)!

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Feb 12, 2023·edited Feb 12, 2023Author

Ah but you are wrong. Influenza did not 'always exist' - it arrived as a reaction to electrification.

Also, who said anything about PCR kits or related scams? I am saying that the original spate of sickness/illness/disease (whatever you want to call it) was caused by a massive change in the electro-magnetic radiation. There are no viruses to detect. That was just a COVER up like all the other so called viruses..... covering up for the effects of electro-magnetic radiation negative impacts on the general health of ALL LIFE.

I wish you would just consider this possibility - it might explain an awful lot.

Read The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg or at least read a summary of it. Don't come to my posts dismissing my work with assumptions that you have picked up from main stream media. You will always be barking up the wrong tree.

I have shared endless posts explaining, all supported with studies, articles, books and reasoning. I don't pour derision on your posts. Don't do it to mine unless you have actually researched the topic, which you obviously never have.

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You can pour as many derision on mine as you like...

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"COVID-19" is a PCR kit label... Saying that "COVID-19" has a correlation to 5G is at the same level as saying that it has a correlation to "SARS-CoV-2"!

The small bits of RNA/DNA are older than uman animals... So naturally since the day that uman animals started to walk on this Planet they had to deal with such substances and if the animal is not in a balanced state it will react badly to it (what we label as "getting sick"!)...

Like I said EMR has been causing cancers and so many other unbalances that wasting time with a PCR kit scam seems wasteful.

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Covid 19 is the name that has been given to the illness. It is just a name. The name does not convey the SOURCE of the illness which is electro-magnetic radiation.

SARSCov2 is a SYNTHESISED COMPUTER GENERATED TOXIN invented to create a vicious vaccine which has been deployed to assist the genocide.


I do not believe in allopathic medicine so RNA/DNA is just another flawed guess about how our bodies are constructed.


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Here's the natural sequence of PROFIT and CULLING:


Current influenza vaccines, while being the best method of managing viral outbreaks, have several major drawbacks that prevent them from being wholly-effective. They need to be updated regularly and require extensive resources to develop. When considering alternatives, the recent deployment of mRNA vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 has created a unique opportunity to evaluate a new platform for seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines. The mRNA format has previously been examined for application to influenza and promising data suggest it may be a viable format for next-generation influenza vaccines. Here, we discuss the prospect of shifting global influenza vaccination efforts to an mRNA-based system that might allow better control over the product and immune responses and could aid in the development of a universal vaccine."


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The PCR kit was/is the TOOL they used to create a FAKE PANDEMIC using good old PNEUMONIA as the main illness!

Without a PCR kit telling modern moron slaves that "they have 'COVID' because the 'test' was 'positive'" they wouldn't be able to do what they did, so the PCR kit is the root of this entire scam.

They didn't even needed to make a piece of RNA to pretend that a "new virus" was the culprit! The 99% doesn't understand basic stuff, hence the use of face masks. They released the lab engineered RNA so that they could spew the PROPAGANDA about "virus" and from that deploy the m[iracle]RNA toxic spew jabs... And it worked just fine!

With billions of ignorant and irresponsible uman animals roaming around this Planet and using the "smart"phone as Brain... The task couldn't be any easier.


So... How do you believe our organisms are constructed?

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It is clear that you do not understand what I am saying.

I have, therefore, no obligation to continue communication.

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I understand perfectly well what you are saying... The funny part is that you are projecting to me what you don't want to recognize.

But that's ok... Since March 2020 I know there is very little I can do to make my fellow modern moron slaves understand the basic FACTS about the PCR kit and its importance to the success of OPERATION COVIDIUS.

Not even when making a very simple depiction...


was I successful!

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This is VERY interesting information.

The kind that may help when I have to deal with eye’s glazed over when I try to discuss the possibility that the installation of 5G may have something to do with c o v i d 19 experiences !

Thank you for charts which work better than mere words.

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Escape is my quest. Who is going to write “Escape From The Prison Planet?” Not me, that is for certain.

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The Good Citizen is trying to track down the safest place on earth and he thinks he has found it in Hungary! See his post: https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/purple-people-eaters

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?? Way too early & insufficient brew. I don't get this reference, lol. Enlighten me.

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What don't you get? Just read the post.

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I did read it but don't quite get the link between the football post and 5G. You may need to spell it out. I am no fan of the NFL or any corporate-driven sports and media . Probably my own blindness.

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It seems that you got alienated by the entrée before the post got into the meat and potatoes! Read on a bit more and you will see all my 5G work referenced and augmented!

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I don't at all doubt your material on 5G - much of what I have seen before - was just surprised to see the post you referenced. Didn't seem all that relevant.

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Feb 12, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

Not sure I'd want to be anywhere in Europe with the psychopaths marching towards WW3 with zero hesitation.

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prerequisite for 24/7 biometric tracking:


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