Feb 17, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

I ran into you in the comment section of some Russian guy. (Can’t recall his name just now). Anyway, I saw you getting attacked by a Wolfpack and thought, “hmm, this person obviously has something to say that is hitting a nerve”. Came over here to see what all the fuss was about. I see clearly. Great work. Thank you for your efforts.

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Thank you! Edward [Splatterbrain] Slavsquat's posts are always full of really nasty people. I think his hatefest against Russia attracts all the wronguns. That is his problem, he shouldn't be so obvious in his shilling for the establishment. They hate me, so I pop in there, from time to time, just to boil their piss. It amuses me! 🤣😂

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"conspirators hierarchy: the story of the commitee of 300" by john coleman, published in 1992, page 104

2nd paragraph from the end of the page tells what is happening now but this should be read in it's entirety and those last 2 paragraphs should be the interest that makes you want to read it.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory. No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated. Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill "quotas."

At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, start-ing with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese .


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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I have no idea how all of you headliner Substackers, find the time to write the voluminous works, I have so little time to read, but you do and I'm thankful.

After coming up for air, from the salt mines (not literally), this was a welcome tome. I selfishly decided this was the virtually imperceptible scuffing, of Lymp's obtuse and almost non-existent conscience, that will form nicely into an ever present and nagging scar. No more going back to sleep in those silk sheets, for this slapper now!

BTW, I just worked out the names...Lymp and Dim...a bit slower on the uptake here...must be the time difference.

Looking forward to the next installment. Thanks!!

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Next instalment is just finished and scheduled for publication on Monday morning! xx

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And scientists' theories about alternate realities and universes are probably inspired by alternate realities of a strictly earthly sort. Some of these "realities" are based on practical politics, and some on religion, and they aren't mutually exclusive. It should be remembered that the Christian religion has universal goals concerning doctrine and membership, and some of its many sects, including mainstream, have the characteristics of cults : claims to arcane, occult and privileged knowledge and powers, superiority, exceptionalism: they are authoritarian and prejudiced, especially against women and gender minorities, have narrow views of ethics and morality that easily accommodate brutal and un just wars. And , as Frances shows, all this evil penetrates and informs in a basic way, the most mundane lives and behaviours.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Wow! Very nicely thought out Frances! Haven't seen it incorporated into fiction like this before, how very clever of you! Spreading the message, for sure.

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Oct 27, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

My my you are up late as am I seeing this at 3.45 am! I don't like this Lymp satire but will give it a go soon for the hidden messages. Love the Sunday memories as you know. Watching this now in parts https://youtu.be/M4YEq2Upv2U. Do watch please. Fascinating.

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Yes, I am up very late. I shared the Truthstream Media documentary earlier today! Coincidence? xx

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