Aug 20, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

"Kirsch & Malone are blatantly controlled opposition whose job is to limit discussion from even alluding to the truth."

Couldn't agree more. And Dr. Peter McCullough ultimately is as well. Diana West wrote a great critique of Malone. https://dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/4421/Dr-Robert-Malone-A-Risk-Analysis.aspx

Ultimately, the vast majority of "heroes" are provided for us to protect and perpetuate the existing regime. But, they've opened Pandora's box this time and there are far too many obvious lies which require even more obvious lies to cover them.

Its a joy to see Kirsch get hammered in the comments when he tries to attack the no proof of virus isolation or existence narrative.

The tendency of the media is to try to leave multiple false narratives in the wake of a false flag, hoax, etc to get people debating over them rather than looking at the event as a complete hoax or state-orchestrated event.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

has anyone looked into higher rates of death or illness amongst telecoms engineers or folks very close to towers?

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covid in 2020 in most nations didnt increase total deaths and the average age of death was around life expectancy... Hmm, right? nothing changed. They never isolated a virus either, it was all this wham bam genetic scan crap.

But some things that cause issues and add up together-

flu shots

medicines like statins

glysophate in food

remdesevir/ ventilators/ other protocols used

(and a smaller factor from EMF, though original cellphones were actually more power and 3g and 4g use the same power as 5g- because when they digitized the signal, they were able to squeeze a lot more into the same bandwith and power- btw higher frequencies of 5g have a harder time penetrating solid objects- like how BASS goes through walls but treble doesn't)

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Useful unusual video by Chad Chaddington - Monkeypox War Games

In 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative held a simulation where monkeypox spread due to a terror attack and the dates just so happen to line up with real life cases of monkeypox being reported out of nowhere. This video looks to make sense of what we are seeing and point out some troubling connections between those involved, including ties to the infamous 2001 exercise, Dark Winter.


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May 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

1) This morning there was not a cloud; it was pleasantly devoid of mechanical noises, but lots of bird songs. After breakfast the SAI began, now there mostly wispy, spreading haze.

2) I read (Epoch Times?) that while folks were busy with the “counts”, Verizon, ATT and Google payed all the big and little municipalities to approve 5G installation without further discussion.

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No, not all of us Americans are Murkans... Not all of us think it's all about us. I'm hoping and praying that some of the folks in India, Africa, and other spots where the US has gone in and done immense "vaccine" harm and empire fuckery will figure things out and somehow blow the Big Whistle, because Murkans are lost in the haze of Fear and Mass Formation Psychosis.

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1. What was the root cause of Covid19? FUCKERY and EMF's such as 5G.

2. What are the principle symptoms? FEAR, vomiting, diarrhea, hypoxia, organ dysfunction and/or failure... Have I left anything out?

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May 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Conversation Saturday 5/14/22:

Wife: What’s with all the strange clumps of clover?

Me: I mentioned before that I am purposely leaving them for bees.

W: I guess you don’t remember stepping on them, being stung in flip-flops!

M: I remember. I remember them not moving when the mower came close.

Tell me if you see one. I saw one. Something odd about its color.

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am seeing incredible numbers of deceased bees on the pavement starting a few weeks ago... crazy frustrating that the EMF issue is being swept under the carpet.

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An important quote below, please read it through.

"About 4 years after 9-11 I was in a taxicab in New York City, headed towards a hotel on Long Island, when I struck up a conversation with the cabby, a foreigner from the middle east."

"Four years earlier I happened to have been in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001 when the airliners hit the World Trade Center towers. So, I had a first-person experience of the event. I have a haunting photo of me on a ferry on the Hudson River, headed to Ellis Island to see the Statue of Liberty with the World Trade Center towers in the background. Two days later those towers were gone."

"As an aside, in 1986 I was in Florida, in the panhandle near Tallahassee, on a business trip, sitting in a doctor’s waiting room when the TV set aired the mid-air blow up of the space shuttle 73 seconds into its launch from Cape Canaveral. I ran outside to see the accident in the sky. So, I’ve had occasion to view a couple of disastrous moments in modern American history first-hand.""

So, I was chatting with this cab driver from the back seat during my trip. I explained Building 7 that collapsed in a planned explosion without any planes hitting it (“they had to pull it” said Building 7 leasee Larry Silverstein, who is reported to have purchased terrorism insurance just prior to the event)."

"I talked on an on, about the circumstances surrounding that event. The renovation of the fire sprinkling system in the Trade Towers when explosives could have been planted in the buildings. That there was a “near-simultaneous failure of every column in the towers.”

"I quoted Dr. Stan Monteith, who at the time had a popular radio show, who always opened his show by saying: “America has the best enemies money can buy.” How America stages wars to create employment and buoys the wealth of the military industrial complex."

"How the U.S. used 9-11 to place military in Afghanistan to take over the opium trade there."

"The cab driver politely listened. I was gauging his reactions. His facial expressions did not tip off any disbelief in what I was saying."

"I was lamenting why Americans seemed to be oblivious to any idea our own government was behind 9-11."

"The cabby finally said: “You know, if all that you have said is true, then we have no hope.”

"That explained to me why there is such silence over 9-11. We as Americans can’t face the idea that our own government plotted to create 9-11. If America is not what it pretends to be, then there IS NO HOPE for the rest of the countries in the world that exist under oppression from its leaders."

"And you ask if COVID-19 is real or fake?"

Bill Sardi

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(Banned)May 17, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

A personal Message to Dr. Robert Malone

I am not interested in your Millionaire Friends..

I am not interested in Steve Kirsch or you at this point because you are opposing what we know is a false flag and by doing so you extend the problem giving time to them and supporting them so that they can come up with another problem (for us) and another and another...

For you it is a game... for us it is death...

Anyone who sits in a laboratory and cuts themselves off of live has no truth and no wisdom but a lie to sell.

People like lies... people hate truth...,

Because Truth contradicts the lie they live...

I rather be hated and speak Truth than to lie to be loved.

Because love and Truth are inseparable.

On my substack you find more Truth than all of your friends combined.

Hate me.

I posted this at GETTR (@fritzfreud)


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it’s all a sick game for them, with the objectives of distraction, confusion and the furthering of death & destruction... kind of like a prolonged torture of the victims only in the end they and theirs will be victimized as well... there will be no ‘winners.’

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