I wonder why one race of people so much more evil than others ie Khazarians? Evil seems to be taught not genetic mostly ie people seem to be born good or neutral anyway and are shaped by upbringing. The dancing, singing, celebrating on social media etc of Zionists while they slaughter 40 thou plus Palestinians and more is astonishing to see. I believe hatred of arabs etc is taught in schools in Israel which might explain some of it... I recently realised that UK royals are probably related to Rothschilds - from Victorian era etc. Not surprising if true.
The Khazar Empire And it’s Heritage : Arthur Koestler after a recommendation.. Thank-you for the post & article Francis , Will read with interest .. Nice to see you again ,& hope all is well with you ..xx
Very interesting article Frances. I am a bit new in this new perspective of history, geopolitics and the present, trying to build the complicate map, but from this "reading" of history, so many things begin to make sense. Alongside to read your articles, I was watching some lectures of Prof. Vieh (you recommend this one lecture in one of your articles) and was very interesting, the intertwinned schem of totalitarian movements with the influence of the catholic church and the jesuits, and the free masons. After this article, I lost a bit the perspective of the organicity of all these oligarchycal connections (Venetian Black Nobility, Catholic Church, Jesuits, Masonry, Templars, Khazarians), but perhaps it is because you focus in the Khazarian/Zionist develop and plan. Can you recomend me how to continue from here to connect the dots? Some articles or videos? I know, there are a lot....(sorry if my question seems vague, but it is not my intention). Thanks!
Carle try this https://catchadragon.substack.com/ Ive got most of the links to Coleman, Alan Watts, Eustice Mullins, Benjamin Friedman, Slomo Sands, Gilad Atzmon, Robert Sepher, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, David Bradford Smith, Michael Hoffman, Brother Nathaniel Kapner. Look at the Banking and urury section and the Righteous Ones first.
I am aware of Asha. However, you still have not answered my question. Which of your own posts should I read for the links to all the sources you mentioned in your first comment?
To understand the Matrix Frances requires a broad reach. There is no one link as you would be aware...... The people mentioned have some of the clues but nobody has all. Sorry, and we are not going to agree with or disagree, ( nor expect to) with everything one person puts out because omnipotence is not a human trait..
An educator shows people methods of how to find reality. A didactic tells you this is how it is.
the bitchy I take as maybe a generation thing, or online bravado that is normalized nowadays. good on you for blocking him but I would ignore and not waste time on moron comments ......actually they speak for themselves, usually lack logic, any references or substance. But go right ahead....use your blade.
Maybe you can make the best sense of my work if you go to where I started, i.e., Dr John Coleman's lecture from 1994. Here it is in full - https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKS9TWqP12Yq/
Thanks to answer me. I saw this fantastic lecture and expose of the plot by Dr. Coleman, and oh synchronicity: I bought the book The Committee of 300 a couple of days ago, just waiting the post to begin to read it.
Frances, there is a lot of reference to the Scythians in the Old Testament. Your Secular description of world events really point to Biblical Prophecy. Dr. John Barnett explains in Detail who these people are...I could not find the specific class (as I had viewed recently on YouTube) you may wish to contact him for the actual 40 minute class!
here is a short: the information is highlighted around 9:40 or so...
An excellent brief summary, Frances. I read a lot but I seldom comment, so you know I'm impressed. BTW, like you, I celebrated my 70th birthday on March 6th, just four days after yours. Congratulations ...to us.
It's always nice when you can find one group of people to blame all the world's problems on. If it weren't for the Jewish people, the whole world would be made of lollipops and rainbows.
I understand manunkind. No I do not believe monotheism is foisted upon us. As Berdyaev writes-The outward history of the Church is visible and can be set out so that it is accessible to all. But her inward and spiritual history, the turning of men to God, the development of holiness, cannot be seen so easily; it is more difficult to write about them because they are in a way obscured and sometimes even overwhelmed by exterior history. Men detect evil more easily than good, they are more conscious of the outer than of the inner aspect of life; we have no difficulty in learning about the externals of our fellows, their commercial undertakings, their politics, their domestic and social institutions. But do we think much about the way in which men pray to God, how they relate their inner life to the divine world, in what manner they war spiritually with temptation?
Very often we know nothing, do not even suspect the existence, of a spiritual side to those whom we meet -- at the most we are conscious of it only in those whom we know particularly well. We are quick to note the exterior manifestations of evil passions that anyone can see, but as for what lies behind them, the spiritual struggles, the reachings out to God, the toilsome endeavours to live the truth of Christ -- we do not know them, we may even not want to know them. We are told not to judge our neighbour, but we judge him continually, by his outward actions, by the expression of his face, without ever looking within.
It is just the same with the history of Christianity. It cannot be judged by external facts, by the human passions and human sins that disfigure its image. We have got to recall to our minds what Christian people have had to contend with in the course of ages and their bitter struggles to get the better of "the old man," of their ancestral heathenism, of their age-long barbarity, of their grosser instincts; Christianity has had to work its way through the matter which put up such a solid resistance to the spirit of Christ, it has had to raise up to a religion of love those whose appetites were all for violence and cruelty. Christianity is here to heal the sick not the whole, to call sinners not the righteous, and mankind, converted to Christianity, is sick and sinful. It is not the business of the Church of Christ to organize the external part of life, to overcome evil by material force; she looks for an inner and spiritual rebirth from the reciprocal action of human freedom and divine grace. It is an essential quality of Christianity that it cannot get rid of self-will, the evil in human nature, for it recognizes and respects the freedom of man.
Materialistic socialists are given to proclaiming that Christianity is not a success, that it has not made the kingdom of God actual; it is nearly two thousand years since the Redeemer of the world appeared on earth and evil still exists, it even increases: the world is saturated with suffering and the burdens of life are no less for all that our salvation has been accomplished. These socialists promise to do, without God and without Christ, what Christ himself could not bring about: the brotherhood of man, justice in social life, peace, the kingdom of God on earth -- these unbelievers willingly use that expression, "the kingdom of God on earth"! http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Sui-Generis/Berdyaev/essays/worth.htm
Of course you can. Communists apply their ideology to non-communists and Capitalists do as well. Christianity though terribly deformed by manunkind remains the bedrock ideology of the West and the world. God manhood and love one another has not been surmounted.
But the Christian Bibles Old Testament says 'An Eye for an Eye' & Hod apparently punishes ruthlessly even demanding chikd human sacrifice ie directly contradicts Bible's 'New Testament'
Of course each generation of children is empowered to make their choices based upon their ideology and beliefs based upon past and present. The issue is power over. Religion is man made.
I have long believed that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all elite schemes to control the masses. Common sense and/or basic human decency lead one to see all three as human contrivances, certainly not coming from a divine source. But is your assertion that it was the Black Nobility who created the monotheistic religions based on deduction or do you have sources for that?
Wow!. Just read this today off a link on your latest piece. Great piece.
great article. thanks for that.
Clarifying article, taking me another step forward in understanding this world mafia.
And on reclaiming our banks, that's why I switched from Lloyds to Nationwide - which IS owned by us.
I wonder why one race of people so much more evil than others ie Khazarians? Evil seems to be taught not genetic mostly ie people seem to be born good or neutral anyway and are shaped by upbringing. The dancing, singing, celebrating on social media etc of Zionists while they slaughter 40 thou plus Palestinians and more is astonishing to see. I believe hatred of arabs etc is taught in schools in Israel which might explain some of it... I recently realised that UK royals are probably related to Rothschilds - from Victorian era etc. Not surprising if true.
Just bought , The Thirteenth Tribe
The Khazar Empire And it’s Heritage : Arthur Koestler after a recommendation.. Thank-you for the post & article Francis , Will read with interest .. Nice to see you again ,& hope all is well with you ..xx
Let me know what you think of that book. I haven't read it! xx
Yes .. 👍
Very interesting article Frances. I am a bit new in this new perspective of history, geopolitics and the present, trying to build the complicate map, but from this "reading" of history, so many things begin to make sense. Alongside to read your articles, I was watching some lectures of Prof. Vieh (you recommend this one lecture in one of your articles) and was very interesting, the intertwinned schem of totalitarian movements with the influence of the catholic church and the jesuits, and the free masons. After this article, I lost a bit the perspective of the organicity of all these oligarchycal connections (Venetian Black Nobility, Catholic Church, Jesuits, Masonry, Templars, Khazarians), but perhaps it is because you focus in the Khazarian/Zionist develop and plan. Can you recomend me how to continue from here to connect the dots? Some articles or videos? I know, there are a lot....(sorry if my question seems vague, but it is not my intention). Thanks!
Carle try this https://catchadragon.substack.com/ Ive got most of the links to Coleman, Alan Watts, Eustice Mullins, Benjamin Friedman, Slomo Sands, Gilad Atzmon, Robert Sepher, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, David Bradford Smith, Michael Hoffman, Brother Nathaniel Kapner. Look at the Banking and urury section and the Righteous Ones first.
Do you have a particular post in mind?
And is it behind a paywall?
Asha has great depth Francis. https://odysee.com/@ashalogos:92
I am aware of Asha. However, you still have not answered my question. Which of your own posts should I read for the links to all the sources you mentioned in your first comment?
To understand the Matrix Frances requires a broad reach. There is no one link as you would be aware...... The people mentioned have some of the clues but nobody has all. Sorry, and we are not going to agree with or disagree, ( nor expect to) with everything one person puts out because omnipotence is not a human trait..
An educator shows people methods of how to find reality. A didactic tells you this is how it is.
No paywall Frances I'm not a .........? The other story - Try this on Vlad https://slavlandchronicles.substack.com/p/a-russian-patriot-was-assassinated?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=795903&post_id=148907447&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=22k3pe&triedRedirect=true
Your writing is excellent Francis and you summarize well. ...well done
Rurik has not impressed me. I don't believe him. In conversation he is defensive and unnecessarily bitchy. Not a good sign. I blocked him last week.
the bitchy I take as maybe a generation thing, or online bravado that is normalized nowadays. good on you for blocking him but I would ignore and not waste time on moron comments ......actually they speak for themselves, usually lack logic, any references or substance. But go right ahead....use your blade.
Maybe you can make the best sense of my work if you go to where I started, i.e., Dr John Coleman's lecture from 1994. Here it is in full - https://www.bitchute.com/video/EKS9TWqP12Yq/
and here is a pdf of the book he refers to:
Thanks to answer me. I saw this fantastic lecture and expose of the plot by Dr. Coleman, and oh synchronicity: I bought the book The Committee of 300 a couple of days ago, just waiting the post to begin to read it.
Frances, there is a lot of reference to the Scythians in the Old Testament. Your Secular description of world events really point to Biblical Prophecy. Dr. John Barnett explains in Detail who these people are...I could not find the specific class (as I had viewed recently on YouTube) you may wish to contact him for the actual 40 minute class!
here is a short: the information is highlighted around 9:40 or so...
He may be able to assist you regarding clarification.
This Substack article plus what I recently learned from Dr. John... amazed me!
An excellent brief summary, Frances. I read a lot but I seldom comment, so you know I'm impressed. BTW, like you, I celebrated my 70th birthday on March 6th, just four days after yours. Congratulations ...to us.
Happy Birthday to you too! xx
It's always nice when you can find one group of people to blame all the world's problems on. If it weren't for the Jewish people, the whole world would be made of lollipops and rainbows.
Looks like you did not read my article.
FYI -- Last summer Vladimir Putin wrote an article about the historical relationship between Russia and Ukraine.
In summary - US made Putin intervention "regrettable but NECESSARY".
Vladimir Putin vs The New-Nazi World Order video:
I understand manunkind. No I do not believe monotheism is foisted upon us. As Berdyaev writes-The outward history of the Church is visible and can be set out so that it is accessible to all. But her inward and spiritual history, the turning of men to God, the development of holiness, cannot be seen so easily; it is more difficult to write about them because they are in a way obscured and sometimes even overwhelmed by exterior history. Men detect evil more easily than good, they are more conscious of the outer than of the inner aspect of life; we have no difficulty in learning about the externals of our fellows, their commercial undertakings, their politics, their domestic and social institutions. But do we think much about the way in which men pray to God, how they relate their inner life to the divine world, in what manner they war spiritually with temptation?
Very often we know nothing, do not even suspect the existence, of a spiritual side to those whom we meet -- at the most we are conscious of it only in those whom we know particularly well. We are quick to note the exterior manifestations of evil passions that anyone can see, but as for what lies behind them, the spiritual struggles, the reachings out to God, the toilsome endeavours to live the truth of Christ -- we do not know them, we may even not want to know them. We are told not to judge our neighbour, but we judge him continually, by his outward actions, by the expression of his face, without ever looking within.
It is just the same with the history of Christianity. It cannot be judged by external facts, by the human passions and human sins that disfigure its image. We have got to recall to our minds what Christian people have had to contend with in the course of ages and their bitter struggles to get the better of "the old man," of their ancestral heathenism, of their age-long barbarity, of their grosser instincts; Christianity has had to work its way through the matter which put up such a solid resistance to the spirit of Christ, it has had to raise up to a religion of love those whose appetites were all for violence and cruelty. Christianity is here to heal the sick not the whole, to call sinners not the righteous, and mankind, converted to Christianity, is sick and sinful. It is not the business of the Church of Christ to organize the external part of life, to overcome evil by material force; she looks for an inner and spiritual rebirth from the reciprocal action of human freedom and divine grace. It is an essential quality of Christianity that it cannot get rid of self-will, the evil in human nature, for it recognizes and respects the freedom of man.
Materialistic socialists are given to proclaiming that Christianity is not a success, that it has not made the kingdom of God actual; it is nearly two thousand years since the Redeemer of the world appeared on earth and evil still exists, it even increases: the world is saturated with suffering and the burdens of life are no less for all that our salvation has been accomplished. These socialists promise to do, without God and without Christ, what Christ himself could not bring about: the brotherhood of man, justice in social life, peace, the kingdom of God on earth -- these unbelievers willingly use that expression, "the kingdom of God on earth"! http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Sui-Generis/Berdyaev/essays/worth.htm
Once again you have missed my point entirely, preferring to lecture me with information I already know. Please re-read my comments and stop preaching.
From 2014 - Ukraine
Of course you can. Communists apply their ideology to non-communists and Capitalists do as well. Christianity though terribly deformed by manunkind remains the bedrock ideology of the West and the world. God manhood and love one another has not been surmounted.
But the Christian Bibles Old Testament says 'An Eye for an Eye' & Hod apparently punishes ruthlessly even demanding chikd human sacrifice ie directly contradicts Bible's 'New Testament'
Of course each generation of children is empowered to make their choices based upon their ideology and beliefs based upon past and present. The issue is power over. Religion is man made.
You misunderstand the Black Nobility.
They foisted all 3 monotheistic religions upon humanity as a method of control.
They taught you to fear reprisal from a God they do not believe in.
They taught 10 commandments while always breaking them when it suited them.
They live by a different set of rules.
They exploit your love.
They see it as a weakness.
They will win this eternal war unless you recognise how you have been deceived.
I have long believed that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam were all elite schemes to control the masses. Common sense and/or basic human decency lead one to see all three as human contrivances, certainly not coming from a divine source. But is your assertion that it was the Black Nobility who created the monotheistic religions based on deduction or do you have sources for that?
Created? No. I used the word foisted for a reason. They recognised how useful the 3 monotheistic religions are and exploited them to the hilt.